Metal Compute versus ARM Neon - metal

I was considering migrating my current Neon (vector-processing instruction set for the ARM) code to Metal but after running the HelloCompute sample code (that demonstrates how to perform data-parallel computations using the GPU), the GPU seems much slower than using the CPU.
The HelloCompute project takes 13ms on a iPhone 5S to perform this very basic kernel on a 512 x 512 RGBA texture.
half4 inColor =;
outTexture.write(inColor, gid);
In comparaison, my Neon code takes less than 1ms!!!
GPU should not be at least faster than the CPU?

GPGPU only makes sense when dealing with a huge amount of computations, because the data transfer/ HW initialization time spoils the fun in addition to the horrible APIs such as OpenCL.
NEON on the other hand is tightly integrated into the main pipeline and thus, is way more responsive while packing more than adequate punch.
AI and crypto coin mining have been pretty much the only areas I've seen so far where GPGPU makes sense. For anything lighter, SIMD is the way to go.
And since crypto coin mining is virtually dead, and IPs dedicated to AI related computing are around the corner, I'd say GPGPU is almost pointless.


Are there any problems for which SIMD outperforms Cray-style vectors?

CPUs intended to provide high-performance number crunching, end up with some kind of vector instruction set. There are basically two kinds:
SIMD. This is conceptually straightforward, e.g. instead of just having a set of 64-bit registers and operations thereon, you have a second set of 128-bit registers and you can operate on a short vector of two 64-bit values at the same time. It becomes complicated in the implementation because you also want to have the option of operating on four 32-bit values, and then a new CPU generation provides 256-bit vectors which requires a whole new set of instructions etc.
The older Cray-style vector instructions, where the vectors start off large e.g. 4096 bits, but the number of elements operated on simultaneously is transparent, and the number of elements you want to use in a given operation is an instruction parameter. The idea is that you bite off a little more complexity upfront, in order to avoid creeping complexity later.
It has been argued that option 2 is better, and the arguments seem to make sense, e.g.
At least at first glance, it looks like option 2 can do everything option 1 can, more easily and generally better.
Are there any workloads where the reverse is true? Where SIMD instructions can do things Cray-style vectors cannot, or can do something faster or with less code?
The "traditional" vector approaches (Cray, CDC/ETA, NEC, etc) arose in an era (~1976 to ~1992) with limited transistor budgets and commercially available low-latency SRAM main memories. In this technology regime, processors did not have the transistor budget to implement the full scoreboarding and interlocking for out-of-order operations that is currently available to allow pipelining of multi-cycle floating-point operations. Instead, a vector instruction set was created. Vector arithmetic instructions guaranteed that successive operations within the vector were independent and could be pipelined. It was relatively easy to extend the hardware to allow multiple vector operations in parallel, since the dependency checking only needed to be done "per vector" instead of "per element".
The Cray ISA was RISC-like in that data was loaded from memory into vector registers, arithmetic was performed register-to-register, then results were stored from vector registers back to memory. The maximum vector length was initially 64 elements, later 128 elements.
The CDC/ETA systems used a "memory-to-memory" architecture, with arithmetic instructions specifying memory locations for all inputs and outputs, along with a vector length of 1 to 65535 elements.
None of the "traditional" vector machines used data caches for vector operations, so performance was limited by the rate at which data could be loaded from memory. The SRAM main memories were a major fraction of the cost of the systems. In the early 1990's SRAM cost/bit was only about 2x that of DRAM, but DRAM prices dropped so rapidly that by 2002 SRAM price/MiB was 75x that of DRAM -- no longer even remotely acceptable.
The SRAM memories of the traditional machines were word-addressable (64-bit words) and were very heavily banked to allow nearly full speed for linear, strided (as long as powers of two were avoided), and random accesses. This led to a programming style that made extensive use of non-unit-stride memory access patterns. These access patterns cause performance problems on cached machines, and over time developers using cached systems quit using them -- so codes were less able to exploit this capability of the vector systems.
As codes were being re-written to use cached systems, it slowly became clear that caches work quite well for the majority of the applications that had been running on the vector machines. Re-use of cached data decreased the amount of memory bandwidth required, so applications ran much better on the microprocessor-based systems than expected from the main memory bandwidth ratios.
By the late 1990's, the market for traditional vector machines was nearly gone, with workloads transitioned primarily to shared-memory machines using RISC processors and multi-level cache hierarchies. A few government-subsidized vector systems were developed (especially in Japan), but these had little impact on high performance computing, and none on computing in general.
The story is not over -- after many not-very-successful tries (by several vendors) at getting vectors and caches to work well together, NEC has developed a very interesting system (NEC SX-Aurora Tsubasa) that combines a multicore vector register processor design with DRAM (HBM) main memory, and an effective shared cache. I especially like the ability to generate over 300 GB/s of memory bandwidth using a single thread of execution -- this is 10x-25x the bandwidth available with a single thread with AMD or Intel processors.
So the answer is that the low cost of microprocessors with cached memory drove vector machines out of the marketplace even before SIMD was included. SIMD had clear advantages for certain specialized operations, and has become more general over time -- albeit with diminishing benefits as the SIMD width is increased. The vector approach is not dead in an architectural sense (e.g., the NEC Vector Engine), but its advantages are generally considered to be overwhelmed by the disadvantages of software incompatibility with the dominant architectural model.
Cray-style vectors are great for pure-vertical problems, the kind of problem that some people think SIMD is limited to. They make your code forward compatible with future CPUs with wider vectors.
I've never worked with Cray-style vectors, so I don't know how much scope there might be for getting them to do horizontal shuffles.
If you don't limit things to Cray specifically, modern instruction-sets like ARM SVE and RISC-V extension V also give you forward-compatible code with variable vector width, and are clearly designed to avoid that problem of short-fixed-vector SIMD ISAs like AVX2 and AVX-512, and ARM NEON.
I think they have some shuffling capability. Definitely masking, but I'm not familiar enough with them to know if they can do stuff like left-pack (AVX2 what is the most efficient way to pack left based on a mask?) or prefix-sum (parallel prefix (cumulative) sum with SSE).
And then there are problems where you're working with a small fixed amount of data at a time, but more than fits in an integer register. For example How to convert a binary integer number to a hex string? although that's still basically doing the same stuff to every element after some initial broadcasting.
But other stuff like Most insanely fastest way to convert 9 char digits into an int or unsigned int where a one-off custom shuffle and horizontal pairwise multiply can get just the right work done with a few single-uop instructions is something that requires tight integration between SIMD and integer parts of the core (as on x86 CPUs) for maximum performance. Using the SIMD part for what it's good at, then getting the low two 32-bit elements of a vector into an integer register for the rest of the work. Part of the Cray model is (I think) a looser coupling to the CPU pipeline; that would defeat use-cases like that. Although some 32-bit ARM CPUs with NEON have the same loose coupling where mov from vector to integer is slow.
Parsing text in general, and atoi, is one use-case where short vectors with shuffle capabilities are effective. e.g. - 25% to 40% speedup from AVX-512 with simdjson 2.0 for parsing JSON, over the already-fast performance of AVX2 SIMD. (See How to implement atoi using SIMD? for a Q&A about using SIMD for JSON back in 2016).
Many of those tricks depend on x86-specific pmovmskb eax, xmm0 for getting an integer bitmap of a vector compare result. You can test if it's all zero or all-1 (cmp eax, 0xffff) to stay in the main loop of a memcmp or memchr loop for example. And if not then bsf eax,eax to find the position of the first difference, possibly after a not.
Having vector width limited to a number of elements that can fit in an integer register is key to this, although you could imagine an instruction-set with compare-into-mask with scalable width mask registers. (Perhaps ARM SVE is already like that? I'm not sure.)

Would it work and be faster if I call function in OpenCV GPU module in my kernel function?

OpenCV has a gpu. GPU-accelerated Computer Vision module ( There are many functions which is already use GPU techniques. So I can directly use the function OpenCV applies. But I wonder whether it would be faster if I write my own kernel and in each kernel I call function of OpenCV GPU module. This is in the case I have many images. To handle each image I call OpenCV funtion in GPU module. Then it would be parallel-nested-parallel.
Your question is not entirely clear to me, but I would like to say this: it's impossible to say which would be faster, unless somebody already implemented that same algorithm using the approach you have in mind, and then shared a report about the benchmark tests.
There's a number of factors involved:
It depends on the type of operation you are trying to implement: techniques that have a high arithmetic intensity are better fit for GPUs for sure, however, not all problems can be modeled for GPUs.
The size of the input images matter: wasting time sending data from RAM to the GPU might not compensate in the end, so running the algorithm on the CPU can be faster for small images.
The model/power of the CPU/GPU: if the computer has a really crappy GPU, then it's probably better to run the algorithms on the CPU.
What I'm saying is: don't assume OpenCV GPU's module will always run it's algorithms faster than the CPU you got. Test it, measure it! The only way to know for sure is through experimentation and benchmark.

iOS - GPU Accelerated Matrix Transpose, Multiplication and Eigen-Decomposition Dilemma

I'm working on a library that requires the use of vectors and matrices on the iOS platform. I decided to look into OpenGLES because the matrix and vector manipulations I plan on doing (mainly, transposing, matrix multiplication, and eigendecomposition) could definitely benefit from GPU acceleration.
The issue is that I'm not that familiar with OpenGLES and honestly might not be the best option. If I were to utilize OpenGLES, would I have to manually write the algorithms that do the matrix transposition, multiplication and eigendecomposition? Or is there another Apple or 3rd party framework that can help me with these tasks.
The main dividing issue however is that I want these operations to be GPU accelerated.
I'm going to implement my program using the Accelerate Framework and vectorized arithmetic and then test to see if its fast enough for my purposes and, if it isn't, then try the GPU implementation.
As combinatorial states, Accelerate uses SIMD to accelerate many of its functions, but it is CPU-based. For smaller data sets, it's definitely the way to go, but operating on the GPU can significantly outclass it for large enough data sets with easily parallelized operations.
To avoid having to write all of the OpenGL ES interaction code yourself, you could take a look at my GPUImage framework, which encapsulates fragment shader operations within Objective-C. In particular, you can use the GPUImageRawDataInput and GPUImageRawDataOutput classes to feed raw byte data into the GPU, then operate over that using a custom fragment shader.
A matrix transpose operation would be quick to implement, since all of the matrix elements are independent of one another. Matrix multiplication by a constant or small matrix would also be reasonably easy to do, but I'm not sure how to scale the multiplication of two large matrices properly. Likewise, I don't have a good implementation of eigendecomposition that I could point to off of the top of my head.
The downside to dealing with fragment shader processing is the fact that by default OpenGL ES takes in and outputs 4-byte RGBA values at each pixel. You can change that to half floats on newer devices, and I know that others have done this with this framework, but I haven't attempted that myself. You can pack individual float values into RGBA bytes and unpack at the end, as another approach to get this data in and out of the GPU.
The OpenGL ES 3.0 support on the very latest A7 devices provides some other opportunities for working with float data. You can use vertex data instead of texture input, which lets you supply four floats per vertex and extract those floats in the end. Bartosz Ciechanowski has a very detailed writeup of this on his blog. That might be a better general approach for GPGPU operations, but if you can get your operations to run against texture data in a fragment shader, you'll see huge speedups on the latest hardware (the iPhone 5S can be ~100-1000X faster than the iPhone 4 in this regard, where vertex processing and CPU speeds haven't advanced nearly as rapidly).
The accelerate framework is not accelerated on the GPU, but it is very well optimized and uses SIMD on Neon where appropriate.

iOS audio acceleration

Is anybody using OpenGLES2.0 shaders (GLSL) successfully for audio synthesis?
I already use vDSP to accelerate audio in my iOS app, which provides a simple vector instruction set from C code. The main problem with vDSP is that you have to write what amounts to vector oriented assembly language, because the main per-sample loop gets pushed down into each primitive operation (vector add, vector multiply). Compiling expressions into these sequences is the essence of what shader languages automate for you. OpenCL is not public in iOS. It is also interesting that GLSL is compiled at runtime, which means that if most of the sound engine could be in GLSL, then users could make non-trivial patch contributions.
Although the iOS GPU shaders can be relatively "fast", the paths to load and recover data (textures, processed pixels, etc.) from the GPU are slow enough to more than offset any current shader computational efficiencies from using GLSL.
For real-time synthesis, the latencies of the GPU pixel unload path are much larger than the best possible audio response latency using just CPU synthesis to feed RemoteIO. e.g. display frame rates (to which the GPU pipeline is locked) are slower than optimal RemoteIO callback rates. There's just not enough parallelism to exploit within these short audio buffers.

Use Digital Signal Processors to accelerate calculations in the same fashion than GPUs

I read that several DSP cards that process audio, can calculate very fast Fourier Transforms and some other functions involved in Sound processing and others. There are some scientific problems (not many), like Quantum mechanics, that involver Fourier Transform calculations. I wonder if DSP could be used to accelerate calculations in this fashion, like GPUs do in some other cases, and if you know succcessful examples.
Any linear operations are easier and faster to do on DSP chips. Their architecture allows you to perform a linear operation (take two numbers, multiply each of them by a constant and add the results) in a single clock cycle. This is one of the reasons FFT can be calculated so quickly on a DSP chip. This is also a reason many other linear operations can be accelerated with their use. I guess I have three main points to make concerning performance and code optimization for such processors.
1) Perhaps less relevant, but I'd like to mention it nonetheless. In order to take full advantage of DSP processor's architecture, you have to code in Assembly. I'm pretty sure that regular C code will not be fully optimized by the compiler to do what you want. You literally have to specify each register, etc. It does pay off, however. The same way, you are able to make use of circular buffers and other DSP-specific things. Circular buffers are also very useful for calculating the FFT and FFT-based (circular) convolution.
2) FFT can be found in solutions to many problems, such as heat flow (Fourier himself actually came up with the solution back in the 1800s), analysis of mechanical oscillations (or any linear oscillators for that matter, including oscillators in quantum physics), analysis of brain waves (EEG), seismic activity, planetary motion and many other things. Any mathematical problem that involves convolution can be easily solved via the Fourier transform, analog or discrete.
3) For some of the applications listed above, including audio processing, other transforms other than FFT are constantly being invented, discovered, and applied to processing, such as Mel-Cepstrum (e.g. MPEG codecs), wavelet transform (e.g. JPEG2000 codecs), discrete cosine transform (e.g. JPEG codecs) and many others. In quantum physics, however, the Fourier Transform is inherent in the equation of angular momentum. It arises naturally, not just for the purposes of analysis or easy of calculations. For this reason, I would not necessarily put the reasons to use Fourier Transform in audio processing and quantum mechanics into the same category. For signal processing, it's a tool; for quantum physics, it's in the nature of the phenomenon.
Before GPUs and SIMD instruction sets in mainstream CPUs this was the only way to get performance for some applications. In the late 20th Century I worked for a company that made PCI cards to place extra processors in a PCI slot. Some of these were DSP cards using a TI C64x DSP, others were PowerPC cards to provide Altivec. The processor on the cards would typically have no operating system to give more predicatable real-time scheduling than the host. Customers would buy an industrial PC with a large PCI backplace, and attach multiple cards. We would also make cards in form factors such as PMC, CompactPCI, and VME for more rugged environments.
People would develop code to run on these cards, and host applications which communicated with the add-in card over the PCI bus. These weren't easy platforms to develop for, and the modern libraries for GPU computing are much easier.
Nowadays this is much less common. The price/performance ratio is so much better for general purpose CPUs and GPUs, and DSPs for scientific computing are vanishing. Current DSP manufacturers tend to target lower power embedded applications or cost sensitive high volume devices like digital cameras. Compare GPUFFTW with these Analog Devices benchmarks. The DSP peaks at 3.2GFlops, and the Nvidia 8800 reachs 29GFlops.
