Spring boot docker container can not connect consul - docker

I am new to consul. I have developed a spring boot application which can register itself and I can discover it from other application from console.
But if I try to containerize this application, it fails to connect to console:
I run console in docker container:
docker run -p 8500:8500 consul:latest
Console starts and I can see the webpage:
Then I create a docker image of my app and run that by
docker build . -t app
docker run -p 8888:8888 app
It fails to connect to console, and I get following error,
main] o.s.c.c.c.ConsulPropertySourceLocator : Fail fast is set and there was an error reading configuration from consul.
I have following in bootstrap.yml,
name: app
host: localhost
port: 8500
preferIpAddress: true
healthCheckPath: /health
healthCheckInterval: 15s
instanceId: ${spring.application.name}:${random.value}

Got into a similar issue, the problem here could be with containers.
I solved it by making sure that the containers run under the same network.
Also, make sure to use container name instead of "localhost" in the above configuration.
host: consul //container name
port: 8500


SSL(curl) connection error in ElasticSearch setup

Have setup a 3-node Elasticsearch cluster using docker-compose. Followed below steps:
On one of the master nodes, es11, gets below error, however same curl command works fine on other 2 nodes i.e. es12, es13:
curl -X GET 'https://localhost:9316'
curl: (35) Encountered end of file
Below error in logs:
"stacktrace": ["org.elasticsearch.transport.RemoteTransportException: [es13][SOMEIP:9316][internal:cluster/coordination/join]",
"Caused by: org.elasticsearch.transport.ConnectTransportException: [es11][SOMEIP:9316] handshake failed. unexpected remote node {es13}{SOMEVALUE}{SOMEVALUE
"at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.lambda$connectionValidator$6(TransportService.java:468) ~[elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]",
"at org.elasticsearch.action.ActionListener$MappedActionListener.onResponse(ActionListener.java:95) ~[elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]",
"at org.elasticsearch.transport.TransportService.lambda$handshake$9(TransportService.java:577) ~[elasticsearch-7.17.6.jar:7.17.6]",
https://localhost:9316 on browser gives site can't be reached error as well.It seems SSL certificate as created in step 4 below is having some issues in es11.
Any leads please? OR If I repeat step 4, do i need to copy the certs again to es12 & es13?
Below elasticsearch.yml
cluster.name: "docker-cluster"
Ports as defined in all 3 nodes docker-compose.yml
- node.name=es11
- transport.port=9316
- 9216:9200
- 9316:9316
Initialize a docker swarm. On ES11 run docker swarm init. Follow the instructions to join 12 and 13 to the swarm.
Create an overlay network docker network create -d overlay --attachable elastic
If necessary, bring down the current cluster and remove all the associated volumes by running docker-compose down -v
Create SSL certificates for ES with docker-compose -f create-certs.yml run --rm create_certs
Copy the certs for es12 and 13 to the respective servers
Use this busybox to create the overlay network on 12 and 13 sudo docker run -itd --name containerX --net [network name] busybox
Configure certs on 12 and 13 with docker-compose -f config-certs.yml run --rm config_certs
Start the cluster with docker-compose up -d on each server
Set the passwords for the built-in ES accounts by logging into the cluster docker exec -it es11 sh then running bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords interactive --url localhost:9316
(as per your https://discuss.elastic.co thread)
you cannot talk HTTP to the transport protocol port, which you have defined in transport.port. you need to talk to port 9200 in the container, which you have mapped to 9216 outside the container
the transport port runs a binary protocol that is not HTTP accessible

Connect the Cassandra container to application web container failed - Error: 202 Connecting to Node

So, I created two docker's images and I want to connect one to which other with the docker composer. The first image is Cassandra 3.11.11 (from the official hub docker) and the other I created by myself with the tomcat version 9.0.54 and my application spring boot.
I ran the docker-compose.ylm below to connect the two container, where cassandra:latest is the cassandra's image and centos7-tomcat9-myapp is my app web's image.
version: '3'
image: cassandra:latest
image: centos7-tomcat9-myapp
- casandra
- CASSANDRA_HOST=cassandra
I ran the command line to start the app web's image : docker run -it --rm --name fe3c2f120e01 -p 8888:8080 centos7-tomcat9-app .
In the console log the spring boot show me the error below. It happened, because the myapp's container could not connect to the Cassandra's container.
2021-10-15 15:12:14.240 WARN 1 --- [ s0-admin-1]
c.d.o.d.i.c.control.ControlConnection : [s0] Error connecting to
Node(endPoint=, hostId=null, hashCode=47889c49), trying
next node (ConnectionInitException: [s0|control|connecting...]
Protocol initialization request, step 1 (OPTIONS): failed to send
request (io.netty.channel.StacklessClosedChannelException))
What am I doing wrong?
This is the nodetool status about the cassandra's image:
[root#GDBDEV04 cassandradb]# docker exec 552d359d177e nodetool status
Datacenter: datacenter1
|/ State=Normal/Leaving/Joining/Moving
-- Address Load Tokens Owns (effective) Host ID Rack
UN 84.76 KiB 16 100.0% 685b6e0a-13c2-4d41-ba99-f3b0fa94477c rack1
I need to connect the Cassandra's DB image with the web application image. It is different to connect microservices. I tried to change the (inside the cassandra.yaml) to (only to test) and the error persist. I think something missing in my docker-compose.yml for sure. However, I did not know what.
Finally I found the error. In my case, I need to fixed the docker-compose.yml file adding the Cassandra and Tomcat's ports. And in my application.properties (spring boot config file), I changed the cluster's name.
version: '3'
image: cassandra:latest
- "9044:9042"
image: centos7-tomcat9-myapp
- cassandra
- CASSANDRA_HOST=cassandra
Application.config :
# CASSANDRA (CassandraProperties)
cassandra.cluster = Test Cluster
This question help me to resolve my problem: Accessing docker container mysql databases

JaegerTracing : Jaeger Ingester unable to read from Kafka Queue and store into ElasticSearch

I am new to Jaeger and Kafka,
I am trying to use Kafka as intermediate buffer.
I am using OpenTelemetry to send data to Jaeger-Collector directly using -Dotel.exporter.jaeger.endpoint.
Jaeger-Collector is deployed on Kubernetes and the Kafka is on another network but is accessible. I can confirm that the traces are sent to Jaeger-collector.
On hitting the /metrics of collector and output tells me that spans were written successfully to Kafka.
jaeger_kafka_spans_written_total{status="success"} 21
The Collector logs indicate what topic I am writing to
I want to get this (Span) data from Kafka Queue to ElasticSearch. To do this I am starting the Jaeger Ingester as follows
docker run -e "SPAN_STORAGE_TYPE=elasticsearch" jaegertracing/jaeger-ingester:1.22 --kafka.consumer.topic=tp6 --kafka.consumer.brokers='myKafkaBroker' --es.tls.skip-host-verify
But the container is stopped after fatal error
{"level":"fatal","ts":1615546463.7784193,"caller":"command-line-arguments/main.go:64","msg":"Failed to init storage factory","error":"failed to create primary Elasticsearch client: health check timeout: Head \"\": dial tcp connect: connection refused: no Elasticsearch node available","stacktrace":"main.main.func1\n\tcommand-line-arguments/main.go:64\ngithub.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).execute\n\tgithub.com/spf13/cobra#v0.0.7/command.go:838\ngithub.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).ExecuteC\n\tgithub.com/spf13/cobra#v0.0.7/command.go:943\ngithub.com/spf13/cobra.(*Command).Execute\n\tgithub.com/spf13/cobra#v0.0.7/command.go:883\nmain.main\n\tcommand-line-arguments/main.go:113\nruntime.main\n\truntime/proc.go:204"}
The elasticsearch and ingester are being run on the same machine using docker. The elasticsearch is running on docker using
docker run -p 9200:9200 -p 9300:9300 -e "discovery.type=single-node"ocker.elastic.co/elasticsearch/elasticsearch:7.11.2
I have disabled TLS so that shouldn't be a problem. I am unable to get this to work.

Spring Boot tries to connect to Mongo localhost

I have a Spring Boot 2.x project using Mongo. I am running this via Docker (using compose locally) and Kubernetes. I am trying to connect my service to a Mongo server. This is confusing to me, but for development I am using a local instance of Mongo, but deployed in GCP I have named mongo services.
here is my application.properties file:
spring.data.mongodb.uri= mongodb://mongo-serviceone:27017/serviceone
And my Docker-compose:
version: '3'
# Define the services/containers to be run
service: #name of your service
build: ./ # specify the directory of the Dockerfile
- "3009:3009" #specify ports forwarding
- mongo-serviceone # link this service to the database service
- .:/usr/src/app
- mongo-serviceone
mongo-serviceone: # name of the service
image: mongo
- ./data:/data/db
- "27017:27017"
When I try docker-compose up . I get the following error:
mongo-serviceone_1 | 2018-08-22T13:50:33.454+0000 I NETWORK
[initandlisten] waiting for connections on port 27017 service_1
| 2018-08-22 13:50:33.526 INFO 1 --- [localhost:27017]
org.mongodb.driver.cluster : Exception in monitor thread
while connecting to server localhost:27017 service_1
| service_1 | com.mongodb.MongoSocketOpenException:
Exception opening socket service_1 | at
running docker ps shows me:
692ebb72cf30 serviceone_service "java -Djava.securit…" About an hour ago Up 9 minutes>3009/tcp, 8080/tcp serviceone_service_1
6cd55ae7bb77 mongo "docker-entrypoint.s…" About an hour ago Up 9 minutes>27017/tcp serviceone_mongo-serviceone_1
While I am trying to connect to a local mongo, I thought that by using the name "mongo-serviceone"
Hard to tell what the exact issue is, but maybe this is just an issue because of the space " " after "spring.data.mongodb.uri=" and before "mongodb://mongo-serviceone:27017/serviceone"?
If not, maybe exec into the "service" container and try to ping the mongodb with: ping mongo-serviceone:27017
Let me know the output of this, so I can help you analyze and fix this issue.
Alternatively, you could switch from using docker compose to a Kubernetes native dev tool, as you are planning to run your application on Kubernetes anyways. Here is a list of possible tools:
Allow hot reloading:
DevSpace: https://github.com/covexo/devspace
ksync: https://github.com/vapor-ware/ksync
Pure CI/CD tools for dev:
Skaffold: https://github.com/GoogleContainerTools/skaffold
Draft: https://github.com/Azure/draft
For most of them, you will only need minikube or a dev namespace inside your existing cluster on GCP.
Looks like another application was running on port 27017 on your localhost Similar reported issue
quick way to check on linux/mac:
telnet 127.0.01 27017
check logs files:
docker logs serviceone_service

Prisma Deploy Docker error "Could not connect to server"

This is steps I have done
prisma init
I set postgresql for database in my local(not exist).
It created 3 files, datamodel.graphql, docker-compose.yml, prisma.yml
docker-compose up -d
I confirmed it running successfully
But if I call prisma deploy, it shows me error
Could not connect to server at http://localhost:4466. Please check if your server is running.
All I have done is standard operation described in manual and there is no customization in
And this is docker-compose.yml
version: '3'
image: prismagraphql/prisma:1.11
restart: always
- "4466:4466"
port: 4466
# uncomment the next line and provide the env var PRISMA_MANAGEMENT_API_SECRET=my-secret to activate cluster security
# managementApiSecret: my-secret
connector: postgres
host: localhost
port: '5432'
database: databasename
schema: public
user: postgres
password: root
migrations: true
What am I missing?
I found this solution to the same problem i was facing
docker-machine ip default
Use this address and replace the "localhost" with the IP with the above command to look something like this in prisma.yml file
endpoint: http://1xx.1xx.xx.xxx:4466
The answer is referred from this Github Link
The documentation mentions:
docker ps
You should see output similar to this:
$ docker ps
2b799c529e73 prismagraphql/prisma:1.7 "/bin/sh -c /app/sta…" 17 hours ago Up 7 hours>4466/tcp myapp_prisma_1
757dfba212f7 mysql:5.7 "docker-entrypoint.s…" 17 hours ago
(Here shown with mysql, but valid with postgresql too)
The point is: there should be two containers running, not one.
Check docker-compose logs to see why the second one (database) did not start.
instead of docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up
and keep the window running which will keep localhost:4466 alive.
Note : If u want to connect to connect to the database created in docker, you need to map the port in the following way:
docker run --name <ENTER_NAME> -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=<ENTER_PASSWORD> -d -p 5433:5432 postgres
In the above case PORT(5433) = HOST_PORT and PORT(5432) = CONTAINER_PORT
