How to search users in Microsoft Graph SDK with C#? - microsoft-graph-api

In my C# application, I am using Microsoft Graph SDK with Azure AD implementation.
Please suggest me how to search users in my organisations (global contacts) based on search parameters .
For example , if "Raj" is the search parameter, I should be able to get all users with their name contains "Raj" or email address contains "Raj".
I found this method to get all users - "graphClient.Users.Request().GetAsync();". but, with this method limited response, I am not getting what exactly I want to search.

Adding to the previous answer: to accomplish this through the Graph C# SDK, use the Filter() method:
graphClient.Users.Request().Filter("startsWith(displayName, 'k')").GetAsync()
You can use other methods on the request to customize the request, e.g. Select(), etc.

According to your description, I assume you want to search the users by using the search parameters.
Based on this document, we can currently search only message and person collections.
And I have tried the filter query parameter, the parameter is currently not supported the contains operator from this document. So if you want to search the user with name or the email address, we can use the startswith operator only.Like this:$filter=startswith(displayName,'k') or startswith(mail,'k')
It will find the user's diplayName or mail which is start with the k


Select fields on Microsoft Graph list of Messages

I'm using Microsoft Graph to get a list of messages for a user.
I'm using the following URL
One important thing that is returned by this is the meetingMessageType when the message revolves around a meeting request.
I would also like to get the uniqueBody of the message. However, that's not provided by default. One needs to specifically ask for that field. I can do that by adding ?$select=uniqueBody to the URL.
However, that now means that I need to add the rest of the fields I want to the $select query parameter. That's not a big deal until I run into meetingMessageType. Microsoft Graph returns:
Could not find a property named 'meetingMessageType' on type 'Microsoft.OutlookServices.Message'.
What can I do to ensure I get both uniqueBody and meetingMessageType?
Try this:
$select=uniqueBody, microsoft.graph.eventMessage/meetingMessageType
Yogesh's answer is close but will result in a Only one level select is supported error.
As long as you don't care about the value of meetingMessageType, you can use this select:
$select=microsoft.graph.eventMessage, uniqueBody
You'll note that the results no longer include meetingMessageType as a property. The list however is limited to only those messages that are eventMessage, effectively giving you a result set filtered to only show meeting requests.

How can I search the channel in a specific country using the YouTube API 3.0?

I use the url to search channels in a specific country like this
But when i changed the regionCode parameter to IT(italy) or any other one,the search result is always identical.So the search result is not changed with the regionCode.
How can I search the channel by country using the YouTube API 3.0,thanks.
I also try to search channel with the optional parameter regionCode, and it seems that this parameter is not to filter the results base on the country code of a Country. I found in this related SO question that the region parameter only applies to movie charts, and is not something that works as a parameter for general searches.
So the only possible parameter that I think you can use to filter the results of YouTube API in a specific country or place is by using the parameter location.
The location parameter, in conjunction with the locationRadius parameter, defines a circular geographic area and also restricts a search to videos that specify, in their metadata, a geographic location that falls within that area. The parameter value is a string that specifies latitude/longitude coordinates e.g. (37.42307,-122.08427).
Hope it helps you.
There is no way to solve this problem. I tried location with locationRadius, but second parameter is limited to 1000km, so, I cant find all videos from Russian Federation or USA using that option and 1 api request.
Also, that api request performs slow for understandable reason.

how do you get multiple Twitter names using api querystring

HI,how do i get multiple twitter name using API querystring,exmaple i need to populate related with the name of 'john'.how can i do that here i have one example below '' by this example we can see only particular user name only but i want related name.Kindly let me know ASAP.
You can use the OR operator...

how do i get multiple twitter name using API querystring?

HI,how do i get multiple twitter name using API querystring,exmaple i need to populate related with the name of 'john'.how can i do that here i have one example below
'' by this example we can see only particular user name only but i want related name.Kindly let me know ASAP.
You can use the OR operator...

Twitter API - Display all tweets with a certain hashtag?

How would I go about displaying tweets that contain a certain hashtag using the Twitter API? Thanks
I'd also like to know if there is a way to get all tweets from a certain hashtag in a separate file, also the ones that don't show up in your feed anymore. I suppose that's what the earlier question was about, too.
This answer was written in 2010. The API it uses has since been retired. It is kept for historical interest only.
Search for it.
Make sure include_entities is set to true to get hashtag results. See Tweet Entities
Returns 5 mixed results with user IDs plus entities for the term "blue angels":
UPDATE for v1.1:
Rather than giving q="search_string" give it q="hashtag" in URL encoded form to return results with HASHTAG ONLY. So your query would become:
%23 is URL encoded form of #. Try the link out in your browser and it should work.
You can optimize the query by adding since_id and max_id parameters detailed here. Hope this helps !
Note: Search API is now a OAUTH authenticated call, so please include your access_tokens to the above call
Twitter Search doc link:
The answer here worked better for me as it isolates the search on the hashtag, not just returning results that contain the search string. In the answer above you would still need to parse the JSON response to see if the entities.hashtags array is not empty.
