Deploy promoted builds in Jenkins - jenkins

I have two Jenkins tasks, one that builds and promotes the successful build, and another task that deploys those promoted builds. I'm using two plugins to accomplish this task, Copy Artifact Plugin and promoted builds.
The job that I have to build the code is a very standard one, I go to the git repository every minute to check for any changes, and if there are any changes I just Invoque Gradle Script on the Build step and select Use Gradle Wrapper box and everything builds without a problem. The only custom part of this build task is that I'm using promoted builds plugin, which works great and have a very standard configuration as well.
Build Configuration
I'm happy with my Build task, but I have a problem with my Deploy task. In my deploy task I want to select which promoted build I want to deploy, but I can't deploy the selected promoted build.
In my Deploy task I tick the This project is parameterised box and I selected the Promoted Build Parameter.
Promoted Build Parameter Configuration
The configuration looks ok, when I run the Deploy task I can select which build I want to deploy.
Select build to be deployed
The problem that I have is when I select Copy artifacts from another project. In Which build I select Specified by a build parameter and for the Parameter Name I selected the same name I gave to the Promoted Build Parameter
Copy artifacts from another project Configuration
But when I run this Deploy task I get this error: ERROR: Unable to find a build for artifact copy from: Aurora.
BUT if I change the Which build part to Copy from WORKSPACE of latest completed build everything works fine.
Working Configuration
What am I doing wrong in this configuration?

I was able to solve this problem, I don't think it was the cleanest way of doing it but at the end it worked. In the Build task I left everything as it was, I only added a Post-Build Action to Archive the artifacts.
Post Build Action
In the Deploy task I needed to change a bit more stuff. In my Deploy task I tick the This project is parameterised box and I selected the Promoted Build Parameter, the configuration for this step is a very standard one, I just selected the Build project and the rest is automatic. This step enables me to select which promoted build I want to deploy, but this is where the big problem resides. The value that this "step" returns is something like this
The problem that this create is in Copy artifacts from another project. I need a build number, but I only have that URL, so the solution that I found was to get the build number from that URL, inject that number as a local variable and use that local variable in the next steps.
Build steps
With this solution I'm able to deploy only the promoted build.


Deploying Jenkins Artifact Built by Another Job

I installed the Deploy Plugin on my Jenkins in order to automate the deployment of my Maven built war packages to Tomcat 7. The problem is that I am able to use the plugin to deploy to a remote Tomcat server only if they are made within the same job that uses the deploy plugin. In other words, I have not been able to set up a standalone job that deploys artifacts made by a different job.
For example, I have a job named It uses the source code in /var/lib/project/module to create module.war and put it in /var/lib/project/module/target. However, because of the Maven version setup, the artifact posted on's artifact page is something like module-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war.
The only way I am able to deploy module.war is if I add a Post-build Action to and specify **/module.war to be a remote Tomcat manager URL (provided I have the manager's credentials in Jenkins config). Then the job's console output logs that /var/lib/project/module/target/module.war was deployed to that URL:
Deploying /var/lib/project/module/target/module.war to container Tomcat 7.x Remote with context
[/var/lib/project/module/target/module.war] is not deployed. Doing a fresh deployment.
Deploying [/var/lib/project/module/target/module.war]
How can I use this, or another plugin, to deploy a WAR artifact that was made in a separate Jenkins job? I would like to have separate jobs for artifact creation and deployment. The plugin wasn't finding **/module-2.0.0-SNAPSHOT.war or even **/module.war built by another job even though there was definitely a file on disk that matched that pattern.
See the paragraph on the Deploy Plugin's page you linked:
How to rollback or redeploy a previous build
There may be several ways to accomplish this, but here is one suggested method:
Install the Copy Artifact Plugin
Create a new job that you will trigger manually only when needed
Configure this job with a build parameter of type "Build selector for Copy Artifact", and a copy artifact build step using "Specified by build parameter" to select the build.
Add a post-build action to deploy the artifact that was copied from the other job
Now when you trigger this job you can enter the build number (or use any other available selector) to select which build to redeploy. Thanks to Helge Taubert for this idea.

Pipeline to use artifacts from 2 projects associated by the same git branch name

the company where I work for is evaluating jenkins 2.71, in particular the pipeline and blue ocean plugins. We already tested also GoCD and we need, as in GoCD, a way for a pipeline to automatically fetch the artifacts from 2 other pipelines (taking the last successful result of each one of them), here our case.
We have these initial pipelines (build & run tests), which reflect 2 projects:
frontend, ~ 15 minutes
backend, ~10 minutes
I created a pipeline called configure (~1 minute), with e.g. a parameter called customer-name, which takes backend and frontend files and puts them together, then applies specific customer specific configurations and customizations and produces deployable artifacts. Instead of "customer-name" I could also parallelize this job to create all the artifacts for each customer at once, separated in different directories.
The next pipeline would be to deploy them on different test servers separated for each customer. This could be also part of the same configure pipeline, we still have to see how to put things together in jenkins...
Ideally, I need configure pipeline to be triggered automatically (or also on demand) after each frontend or backend success and take as input the last successful artifacts from these 2 pipelines, but not just having the last successful build, we need as dependency the git branch name.
E.g. we have:
backend branches:
frontend braches:
In the pipeline editor, I found a Build Triggers option and set it as follows: Build after other projects are built > Projects to watch: frontend, backend > Check Trigger only if build is stable or better in my test environment full of failures Trigger even if the build is unstable.
Searching further, I found Copy Artifact Plugin
But now the big question, how to fetch the last successful artifacts from these pipelines with the same git branch name?
Because we don't want to mix e.g. a backend build of "release/2017.2" with frontend "master", it has to find as the last successful build having the same relationship or parameter or whatever you wanna call it, in our case the association is the git branch name.
Is it possible to achieve this? If yes, how?
The copy artifact plugin seems to work in a freestyle project. Would it work in a pipeline? That's also a concern...
Yes, the Copy Artifact plugin does work in both freestyle and pipeline projects; pipeline uses the copyArtifact function that I referenced in my comment. Note that if you go to the Pipeline Syntax link, it's kind of hidden: you have to first select "step: General Build Step" from the drop-down, then it will give you the Copy Artifact pipeline command builder.
I'm going to assume that your frontend and backend projects are built as multi-branch pipelines, as that would probably be easiest to maintain so that you don't have to keep creating new projects for every release. You can reference these projects from other projects by referencing <project name>/<branch name> (sometimes I've had to replace the / with %2f instead, I think mostly on freestyle projects). You could then set up your configure project as a parameterized build (either pipeline or freestyle), say with a string parameter of PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME. Then put in the following in your frontend/backend project pipeline scripts to trigger a build of your configure project
build job: 'configure', parameters: [[$class: 'StringParameterValue', name: 'PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME', value: ${env.BRANCH_NAME}]]
Then you should just be able to make your configure project reference the frontend/%PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME% and backend/%PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME% (or ${env.PROJECT_BRANCH_NAME} in a pipeline script) when copying the artifacts.
Also, is there a particular reason why you're evaluating specifically Jenkins 2.7? 2.7 is a year old now, and there have been a few new LTS releases since then. I'd recommend staying reasonably up-to-date unless you know there's a specific reason you want 2.7.

Archiving artifacts in Jenkins and choosing which artifact to deploy to environment

I have curren Jenkins jobs:
1. Poll -- Retrieve Latest Tag from SVN
2. Create release and archive it
3. Manual trigger -- Deploy artifact to test environment
So 1. retrieves regularly the latest SVN tag (if created), 2. builds the release (.ear files and DB scripts) and stores the artifacts with the "Archive the artifacts" post-build job, and 3. is a manual trigger job where you actually would have to press a button to deploy the release to test environment
My question is, is it possible in build 3. to somehow "select" the desired artifact? Or is it only possible to deploy the latest workspace? Thanks!
Here is a detailed explanation how to select a specific build for deployment
How to promote a specific build number from another job in Jenkins?
In short, you need to combine Copy Artifacts plugin with Promotions concept

Copy artifacts from specific promoted build

I have two jobs in Jenkins. First of the name “Build” and the second of the name “Deploy to test environment”. In the first job, tester sets promotion manually, and then only promoted builds can be deployed. In second job I added “Promoted Build Parameter” which generates combobox with promoted builds but I can’t connect the value of this parameter with “Copy artifact from another project” build step.
So how can I copy artifacts from the selected promoted build?
In your deploy project:
Configure a Promoted Build Parameter named (for example) PromotedBuild
Configure Copy artifacts from another project to Specific build with Build number as ${PromotedBuild_NUMBER}
Also, if you want to trigger the deploy project from your build project, you can do this:
In your promotion process of your build project add Trigger parameterized build on other projects with a Predefined parameter of PromotedBuild_NUMBER=$PROMOTED_NUMBER.

Jenkins: Multiple tasks or build dependent project after first (even if first fails)

I have some reports that I would like to push up to Github after my main project target builds.
These reports should be pushed up whether the first project succeeds or not. Can Jenkins do either of the following:
Specify multiple tasks (like Bamboo).
Build another project after the first, even if the first fails.
Reading your comment on the other Answers I propose this solution for you Jasper
Keep you existing project that builds and generates your reports and create a new project that you might call "report uploader" which only uploads your reports to your git.
1) Main Project Build
this will build you system, run it and test it (resulting in some reports, let's call them REPORT.o)
this project might or might not fail
REPORT.o should be archived as artifacts then the build is finished
the job should always trigger the "report uploader" job - Use the parameterized build trigger plugging
make sure this job has the checkbox wait for downstream jobs (else a new job might be started and overwrite the report files)
2) Report uploader Build
this will project will take arguments from the upstream job to find the artifacts
fetch them and upload them to whatever server you like to have
The same concept is loosely described on jenkins wiki
hope this fits your need
With Git publisher you can push to a branch and choose whether or not to only do so when the build succeeds.
There is also a post-build action where you can build other projects and an option to do so even if the build fails.
