How to Show tables using DXL scripts? - ibm-doors

Am trying to replicate the main column (Object Heading the Text) using dxl. Am able to get the object text and object heading. (Missing change bars and links though). Not even a single table cell is detected, what am I missing? How to get the missing change bars and links too?
void showObjText(Object obj)
bool bTableCell = cell(obj)
if(bTableCell == true)
print "Table Cell! \n"
displayRich("Am atleast finding tables")
if (obj."Object Heading" "" != "")
font(getCanvas, level(obj), 1)
displayRich(number(obj) " " obj."Object Heading" "")
if (obj."Object Text" "" != "")
font(getCanvas, level(obj), 0)
displayRich(richTextWithOle(obj."Object Text"))

Quite a big task you have here. There are some more features that you will have to deal with, e.g. indentation, user specific fonts... Suspicions? oh no, they are not shown in the main column. Mimic all menu items in module Explorer -> view -> show etc. etc.
DOORS tables consist of
one "table" object for the table
one "row" object for each row. These row objects are children of the table object
one "cell" object for each cell in a row. These cell objects are children of their respective row object.
So, in the DOORS module explorer there is one line for each "table" object (switch off View->Show->table cells to see this), and you will have to gather the children manually in a loop. I have no idea though how you can paint such a table using DXL.
Change bars are calculated based on time stamps. You may want to create your own changebar column using the perm changebar(set). Otherwise I think you may be able to use the perm "bool modified (Object)" to detect whether the object should be yellow, but I think you will also have to check all attribute definitions whether a change of the attribute shall affect the change bar. But I did not find any perm for "unsaved(Object)"
Links are quite easy to detect, you must use the loops "for Link in Object" and "for LinkRef in Object" to detect whether a link exists. But again I'm not sure how to draw the link symbols and exactly how to calculate when to draw hollow triangles and when to draw filled triangles.
All in all, I'm not really sure whether the main column can be completely mimicked with DXL


Styling specific line of Text on Jetpack Compose

So, it's kind of a simple styling.
text = "some text which can extends to many lines"
how would someone build an annotated string to style only specif lines of the text? And by line I mean what it's actually rendering as a line - and not something predefined as a list of sub strings.
I've imagine to make a use of combined textLayoutResult with the annotated capability, but by reading the documentation I don't have much clue how to do so.
The plan was to the TextLayoutResult to retrieve the number of lines rendered on text. Then, it should be theoretically possible to retrieve the sub string on each of the lines rendered. And by pushing them on the annotated processor, the desired results would be achieved.
What am I missing?
I've managed to achieve the desired effect.
For those who want to do, you will need at least:
Two Text components;
A mutable state to keep track of offset on the text;
You limit the first Text by the number of maxLines - 1 and uses TextLayoutResult to retrieve the last offset of the last line. Then, you just update the state on the composable and create another Text component with the substring which starts from the last one. Then, you can apply the filters that you wish on this one.
Repeate the process for as many lines as you wish.

Boardgame-Map with crossroads etc

I have a little logical problem over here.
As the title says, I try to build a boardgame as a computer-program (maybe with internet-support, but thats another story)
As for now, I have a map, which has some crossroads in it, hence I cannot simply define the fields as '1, 2, 3, 4, ...' because if there is a crossroad at field 10, I would have more than one field which has to be labeled 11 (Because then there is a field left and right of field 10, for example.)
So the problem is, if I cannot define the Board in numbers then I cannot simply get the possible positions a player can take when he rolls 2d6-dices with calculating 'Field-Nr. + RandomRange(1,6) + RandomRange(1,6)'
Does anybody have an idea, how to define a Map like this on another way, where I still can calculate the possible new-fields for Player X with a 2d6-dice-roll?
Thanks in advance.
If i understand well... (i don't thing so) this might help you. Just use dynamic arrays for your boardgame field and change your actions after the dimensions x,y .... Look at this "type Name = array of {array of ...} Base type; // Dynamic array"
It sounds like you have a graph of connected vertices. When a player is at a particular vertex of N edges, assuming N < 12, the new Field will be reached from traversing edge number N % ( rand(6) + rand(6) ).
You could also just do rand(12), but that would have an even distribution, unlike 2d6.
Instead of dynamic arrays, I would recommend using a linked-list of records to describe the surrounding cells, and traverse the player's location and possible moves using that linked-list.
First, define a record that describes each cell in your board's playable grid (the cells on the grid can be four-sided like a chessboard, or hexagonal like in Civilization V) ... each cell record should contain info such as coordinates, which players are also in that cell, any rewards/hazards/etc that would affect gameplay, etc. (you get the idea).
Finally, the linked-list joins all of these cells, effectively pointing to any connected cells. That way, all you'd need is the cell location of Player X and calculate possible moves over n amount of cells (determined by the dice roll), traversing the adjoining cells (that don't have hazards, for example).
If all you want is to track the possible roads, you can also use this approach to identify possible paths (instead of cells) Player X can travel on.

Getting Polygons to display multiple variables using a stripped color scheme in ArcMap

I am creating a map in which i want a polygon to display two separate variables within it. Therefore I want a stripped polygon relating to both the keys from the separate factors however I have no idea on how to do this. I messed around with multiple attributes on the properties section and could get the two variables up however could see no way of making the polygon display them both.
Thank you, any help would be appreciated
This is partially manual, but you are going to have to make a separate category within one of the fields that identifies the multivariate features. You could also create a new layer that is a selection of these features. Once you have that, go to the layer properties and display the features as 'Categories - Unique values, many fields' and hit the 'Add All Values' button. Once the categories are populated select the one you are interested in and pick a hatched symbol such as 'Radiation Overlay'. Then go to the Symbol Property Editor (double-click the symbol) and modify the two layers that make up the hatched symbol. You need to adjust the color, line thickness, offset, etc. until you get it to look the way you want. Probably not as auto as you wanted, but it will satisfy display purposes.

SSRS line chart not connecting data points

I've looked high and low and can't seem to find an answer to what appears to be quite a straightforward issues (I would think).
I have a line chart where there is data at several points in a series but only only one set of points link up.
Does anyone know why this is? Is it to do with my data? If it is, I am struggling to see any relationships in the data that may explain this behavior.
Here is what I mean:
As you can see, the red diamonds should be connecting - the same could be said about the blue squares and the dark blue triangles. Any thoughts?
Apologies if my colors are wrong - I'm colorblind.
Okay, so I worked this out.
Firstly, in order to get the lines to join up, you need to set the EmptyPoint colour for the series.
select your series in your chart
In the properties tab (not the dialog) drill down into the EmptyPoint property and set the colour to be Black
This will get them joining up - yay! But part of the line is colour and the other part is black, right? That's a bit silly, especially considering if you leave the colour to Automatic on the EmptyPoint that it will be transparent.
So, then we need to get the series and the EmptyPoint's colours in sync.
Using code from here. I added some code to the code of the report.
1). Right click on an empty space on the report and select "Report Properties"
2). In the code tab, paste the following:
Private colorPalette As String() = {"#418CF0", "#FCB441", "#E0400A", "#05642E", "#1A3B69", "#BFBFBF", "#E0400A", "#FCB441", "DarkBlue", "Tomato", "Orange", "CornflowerBlue", "Gold", "Red", "Green", "LightBlue", "Lime", "Maroon", "LightSteelBlue", "Tan", "Silver"}
Private count As Integer = 0
Private mapping As New System.Collections.Hashtable()
Public Function GetColor(ByVal groupingValue As String) As String
If mapping.ContainsKey(groupingValue) Then
Return mapping(groupingValue)
End If
Dim c As String = colorPalette(count Mod colorPalette.Length)
count = count + 1
mapping.Add(groupingValue, c)
Return c
End Function
Then we need to call this code when setting the colour of the series and of the EmptyPoint.
Select your series
In the properties tab paste something the following (replace WhateverTheGroupIsForYourSeries with your series group name): =Code.GetColor(Fields!*WhateverTheGroupIsForYourSeries*.Value)
Drill down to the color element of the EmptyPoint Series property
Paste the same text as from point two [e.g. =Code.GetColor(Fields!*WhateverTheGroupIsForYourSeries*.Value)]
And voila! You're done!
I can't believe how unnecessarily difficult this is :D
I just had a problem where it was showing markers but not the lines. I ended up solving it by wrapping the expression in a CInt() to convert it to an integer.
Another way to handle this is to do a recursive select (if you have very large data sets don't do this, it kills performance). So you could make your dataset:
SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() over(partition by Store order by Date desc) as rn
FROM StorePerformance
Now you can have your category group be rn (it should group by rn and sort by rn) but select date for its label. This will still display the date on your x axis, but since you are grouping by rn the data will still be continuous and all of the lines will connect. Also your legend will still match.
I still haven't looked deeply into how much this shifts the data points since we are plotting with row number and displaying date, but if you are mainly concerned with visualizing trends in the lines and aren't as concerned with where they are at a given point in time in relation to one another, it will serve you just fine. Otherwise I would leave the chart the way it is and just read the plot points, which are still valid data.
Just put your Fields!(YourSeriesGroup).Value in Series Groups to above of
Fields!(YourCategoryGroup).Value in Category Groups, your series group should be in both Series Groups and Category Groups (should be above of your initial category group).
And after that right click horizontal axis and select Horizontal Axis Properties. Set Axis Type to Scalar and click OK.

BiDi text in Delphi - How do you select text to edit by language like this pic?

I saw this picture and now wondering if/how you can do this in Delphi. The highlighted/selected text shows two forms of formatting, i.e. highlight color and hash lines.
I've done something very similar recently in a bible application, also done in Delphi.
The user can select a single verse and single words of the selected verses. (But this feature is not released yet, so don't bother looking for it)
I used the web browser control from Microsoft and added my own kind of selection handling.
I've done the formatting by enclosing the relevant parts with span elements and changing their CSS style. When the selection gets removed, I also remove the enclosing elements.
The hard part was backing the "visual" selections with a selection data structure and handling all the selection events (clicking, shift-clicking, shift-ctrl-clicking, ...)
Embedding IE seems to be an easier way to do this as DR says, but you can also do this manually by drawing it all on a canvas, an easy way would be to create two bitmaps (one without a selection and another selected (could be as complicated as you like - dashed, colored, ... )), and you need to know the positions/rects of all your characters which would be somewhat difficult for long texts.
You basically show the unselected bitmap, and overlap the selected parts by portions of the second image.
You would also need to handle the selection manually by OnMouseDown, OnMouseMove, OnMouseUp...
