Activeadmin - user option for hide and unhide column - ruby-on-rails

Is there any solution in activeadmin for option where user can hide/unhide column?

Out of the box, no. You would need to define a data structure to hold the user's preferences then define your index something like:
index do
column :title unless current_user.hide_column?(:title)
The simplest way to hold the preferences would be a UserColumnPreference resource which itself could be managed through ActiveAdmin. More sophisticated solutions might involve using AJAX, subclassing ActiveAdmin::IndexAsTable, etc.
If you don't need to persist the preference then a simple JavaScript to manipulate the HTML table on the page will do, eg. Hiding columns in table JavaScript This is unrelated to ActiveAdmin.

I found a neat solution for this. Saving it as a session variable.
Complete solution:
This creates a button on the index page that says show or hide images depending on the state:
action_item :toggle_image_view, only: :index do
link_to (session['hide_images'] || false) ? t('views.admin.show_images') : t('views.admin.hide_images') , toggle_image_view_admin_person_poses_path
This toggles the session key and shows the index page again:
collection_action :toggle_image_view, method: :get do
session['hide_images'] = !(session['hide_images'] || false)
redirect_to collection_path
Here you see the column that will get displayed or not depending on the session variable. Default is set to display them.
index do
column :camera
unless (session['hide_images'] || false)
column :image


How to compare two items within Ruby on Rails?

So I'm trying to re-create GitHub version control for let's say posts. I've found a way to re-create an original post using duplicate AND another method to create a new post based on the original. Cool.
My issue is being able to display both the original and the new on the same page.
What I've attempted thus far is to just rely on the show method with having:
def show
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
Then in the view have in the form a checkbox to allow a user to select multiple posts, click a submit, and a new page renders displaying both side by side. Preferably showing the differences between the two but that's a wish list as I deal with this first.
Actually could I just simply do?:
def other_show
#post = Post.where(params[:id])
I also added in status as a boolean to help on the view for marking the checkbox. Would I then need to put something in the other_show method about the status?
If you want to "recreate" some sort of version control I suggest you use something like the audited. Instead of building your own. From your example and comments it seems you don't have a clear relation between all related (versions of) posts.
Using this gem, each change to the Post content (for example, if configured properly) would be stored as an audit.
Showing the differences is a different problem. That's usually called a diff and you can find gems that do it for you, for example: diffy
To show 2 different entities on one page you need to give posts_controller both ids.
Declare your show method like this:
def show
#original = Post.find(params[:id])
#compared = Post.find(params[:compared_id])
Correct route to this method will look like this:
# Example: /posts/1?compared_id=2
To construct such a link in your view, you need to declare link_to method like this:
<%= link_to '1 <> 2', post_path(#post, compared_id: '2') %>
If you want to have a page where user can check 2 checkboxes for certain posts, you'll need to construct such href via Javascript.
But in fact I wouldn't suggest you to modify show method for such a task. It is better to use show method only for showing one entity from database. You can create another method, e.g. compare and pass both parameters there.
def compare
#original = Post.find(params[:original_id])
#compared = Post.find(params[:compared_id])
In routes.rb
resources :posts do
get 'compare', on: :collection
It will give you helper compare_posts_path, which will lead to /posts/compare and you'll need to pass original_id and compared_id to it, like this:
<%= link_to 'Compare', compare_posts_path(original_id: 'some_id', compared_id: 'some_another_id') %>
It will result to

ActiveAdmin and handling a subset of data

We use ActiveAdmin and have a notion of an event at like I'd like to be able to edit the finance data aspect of this (something like or How would you organize it? I was thinking of trying to do a custom controller like this:
ActiveAdmin.register Event, as: 'Finance' do
permit_params %i(venue_id name event_type_id)
before_create do |event|
event.created_by = current_user
show do |event|
panel 'Details' do
attributes_table_for event do
row :id
but this doesn't seem to work. What would be the most basic pattern to have a controller which has a portion of our data and can work well within ActiveAdmin?
You appear to be asking about nesting a resource inside another, see 'Belongs To' on this page

using rails how do i only show the id submitted via a text box from a table

I've got a table full of information at the moment, Ideally i need the information from a database table to be viewed via a link.
I only have the controller and some standard html (the html is just a h1 tag at the moment)
The HTML will be standard throughout like a template.
The way i'm seeing what i want in my head is the users will get a link which would be events_prev/{{id from DB here}} and depending on the ID the information on the page will be populated from the corrisponsing DB Row
Heres my controller
class Events::EventsPrevController < ApplicationController
def index
#events = Event.where(id: id)
def show
render :nothing => true
Sorry if its super confusing.
Welcome to rails.
Ok, there's a couple of things that will get you in the right directions. Firstly, you REALLY need to do a little reading to understand how the controller and the routes and the views are linked together in rails, that'll help you tons.
But moving on to your specific issues:
All data passed via a url (get, post, put, doesn't matter the method) is available in the controller in an array object called params - So that means when want to access the data the user submitted, you'll use something like
#event = Event.where(id: params[:id])
It looks like you're trying to use the index page. In rails index is a RESTful route which generally points to a collection of model objects. The show route will point to an individual object so you should instead make your link point to the show path instead of the index path.
You can view the routes available on a model on a command line using:
bundle exec rake routes
An example of what your routes might look like:
prev_events GET /prev_events(.:format) prev_events#index
POST /prev_events(.:format) prev_events#create
new_prev_event GET /prev_events/new(.:format) prev_events#new
edit_prev_event GET /prev_events/:id/edit(.:format) prev_events#edit
prev_event GET /prev_events/:id(.:format) prev_events#show
PATCH /prev_events/:id(.:format) prev_events#update
PUT /prev_events/:id(.:format) prev_events#update
DELETE /prev_events/:id(.:format) prev_events#destroy
Based on the routing table, you now should see that the link you need your users to click on might look like this (given that event is your object:
<%= link_to event.title, event_path( %>
or shortcutted
<%= link_to event.title, event %>
For the view this is entirely dependent on the data in the Event model. Since the data is stored in #event you'll simple use the attributes on the event model to render the html however use like, e.g.
<h3><%= #event.title %></h3>
<span><%= #event.start_time %></span>
You should read up on Rails controllers: by default the action index is used to show all of the records and what you're talking about should belong to the show action. The default routes take care of the id passing to your show action.
Index action is mean to show list of items in view and Show action is used to show a single item.
what you are doing in index is actually mean to be in show action.
#events = Event.where(id: id)
this line will give u a single record in every case it means it should be in Show action.
your code should look like:
def show
#event = Event.find(params[:id])
[your logic: what you want to do with that #event]

ActiveAdmin display default view content

I am working with ActiveAdmin and need to make customizations to some views and have come across a couple of scenarios I feel I am doing wrong.
I am adding an additional table to a show view (comments on Posts). This requires me to rewrite the whole attributes table and then add my panel. Is there a way to customize views without losing the default content?
I would also like to add a table of associated items on the show view which doesn't need to be customized is there any way to include the default tale that would normally be on the index view with default actions and paging?
After digging in the source code of Active Admin, I've found a way to patch this
show do
panel "Your Added Stuff" do
# Add stuff here
Of course this is undocumented and maybe considered a hack, but unless any other solution exists, it works.
Note: To do this in the form action (new and edit):
form do |f|
# Other inputs here
Instead of using default_main_content, you could also just loop through the columns on the model like so:
ActiveAdmin.register Ad do
show do
attributes_table do
default_attribute_table_rows.each do |field|
row field
# Custom bits here
A couple areas of the documentation might help you:
See Customize the Show Page, Customizing the Index Page, Customizing the Form, and Custom Pages. An example of customizing a show screen:
ActiveAdmin.register Ad do
show do |ad|
h3 ad.title
See Custom Action Items in the Custom Controller Actions section of the documentation. An example:
action_item :only => :show, :if => proc{ current_admin_user.super_admin? } do
"Only display this to super admins on the show screen"
NB default_main_content does not exist in the documentation anymore, yet it works fine.
Just figured that out myself:
For the default table index page you can do something like this
index do
h1 "Hello World"
p "get more content"

How to go 'back' 2 levels?

From the list view of my app, I can view a list of records or drill down and edit/update a record. After updating, I want to go directly back to the list view, bypassing a couple of intermediate pages - but I don't simply want to link_to(:action => list) - there's pagination involved. I want to go back to the exact 'list' page I came from. What's the best way? Pass a hidden arg somewhere with the page number? Is there an elegant way to accomplish this?
I'm just going to throw this one out there with the disclaimer that there may be security considerations or existing gems.
On your edit action, you could store the previous page in a session. Then in your update action, redirect to it.
class MyController < ApplicationController
def edit
session[:prev_url] = request.referer
def update
redirect_to session[:prev_url]
As an alternative to use the session, you could carry the referer through the actions using a hidden form field.
class MyController < ApplicationController
def edit
#prev_url = request.referer
def update
redirect_to params[:prev_url]
Form using hidden_field:
f.hidden_field :prev_url, :value => #prev_url
If you do not want to carry along the whole referer url you could also do the same with the page parameter instead and append the parameter to the url in the update action. I would also expect Rails' url helpers to accept parameters.
