Where are the different event status values documented? - eventbrite

In eventbrite, the event object has many fields, one of which is "status" ...
status string: One of canceled, live, started, ended, completed
But where are the meanings of those different status values documented? Particularly, how is ended different from completed? And why are some events marked as live even though they occurred last month?

The status string is directly related to what state your event is in.
Canceled: the event was canceled and is no longer taking place.
Live: the event is on the Eventbrite platform and tickets are available for
Started: The event has started.
Ended: The event has ended.
Complete: (This status is specific to the event organizer.) The payout has been sent from Eventbrite to the event organizer.
I am not sure about the last question... I'm guessing it has to do with series/repeating events.


MS Teams bot events

I have a notification-only bot, and I would like to send a welcome message to users only when the bot is added to a personal conversation.
I listen to 'conversationUpdate' events as stated here, though I keep receiving the same event multiple times one after the other for the same user, all events identical (except the event ID and timestamp).
I respond to the event with HTTP status 200 (I handle them via REST).
Does anyone have an idea why I would receive the same events multiple times and how to avoid it? Is it some kind of retry due to an unexpected response on my end?
It even says here: "For personal scoped bots, your bot will only ever receive the conversationUpdate event a single time, even if the bot is removed and re-added."

Woocommerce order.updated webhook not always triggered

I am struggling with some weird issue, maybe someone has an idea how to resolve it / Automate a workaround.
When a new order is placed, woocommerce triggers order.updated hooks.
Order that has not yet been paid has status pending:
screenshot pending order
After the order has been paid, an API call is sent with status processing
screenshot processing order
The API on the receiver side only responds to messages with status processing.
Sometimes it happens (+/- 1 time on 30 orders) that the 2nd message (status processing) is not triggered automatically.
Workaround: Open order manually and click update. This triggers order.updated api with status processing.
Unfortunately i am not able to catch the scenario when this happens.
As a solution I thought of some script to "retry" open orders in status processing and then put cron on it to execute every hour? I am not a developer and will not be able to create it myself..
But maybe there are other / better ideas how to resolve it?
Thank a lot!

Hyperledger transaction react to another event/transaction

Is there a standard way to have a transaction listen for events or other transactions and when fulfilled conditions occur (ie: a specific event happens), to run the transaction code.
Ie: Sell house only when money is received, receiving money is a different transaction.
Or does one simply Poll, set an alarm with an external service that is listening on the channel for events? Is there a standard approach here?
if a transaction updates a PropertyListing asset (using its ID) to PAYMENT_RECEIVED (eg. the seller's solicitor has received the monies for the property transaction held in escrow etc so, as a party submits the transaction to indicate so), then the house asset can automatically be updated to 'SOLD' and post an event that your Client App listens for.
Your client application can then initiate the next step in the process, eg the agreement to transfer the title etc (however that is done in your use case, may be another transaction to show 'acceptance' manual or automatic as you wish). I say 'client app' because I assume there is a level of user interaction to sign it off as a means of agreement
See more on events here and subscribing to events here

How can I observe a specific moment in time in RxSwift?

I need to be notified exactly at midnight.(I will execute a piece of code but that's besides the point).
How would I set this up in RxSwift? Is there a built in feature that I missed, or is this actually just a standard case of PublishSubject,
and deciding when (midnight happens) to call next() on it is out of scope of RxSwift?
The short answer is that you can't do this in a way that will be allowed on the app store. The closest you can come will be a scheduled local notification that fires at midnight, but that will display a message to the user, and only invoke your app if the user acknowledges the notification.

Is Facebook Caching FBAppEvents

I'm trying to integrate FBAppEvents. I've already created my app and all I need to do now is call FBAppEvents logEvent:
However, I want to know if I need to cache my Events just in case logging wasn't successful due to sudden connection loss or something. If I'm caching them, my app could resend the events.
If FB is caching events and handling failed events on their own, then that would be awesome.
If not, then I would need to create my own event caching. Sadly, I couldn't find callback methods to inform me that events were successfully logged or not. Is there a way I could do to achieve what I want?
From the FBAppEvents documentation page: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/ios/current/class/FBAppEvents
Events are not sent immediately when logged. They're cached and
flushed out to the Facebook servers in a number of situations:
when an event count threshold is passed (currently 100 logged events). when a
time threshold is passed (currently 15 seconds). when an app has gone
to background and is then brought back to the foreground.
Events will be accumulated when the app is in a disconnected state,
and sent when the connection is restored and one of the above 'flush'
conditions are met.
