I'm building a simple slack bot and I am playing with the checkboxes element.
When I return the following from my API in a JSON response to a slash-command I get an error failed with the error "invalid_blocks", however, when I put this in the block-kit-builder it works perfectly (including "sending to slack" button)
Any ideas why this is failing when I run my slash command - and is it possible to see more detailed error messages from slack?
"blocks": [
"elements": [
"style": "primary",
"text": {
"emoji": true,
"text": "Create new TODO list",
"type": "plain_text"
"type": "button",
"value": "value"
"style": "primary",
"text": {
"emoji": true,
"text": "Help",
"type": "plain_text"
"type": "button",
"value": "value"
"type": "actions"
"text": {
"text": "Today",
"type": "mrkdwn"
"type": "section"
"elements": [
"initial_options": [
"text": {
"text": "Get Into the garden",
"type": "mrkdwn"
"value": "foo"
"options": [
"text": {
"text": "Get Into the garden",
"type": "mrkdwn"
"value": "foo"
"type": "checkboxes"
"style": "primary",
"text": {
"emoji": true,
"text": "Add new Task",
"type": "plain_text"
"type": "button",
"value": "value"
"type": "actions"
"type": "home"
I am using the Slack Web API. I was getting the similar error. After a lot of looking around, here's how I solved it.
import json
blocks = [{...}]
payload = {
"blocks": json.dumps(blocks)
You will then send this payload.
in the api, the "blocks" parameter need to be string type. Did you convert it to string or you use it as a JSON ?
In the Block Kit Builder, the data is a JSON with a blocks key.
In the Slack API, the blocks param is only the list of JSON objects.
blocks = [
"text": {
"text": "Its the list of your blocks",
"type": "mrkdwn"
"type": "section"
text = 'Alternative data in text'
client.chat_postMessage(channel=channel_id, blocks=blocks, text=text)
Another cause of this problem seems to be too many blocks being returned. I can't find any documentation about this whatsoever, but personal experience seems to indicate about 20 blocks is the maximum.
An alternative is to return fewer blocks, with paging actions -- paging works well with the "replace" message so that the content being paged through does not result in many separate messages.
It appears that not all valid elements in block kit tool can be posted as a message, despite the fact that message preview works fine in the Block Tool.
In my case, the code failed when I included an input block and passed when i removed it. The input block was generated by the Block Kit tool.
"type": "input",
"element": {
"type": "plain_text_input",
"action_id": "plain_text_input-action"
"label": {
"type": "plain_text",
"text": "Feedback",
"emoji": true
The error was
{'ok': False, 'error': 'invalid_blocks'}
Also, although the documentation for python says you need to urlEncode the JSON-based array, there is no example, and it is incorrect. https://api.slack.com/methods/chat.postMessage
You can see on line 29 in the SDK test code below that blocks= takes a regular list of dicts not a string.
I'm working on creating set of widgets for dashboard via code using
REST api https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/azure/devops/dashboard/widgets/create?view=azure-devops-server-rest-5.0
So, I was able to create the widgets programatically but struggling while configuring the widget to point to certain team and details.
Example: creating Burndown widget using Analytics extention (https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=ms.vss-analytics&ssr=false#overview).
I was able to create widget with contributionId and details.
However, can't set the settings to do aggregation of story points over certain sprints.
Any help regarding this is appreciated.
Here is the json passed in Create request. Need help on "settings" part.
"id": "",
"eTag": "7",
"name": "Burndown",
"position": {
"row": 1,
"column": 4
"size": {
"rowSpan": 2,
"columnSpan": 3
"settings": "",
"settingsVersion": {
"major": 1,
"minor": 0,
"patch": 0
"artifactId": "",
"url": "urlvalue",
"_links": {
"self": {
"href": "urlvalue"
"group": {
"href": "urlvalue"
"dashboard": {
"href": "urlvalue"
"isEnabled": true,
"contentUri": null,
"contributionId": "ms.vss-dashboards-web.Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget",
"typeId": "Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget",
"configurationContributionId": "ms.vss-dashboards-web.Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget.Configuration",
"configurationContributionRelativeId": "Microsoft.VisualStudioOnline.Dashboards.BurndownWidget.Configuration",
"isNameConfigurable": true,
"loadingImageUrl": "urlvalue",
"lightboxOptions": {
"width": 900,
"height": 700,
"resizable": true
Below are two samples about the settings parts.
1.Set the certain date as the end date.
2. Set the certain Iteration as the end date.
I created a custom map using Inkscape as described on the HighMaps docs pages at: http://www.highcharts.com/docs/maps/custom-maps
Everything up to step 16 seems to go smoothly.
Step 16 says that the only remaining thing to do is to add data or use the MapData option and this is where I am struggling.
How does one link the custom shapes in the map to data points? Using the shape name in a JoinBy?
$(function () {
// Initiate the chart
$('#container').highcharts('Map', {
legend:{enabled: false},
"type": "map",
"data": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M0,-695,0,-682C1,-682,2,-683,3,-683,15,-683,25,-672,25,-658,25,-645,15,-634,3,-634,2,-634,1,-634,1,-634L1,-622,108,-622,107,-694,0,-695z"
"name": "Status1-Period-1",
"path": "M0,-684,1,-633C15,-635,26,-646,26,-658,26,-672,14,-682,0,-684z"
"name": "Status2-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M178,-695,178,-682C179,-682,180,-683,181,-683,193,-683,203,-672,203,-658,203,-645,193,-634,181,-634,180,-634,180,-634,179,-634L179,-622,286,-622,285,-694,178,-695z"
"name": "Status2-Period-1",
"path": "M178,-684,179,-633C193,-635,204,-646,204,-658,204,-672,193,-682,178,-684z"
"name": "Status3-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M357,-695,357,-682C358,-682,359,-683,360,-683,372,-683,382,-672,382,-658,382,-645,372,-634,360,-634,359,-634,359,-634,358,-634L358,-622,465,-622,464,-694,357,-695z"
"name": "Status3-Period-1",
"path": "M357,-684,358,-633C372,-635,383,-646,383,-658,383,-672,372,-682,357,-684z"
"name": "Status4-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M535,-695,535,-682C536,-682,537,-683,538,-683,550,-683,560,-672,560,-658,560,-645,550,-634,538,-634,537,-634,536,-634,536,-634L536,-622,643,-622,642,-694,535,-695z"
"name": "Status4-Period-1",
"path": "M535,-684,536,-633C550,-635,561,-646,561,-658,561,-672,549,-682,535,-684z"
"name": "Status5-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M713,-695,713,-682C714,-682,715,-683,716,-683,728,-683,738,-672,738,-658,738,-645,728,-634,716,-634,715,-634,715,-634,714,-634L714,-622,821,-622,820,-694,713,-695z"
"name": "Status5-Period-1",
"path": "M713,-684,714,-633C728,-635,739,-646,739,-658,739,-672,728,-682,713,-684z"
"name": "Status6-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M892,-695,892,-682C893,-682,894,-683,895,-683,907,-683,917,-672,917,-658,917,-645,907,-634,895,-634,894,-634,893,-634,893,-634L893,-622,1000,-622,999,-694,892,-695z"
"name": "Status6-Period-1",
"path": "M892,-684,893,-633C907,-635,918,-646,918,-658,918,-672,907,-682,892,-684z"
There's a couple of ways:
1.) The easiest is to add it into your data using the value property. This is discouraged because it hardcodes the value for the map paths:
"data": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M0,-695,0,-682C1,-682,2,-683,3,-683,15,-683,25,-672,25,-658,25,-645,15,-634,3,-634,2,-634,1,-634,1,-634L1,-622,108,-622,107,-694,0,-695z",
"value": 6 // <-- here's a numerical value for this path
2.) Seperate your mapData from your data. Map the values in mapData to the values in data with a joinBy. This makes your map paths reusable:
series: [{
"type": "map",
"joinBy": ['name', 'name'], // <- mapping 'name' in data to 'name' in mapData
"data": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"value": 6
"mapData": [
"name": "Status1-CurrentPeriod",
"path": "M0,-695,0,-682C1,-682,2,-683,3,-683,15,-683,25,-672,25,-658,25,-645,15,-634,3,-634,2,-634,1,-634,1,-634L1,-622,108,-622,107,-694,0,-695z"
Update fiddle here.