iOS app compatibility issue with iphone and ipad in Publishing - ios

I developed an app that only runs on iPhone (iPad compatibility not required yet by me). After I publish it to the app store, the apple rejects the app as they test it on iPad and as I mention that it is only iPhone app, therefore, it looks ugly on iPad.
How could I submit it to app store by force apply the setting that it is an iPhone app only, not iPad?
This creates really much issue as I worked a lot and seeing this rejection made my heartbreak.

Apple have stated in their app-store guide lines that iPhone apps should run on iPad. Unless there is some really special need otherwise, which you must be able reason with them.
Check here:
In addition to that it is really easy to make iPhone application compatible in most of the cases, just try and run it once on iPad device( or simulator), and you might find the crash and be able to fix that easy.


How do I configure my app for iPhone only

I have built an app that I would like to put in the app store. The app is intended to run only on iPhone, not on iPad or iPod touch. However, I have heard about other iPhone only apps being rejected by Apple because they don't run correctly on iPad. I have searched the internet for a solution to this, and found that if you set UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities to include telephony, the app is not available on iPad. However, I would like to find a more legitimate way of telling Apple that my app is iPhone only. I am using react native with expo. Any help would be much appreciated.

Not able to make app iphone only [duplicate]

I'm shipping two binaries; one for iPhone/iTouch and the other for iPad. It's the same application.
Will Apple ensure that the user will never receive an iPhone version of the app on the iPad? If YES, then I don't have anything to worry about, but if not then I do have a problem.
The reason I ask is the iPhone application will simply not work correctly on the iPad because the server knows it's an iPad and will deliver the iPad HD content to it and the iPhone cannot handle that. I would rather not hack my application to send the server a fake device type if running the iPhone app on the iPad in order to receive the correct resources.
I've been looking for this for a while because I couldn't prevent the iPhone app to load on the iPad. Searched a bit to understand why this was happening, followed #hotpaw2 instructions and found this on the official apple store rules:
2.4.1 To ensure people get the most out of your app, iPhone apps should run on iPad whenever possible. We encourage you to consider
building universal apps so customers can use them on all of their
devices. Learn more about Universal apps.
The SDK and/or App store rules prohibit you from preventing an iPhone app from running on an iPad in 1X or 2X zoom mode, unless there are other requirements listed in the app plist. Apple's app review is known to test iPhone-only app submissions (unless there are other requirements) on an iPad, and reject the app if it doesn't run properly.
Other requirements (as listed under UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in the app's plist) might include your app requiring telephone capabilities (or healthkit, etc.), which might help you temporarily, but still won't prevent the app from running on some hypothetical future iPad product that includes telephony capabilities (and/or healthkit, etc.).
Actually you can.
Add telephony to UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in your plist file.
But i really not recommend it and maybe you could get rejected because of gratuitously using this property.
I think you should handle that there are iPad versions and iPhone versions on iPads, use the second one as an iPhone.
Also don't forget that retina iPads will use upscaled applications at retina resolution while none retina ones use the standard resolution. And this behavior can tweaked using jailbreak tweaks like RetinaPad and FullForce.
In the plist settings, add Application requires iPhone environment and set the boolean to YES

How can I publish an iOS app on the App Store, but disallow iPad compatibility?

I have an app that i specified target devices as iPhone, not iPad, not Universal.
Something strange happened when i look at the app information, on compatibility section, on App Store: it is said that the app is Compatible with iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.
How can I remove the compatibility with iPad?
Any iPhone app can be run on an iPad in an emulation mode. There is no (official) way to prevent this.
To test that your settings are correct, go to the App Store and search for your app with "iPad apps" set. If it doesn't show up, you're good to go.
You can still download this app on iTunes, or set the App Store to search iPad and iPhone and install it on an iPad, but it runs as an iPhone app on the iPad.
That very unusual. There could be a lot things that could be causing this. You might want to check the provisioning file to see if there's anything a miss there. Also, check the certificate for the app as Well. It might be an idea to created a new certificate for the app. Other than that I don't know what else you could do.

Is there any way to for an iPhone app to require iPhone 5 or newer?

I am in the apparently not-common situation of wanting to deploy a new iPhone-only app and would love to require iPhone 5 or newer. That is, 4" screen or greater. I believe there is no way to accomplish that but though it was worth asking.
Requiring iOS 8 would be one way to get close but people can also run the app on iPhone 4s if they are a glutton for punishment and run iOS 8 on a 4s. Plus I would like to support iOS 7.
One other thought is to build ONLY for arm64. But I can't find anyone who has done that and I have to wonder if the app would be rejected.
Can anyone confirm or deny that this is possible?
There isn't really an explicit way to prevent a specific device from seeing your app on the app store, but you can use UIRequiredDeviceCapabilities in your Info.plist file to implicitly filter out devices by requiring capabilities:

Will Apple reject my application if it does not run on an iPad 1?

I'm a beginner programmer and I have a universal application that works perfectly on iPhone and iPad with IOS 6.0 and up. However, it has certain features which cannot run on an iPad 1 because this device can only upgrade up to IOS 5.1.1. Whenever I run on an iPad 5.1 simulator, the application crashes. This is not the problem since I already expect it to do that.
Will Apple reject my application since it does not run on the iPad 1? Are there other iPad applications that leave out iPad 1's?
Of course not! Obviously, Apple thinks iPad 1 owners should just buy new iPads. :)
BTW, you should check out Apple's page on the approval process
, especially their approval guidelines for information on what they are looking for in an app submission.
No, they will not. So long as your app is supported on the latest iOS version, they will not reject your app for not supporting older devices. If your app has additional hardware requirements that the latest OS does not, be sure to clearly specify this in your app description.
