How to Handle Keyboard After Reload Table View? - ios

After reload tableview, Inside Textfield keyboard is not showing properly .How can i fix That keyboard properly.
This is My code,
Here, I am Getting Firebase Images
let queue = OperationQueue()
queue.addOperation {
if let urlString = nammaApartmentVisitor.getprofilePhoto() {
NAFirebase().downloadImageFromServerURL(urlString: urlString,imageView: cell.image_View)
if isActivityIndicatorRunning == false {
} else if (isActivityIndicatorRunning == true) {
cell.activityIndicator.isHidden = true


UITableView scrolling performance problem

I am currently working as a 5 month junior ios developer.
The project I'm working on is an application that shows the prices of 70 cryptocurrencies realtime with websocket connection.
we used websocket connection, UItableview, UITableViewDiffableDataSource, NSDiffableDataSourceSnapshot while developing the application.
But right now there are problems such as slowdown scrolling or not stop scroling and UI locking while scrolling in the tableview because too much data is processed at the same time.
after i check cpu performance with timer profiler I came to the conclusion that updateDataSource and updateUI functions exhausting the main thread.
func updateDataSource(model: [PairModel]) {
var snapshot = DiffableDataSourceSnapshot()
let diff = model.difference(from: snapshot.itemIdentifiers)
let currentIdentifiers = snapshot.itemIdentifiers
guard let newIdentifiers = currentIdentifiers.applying(diff) else {
dataSource?.apply(snapshot, animatingDifferences: false, completion: nil)
func updateUI(data: SocketData) {
guard let newData = else { return }
guard let current = else { return }
guard let closed = else { return }
let dailyChange = ((current - closed)/closed)*100
DispatchQueue.main.async { [self] in
if model.filter({ $0.symbol == newData.pairSymbol }).first != nil {
let index = model.enumerated().first(where: { $0.element.symbol == newData.pairSymbol})
guard let location = index?.offset else { return }
model[location].price = current
model[location].dailyPercent = dailyChange
if calculateLastSignalTime(alertDate: model[location].alertDate) > 0 {
//Do Nothing
} else {
model[location].alertDate = ""
model[location].alertType = ""
if let text = allSymbolsView.searchTextField.text {
if text != "" {
filteredModel = model.filter({ $ || $0.symbol.contains(text) })
updateDataSource(model: filteredModel)
} else {
filteredModel = model
updateDataSource(model: filteredModel)
delegate?.pricesChange(data: self.model)
ALL of your code is running on the main thread. You have to wrap your entire updateUI function inside a, and then wrap your dataSource.apply(snapshot) line inside a DispatchQueue.main.async. the dataSource.apply(snapshot) line is the only UI work you're doing in all that code you posted.

How to update my xib labels from another view controller

I am trying to figure out how to update my xib labels when a button is pressed on another view controller
Currently I have a xib swift file that contains all my labels
var habit: Habit? {
didSet {
func updateUI() {
habitXibName?.text = habit?.title
totalProgress?.text = habit?.totalCount
progressBarXib?.progress = habit?.progress ?? 0.0
userProgress?.text = String(habit?.userCount ?? 0)
In another view controller I have the following code
do {
try realm.write {
if selectedHabit!.userCount == (Int(selectedHabit!.totalCount )! - 1) {
selectedHabit!.userCount += 1
habitcell.habitXibName?.text = String(selectedHabit?.userCount ?? 0)
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 2.0) {
} else {
selectedHabit!.userCount += 1
} catch {
what I want to happen is to update my xib label to the selectedHabit?.userCount
habitcell.habitXibName?.text = String(selectedHabit?.userCount ?? 0)
However, my habitcell.habitXibName returns nil and I'm not sure why. Thanks for everything!

textField Editing Changed not reacting fast enough (Asynchronous calls)

I have a textfield that queries a firebase database for existing users and then display a UIImage according to if the user is available or not. The problem is that once the async code loads, the textfield doesn't react on changed value.
example. If i type 12345 as a username, i don't query the database. Everything ok. If i add a 6 it queries firebase and it shows me the user is free. if i press backspace and have 12345 the textFieldChanged is triggered again, and database is not queried. All OK.
but the problem is, when i have 12345, and i type 6 and very fast back so i have 12345, the query is running and shows me the available icon (because the back was pressed very fast). Is this because of the Simulator or is it a real problem and can i be fixed easily ?
my code:
#IBAction func textFieldChanged(_ sender: UITextField) {
if let username = usernameInputText.text, username.count > 5 {
checkIfUserExists(username: username) { doesExist in //(2)
if doesExist! {
self.completeSignupButton.isEnabled = false
self.ifAvailableImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Close")
} else {
self.completeSignupButton.isEnabled = true
self.ifAvailableImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Check")
} else {
ifAvailableImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Close")
self.completeSignupButton.isEnabled = false
func checkIfUserExists(username: String, completion: #escaping (Bool?) -> Void) {
self.ifAvailableImageView.image = nil
let docRef = db.collection("users").document(username)
docRef.getDocument { (document, error) in
if error != nil {
} else {
if let document = document {
if document.exists {
} else {
You can just compare the username being processed with the current text in the text field and not process the result if it not the same because you only want to process the latest one.
#IBAction func textFieldChanged(_ sender: UITextField) {
if let username = usernameInputText.text, username.count > 5 {
checkIfUserExists(username: username) { doesExist in //(2)
// Check if current text and the completion being processed are for the same username
if username != sender.text {
if doesExist! {
self.completeSignupButton.isEnabled = false
self.ifAvailableImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Close")
} else {
self.completeSignupButton.isEnabled = true
self.ifAvailableImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Check")
} else {
ifAvailableImageView.image = UIImage(named: "Close")
self.completeSignupButton.isEnabled = false

Tableview sliding up after scroll to row

Hey guys I need your help please, when I reload a tableview and call the scroll to row function for the bottom row (array.length - 1) as index path, it scrolls to it, then it scrolls one row up. I have made a cool chat part to my app, and it is simple, I have a function that grabs messages, and for some reason on my iPhone simulator, it does this weird scrolling back up motion. Basically I was hoping one of you guys could help me find out why it is doing that. It is some simple code.
main function:
func grabMessages () {
if let uid = Auth.auth().currentUser?.uid {
if let theirId = theirUid {
let ref = Database.database().reference()
ref.child("users").child(uid).child("chats").child(theirId).child("messages").observe(.value, with: {(snapshot) in
var reloadi = false
if let values = snapshot.value as? [String : AnyObject] {
for (_, one) in values {
if let whoSent = one["sender"] as? String, let messagl = one["message"] as? String, let timerl = one["timeStamp"] as? Int, let keyer = one["key"] as? String {
let newMess = Message()
newMess.key = keyer
newMess.timeStamp = timerl
newMess.messager = messagl
newMess.sender = whoSent
if self.messages.contains( where: { $0.key == newMess.key } ) {
} else {
if self.messages.count != 0 {
self.messages.sort { $1.timeStamp > $0.timeStamp }
reloadi = true
if newMess.sender == theirId {
let update = ["unseen" : "iViewed"]
if reloadi == true {
reloadi = false
DispatchQueue.main.async {
let indexPat = IndexPath(row: 0, section: self.messages.count - 1)
self.tablerView.isHidden = false
self.tablerView.scrollToRow(at: indexPat, at: .bottom, animated: false)
}, withCancel: nil)
I will say in my viewdidload I set the frame of the tableview, which is just a cgrect and same size across all platform, fixed width and height. And on my own iPhone it runs and works fine, only on simulator iPhones did it do this.
Here is a screen shot
So if you can see, it shows other section below it, but it is scrolled to the one above it. So it originally scrolls to it, then scrolls back up one section.
some other stuff
numb of sections = messages.count
number of rows in section = 1

tableView images randomly disappearing

I am modifying my paid for app to a free with IAP.
Some group types are free and some will need to be paid for.
On the tableView controller, there is a padlock UIImageView that displays each "locked" item if it is a part of a locked group.
When someone buys that group, or all, that padlock is meant to disappear. This padlock is not a part of the code that prevents the user from seeing the details as I have that code somewhere else and it works fine.
Initially, "Padlock" displays accurately. However, If I scroll up and down on the tableView, the padlocks will randomly disappear.
How to prevent this?
override func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, cellForRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) -> UITableViewCell
// We need to fetch our reusable cell.
let cell: UITableViewCell = tableView.dequeueReusableCell(withIdentifier: Resource.SpeciesCell)!
// Get all of the components of the cell.
let specieImage: UIImageView = cell.viewWithTag(Resource.SpeciesImageTag) as! UIImageView
let specieName: UILabel = cell.viewWithTag(Resource.SpeciesNameTag) as! UILabel
let specieGenus: UILabel = cell.viewWithTag(Resource.SpeciesGenusTag) as! UILabel
let specieFamily: UILabel = cell.viewWithTag(Resource.SpeciesFamilyTag) as! UILabel
// Set our name, family and genus labels from our data.
specieName.text = self.species[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].specie
specieFamily.text = ""
specieGenus.text = self.species[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].speciesSubgroup
// **** Adding Padlock Begins HERE ****
let padLock: UIImageView = cell.viewWithTag(Resource.SpeciesCategoryLabelTag) as! UIImageView
padLock.image = UIImage(named: "PadlockIcon")
padLock.alpha = 0.7
let speciesGroupFreeArray: Array<String>
let speciesGroupVertebratesArray: Array<String>
let speciesGroupInvertebratesArray: Array<String>
speciesGroupFreeArray = ["eels", "Mammals", "Annelids", "Bivalvians", "Cephalopods", "Cool oddities", "Crustacean", "Echinoderms", "Hydrozoans", "Isopods"]
speciesGroupVertebratesArray = ["Fish", "Sharks", "Rays", "Reptilia", "Syngnathiformes"]
speciesGroupInvertebratesArray = ["Corals", "Gastropods"]
let fishesPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife5Fishes")
let sharksPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife6Sharks")
let nudisPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife7Nudis")
let turtlesPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife8Turtles")
let seahorsesPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife9Seahorses")
let coralsPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife4Corals")
let vertebratesPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife3Vertebrates")
let invertebratesPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife2Invertebrates")
let fullPurchased = UserDefaults.standard.bool (forKey: "ReefLife1Full")
let categoryName = self.species[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].group
if fullPurchased == true {
padLock.isHidden = true
} else if speciesGroupVertebratesArray.contains(categoryName) {
if vertebratesPurchased == true {
padLock.isHidden = true
} else {
if categoryName == "Fish" {
if fishesPurchased == true{
padLock.isHidden = true
} else{
} else if (categoryName == "Sharks" || categoryName == "Rays" ) {
if sharksPurchased == true{
padLock.isHidden = true
} else{
} else if categoryName == "Syngnathiformes" {
if seahorsesPurchased == true{
padLock.isHidden = true
} else{
} else if categoryName == "Reptilia" {
if turtlesPurchased == true{
padLock.isHidden = true
} else{
} else if speciesGroupInvertebratesArray.contains(categoryName) {
if invertebratesPurchased == true {
padLock.isHidden = true
} else {
if categoryName == "Corals" {
if coralsPurchased == true{
padLock.isHidden = true
} else{
} else if categoryName == "Gastropods" {
if nudisPurchased == true{
padLock.isHidden = true
} else{
if speciesGroupFreeArray.contains(categoryName) {
padLock.isHidden = true
// **** Adding Padlock Ends HERE ****
// We now need to set our photo. First, we need to fetch the photo based on our specie
// id.
let photos = AppDelegate.getRLDatabase().getSpeciePhotos(self.species[(indexPath as NSIndexPath).row].id)
// Set the image for our UIImageView.
if photos.isEmpty != true
specieImage.clipsToBounds = true
specieImage.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
specieImage.image = UIImage(named: photos[0].name)
// specieImage.image = UIImage(named: photos[0].name)?.resizeTo(specieImage.bounds)
specieImage.image = UIImage(named: Resource.UnknownImage)?.resizeTo(specieImage.bounds)
// Return our new cell.
return cell
Please try replace this
if speciesGroupFreeArray.contains(categoryName) {
padLock.isHidden = true
padLock.isHidden = speciesGroupFreeArray.contains(categoryName)
Your code only ever sets padlock.isHidden = true. If you get a recycled cell where the padlock is already hidden, there's nothing to unhide it.
You need to explicitly set the padlock isHidden state in all cases.
Given your somewhat contorted code for setting the isHidden property, the simplest way to fix your current code would be to set padlock.isHidden = false At the beginning of your cellForRowAt() method. Then, if none of the cases set isHidden to true, it will always be unbidden, even in a case where you are reconfiguring a recycled cell where the padlock was hidden.
This a key take-away for managing table views and collection views in iOS. Always assume that a cell comes to you with all views set to a non-default state. Your code always needs to explicitly set every view to a specific state.
Think of a table view cell as a paper patient info form at a doctor's office where the office recycles the forms, and doesn't erase the info left by the previous patient. You always have to erase the info left by the previous patient. If you don't have an allergy to peanuts, it's not enough to simply not check that box. You have to erase the previous check marks and other info, or the previous patient's info will get mixed up with yours.
That's what's happening with your padlock.isHidden state. You're assuming it starts out in the default state, but it may not.
