I get JSON from API and most of the keys are decoded out of the box.
Example API response:
{ "href":"http:\/\/audiomachine.com\/",
"extended":"Music for videos",
"tags":"creative video music"
{ "href": "https:\/\/www.root.cz\/clanky\/nekricte-na-disky-zvuk-i-ultrazvuk-je-muze-poskodit-nebo-zmast-cidla\/",
"description":"Nek\u0159i\u010dte na disky: zvuk i\u00a0ultrazvuk je m\u016f\u017ee po\u0161kodit nebo zm\u00e1st \u010didla - Root.cz",
"extended":"Added by Chrome Pinboard Extension",
"tags":"root.cz ril hardware webdev"
{ "href": "https:\/\/www.premiumbeat.com\/blog\/10-apple-motion-tutorials-every-motion-designer-watch\/",
"description":"10 Apple Motion Tutorials Every Motion Designer Should Watch",
"extended":"For people used to working with FCPX, sometimes learning Apple Motion can be much easier than learning After Effects. While the two programs are different, there\u2019s certainly a lot of overlap in terms of functionality and creative potential. The following ten Apple Motion tutorials are great examples of just that.\r\n\r\nWhether you are someone new to Apple Motion or a seasoned veteran looking to up your skills, here are ten must watch Apple Motion tutorials.",
"tags":"apple apple_motion video creative effects"
I store the each item in following struct.
struct Link: Codable {
let href: URL
let description: String
var tags: String
which is then decoded with something like
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with:url!, completionHandler: {(data, response, error) in
guard let data = data, error == nil else { return }
do {
let decoder = JSONDecoder()
let decodedData = try decoder.decode([Link].self, from: data)
From API data I use href, description and tags. Tags is a bit troublemaker, because I want to use it in code as an Array of Strings, but in the JSON it is retrieved as a String containing all the tags separated by space. As this is my first project, I use to learn iOS development, I have almost no idea how to solve this.
I was able to get close by googling computed properties, so it could be something like
struct Link: Codable {
let href: URL
let description: String
var tags: String {
return tagsFromServer.components(separatedBy: " ")
, but I have two problems with this solution.
I have strong feeling, this closure would be called every time the code access .tags. I would rather do it once upon the JSON retrieval and after that just read product of that.
I have absolutely no idea how to pass "the original tags I've got from server" / tagsFromServer to the closure.
I would be grateful for filling up my gaps in terminology or a nice video tutorial on this topic, also.
I recommend to write a custom initializer, decode tags as String and split it:
struct Link: Decodable {
let href: URL
let description: String
let tags: [String]
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case href, description, tags }
init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {
let container = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
href = try container(URL.self, forKey: .href)
description = try container(String, forKey: .description)
let tagsFromServer = try container(String.self, forKey: .tags)
tags = tagsFromServer.components(separatedBy: " ")
Alternatively you can use the computed property but then you have to add the CodingKeys
struct Link: Decodable {
let href: URL
let description: String
let tagsFromServer : String
private enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey { case href, description, tagsFromServer = "tags" }
var tags: [String] {
return tagsFromServer.components(separatedBy: " ")
I am looking to populate my model with the "payload" section from my endpoint. I have created a model of DataResponse which has a record property of Payload. I would like to get only the data from the payload section of the API endpoint. My network call is incorrect and I must be structuring my models wrong, but I am not sure what needs to be fixed. I am not sure if it makes a difference but my endpoint was displaying as an XML and I converted it to JSON below.
struct DataResponse: Decodable {
let record: Payload
struct Payload: Decodable {
let SoldToday: Int
let url = URL(string: "https:------")!
URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: url) {data, response, error in
guard error == nil,
let data = data else {
let dataResponse = try? JSONDecoder().decode(DataResponse.self, from: data)
if let dataResponse = dataResponse {
These are the contents of my url endpoint:
"action": "API_DoQuery",
"errcode": "0",
"errtext": "No error",
"dbinfo": {
"name": "Daily",
"desc": []
"variables": {
"__iol": "&rand='+new Date().getTime())};\">",
"__script": "&rand='+new Date().getTime());void(0);",
"iol": "<img qbu='module' src='/i/clear2x2.gif' onload=\"javascript:if(typeof QBU=='undefined'){QBU={};$.getScript(gReqAppDBID+'?a=dbpage&pagename=",
"script": "javascript:$.getScript(gReqAppDBID+'?a=dbpage&pagename="
"chdbids": [],
"record": {
"payload": "{ \"RecordID\": 04-22-2022, \"SoldToday\": 18, \"ContractToday\": 869327, \"KWToday\": 160960 }",
"update_id": "1647544685640"
you need to fix 2 things to be able to decode your json data:
You need the models that match your json data. Such as:
struct DataResponse: Decodable {
let record: Record
struct Record: Decodable {
let payload: Payload
struct Payload: Decodable {
let SoldToday: Int
And you need to make sure your data is valid json. Currently variables is not valid, similarly for payload in record,
(it is enclosed in quotes). Once these are fixed, I was able to decode the data successfully in my tests.
Note that if your endpoint is giving you XML, then it is probably better to convert XML to your models directly, without having to convert to json. There are a number of XML parser libraries on github.
I am currently writing an Alamofire HTTP request and am running into an issue where my view is not loading - likely because there is no data. The confusing part is that this was working yesterday. In the request I was able to do print(data) and the result was 506 bytes which, if my calculation is correct, is about the correct size given the JSON payload returned from the endpoint below.
#State var recipes = [Recipe]()
AF.request("http://localhost:3000/recipes").responseJSON { response in
guard let data = response.data else { return }
if let response = try? JSONDecoder().decode([Recipe].self, from: data) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.recipes = response
I can confirm that the endpoint that is being hit returns the following data...
"description":"This is a good drink. You should make it.",
"bottle":"High West Son Of Bourye",
"bottle":"Cocchi Vermouth Di Torino",
"bottle":"Simple Syrup",
I also have my Recipe and Ingredient model here which should be able to decode based on the above JSON.
struct Recipe: Decodable, Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var image: String
var spirit: String
var ice: String
var glass: String
var yield: String
var description: String
var ingredients: [Ingredient]
struct Ingredient: Decodable, Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var bottle: String
var amount: String
Is anybody able to spot an issue? I was trying to put a debugging print in the DispatchQueue but it is not printing which, to me, sounds like an error. However I am new to Swift/XCode/iOS and am not sure the best debugging practices for this.
If you can't debug yourself, NEVER USE try?. With more experience, I'd say that we tend to not use try?, but sometimes we do. But when we write try?, we are able to find an possible issue, ie debug if needed.
Let's do a proper try then, with a do/catch:
do {
let response = try JSONDecoder().decode([Recipe].self, from: data
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.recipes = response
} catch {
print("Oops, there was en error while decoding: \(error)") // and not error.localizedDescription as it's more for users than developpers, so you'll skip all the useful informations
And read the output.
Going further?
Don't believe what's the API is supposed to return.
I've seen plenty and plenty of questions where the returned values was an error message, a XML Error message, a JSON Error message, an HTML Error message, and a JSON value missing, or of bad type, etc. And that, your JSONDecoder wasn't expecting it...
Reasons could be various, from bad/missing parameters, bad/missing APIKey, server down, bad/missing header, etc.
But, then, print the returned value.
print(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "No data found")
So print it directly when you get it, or at least in the catch:
} catch {
print("Oops, there was en error while decoding: \(error)") // and not error.localizedDescription as it's more for users than developpers, so you'll skip all the useful informations
print("While getting response stringified: \(String(data: data, encoding: .utf8) ?? "No data found")")
If you don't understand the error message output, it's okay, there is no shame about it. But your first job is to get that error message. You can share it on SO if you don't understand it, you might get help with that. But currently, we can't guess what's wrong with your code.
It's a good idea to drop some clues in your code when looking for a failure.
If it were me I'd do something like this:
AF.request("http://localhost:3000/recipes").responseJSON { response in
guard let data = response.data else {
print("Error trying to receive data in ", #file, #function)
do {
let response = try JSONDecoder().decode([Recipe].self, from: data) {
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.recipes = response
} catch {
print("Error failed to decode json data with error: \(error) in \(#file)", #function)
I've been using Stripe iOS SDK for a while now and everything is clear regarding the implementation. Since our app is going to support App Clips on iOS 14, we are reducing the binary size and therefore decided to remove Stripe iOS SDK as well.
So my question here is if I can somehow send payment requests via the API and omitting the Stripe SDK altogether?
p.s.: It looks like I need to implement the /tokens endpoint passing the card data. Is there any example of the request to be made?
I've managed to solve this situation and here is the solution if anyone is interested. Here are the steps to make this happen:
Prepare a request model
import Foundation
import PassKit
struct StripeTokenRequest: Encodable {
let pkToken: String
let card: Card
let pkTokenInstrumentName: String?
let pkTokenPaymentNetwork: String?
let pkTokenTransactionId: String?
init?(payment: PKPayment) {
guard let paymentString = String(data: payment.token.paymentData, encoding: .utf8) else { return nil }
pkToken = paymentString
card = .init(contact: payment.billingContact)
pkTokenInstrumentName = payment.token.paymentMethod.displayName
pkTokenPaymentNetwork = payment.token.paymentMethod.network.map { $0.rawValue }
pkTokenTransactionId = payment.token.transactionIdentifier
extension StripeTokenRequest {
struct Card: Encodable {
let name: String?
let addressLine1: String?
let addressCity: String?
let addressState: String?
let addressZip: String?
let addressCountry: String?
init(contact: PKContact?) {
name = contact?.name.map { PersonNameComponentsFormatter.localizedString(from: $0, style: .default, options: []) }
addressLine1 = contact?.postalAddress?.street
addressCity = contact?.postalAddress?.city
addressState = contact?.postalAddress?.state
addressZip = contact?.postalAddress?.postalCode
addressCountry = contact?.postalAddress?.isoCountryCode.uppercased()
Use JSONEncoder and set keyEncodingStrategy to .convertToSnakeCase.
Create a POST request against https://api.stripe.com/v1/tokens endpoint where you need to url encode parameters. If you are using Alamofire, you need to set encoding to URLEncoding.default.
Parse response. I use JSONDecoder with the following model:
import Foundation
struct StripeTokenResponse: Decodable {
let id: String
Create a payment
StripeTokenResponse.id is the thing you need to pass to the backend where the payment will be processed. This is the same step as you'll do when using the SDK.
You can check Strip checkout, it allows you to present a payment page in web format without any Stripe SDK on the client side.
I want to know how can I force all the properties from this struct to be able to send a POST request to our API?
First of all. I need all those optional properties because I make a GET request, I receive all those documents, I process the data, I add the file property (which is an object) then I need to send all those documents back to our server with a file added.
We have our Document
struct Document: Codable {
let allowedFormats: [String]?
let processWhereApply: [String]?
let isRequired: Bool?
let id, key, title, description: String?
var file: File?
// More properties
But it fails every time, because I'm not sending a string for example. I'm sending an Optional<String>
Is there anyway possible I can "force" all those properties to send them back? without like writting 25 lines of guard let var = var else { return } ?
I'm sending the POST request with the parameters like this
let params = [
"userId": userId,
"groupId": groupId,
"fileDocuments": documents! //sends all properties optional
] as [String: Any]
Api().saveDocuments(params: params)
I'm assuming that you are sending the data back as Json. In that case just use the Json encode method to convert the struct to Json which can be sent as a POST request. Json encode will deal with the null value issue by setting a corresponding value to the key in your json if the value exists and not creating the key if it doesn't exist.
For example just to get the json:
let doc1 = Document(!here you will be initialising variables!)
// below gives you json as data
let json = try! JSONEncoder().encode(doc1)
// if you want your json as string
let str = String(decoding: json, as: UTF8.self)
Here is an example making an alamofire POST request. In the case of alamofire it automatically encodes your struct as long as it conforms to Codable:
let doc1 = Document(!here you will be initialising variables!)
AF.request("https://yoururl.com",method: .post,parameters: doc1, encoder: JSONParameterEncoder.default).responseJSON { response in
switch response.result {
case .success(let json):
print("good response")
case .failure(let error):
print("bad response"
So I've been working with a nested JSON file (that I added locally to my project) in Swift. I've included a part of the JSON file I'm working on below. The data is structured as follows:
"categories": [
"categoryName": "Albatrosses",
"exercisesInCategory": [
"Wandering albatross",
"Grey-headed albatross",
"Black-browed albatross",
"Sooty albatross",
"Light-mantled albatross"
"categoryName": "Cormorants",
"exercisesInCategory": [
"Antarctic shag",
"Imperial shag",
"Crozet shag"
"categoryName": "Diving petrels",
"exercisesInCategory": [
"South Georgia diving petrel",
"Common diving petrel"
"categoryName": "Ducks, geese and swans",
"exercisesInCategory": [
"Yellow-billed pintail"
In order to retrieve the data I made 2 structures that represent the data in the JSON so I can then retrieve values from it. These are as follows:
struct Response:Codable{
let categories: [Categories]
struct Categories:Codable{
let categoryName : String?
let exercisesInCategory : [String]
The file name is fitnessData.json and I'm trying to retrieve the data from it by using this code:
private func parse(){
print("Retrieving JSON Data...")
if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "fitnessData", withExtension: "json") {
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
self.response = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
if let responseJSON = self.response {
print("The categories are: ", responseJSON.categories[1].categoryName!)
} catch {
The problem is that I would like to retrieve ALL the 'categoryName' values from the JSON file, and ALL the 'exercisesInCategory' values. But so far I've only managed to navigate towards a specific item in the JSON file and retrieving that item i.e.
I would like to iterate over the JSON file to get all of the 'categoryName' values for example. However in order to do that I'd have to write something like this:
for value in responseJSON.categories[1].categoryName! {
Where '1' represents all the values for the categories struct. The code above will obviously print only the categoryName of the second index in the categories array in the JSON file. Could someone point me in the right direction?
You can do that like:
for category in responseJSON.categories {
Or you can use map function for getting all the categoryName like:
let categoryNames = responseJSON.categories.map {$0.categoryName}
Simply like this.
response.categories.forEach { print($0.categoryName) }
If you would like to put both values in different arrays:
var categoryNameList = [String]
var excercisesInCategory = [[String]]
for category in responseJSON.categories {
excercisesInCategory.append(category. exercisesInCategory)
let categories = responseJSON.categories.map { $0.categoryName }
categories.forEach { print($0) }
If you iterate through the String, each item is single character of string.
You can iterate through categories array
for category in responseJSON.categories {
print(category.categoryName ?? "No name")
To get all names, you can use compactMap which removes nil values from an array
let names = responseJSON.categories.compactMap { $0.categoryName }
If each category has its name, make type of this property non-optional String (then you can use map instead of compactMap)
I would improve your naming. Rename categoryName key of json to name using CodingKeys enum. Then you could do
If you wanted to get all the categoryName and exercisesInCategory form JSON file, then you don't need to pass hard coded index. Use the following modified function, it will do the work..
private func parse(){
print("Retrieving JSON Data...")
if let url = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "fitnessData", withExtension: "json") {
do {
let data = try Data(contentsOf: url)
let response = try JSONDecoder().decode(Response.self, from: data)
for category in response.categories {
print("Category Name: \(category.categoryName!)")
for exercises in category.exercisesInCategory {
print("Exercise in category: \(exercises)")
} catch {