App publishing in App store from another account - ios

My App is already published on App store but my client gets a conflict with the publisher party. Now an updated application is in pending state for which my worried client suggested me if we can upload this application from new developers account as many of customers aren't comfort to using the app with bugs.
Now, I want to published it from my account. what should I do ?
Any suggestions ?
p.s That party has no more contact with us now and they are not even removing our app from thier developers account.

Here few things you can do :
That application is of your client & they have all the rights of the concept & idea & name of the application. So in that case you can send an appeal to the apple support team
If they will feel it appropriate then apple review team will immediately take an action & that application will be removed from that account
Now the question is how you can publish the same app from another account. So for that :
First thing is app name is already in use now so it won't allow you to take a same name even if app removed from sale.
So best thing you can do is you can modify slightly app name & than reuse it for submitting app again
Important Note :
For resubmitting the app you should have a latest source first. If you already have it than there will be no issues for you in resubmitting app on new iTunes account.
But don't forget to send appeal to the support team for the app is already live on the store by mis using your client details & wait till apple team takes actions against that app
Hope it will helps.


Create e-book standalone app in the iOS App Store - Free with external access code

I'm a long time iOS developer and i've been out of the domain for a while now,
I've been assigned a new task in which i need to check whether it's doable on the appStore or not.
My aim is to create an e-book like application, where the user downloads the app for free from the appStore, and is requested to enter an access code provided separately outside the appStore.
So the app can be free on the store, and once opened an external ajax/php request will take place to authenticate the user.
Previously, apple forbid this kind of transaction, i am checking now to see if this situation changed or/and is now approved by apple.
Many Thanks!

Transfer iOS app from one Apple account to other

I want to transfer my iOS app from one apple store account to other. For both accounts I have team agent role and I have logged in with same access details.
At documentation, I found this article and I want to follow similar steps from my side - Transferring and Deleting Apps
But at above reference link, I found this option/link - Transfer App:
When I actually logged into my account, I can't able to find this kind of option to move app from one account to another. Here is screenshot for my account:
So actually where is the app transfer option?
If you haven't published a version of the app yet, don't worry about transferring it, because you can't.
Log into the team you want to transfer to.
Click on My Apps.
Click the + to create a new app, as you did in the other account.
Fill it in.
Forget about the old record - it's just metadata. If it bothers you, you can change almost everything about the unpublished record and use it for something else.
When To Transfer Apps
There's no point in transferring an empty app record. Simply create a new entry in the other iTunes Connect account. The whole point of an app transfer is to preserve reviews and the upgrade path for users. If those weren't a concern, you'd just create a new app entry anyway.
The only downside to this is that you lose the original app identifier (com.example.appname) but since nobody sees that, it doesn't really matter. Adjust your code signing certificates and you'll be fine.
When Transferring Apps Is Allowed
According to the documentation, there are a few conditions for transferring apps:
Both developer accounts must be completely set up.
The app must have a published version.
The app cannot use entitlements for iCloud or Passbook.
The app cannot use (or have ever used) In-App Purchase subscriptions
The app cannot be cannot be In Review.
Any in-app purchases for the app must also not be in review.
Any in-app purchases for the app must not have product IDs that are the same as in-app purchase products on the destination account.
What Transfers, What Doesn't
These things transfer over:
Bundle ID: The app's bundle identifier
iTunes Connect App Record: Metadata (the description and the rest of the app store entry.) The new team name will appear under the app name once the transfer is complete.
User Upgrades: Users will see the next update from the new account.
These things don't transfer over:
Download Stats: App download number don't transfer over. The new developer account will start from zero downloads.
Keychain Access: Keychain access is lost for transferred apps, because the team prefix changes.
Handoff, Universal Links, Shared Web Credentials: If you're using an apple-app-site-association file, you'll need to modify it to include the old app identifier as well as the new one. You want both, because you don't want to break functionality for users who didn't upgrade yet.
Discussion with Apple Developer support for App transfer related queries, which may help some one
1. Is App transfer between one developer account to another possible ?
Ans: Yes
2. Can you transfer an App that is live on App Store which is published from a Apple Developer Account can be transferred to an Apple Enterprise Account ?
Ans: No
3. After creating new developer account can I transfer the App quickly ?
Ans: After initiating a transfer from sending account the receiving account need to accept the App transfer request, and after accepting the request it will take 1 or 2 days for the transfer to complete. During this transfer process the will not be available in appStore.
4. How many days will it take to create a new Developer account?
Ans: It is not same all the time, but usually takes 2 to 3 days.
5. Post expiry of the developer account can I transfer the App to a new developer account?
Ans: No post expiry of your developer account you can’t initiate the transfer, and if you need to transfer you need to call the Apple Customer support and then we will do it.
6. Can I use the same App name after the account to which it belongs expires?
Ans: You can use the same name only if you transfer that App from the old developer account to new developer account. As every App name is unique in AppStore. And there is also app data maintained for each single App, even if you delete an App from the App Store, Apple will store and maintain the app data, So you can’t create a App with the same name even if you delete the App as Apple will maintain the app data related to that particular App. But you really want to upload a different App with the same name, you after deleting you App need to call Apple Customer support and request them to delete the "app data” which was maintained by them for the App which you just deleted. And after Apple deletes that “app data” you can create a new app with the same name.
7. In an enterprise account can I create developer account and publish App to the App Store ?
Ans: No
8. Can I use the same id to create both Developer and Enterprise account ?
Ans: No
9. In my old account I have some member added in people section with different roles, will that also gets transferred?
Ans: No, You need to add them again to the new developer account.
10. When I transfer will all the TestFlight data also gets transferred ?
Ans: No
11. After App transfer, will the already installed Application will work correctly ?
Ans: Yes
12. And if I push update for the App, from the new developer account will the already installed App get the update?
Ans: Yes, they will get the new update, for them there will be no difference.
13. App ratings and user reviews will also get transfer to the new developer account ?
Ans: Yes
14. App id for the App will also remain same after transferred to new account right ?
Ans: yes
15. What if the App has some payment related to it and the previous account had some bank details added for that?
Ans: If this is the case then we need to first add the bank details, and then initiate the transfer.
Have a nice day :)
Your App status says "Prepare for submission" and there is no published version so you have to get your app published first and as mentioned in the Apple's documentation "The app should have at least one published version for transfer".

Possible to rename iOS App before uploading?

I'm about to upload my app to AdHoc for Beta Testing however the Xcode project is named "MyApp" (not the actual name of the app) but I want to upload it to the app store as "MyLive". The bundle identifier is also com.myproject.MyApp but I would like to rename it if possible to something like com.mycompany.MyLive.
At the moment this is just a personal app attatched to my personal App ID but I'd like to future proof it as best as I can so it doesnt cause me any problems down the line.
As I've enrolled in the Apple Dev program using my personal Apple ID the only team I can choose is my name. However, is it possible to create a new team so that it seems like a company based around the app?
Lastly, if I upload it connected to my personal Apple ID how much personal information will be publicly visible? Is it possible to hide my email address?
EDIT: Is it possible to transfer an App from on Apple Developer account to another? Say when my current membership runs out and I set one up in the company name would I be able to transfer ownership?
Once you've created an app in iTunes Connect the bundle identifier can never be changed. If you have created it as com.myproject.MyApp then it's stuck as such. However, if this is your first upload, there's really no loss to create a different iTunes app with the bundle id of com.mycompany.MyLive.
None of that really matters though as no one will ever see this except you and anyone you've allowed on to your account. Just keep it simple.
You can rename your iTunes app name when your app is in editable state. i.e. If you've already submitted version 1.0 of the app with an iTunes app name of 'MyApp', you cannot change it for that version. But you can setup a version 1.1 and change the name before it's submitted.
It's not possible to create new 'teams'. A team is basically a developer account. You can be invited to join other teams via the owner of those accounts. In the future you can convert your personal account to a business account. It requires a bit of legal paperwork but is not hard.
The only publicly available information is what you've added when creating your iTunes Connect app. You have to add an email under review contact info, this is only used by Apple to reach you in case of questions with your app. You are also required to provide a support URL so your customers can reach you.
Everything you wanted to know about what goes on iTunes:
Google's answer for ability to transfer apps:

License to use with Apple App Store Submission

This is my first iPhone application that I am creating for a client and he asked me to submit the app using my own Apple Development License (Individual & Not Company License) so my question which might be very basic; can I submit the App using my own development license but it appears at the end on the App Store under the client's company name (i.e. is their a field or something while submitting the app that we use to tell the owner of the app)?
P.S. I tried searching for this specific questions but most of the websites/threads are talking about submission guidelines and probably my question is a very basic question before going into the guidelines
No, if you submit as you, it appears under your name in the App Store. You can, however, transfer an app to another party.
FAQ on Transferring App Ownership.
From the FAQ:
What are the requirements for transferring an app?
To transfer an app, make sure that:
The transferor and the recipient have active developer accounts and accepted the most current version of all master agreements that are currently in effect
The app has at least one approved version
The app is in the Ready for Sale, Invalid Binary, Rejected, Developer Rejected, or Developer Removed from Sale state
Any associated In-App Purchases are in the Ready to Submit, Ready for Sale, Rejected, Developer Removed from Sale, or Approved state
You know the Apple ID of the recipient’s Team Agent and their Team ID
It is customary for developers to first submit apps (or major revisions) to the store under their own identity ... or, in larger companies, to a separate "development" identity ... and then to transfer the apps when they are really ready to be sold to the public. (Companies often do not want to draw attention to these apps until that time.)
If the company does not yet have their own Apple identity, you should instruct them to start getting the necessary paperwork in place now, so that ownership of the app can be transferred without delay.
Don't let the company initially offer the product for sale under your identity. (See above.) You've got a developer identity basically [just ...] so that beta-testers can actually download from the store.

Merge paid app and free app with in app purchase

I have 2 application on appstore
Free app with in app purchase.
Paid app.
Now, I want to keep only one app on appstore from above options 1.Free app with in app purchase and remove the paid app. But here I want to give the app with full functionality to those user who used the paid app (Purchased the paid app).
Here my question is how can I merge these 2 app into single app which will be free and contains in app purchase by keeping the paid app user as it is ?
If anyone have any idea regarding this then please share.
Thanks in advance.
I solved my problem by using the icloud. First I provided the update to both the application by doing following changes.
I used "key value store" icloud option and stored some setting on icloud just need to make sure here "iCloud Key-Value Store" value in .entitlements file (which was automatically created by XCode) in both the application is same for both the application. The setting stored here is accessible to both application and depending on the setting I identified the user and gave access to specific functionality.
Under iOS7, you can use Receipt Validation. Receipt Validation offers you to see information about purchasing the app and in app purchases. If it returns date before you made the app free, that means that the user paid for the app.
This will work only under iOS7.
See Receipt Validation Programming Guide
I too am facing this issue with a couple of my apps. I'm still looking for a good solution, but I came up a less-than-ideal solution in the meantime. You can issue an update to your paid app that will connect to a database (on your web server) and insert a row with information about the purchase (AppleID, maybe some kind of digital receipt). Then in the free version with IAPs, the same database connection can be used to see if the owner of the free app already purchased the other app. Based off of that, you can unlock the IAPs. The only problem is that this is dependent on all previous customers updating to the latest version.
As mentioned, Receipt Validation would probably be more efficient, however this isn't backwards compatible. Good luck!
I'm assuming you're looking to merge the purchase history on Apple's servers; you can't merge the purchase data for two bundle IDs, you'll have to devise some way of having users persist their data on a server that you control. Update your app with a login and tie that login with the purchases as user has made.
The workflow would be something like this:
1) User logs in on paid app
2) User restores purchase history
3) Paid app saves restored purchase history to your server
4) User logs in on free app
5) Free app downloads all purchase data for the logged in user
