How to manually show/stop keyboard in UITextView textViewDidBeginEditing - ios

In textViewDidBeginEditing I'm doing some check to show Alert. My problem is that both Keyboard and Alert show up same time. I don't want keyboard to show when alert is shown. Is it possible to stop keyboard showing up inside textViewDidBeginEditing when I've to show Alert and once alert is dismissed revert it back to normal?
If not how do we achieve it via any other workaround?

Set the UITextView's isEditable property to false.
Detect for taps on the UITextView (that's what a user will do if he wants to start editing) possibly using a UITapGestureRecognizer and check if the tap coordinates lie within the frame of the UITextView.
At this time, the keyboard will not show. You can make the check you need, and based upon whether the check passes or fails, you can make the keyboard show (set UITextView's isEditbale to true and make it the firstResponder).
Once the user has finished editing, reset the state if you want to repeat the similar action.

Call view.endEditing(true) function in textViewDidBeginEditing and keyboard didn't show. I think it's will work.


iOS Custom keyboard can't return focus to app's textfield

I'm working on a custom keyboard for iOS which will have its own search field (similarly implemented by PopKey).
My keyboard's textfield is able to take the focus with becomeFirstResponder and I'm able to give it up by using resignFirstResponder. However after I resign focus, the host app has a difficult time retaking focus despite touching the form. The app's textfield will still show the text cursor blinking.
Any ideas? Thanks
The solution is a hack, as of right now you can't really give the host app its focus back.
Subclass a UITextField and on its delegate implement
textFieldShouldBeginEditing by returning NO.
Add a BOOL property isSelected that gets set to YES in touchesBegan (not to be confused with the default selected property)
In your keyboard's keyPressed method, if searchField.isSelected, manipulate the searchField.text. Else, manipulate textDocumentProxy like normal.
Add a clear button and method that wipes searchField.text and searchField.isSelected, allowing any further keystrokes to return to the textDocumentProxy
Add an animation that replicates the blinking type cursor

Keep keyboard always on top & visible

I have view with a text field, an image and a few buttons.
I want to make sure the keyboard is displayed and is on top when the view is displayed
I want to make sure it doesn't go away after I type something in to the text field and submit it.
I called [txtField becomeFirstResponder] with viewdidload and the keyboard is appearing by default but with a tiny delay after the view is displayed.
Also the becomefirstresponder doesn't help after I have my text field submitted.
Thanks in advance for your help!
Also the becomefirstresponder doesn't help after I have my text field submitted.
That part makes no sense. By default, a text field does not dismiss the keyboard unless you dismiss it with endEditing: or resignFirstResponder. If the keyboard is going away, you must be making it go away. So don't and it won't.
EDIT: And indeed, your comment later reveals the answer: you've hooked up the didEndOnExit control event from the text field. Well, that causes the keyboard to be dismissed when the user presses the Done button! So you are effectively hitting yourself in the face and then complaining that someone is hitting you in the face.
So the solution, obviously, is don't hook up the didEndOnExit control event (to anything). Instead, just give the text field a delegate and use the delegate messages to learn what the user is doing. None of those have any automatic behavior with regard to the keyboard, so the keyboard won't be dismissed automatically. For example, to learn when the user is typing, use textField:shouldChangeCharactersInRange:replacementString:. To learn when the user has hit the Done button, use textFieldShouldReturn:. And so on.

iOS keyboard flickers when switching view controllers

I have a registration form and I want to have the keyboard always on top.
The way I'm doing it now, is that when the user moves between view controllers, in viewDidLoad, the first UITextField becomes the first responder.
The problem is that the keyboard flickers (disappears and then appears again) when the user moves between view controllers.
Also, related to this: I have a form with a few uitextfields. When the user presses next it goes to the next uitextfield using becomefirstresponder. When the user is in the last textfield, the keyboard button becomes "Done". Then, when the user presses it, if there's an error with the last field, it should get the focus (calls becomeFirstResponder) but that doesn't happen (nothing get's the focus and the keyboard goes down). All the other fields get the focus fine, just this last field doesn't. I've tried about everything: switching to other textfields and back. The problem is that done automatically removes the keyboard.
You should have made two separate questions for this.
First, your flickering:
I'm guessing you're using a UINavigationController. You can add an invisible UITextField somewhere in the UINavigationController, which you give focus before you switch to a new ViewController. Then, when the new ViewController has appeared (viewDidAppear), set the focus to the first textField as you want.
However, the entire approach is kind of hackey and I don't recommend you use it. Instead, try using several views in a scrollView, of which you change the offset when you move to the new view. This will also solve the flickering.
Second, losing firstResponder status on Done:
The done button is specifically there to indicate exactly that which it says; Done. Pressing this assumes the user is finished and that no text is left to type, thus dismissing the keyboard.
If you really want to keep the Done button, then try the following;
Allow the user to dismiss the keyboard.
Upon dismissal, check for the error in the last field.
If there is an error, instead of calling [lastField becomeFirstResponder], try [self performSelector:#selector(thisSelectorWillCallFirstResponder) withObject:nil afterDelay:1.0].
In the method thisSelectorWillCallFirstResponder call [lastField becomeFirstResponder].
This will give time for the keyboard to disappear, before making it pop up again, so it doesn't interfere with the becomeFirstResponder call.
Another method would be to not use a Done button, but instead use the return key. You can intercept return anytime with the delegate method textFieldShouldReturn:. There you can handle any error checking, without causing the textField to lose its focus.

Setting UITextView's editable to NO always resigns FirstResponder. Can be avoided?

My app basically lets you send a piece of text. When the user taps send, I would like to disable the text view which contains the text so the user can't edit it anymore as the text is being sent. It seems though that setting either enableUserInteraction or editable to NO always resigns the first responder (basically the keyboard is dismissed) which is a behavior I don't want. I want to keep the keyboard displayed. Is there anyway around this? Thanks in advance.
While I don't really understand why you think it's a good idea to keep the keyboard on screen if there's nothing to edit, you can achieve this by having a hidden UITextField and making that first responder.
If the UITextView's delegate method textView:shouldChangeTextInRange:replacementText: returns NO, its contents will not be changed.

Programmatically show the keyboard on iPhone app

I have a view with only one UITextView that is used to enter a value. I want that when the view shows, the textview becomes the first responder (that's the easy part) and also the default keyboard shows up. I tried searching for this in speca but to no avail. There are many posts on how to dismiss the keyboard, but what I want is to show the keyboard w/o waiting for user to touch my textview.
Just setting the text field to firstResponder should do the trick.
Inside your -viewDidLoad:
[myTextField becomeFirstResponder];
