How to handle tile request errors from ol.source.WMTS - Openlayers 3 - openlayers-3

By using the obvious event handler::
layer.getSource().on('tileloaderror', function (ev) {
I get an output rather useless, since it doesn't seem to contain any information regarding HTTP Response body/headers etc.
Is there a way to access those kind of information after a failed tile request?
In my implementation, access token must be updated, thus response code is necessary.
If not possible after all, maybe there is a way to create a custom tile load request (maybe implement my own "tileloadfunction" or something).


How to wait for Angular2 to finish rendering

In case it matters, here's the reason I want to do this:
My application will have many elements in various places on the same page that each trigger individually tiny http requests for small (less than a kilobyte, sometimes only tens of bytes) pieces of data. To avoid excessive per-request overhead, I want to combine them all into one larger request. I've got the code for combining and handling the combined request and response done, but I'm not sure how to tell when the requests have stopped coming and it's time to send it.
The idea I'm using right now is to use new Future.value().whenComplete() (I'm coding in Dart) to simply wait for the event loop to run, but I don't know whether Angular2's rendering spans multiple iterations of the event loop or not. Is this enough to guarantee Angular2 has invoked every property binding on the page before my http request goes out, and if not how can I get such a guarantee?
I don't think there is a better way.
Instead of
new Future.value().whenComplete()
You can just use
new Future(() {
// delayed code here
or to delay a bit more
new Future.delayed(const Duration(milliseconds: 10), () {
// delayed code here

Multiple objects waiting for the same API response

I have an API code, which loads a data necessary for my application.
It's as simple as:
- (void) getDataForKey:(NSString*) key onSuccess:(id (^)())completionBlock
I cache data returned from server, so next calls of that functions should not do network request, until there is some data missing for given key, then I need to load it again from server side.
Everything was okey as long as I had one request per screen, but right now I have a case where I need to do that for every cell on one screen.
Problem is my caching doesn't work because before the response comes in from the first one, 5-6 more are created at the same time.
What could be a solution here to not create multiple network request and make other calls waiting for the first one ?
You can try to make a RequestManager class. Use dictionary to cache the requesting request.
If the next request is the same type as first one, don't make a new request but return the first one. If you choose this solution, you need to manager a completionBlock list then you will be able to send result to all requesters.
If the next request is the same type as first one, waiting in another thread until the first one done. Then make a new request, you API will read cache automatically. Your must make sure your codes are thread-safe.
Or you can use operation queues to do this. Some documents:
Apple: Operation Queues
Soheil Azarpour: How To Use NSOperations and NSOperationQueues
May be there will be so many time consuming solutions for this. I have a trick. Create a BOOL in AppDelegate, its default is FALSE. When you receive first response, then set it TRUE. So when you go to other screen and before making request just check value of your BOOL variable in if condition. If its TRUE means response received so go for it otherwise in else don't do anything.

How can I use results of POST call to API to do another POST call

In a project I am working on, I am calling an https API with a POST request which gives me results as a JSON. I am doing the call with AlamoFire, and parsing this with SwiftJSON.
All goes according to plans, and the JSON is received and can be parsed. But now I want to use the values from the received JSON, and immediately do another call to the same API with a different path and use those values as parameters in the call.
At the moment I am posting a NSNotification and when that NSNotification is received I do the POST call to the other path for the details of the data. This works, but not very consistently.
I think that sometimes the data gets in the wrong sequence and the parameters might not be correct. About 80% of the time it works as expected.
Is this the way to work? Or is this not correct to do it with NSNotification? Any insights on this might help!
If you're using this notification pattern correctly, it should work 100% of the time, not 80% of the time. Or, more accurately, if the network connection or server response fails for reasons outside of your control, you should handle it gracefully. If you need help on that problem, update your question with MCVE and we'll see if we can help you.
In terms of a more efficient way to handle this overall process, the typical pattern would be to initiate the second request from inside the response closure of the first request.
Alamofire.request(.POST, url1, parameters: parameters1).response { request, response, data, error in
// create url2 and/or parameters2
Alamofire.request(.POST, url2, parameters: parameters2).response { request, response, data, error in
// do something with second request
One would generally only use the notification pattern if there is no reliable relationship between the two processes (e.g. when the first request was initiated, it has no reasonable way of possibly knowing which (if any) secondary request(s) will need to react in response to the first request.

REST call may results in two different JSON objects. What design pattern should I use?

My web application makes a REST call. If the call is successful, it will return a 'weather' json object. If the call fails, it will return a json error object.
I want to make a class that parses the resulting JSON and returns a Weather object if the call succeeded and an Error Object if the call failed.
I'm thinking of using the Factory pattern but I'm not sure if that's a good approach because the two objects are very different from one another. What is a good way to design this code?
A common approach I use is to have Weather and Error both be Response objects and have a ResponseFactory create them.
I strongly encourage you to use proper HTTP codes when designing your service as they give a more general view of the state and success of each call.
You need first to check the result of the call, and then make a decision on how to handle it, with the possibility of handling all error codes with an error callback that returns an Error JSON object, and a success callback to return a Weather JSON object. You can use the HTTP codes to create a proper response and further subdivide the logic to return more specific errors, if needed.
The use of a Factory pattern seems overkill, specially given that the objects don't relate to each other.
It really depends on the environment you'll be using your API.
As a rule of thumb, rely on the HTTP code - if you get a 404 or a 500 of course you can't come up with a parsed response.
Format your error responses in a consistent way, e.g.
404 { "message" : "Resource not found" }
400 { "message" : "Wrong parameters given" }
So you know how to parse them.
If you get a 200 OKyou know everything was right, and you can parse your response with no problem at all.
Does the Content-Type header vary depending on the type of response?
As some have noted in their answers, the HTTP status code should be used to determine "Was there an error", but just as important is the interpretation of the content type returned.
Hoping the Content-Type header does vary, I would suggest using a registry of parsers, registered by content-type they handle, and then delegate to them to handle understanding how to convert a particular content type into the object you want. In Ruby, since you didn't specify a particular language:
case response.status:
when 200..299
return parsers[response.content_type].parse(response.body)
when 400..499
raise parsers[response.content_type].parse(response.body)
raise "Unhandled response status"
Doing so separates the two concerns:
Determining if there was an error
Parsing of content types into classes/types in your application.

AJAX pattern in Rails for submitting small chunks of data

I have a web page with lots of small images on it. In a typical scenario user clicks on image and expects it to change with a new image.
When user clicks on image, it should be immediately known to a controller in an Ajax way.
Some strings should be passed to a controller when user clicks on image.
Controller does its job and returns another image (which replaces old one).
Along with image controller returns a couple of extra strings (such as completion status).
Web page updates old image with new one and also updates other parts with these new strings.
Number of images on a page varies but potentially it can be a couple of dozens.
Question: What Ajax technique should be used here? I'm quite new to Ajax and don't feel solid with patterns. Should it be Json or something else?
Any code example would be very very welcome and helpful.
Thank you.
Well it sounds like you need a Event observer on the image object. On that image object, you could have various custom attributes, such as imageid="2", etc. With the element being observed onclick, you'd read the attributes of the elements and pass them on to an AJAX call. I'm not sure if the image is known by the database or would it be available on the page itself. Maybe a back/previous button? In either case, the AJAX call could either return JavaScript directly which then gets parsed to update the DOM and replaces the image with the new image source, or it could return a JSON response which then needs to get read and parsed by the AJAX callback and then updates the DOM. Easiest being to return JS code which gets parsed, but I prefer to have all my JavaScript in one file and not have it all over the place mixed with server side code.
It really depends on what AJAX library you are using.
With jQuery, you might do something like this.
$("#buttonImage").click(function () {
var imageid = $(this).attr('imageid');
$.getJSON("/controller/get_image/" + imageid,
$("#buttonImage").attr("src", data.imagesrc);
And your /controller/get_image/123 would return a JSON response like...
{ 'imagesrc' : '/my/image.jpg' }
As far as I known, the only browser-safe way to change an image is by assigning a new URL to it's src attribute. If you return an image to a request that pass some parameters, it might prevent client-side cashing of the images. For these reasons, I would treat separately the transfer of textual data and images.
The completion status can always be return as the HTTP status text but if more information is needed from the server, you can always return it in JSON or XML, the simplest being JSON.
The responsiveness could be improved by preloading images on the mouseover event.
