grails cobertura findAllBy - grails

I have grails 2.4.4 and Cobertura as covert test.
I have code like:
lstPerspectives = Perspectives.findAllByDbAndSysDelete(dbInstance, new Long(0))
But Cobertura don´t pass the test because don´t search in my DB, How can I pass this line?, How can overwrite this value? I send this lstPerspectives but it don´t take it.

Try something like the following:
import grails.test.mixin.Mock
import grails.test.mixin.TestFor
class PerspectivesSpec
void "test Perspectives"(){
def dbInstance = 'aDbInstance' // don't know what this is
def sysDelete = false // is this a boolean?
new Perspectives( dbInstance: dbInstance, sysDelete: sysDelete ).save( failOnError: true )
// run you bit of code that executes the snippet in your question
// check your desired outcome
I don't know if you are testing your Perspectives class directly here or something else, controller, service? so had to make a few assumptions.


Mocking Jenkins internal functions with Spock and jenkins-spock

What I'm trying to do is create a method mock that returns a mock so I can test the folloging disconnectNode method of a class. What I'm trying to mock is the getNode and toComputer calls in the getJenkinsNode method.
Computer getJenkinsNode(String nodeName) {
return Jenkins.getInstanceOrNull().getNode(nodeName).toComputer()
def disconnectNode(String nodeName) {
def offlineCause = 'Maintenance'
def node = getNode(nodeName)
node.setTemporarilyOffline(true, new OfflineCause.ByCLI(offlineCause))
But, I'm not there yet. I'm trying the figure out why I can't make a mock return another mock.
With jenkins-spock and Spock I managed to do the following test specification just for trying to locate the problem
import com.homeaway.devtools.jenkins.testing.JenkinsPipelineSpecification
import hudson.model.Computer
import hudson.model.Node
import jenkins.model.Jenkins
class MaintenanceSpec extends JenkinsPipelineSpecification {
def 'Script does not fail or throw exceptions'() {
Computer computer = Mock()
Node node = Mock()
node.toComputer() >> computer
Jenkins jenkins = getPipelineMock('Jenkins')
jenkins.getNode('Node 1') >> node
System.out.println(jenkins.getNode('Node 1').toString())
System.out.println(jenkins.getNode('Node 1').toComputer().toString())
The printed messages after the test are.
Mock for type 'Node' named 'node'
Mock for type 'Computer' named 'computer'
The result is really confusing. With the first print I can tell that the getNode function is returning the mocked Node as expected. With the second print I can tell that the mock for the Computer class is created. But the 3rd and 4th prints are returning null so the problem is with the mock for the method toComputer but I don't know what I'm doing wrong
Any ideas?
Thank you!

How do you make a feature method conditional

In my Test, I have some feature methods that only need to run in certain situations. My code looks something like this:
class MyTest extends GebReportingSpec{
def "Feature method 1"(){
def "Feature method 2"(){
def "Feature method 3"(){
I should note I am using a custom spock extension that allows me to run all feature methods of a spec even if a previous feature method fails.
The thing I just realized and the reason I am making this post, is because "Feature method 2" does not show up in my test results for some reason, but method 1 and 3 do. Even if someCondition is set to true, it does not appear in the build results. so I am wondering why this is, and how I can make this feature method conditional
Spock has special support for conditionally executing features, take a look at #IgnoreIf and #Requires.
#IgnoreIf({ })
def "I'll run everywhere but on Windows"() { ... }
You can also use static methods in the condition closure, they need to use the qualified version.
class MyTest extends GebReportingSpec {
#Requires({ MyTest.myCondition() })
def "I'll only run if myCondition() returns true"() { ... }
static boolean myCondition() { true }
Your test is not appearing in the report as you cant have the given, when, then blocks inside of a conditional.
You should always run the test but allow the test to fail gracefully:
Use the #FailsWith attribute.
#FailsWith(value = SpockAssertionError, reason = "Feature is not enabled")
def "Feature method 2"(){
Important to note that this test will be reported as passed when it fails with the specified exception. And it will also reported as passed if the feature is enabled and the test actually passed.
To Fix this I simply put a when/then block with a 10 ms sleep before the if statement and now that feature method is being executed

What is wrong with my Spec?

So, I have this pretty simple Spec below. I have a class that is not a controller or service or anything like that. It's a Job class. It depends on two services: updateService and directoryTypeService. It runs a Redis async job and it's under /grails-app/jobs folder.
All I want is to make sure that whenever I invoke this job#perform() method (which return type is void), a given dependent method called UpdateService#completeClaiming is invoked, but UpdateService#requestNewPin is not. (Listing is a domain class, by the way).
When I run this Spec, I keep getting an error message saying: "No more calls to 'completeClaiming' expected at this point. End of demands."
What am I doing wrong here? Any wild guesses?
class SubmissionJobSpec extends Specification {
def directoryTypeServiceMock
def updateServiceMock
def job
def setup(){
job = new SubmissionJob()
directoryTypeServiceMock = mockFor(DirectoryTypeService)
updateServiceMock = mockFor(UpdateService)
job.updateService = updateServiceMock.createMock()
job.directoryTypeService = directoryTypeServiceMock.createMock()
def "if the directory is enabled and the pin status is ENTERED, we should call updateService.completeClaiming"() {
directoryTypeServiceMock.demand.isUpdateEnabled { DirectoryType d, Country c -> return true}
new Listing(
location: new Location(country: Country.DE)
).save(failOnError: true, validate: false)
job.perform(Listing.last().id, true)
1 * updateServiceMock.completeClaiming(Listing.last(), true) >> new ListingEvent(output: [success: true])
0 * updateServiceMock.requestNewPin(_ as Listing, true)
You seem to be confusing Groovy and Spock mocks. You can't use Spock mocking syntax (e.g. 0 * updateServiceMock.requestNewPin(_ as Listing, true)) for a Groovy mock created with mockFor(). Spock mocks are created using Mock(), Stub() or Spy(). I'm not aware of any good reason to use a Groovy mock in a Spock spec.

Grails: use Spock to test template rendering

I use Spock to test an action of a controller as below:
code in controller:
def milestoneChange() {
Milestones selectedMilestone = dataQueryService.getMilestone(
Tasks[] tasksList = dataQueryService.getTasksList(
List enumerateNameList = dataQueryService.getEnumerateNameList()
render(template: 'milestoneSummary', model: [selectedMilestone: selectedMilestone, tasksList: tasksList, enumerateNameList: enumerateNameList, selectedMilestoneID:])
code in test:
class MilestonesMgtControllerSpec extends Specification {
void "change the milestone"() {
views['/milestonesMgt/_milestoneSummary.gsp'] = "test" = 'Late Stage Review'
controller.response.text == 'test'
Because the content of the _milestoneSummary.gsp is very long, I use the approach mentioned in both Grails documentation and which is using views['/milestonesMgt/_milestoneSummary.gsp'] to mock the template. However, the response is still the original long content? Does anyone know what is wrong with my code? Thanks very much!!!
BTW when using params/response/model, I have to use, but I see the sample code in documentation use params/response/model directly, do you know why?
I am using Grails 2.3.8
the project link
the test is located in MMS/test/integration/phdmilestonemanagementsystem/‌​oovy

Grails: importing plugin classes to _Events.groovy

I've created a Grails plugin which adds a custom test type class (extending GrailsTestTypeSupport) and custom test result class (extending GrailsTestTypeResult) to support a custom test type that I run during the other phase of the test-app script. Testing this on my local machine has gone swimmingly but...
When I packaged the plugin to use in my app, the tests are blowing up on our CI server (Jenkins). Here's the error that Jenkins is spitting out:
unable to resolve class CustomTestResult # line 58, column 9.
new CustomTestResult(tests.size() - failed, failed)
It appears that I cannot simply import these classes into _Events.groovy, and the classes are not otherwise on the classpath. But I'll be damned if I can figure out how to get them onto the classpath. Here's what I have so far (in _Events.groovy):
import java.lang.reflect.Constructor
eventAllTestsStart = {
if (!otherTests) otherTests = []
otherTests << createCustomTestType()
private def createCustomTestType(String name = 'js', String relativeSourcePath = 'js') {
ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader()
GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent)
Class customTestTypeClass = loader.parseClass(new File("${customTestPluginDir}/src/groovy/custom/test/CustomTestType.groovy"))
Constructor customTestTypeConstructor = customTestTypeClass.getConstructor(String, String)
def customTestType = customTestTypeConstructor.newInstance(name, relativeSourcePath)
private def loadCustomTestResult() {
ClassLoader parent = getClass().getClassLoader()
GroovyClassLoader loader = new GroovyClassLoader(parent)
Class customTestResultClass = loader.parseClass(new File("${customTestPluginDir}/src/groovy/custom/test/CustomTestResult.groovy"))
Currently: CustomTestResult is only referenced from within CustomTestType. As far as I can tell, _Events.groovy is loading CustomTestType but it is failing because it then insists that CustomTestResult is not on the classpath.
Putting aside for a moment that it seems crazy that there's this much overhead to get plugin-furnished classes onto the classpath for the test cycle to begin with... I'm not quite sure where I've gotten tripped up. Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.
Have you tried simply loading the class in question via the ClassLoader that is accessible via the classLoader variable in _Events.groovy?
Class customTestTypeClass = classLoader.loadClass('custom.test.CustomTestType')
// use nice groovy overloading of Class.newInstance
return customTestTypeClass.newInstance(name, relativeSourcePath)
You should be late enough in the process at eventAllTestsStart for this to be valid.
#Ian Roberts' answer got me pointed in roughly the right direction, and combined with the _Events.groovy script from this grails-cucumber plugin, I managed to come through with this solution:
First, _Events.groovy became this:
eventAllTestsStart = { if (!otherTests) otherTests = [] }
eventTestPhasesStart = { phases ->
if (!phases.contains('other')) { return }
// classLoader.loadClass business per Ian Roberts:
otherTests << classLoader.loadClass('custom.test.CustomTestType').newInstance('js', 'js')
Which is far more readable than where I was at the start of this thread. But: I was in roughly the same position: my ClassNotFoundException moved from being thrown in _Events.groovy to being thrown from within CustomTestType when it tried to create an instance of custom.test. CustomTestResult. So within CustomTestType, I added the following method:
private GrailsTestTypeResult createResult(passed, failed) {
try {
return new customTestResult(passed, failed)
} catch(ClassNotFoundException cnf) {
Class customTestResult = buildBinding.classLoader.loadClass('custom.test.CustomTestResult')
return customTestResult.newInstance(passed, failed)
So Ian was right, inasmuch as classLoader came to the rescue -- I just wound up needing its magic in two places.
