Bind click on TextInputEditText in TextInputLayout -

I've created a custom control whose layout is roughly like this
For a use case, I would like to attach a command to the click event on the TextInputLayout in order to open up a datepicker fragment from the view model. So I proceeded like this:
app:MvxBind="Click SaveDateCommand"/>
However, the click event wont trigger the "SaveDateCommand". In my control I have added stylable properties to control the "focusable" and "focusableInTouchMode" of the TextInputEditText widget; I've set those to false to no avail. I also went the custom binding route. Didn't work either. As of know I have written the barebones layout for my control into the main layout to bind a click with a command in TextInputEditText.
app:MvxBind="Click SaveDateCommand"/>
However, I have the gut feeling that there has a to be a better way to do it. Thank you for your share of expertise on this one.


navigation with login page

I implemented simple application according of example simple login view. Where we have login-view and main-view. But now, how I can implement on main-view MenuBar where every Items when clicked open different views. And those views are under MenuBar in same place (center on the page under MenuBar, on sample) in main-view. I tried with additional navigator(which name can be subNavigator) in main-view but we must register navigator in UI(I have got appropriate error). Second solution is that I create UI and in init method ManuBar and under it change every views(login-view, view1, view2 etc). But login-view have ManuBar and it is do not looks good. Is there any other way or are other ways to achieve something similar?
Your question is not at all clear. I suggest re-writing it. Perhaps with a sketch image.
Are you aware of the TabSheet widget? An easy way to switch between panes of content.
See the Book Of Vaadin, the class doc, and the live demo.
Also, look at TabSheet in the Reindeer theme as shown in this demo.

How does Component.setVisible() method work?

I have some experience with GWT . In GWT , widget.setVisible() method will add style="display:none" style to widget. But component of vaadin wouldn't . I checked with firebug , I can't see my component while set component's visible to false. Why ?
I think that should be also have hidden style instead of not containing. I reallize that vaadin's codes were server side. But sometimes , if I would like to just hidden (set style display to none) , has there anyway to accomplish this instead of using css ?
I don't understand concept of what different between without adding component and setVisible(false) ?
As you already noticed, an invisible component is not transferred from server to browser, and from browser's point of view the component doesn't exist. This approach has to benefits:
Less data to transfer from server to client
Security: User cannot inspect invisible components' generated HTML with tools like Firebug because those doesn't exist on the browser.
So basically from browser's point of view it's the same thing that you don't add it to the UI at all. But usually it's just easier to toggle component's visibility instead of adding and removing it from its parent.
If you want to hide components with CSS, you can do it by defining your own theme and adding a style for that there. Then just apply the style for the component you want to hide by using the addStyleName method.
SETVISIBLE Sets the visibility of the component.
Visible components are drawn in the user interface, while invisible ones are not. The effect is not merely a cosmetic CSS change - no information about an invisible component will be sent to the client. The effect is thus the same as removing the component from its parent.
So as the documentation says invisible components are not not visible.

hide UI components at RUN TIME , design issue

on a form I need a first set of UI controls at process start, later I only need a second set of components. I put the set for process set #1 on a first panel , after finish process step #1 I start to hide panel #1, is ther any better way from UI design guide lines ?
I would use Frames instead of Panels. You can design Frames at design-time just like Forms, and then create instances of your Frames at run-time as needed. So create your first Frame (you can even place it on the Form at design-time) and then at run-time, when ready you can destroy the first Frame instance and create an instance of the second Frame.
Using panels like you describe is a very common and very respectable way to proceed. Nothing wrong with doing it that way.
Another often used idiom is a page control with hidden tabs. So, make a page control. Add two tab sheets. Set TabVisible to False for both tab sheets. Then at run time set the ActivePage property of the page control to specify which page is shown to the user.
The page control approach is really rather similar to using panels. It's perhaps marginally easier to work with at design time, but much comes down to personal preference.

BlackBerry - arrange checkboxes into a tree view

I am trying to achieve something like this BlackBerry 7.1:
But so far I couldnt find or come up with a way to achieve something like this. All I could find was "BlackBerry - TreeField with Checkboxes?" but this really is not what I want since selecting the parent checkbox does not select all of the child checkboxes and whenever I want to select a checkbox I have to deal with an extra menu. Is there any other way to achieve this ?
The indentation is feasible, and the logic, you'll have to craft it on your own.
You could set a FieldChangeListener on every checkbox field so that you can detect when a checkbox have been checked/unchecked. If the parent is checked or unchecked, manually call setChecked over each children field to check/uncheck them. For the children, when one is unchecked, uncheck the parent.
This is the basic logic for a single nesting level (parent and children) Make sure to check in the listeners that the event firing the update of the binded checkbox fields is user generated (not programmatic), because the change listener is also called back when you programmatically call setChecked. If not taken into consideration, you'll run into undesired propagation and infinite loops. Of course, if you had more than one level of nesting, then you'll need to care about programmatically fired events.

Design-time drag and drop in Delphi?

Before Delphi 2006 (I think) introduced the TFlowPanel and TGridPanel, I did a control that was similar in concept. It still does a couple of things those controls do not do, and when upgrading my code to Delphi 2009, I decided to add a couple of enhancements to that as well.
Right now, the order of the child controls is determined by their creation order. The FlowPanel and GridPanel show a better way with ControlIndex and other filtered properties, but I was wondering if there is a way to handle drag and drop reordering in design-time? As far as I can tell, dragging an edit control and dropping it onto my panel doesn't call anything that I can access at design-time.
I was half-fantasising about a way to either detect the drop operation directly, or to perhaps detect when a control is moved so I can determine where it should go.
Any ideas?
OK, got it working. The container control was already overriding AlignControls to manage the placement of the controls. When you drag the nested control and drop it, AlignControls is again called. I then compared the new coordinates of the control with the other controls in the list and moved it to the appropriate position.
There were a couple of problems that I had to work through (mostly related to the many calls to AlignControls) but the basic concept is simple enough. Thanks to all the commenters for all the help.
You can't drag a control that's already on the form and drop it onto your panel. Dragging is only for moving a control, not for changing its parent. To change the parent, cut and paste.
If the control is already on your panel, and you want to move it to another position on your panel, then the panel can control the layout by overriding the TWinControl.AlignControls method. When a control is moved, its SetBounds method is called, and among the things tha happens is that it calls AlignControl(Self) on its parent window. That calls AlignControls. Look in Controls.pas, and you'll see that that's a complicated method, but it's what is responsible for the layout of the children on a control, and that's exactly what you're planning to change.
Perhaps some of these suggestions might help.
You can re-parent a control in the designer without having to do cut-and-paste. View the structure pane, and simply drag the visual control to the node of another parent in the structure pane. If you have things in a flowpanel, drag everything out of the flow panel and drag them back in the order that you want them to be.
(You can re-parent ANY visual control this way, without changing anything other than its parent. I highly recommend doing it this way.)
You can view the form as text, and move the declaration order around in there -- but obviously you'll need to be careful when editing the "resource" file directly.
You can set tab order in the designer, so you could make a different control based on tab order that works as you want. You can right click on the form and change the creation order of the non-visual controls, but that doesn't work with visual controls.
Have you tried to write an "OnDragDrop" event for your grid component, where you check if your component is in design mode?
I haven't written such a component yet, but I don't see why the event shouldn't trigger.
