In a Rails (5.2) app with PG (10) as the database, I need to perform a raw SQL query.
In the query, I need to add aWHERE clause that checks the is among project.qp_ids which are stored as an array of strings.
t.text :qp_ids, array: true, default: []
I have tried several solutions, among which the following
" ... WHERE = ANY #{project.qp_ids}"
" ... WHERE = ANY #{project.qp_ids.join(', ')}"
" ... WHERE = ANY ARRAY(#{project.qp_ids.join(', '))}"
" ... WHERE = IN (#{project.qp_ids.join(', ')})"
But all produce a PG::SyntaxError.
What is the right way to interpolate a PG array?
The code below works but is very ugly,
" ... WHERE = IN (#{ {|id| "'#{id}'"}.join(',')})"
Wouldn't using IN be simpler?
" ... WHERE IN (#{project.qp_ids.join(',')})"
To deal with string quoting, you can use ActiveRecord's sanitization directly
your_model_instance.sanitize_sql_array(["project.qp_ids IN (?)", project.qp_ids])
=> "project.qp_ids IN ('foo','bar')"
to generate the condition which you may use in your WHERE clause.
I have an object with a bunch of attributes that represent searchable model attributes, and I would like to dynamically create an sql query using only the attributes that are set. I created the method below, but I believe it is susceptible to sql injection attacks. I did some research and read over the rails active record query interface guide, but it seems like the where condition always needs a statically defined string as the first parameter. I also tried to find a way to sanitize the sql string produced by my method, but it doesn't seem like there is a good way to do that either.
How can I do this better? Should I use a where condition or just somehow sanitize this sql string? Thanks.
def query_string
to_return = ""
self.instance_values.symbolize_keys.each do |attr_name, attr_value|
if defined?(attr_value) and !attr_value.blank?
to_return << "#{attr_name} LIKE '%#{attr_value}%' and "
to_return.chomp(" and ")
Your approach is a little off as you're trying to solve the wrong problem. You're trying to build a string to hand to ActiveRecord so that it can build a query when you should simply be trying to build a query.
When you say something like:
Model.where('a and b')
that's the same as saying:
and you can say:
Model.where('c like ?', pattern)
instead of:
Model.where("c like '#{pattern}'")
Combining those two ideas with your self.instance_values you could get something like:
def query { |_, v| v.present? }.inject(YourModel) do |q, (name, value)|
q.where("#{name} like ?", "%#{value}%")
or even:
def query
empties = ->(_, v) { v.blank? }
add_to_query = ->(q, (n, v)) { q.where("#{n} like ?", "%#{v}%") }
.inject(YourModel, &add_to_query)
Those assume that you've properly whitelisted all your instance variables. If you haven't then you should.
I have a following string :
a = "001;Barbara;122"
I split in into array of strings:
names = a.split(";")
names = ["001", "Barbara", "122"]
What should I do to have each element wrapped additionally in '' quotes?
The result should be
names = ["'001'", "'Barbara'", "'122'"]
I know it sounds strange but I need it for database query in ruby on rails. For some reason I cannot access database record if my name is in "" quotes. I do have mk1==0006 in the database but rails does not want to access it somehow. However, it does access 1222.
sql = "SELECT mk1, mk2, pk1, pk2, pk3, value_string, value_number FROM infos WHERE mk1 in (0006) AND value_string ='männlich';"
recs = ClinicdbInfo.find_by_sql(sql)
=> []
sql = "SELECT mk1, mk2, pk1, pk2, pk3, value_string, value_number FROM infos WHERE mk1 in (1222) AND value_string ='männlich';"
recs = ClinicdbInfo.find_by_sql(sql)
=> [#<Info mk1: "1222", mk2: "", pk1: "Information allgemein", pk2: "Geschlecht", pk3: "Wert", value_string: "männlich", value_number: nil>]
So, I just need to wrap every element of names into additional ''-quotes.{ |e| "'" + e + "'" }
=> ["'001'", "'Barbara'", "'122'"]
or{ |e| "'#{e}'" }
=> ["'001'", "'Barbara'", "'122'"]
You should not concatenate parameters to sql string manually; you should instead pass parameters into find_by_sql method. Example:
sql = "SELECT mk1, mk2, pk1, pk2, pk3, value_string, value_number FROM infos WHERE mk1 in (?) AND value_string = ?"
recs = ClinicdbInfo.find_by_sql [sql, 1222, "männlich"]
This way the necessary type conversions and escaping to prevent against sql injection will be handled by Rails.
I agree with #jesenko that you should not construct your SQL queries and let AR do the type conversion and escape input against SQL injection attacts. However, there are other use cases when you'd want this. For example, when you want to insert an array of strings into your js. I prefer using the following syntax for those rare cases: &:inspect # => ["\"001\"", "\"Barbara\"", "\"122\""]
If you are print this in your views, you should mark it as html safe:
I am trying to make a query to search for values in my hstore column properties. I am filtering issues by user input by attribute. It is possible to search Issues where email is X, or Issues where email is X and the sender is "someone". Soon I need to change to search using LIKE for similar results. So if you know how to do it with LIKE also, show both options please.
If I do this:
Issue.where("properties #> ('email =>') AND properties #> ('email =>')")
it returns a issue.
If I do this:
Issue.where("properties #> ('email =>') AND properties #> ('sender => someone')")
Here I got an error, telling me:
ERROR: Syntax error near 'd' at position 11
I change the "#>" to "->" and now this error is displayed:
PG::DatatypeMismatch: ERROR: argument of AND must be type boolean, not type text
I need to know how to query the properties with more than one key/value pair, with "OR" or "AND", doesn't matter.
I wish to get one or more results that include those values I am looking for.
I end up doing like this. Using the array option of the method where. Also using the suggestion from #anusha in the comments. IDK why the downvote though, I couldn't find anything on how to do something simple like this. I had doubt in formatting my query and mostly with hstore. So I hope it helps someone in the future as sure it did for me now.
if params[:filter].present?
filters = params[:filter]
conditions = ["properties -> "]
query_values = []
filter_query = ""
filters.each do |k, v|
if filters[k].present?
filter_query += "'#{k}' LIKE ?"
filter_query += " OR "
query_values << "%#{v}%"
filter_query = filter_query[0...-(" OR ".size)] # remove the last ' OR '
conditions[0] += filter_query
conditions = conditions + query_values
#issues = #issues.where(conditions)
I'm struggling on what seems to be a ruby semantics issue. I'm writing a method that takes a variable number of params from a form and creates a Postgresql query.
counter = 0
query = ""
params.each do |key,value|
if key =~ /^field[0-9]+$/
query << "name LIKE ? OR "
counter += 1
query = query[0..-4] #remove extra OR and spacing from last
params_list = []
(1..counter).each do |i|
field = ""
field << '"%#{params[:field'
field << i.to_s
field << ']}%", '
params_list << field
last_item = params_list[-1]
last_item = last_item[0..-3] #remove trailing comma and spacing
params_list[-1] = last_item
if params
joins(:ingredients).where(query, params_list)
Even though params_list is an array of values that match in number to the "name LIKE ?" parts in query, I'm getting an error: wrong number of bind variables (1 for 2) in: name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ? I tried with params_list as a string and that didn't work any better either.
I'm pretty new to ruby.
I had this working for 2 params with the following code, but want to allow the user to submit up to 5 ( :field1, :field2, :field3 ...)
if params
joins(:ingredients).where(['name LIKE ? OR name LIKE ?',
"%#{params[:field1]}%", "%#{params[:field2]}%"]).group(:id)
Could someone shed some light on how I should really be programming this?
PostgreSQL supports standard SQL arrays and the standard any op (...) syntax:
9.23.3. ANY/SOME (array)
expression operator ANY (array expression)
expression operator SOME (array expression)
The right-hand side is a parenthesized expression, which must yield an array value. The left-hand expression is evaluated and compared to each element of the array using the given operator, which must yield a Boolean result. The result of ANY is "true" if any true result is obtained. The result is "false" if no true result is found (including the case where the array has zero elements).
That means that you can build SQL like this:
where name ilike any (array['%Richard%', '%Feynman%'])
That's nice and succinct so how do we get Rails to build this? That's actually pretty easy:
Model.where('name ilike any (array[?])', { |s| "%#{s}%" })
No manual quoting needed, ActiveRecord will convert the array to a properly quoted/escaped list when it fills the ? placeholder in.
Now you just have to build the names array. Something simple like this should do:
fields = { |k| k.to_s =~ /\Afield\d+\z/ }
names = params.values_at(*fields).select(&:present)
You could also convert single 'a b' inputs into 'a', 'b' by tossing a split and flatten into the mix:
names = params.values_at(*fields)
You can achieve this easily:
terms = string.split(' ') # split the string on each space
conditions ={ |term| "name ILIKE #{sanitize("'%#{term}%'")}" }.join(' OR ')
return self.where(conditions)
This should be flexible: whatever the number of terms in your string, it should returns object matching at least 1 of the terms.
The condition is using "ILIKE", not "LIKE":
"ILIKE" is case-insensitive
"LIKE" is case-sensitive.
The purpose of the sanitize("'%#{term}%'") part is the following:
sanitize() will prevent from SQL injections, such as putting '; DROP TABLE users;' as the input to search.
Usage:'Michael Mich Mickey')
# can return
<User: Michael>
<User: Juan-Michael>
<User: Jean michel>
<User: MickeyMouse>
I know about prepared statements, but if I'm using raw SQL, does ActiveRecord have a way to manually escape values?
Something like this would be nice:
self.escape("O'Malley") # O\'Malley
You can do:
both with the same result: => "'O''Malley'"
A quick dive into the ActiveRecord source reveals its method "sanitize_sql_array" for sanitizing the [string, bind_variable[, bind_variable]] type of sql statement
You could call it directly:
sql = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, ["insert into foo (bar, baz) values (?, ?), (?, ?)", 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd'])
res = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.execute(sql)
You can easily use the mysql2 gem to do this:
irb(main):002:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require 'mysql2'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> Mysql2::Client.escape("O'Malley") # => "O\\'Malley"
=> "O\\'Malley"
Or if using the earlier mysql (not mysql2) gem:
irb(main):002:0> require 'rubygems'
=> true
irb(main):003:0> require 'mysql'
=> true
irb(main):004:0> Mysql.escape_string("O'Malley")
=> "O\\'Malley"
This will allow you to escape anything you want then insert to the db. You can also do this on most models in your rails application using the sanitize method. For instance say you have a model called Person. You could do.
That should do the trick.
If you don't want the extra single quotes wrapping your string that occur when you use the solution posted by #konus, you can do this:
This returns "O\'Malley" instead of "'O\'Malley'"
Even with Model.find_by_sql you can still use the form where question marks stand in as escaped values.
Simply pass an array where the first element is the query and succeeding elements are the values to be substituted in.
Example from the Rails API documentation:
Post.find_by_sql ["SELECT title FROM posts WHERE author = ? AND created > ?", author_id, start_date]
In case somebody is looking for a more concrete example of #jemminger's solution, here it is for bulk insert:
users_places = []
users_values = []
timestamp ='%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
params[:users].each do |user|
users_places "(?,?,?,?)"
users_values << user[:name] << user[:punch_line] << timestamp << timestamp
bulk_insert_users_sql_arr = ["INSERT INTO users (name, punch_line, created_at, updated_at) VALUES #{users_places.join(", ")}"] + users_values
sql = ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, bulk_insert_users_sql_arr)
"something went wrong with the bulk insert sql query"
Here is the reference to sanitize_sql_array method in ActiveRecord::Base, it generates the proper query string by escaping the single quotes in the strings. For example the punch_line "Don't let them get you down" will become "Don\'t let them get you down".