In the previous version of my iOS app I was asking users to grant access to write Dietary Energy in Health app (see the code bellow):
let typesToWrite: Set<HKSampleType> = [HKQuantityType.quantityType(forIdentifier: HKQuantityTypeIdentifier.dietaryEnergyConsumed)!]
healthStore.requestAuthorization(toShare: typesToWrite , read: nil) { (success, error) in
And many users gave access to write Energy Data to Health app.
Now, I want to make an update for my app, and I need to add another sample type: Dietary Sugar, and I would like to show again the Health access window, in order to old users gave access to the Dietary Sugar too. The problem is that this window is not showing anymore for old users. How can I force a request authorization for new added type in update version of the app? Thank you.
i have added UTM parameter using FIRDynamicLinkGoogleAnalyticsParameters
FIRDynamicLinkGoogleAnalyticsParameters *analyticsParams =
[FIRDynamicLinkGoogleAnalyticsParameters parametersWithSource:Source
analyticsParams.term = Term;
analyticsParams.content = Content;
components.analyticsParameters = analyticsParams;
Now i want to track the dynamic link like this,
if i have shared on Facebook, any one tap on that link then it will go to application if there else it will go to App Store.
After i need to show message based upon it’s source i.e welcome from Facebook like message.
So can we track dynamic link and check from where the link has been tapped and show relevant message based upon i’t source.
Can anyone explain how to implement this:
By adding these tracking parameters to your Dynamic Links, Google
Analytics and iTunes Connect can treat them like any other campaign
it's measuring attribution reporting for, and you can view conversion
events not just by the ad campaigns responsible for bringing in those
users, but also by which Dynamic Links might have brought them in.
The following parameters are passed to Google Analytics: utm_source,
utm_medium, utm_campaign, utm_term, utm_content, gclid
The following parameters are passed to the App Store: at, ct, mt, pt
The same question was asked in this thread:
App link tracking with Firebase
Also I had posted this question on Firebase GitHub and got the reply:
You can't track where the link was tapped from unless you create a
custom link (or add custom parameters) for each source, but even then
this will result in mismatches if a user ever copies a link and shares
it to a different source.
I am using UIActivityViewController to post images to Instagram app from MY app.
Please note my app does not use Instagram API or log in to users' Instagram Account.
let sharingImage = button.backgroundImage(for: [])
let avc = UIActivityViewController(activityItems: [sharingImage as AnyObject], applicationActivities: nil)
avc.excludedActivityTypes = [.addToReadingList,.airDrop,.assignToContact,.copyToPasteboard,.openInIBooks,.postToFacebook,.postToFlickr,.postToTencentWeibo,.postToTwitter,.postToVimeo,.postToWeibo,.saveToCameraRoll,.message,.mail,.print]
if let wPPC = avc.popoverPresentationController {
wPPC.sourceView = followUsButton
self.present(avc, animated: true, completion: nil)
I am logged into my Instagram App with multiple accounts. Upon share from MY app, Instagram tries to post to the account 'A' which is currently logged in (inside the Instagram app). This makes sense.
However, if I now switch to the Instagram app and switch to account 'B' inside it, go back to MY app and then try to share again, it continues to try to post to Account 'A'.
The only way to fix it, is to kill MY app and start it again and then it loads the correct currently logged in account 'B'.
Is there a way to programmatically reload the correct Insta account while sharing?
This is only a workaround however might be your only choice at the moment as you see that even native Photos has the same issue so it is rather down to Apple to fix it.
In your application's Info.plist, add a boolean key UIApplicationExitsOnSuspend with the value YES. See the Information Property List Key Reference for more information.
This way the app is getting terminated when enters a background state and once you go back to it it will get reloaded. The user might not notice the difference.
Perhaps before killing the app you could add some interface state saving function in:
optional func applicationWillTerminate(_ application: UIApplication)
I don't know how your app is laid out but you could create a singleton class which could be implementing Codable and keep tracking all the app state variables which would have a save and load function. Saving would be triggered upon termination and loading when app is launching.
I hope it will help in some way.
EDIT1: Should work in iOS 13
Below this code should work and terminate your app however it is not recommended and you might face an issue when uploading to AppStore. I guess you can challenge the rejection with the Apple review team by explaining that they have a bug in the SDK and point them to the problem.
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 1.0) {
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
Short answer, I doubt.
UIActivityViewController doesn't give you control over the user's login status (which is why it's interesting to use). IMO, that's a bug on Apple side. So, unless there's a secret way to clear the authorisation tokens that the iOS runtime has stored within your app memory, I don't see how you could possibly achieve what you want.
Plus, if Photos app has the same behaviour, that's not a good sign...
Just in case, when you say that the problem occurs when switching accounts, do you mean
In MY app, you immediately try to post from the same ViewController?
You move to a parent View (hence destroying the old one)back , then to the same view as 1/?
Do you have the same result in both case? I am asking because when instantiating a new UIActivityViewController in a new view, the runtime might fetch the new user login profile, while if you instantiate it from the same view that was used to post from the old account, it might not do so (hence it'll use the old login)
This is iOS issue not specific to your app.
How to access firebase database from another firebase app in swift5?
We have two apps in one account one is driver app and rider app.
I am storing data in driver real time database and want to access that database in rider app.
Let me know if anyone have this solution.
To access the same database from two iOS application, you simply create two apps in the Firebase console of that project. This will give you a GoogleService-Info.plist file with information about both apps, and each app will pick its configuration from there based on the iOS bundle ID.
Also see step 2 of register your app in the Firebase setup instructions for iOS developers.
After this both apps can access the same database, as well as all other services.
Here is code to use multiple firebase database in a single iOS app
func initDatabase() {
FIRDatabase().database() // gets you the default database
let options = FIROptions(googleAppID: bundleID: , GCMSenderID: , APIKey: , clientID: , trackingID: , androidClientID: , databaseURL: "", storageBucket: , deepLinkURLScheme: ) // fill in all the other fields
FIRApp.configureWithName("anotherClient", options: options)
let app = FIRApp(named: "anotherClient")
FIRDatabase.database(app: app!) // gets you the named other database
Or you can initialize from another named plist rather than a huge constructor:
let filePath = NSBundle.mainBundle().pathForResource("Second-GoogleService-Info", ofType:"plist")
let options = FIROptions(contentsOfFile:filePath)
How do I check what the user sets app settings to? I think I'm supposed to be able to use UserDefaults to do this. I particularly want to check whether the user has allowed the app to access Contacts. I know how to get the setting if I knew the key. I would like to be able to access all the settings that UserDefaults have for the app. I am using Swift to create an iOS app.
You are misunderstanding what the UserDefaults class does. It has no knowledge of the user's settings. It's used for you to save a user's settings (from within your app) persistently.
As for how to access that kind of information. You have to use each of the APIs to check for permissions. For example, access to the GPS requires you to use LocationManager API and check the permission there.
To check if a user has given access to Contacts you have to use the Contacts API (link here)
More specifically this method:
class func authorizationStatus(for entityType: CNEntityType) -> CNAuthorizationStatus
You should really read on what the UserDefaults class is for. (link here)
You can't use UserDefaults to check whether the user has allowed the app to access Contacts. Try the following code.
let status = CNContactStore.authorizationStatus(for: CNEntityType.contacts)
switch (status) {
// Not determined or restricted (e.g.Parent control)
case CNAuthorizationStatus.notDetermined,CNAuthorizationStatus.restricted:
// Denied
case CNAuthorizationStatus.denied:
// Allowed
case CNAuthorizationStatus.authorized:
My doubt is after successful login using Facebook account kit for the first time, I am reopening the app for the 2nd time. When I open how can I detect and use the existing user Access Token?
I tried by fetching Accountkit.currentAccessToken in appdelegate as a condition to show login page or welcome page. But currentAccessToken returns me null.
I have also enabled "Enable Client Access Token Flow" in app settings.
Kindly help to understand if my approach is right.
self.accountKit = AKFAccountKit (responseType: AKFResponseType.accessToken)
if(self.accountKit.currentAccessToken != nil)
I am facing the same issue in Android (not in iOS) but I think the problem is same, since in the document says it so.
this is my code for configuring the login using Email (kotlin, use let to change the val).
val configurationBuilder = AccountKitConfiguration.AccountKitConfigurationBuilder(
notice that the response type is AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.CODE
In the document says:
If you began the login session with AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.TOKEN, a logout option is available to remove the stored AccessToken from the device.
So the problem is on the Response type that I use, need to be changed into AccountKitActivity.ResponseType.TOKEN in order to make the token stored on devices.
I have seen some issues with Xcode8 / iOS 10 Simulators and keychain save/retrieval. See
AccountKit stores the accessToken securely in the keychain but there is an intermittent bug on Xcode8 / iOS 10 Simulators that makes read/write from keychain fail.
Can you test if this is also happening on a Device?
Apparently the problem goes away if you add the Shared Keychain Entitlement to your App, but this is still a bug on Apple.