In rails is 'method:' parameter used only for delete action? - ruby-on-rails

I am new to Rails and came to know about the destroy action.When we write a destroy action for deleting something, in the link to delete it, we write the code:
method: :delete
So is the method parameter used only for delete, or is it used somewhere else too?
Thanks in advance.

By default (Incase if you don't mention method type) it take HTTP method type as GET
So explicitly for any other HTTP request you need to mention HTTP method type for request.
Destroy action(which is use to delete some record) should be delete type HTTP request. so in link it need to mention method: :delete otherwise it serve request as get. hopefully this will clear your doubt.
References: -


Why doesn't direct path for delete/destroy exist in rails?

When you define a link_to in rails to delete an object/item you must specify method delete in that link_to, as compared to edit (edit_event_path(#event)) or show (event_path). Why is this the case?
In typical link_to links the browser will send HTTP GET requests. When you're destroying a resource the browser should send a HTTP DELETE request. Rails has some javascript that will run on those links and intercept the click to send a HTTP DELETE request for those marked with method: :delete. Also the path for a single resource to be destroyed and shown will be the same.
event_path will return "/event/1" or similar. When sending a HTTP GET request its expected that the show action of your controller will be called. When sending a HTTP DELETE request to the same path its expected that the destroy action will be called.
HTTP Verbs
Simply, Rails makes use of the HTTP Verbs which governs the web
Essentially, to keep routing structures simple, Rails allows you to generate a series of the "same" URL paths, each defined with different http verbs:
This means if you want to destroy an object, you can use the delete verb
A more specific definition for this lies with the object-orientated structure of Ruby (& Rails). The routing system is based around this structure (hence why they're called resources) - meaning if you treat the routing system as based around objects, you can begin to see a pattern emerge
If you're going to call a route for an object, IE to destroy that object, your route should be for the "object", not the "destroy" mechanism
In this sense, if you want to destroy an object, it makes much more sense to use the following:
<%= link_to "Destroy", object_path(object), method: :delete %>
This gives you the flexibility to create actions around objects, which can then be routed to the particular controller#actions as required

Which HTTP method should I use for request that can create or simply read a resource?

In my Rails application I have an url routed to an action in charged of showing or creating (if not existing) e resource. What is the appropriate http verb to use for this kind of request?
To be more precise, in my method I don't directly access the resource but I use a library which has that behavior: first search and then create the resource if not exiting. My method, in the end, always provide the resource returned by the library either a brand new one or an old one. Hence I cannot split into two requests.
According to this and considering my method always returns the same resource (idempotent) it seems that PUT should be the right one. I just wonder whether PUT can be used in case where e resource is actually just retrieved (get) and anything is not even updated
POST for creating, GET for showing is automatically used by rails. But I hope you can do all sorts of things with custom programming as data will be available to you in form of params[]
According to Ruby on Rails guides, you should use GET and POST verbs. More information here:
You use GET to retrieve.
If resource found return 200 with resource.
If resource not found let it return 404 and check the error code and use POST and create the resource.
If you donot need any parameter while creating resource then you should use GET request Else if you need params while creating resource , then you should make separate action for creating(Post request with params) and showing(GET request) resource.

delete method in Rails

What's the difference between delete and destroy?
If we generate a scaffold, the default method to remove an date entry is method: :delete, while delete is actually not defined in the controller. So how does rails actually figure out what to do?
DELETE is HTTP verb while destroy is an action in the controller. If you use resources in your application, HTTP DELETE requests are routed to destroy action in the controller (unless you change the default behaviour).
method: :delete in link_to options means that clicking a link would trigger HTTP DELETE request.
As far as I know:
Delete method uses an SQL DELETE statement without instantiating the objects or running any callback.
Destroy makes the SQL call to the database and deletes the row in the table where the current object is contained, you can still manage the object as long as you have it scoped.
Hope this helps.

How to distinguish a request

I am creating an API and I would like to distinguish GET, DELETE, MODIFY, POST requests.
Is it possible to distinguish that from a controller?
For example:
Distinguish: (GET REQUEST)
Can I do that from post controller?
Inside a controller action method, do:
It's going to say which HTTP method was used.
You can also use:
And so on.
For full documentation on the class, check here.
If you map your routes RESTfully (see this tutorial), the DELETE verb on that resource will map to a different controller action than the GET request.
GET maps to show and DELETE maps to destroy.

Rails parameters from GET/POST

I'm fairly new to Rails and am writing a login form. I have used form_tag to pass through the user's submission to the account controller. Now, I don't want the user to be able to enter their login details through a GET request, so how can I check that a certain param is either a GET or POST parameter?
Thanks in advance
In Rails you don't have specific POST or GET parameters. You do have a POST or GET request. You can check it like this in your controller:
or you can check for other HTTP verbs: GET, PUT and DELETE:
For more info, check this piece of the documentation:
If what you need is to know the HTTP verb you can ask directly to request:
You could of course POST to a url that included a query parameter, so the selected answer might not be what you're looking for. Try checking if the parameter exists in the request arrays:
if request.GET.include? "param_name"
# do something
There's also request.POST and there are aliases (query_parameters for GET and request_parameters for POST) for both in ActionDispatch::Request:
