Checkout a file to previous commit using libgit2sharp - libgit2sharp

i have committed a file. now i want to revert the file to one of the previous commit as we do $git checkout sha filepath. i want to realize this command with libgit2sharp.
Can any body tell me the example code.

public void RevertToSpecificVersion()
using (var repo = new Repository(#"C:\Users\insiv1\source\GitRevert"))
foreach (LogEntry entry in repo.Commits.QueryBy("ArchitectureDocs.txt").ToList())
if (entry.Commit.Id.ToString().Equals("25c20851cfef37492fd008b969408dc730ae7b6b"))
Commands.Checkout(repo, entry.Commit);


Fetch all git tags using LibGit2Sharp fails

I am trying to fetch all tags of a repository hosted on a private git server and I m getting the following error:
Value cannot be null. (Parameter 'refspecs')
The code is the following:
using (var repo = new Repository(path))
foreach (var tag in repo.Tags)
repo.Network.Fetch(sourceRepository.Url, null, new FetchOptions { TagFetchMode = TagFetchMode.All });
How do I get the refspecs so that I can pass them to the Fetch method?

How can I get the last commit for a folder using LibGit2Sharp?

I've got a large number of projects all in a single repository. I want to determine the volatility of all of these projects, i.e., when there was last a commit that affected each project. I've got a list of all of the project paths, and I'm trying to find the last commit for each one. My code looks like this:
public CommitInfo GetLastCommit(string path)
// resolve any \..\ and pathing weirdness
path = Path.GetDirectoryName(Path.GetFullPath(path));
var relativePath = path.Substring(BaseRepoPath.Length + 1).Replace("\\", "/");
if (!CommitCache.TryGetValue(relativePath, out CommitInfo result))
var options = new RepositoryOptions()
WorkingDirectoryPath = BaseRepoPath
using (var repo = new Repository(BaseRepoPath, options))
var filter = new CommitFilter()
IncludeReachableFrom = BranchName
var commit = repo.Commits.QueryBy(relativePath, filter).First().Commit;
result = new CommitInfo
When = commit.Author.When.DateTime,
Who = commit.Author.Name,
Message = commit.Message,
Files = commit.Tree.Select(x => x.Name).ToList()
CommitCache.Add(relativePath, result);
return result;
This works, but the line where the commit is actually retrieved:
var commit = repo.Commits.QueryBy(relativePath, filter).First().Commit;
Can take up to eight minutes to complete. As far as I can tell, there's nothing especially complex about those folders...a sample of them reveals maybe twenty commits. I suspect I'm doing something wrong like loading the entire repo graph when I need something more specific, but I haven't been able to figure out a better way.
Your requirement is producing following git command through lib2gitsharp package.
$ git log -1 -C "relativePath"
You can limit the size of commits with the help of Take(numberOfCommits) extension in lib2gitsharp. Please have a try with putting Take(1) before your First() like following;
var commit = repo.Commits.QueryBy(relativePath, filter).Take(1).First().Commit;
Hope this helps.

Retrieve firstparentonly on master using libgit2sharp

I want to retrieve commits from master first parent only using libgit2sharp, the equivalent command line statement is
git log --first-parent master --oneline
I know of the CommitFilter that I can use with QueryBy, like this
repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter() { FirstParentOnly = true })
I'm getting commits on the branch that I'm currently on if I'm not on master. Can I limit the commit results to master, even when I'm on a different branch ?
I believe you are looking for the IncludeReachableFrom in the CommitFilter.
You might want to also use ExcludeReachableFrom at the same time to remove the commits from the branch that you are currently on...
using (var repo = new Repository("/Users/sushi/code/redux/playscript"))
var commitLog = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter() { FirstParentOnly = true, IncludeReachableFrom = "master" });
foreach (var commit in commitLog)

History log in sub directory

I'm trying to figure out how to get the commit log for a sub directory. According to this thread, it should work fine in libgit2sharp.
For testing I'm using a small repo, that has 8 total entries for the whole repository.
I cloned it locally in root c:/nugetpackages, from that folder I can do.
git log -- devbox
on the command line and I will get two commit entries for the /devbox sub directory as expected.
Sample Xunit test code to do the same using libgit2sharp
public void testSub()
// Extract the git commit history
using (var repo = new Repository(#"C:\nugetpackages"))
Trace.WriteLine("repo count=" + repo.Commits.Count());
// absolute path
IEnumerable<LogEntry> history = repo.Commits.QueryBy(#"C:\nugetpackages\devbox");
Trace.WriteLine("subdir count=" + history.Count());
I'm expecting count of 8 and 2, but this is what I get.
repo count=8
subdir count=0
What am I missing ?
Use a relative path from the repository's base diretory:
using (var repo = new Repository(#"/Users/sushi/code/sushi/Xamarin.Forms.Renderer.Tests"))
D.WriteLine("repo count=" + repo.Commits.Count());
IEnumerable<LogEntry> history = repo.Commits.QueryBy(#"AlarmSO");
D.WriteLine("subdir count=" + history.Count());
ref: FileHistoryFixture.cs
Follow up, is there a way to combine subdir with a filter, for example. CommitFilter filter = new CommitFilter(); filter.FirstParentOnly = true;
Not sure if this is what you are looking for... if not please in a new question, thanks.
using (var repo = new Repository(#"/Users/sushi/code/sushi/RealmJson"))
var subDir = "media";
var commits = repo.Commits.QueryBy(new CommitFilter { FirstParentOnly = true }).Where(
(Commit c) => c.Tree.Any(
(TreeEntry te) => te.Path.StartsWith(subDir, StringComparison.Ordinal)));
foreach (var commit in commits)
D.WriteLine($"{commit.Sha} : {commit.MessageShort}");

How to easily get all Refs for a given Commit?

Is there an easy way to find all References (e.g. Tags) for a given Commit?
For example:
using( Repository repo = new Repository( path_to_repo ) )
foreach( Commit commit in repo.Commits )
List<Reference> assignedRefs = commit.Refs; // <- how to do this?
The code below retrieves all the references that can reach the selected commit.
using( Repository repo = new Repository( path_to_repo ) )
foreach( Commit commit in repo.Commits )
IEnumerable<Reference> refs =
repo.Refs.ReachableFrom(new[] { commit });
If you want to only retrieve Tags, the method exposes an overload to help you with this.
using( Repository repo = new Repository( path_to_repo ) )
var allTags = repo.Refs.Where(r => r.IsTag()).ToList();
foreach( Commit commit in repo.Commits )
IEnumerable<Reference> refs =
repo.Refs.ReachableFrom(allTags, new[] { commit });
Note: This code will retrieve all refs that either directly point to the chosen commit or point to an ancestor of this commit. In this sense, it behaves similarly to the git rev-list command.
As #user1130329 pointed out, going through all refs multiple times can be very expensive. Just as an alternative, this is what I have done here for a similar case:
logs = _repo.Commits
.Select(c => new LogEntry
Id = c.Id.Sha,
// other fields
var logsDictionary = logs.ToDictionary(d => d.Id);
.Where(r => r.IsTag || r.IsLocalBranch)
.ForEach(r =>
if (r.IsTag) logsDictionary.GetValueOrDefault(r.TargetIdentifier)?.Tags.Add(r.CanonicalName);
if (r.IsLocalBranch) logsDictionary.GetValueOrDefault(r.TargetIdentifier)?.Heads.Add(r.CanonicalName);
