Custom houdini module path - path

I need to store Houdini *.hda files on a network share.
This folder needs to be sourced by all users.
Usually, for those kind of requests, I use an environment variable in ~/houdini17.0/houdini.env like for exemple:
But the issue is that I can find a solution for hda/otls files.
Adding it to HOUDINI_PATH="${HOUDINI_PATH};/my/custom/hda/path" or HOUDINI_OTLSCAN_PATH doesn't work and worst, it seems to break other links since a few other houdini nodes aren't available anymore.
Can someone point me to the right environnement variables?

Try using $HSITE and/or $JOB environment variables. Houdini will scan sub folders of the paths defined by $HSITE and $JOB for all relevant files and folders so you don't need to set a bunch of different env vars. You can mirror the folder structure found in C:\Users\username\Documents\houdini16.5
Obviously replace the Houdini version with yours. Also note that $HSITE needs to point the the folder that contains the houdini16.5 folder not the folder itself. This way you can support multiple houdini versions with a single env var.
For example if $HSITE= //myNetworkShare/Houdini
You would need this folder structure:
Note you can only give $HSITE a single path.


MAMP/WAMP - Switch back from real project URLs to localhost in all my files

Good morning,
does anyone know how I could configure MAMP (or WAMP) in order to automatically change my project URLs, to localhost without having to search/replace inside my documents (operation I suppose to be a bit gross because possibly altering my code).
My goal is to develop on local while keeping the final and real URLs in my documents.I suppose lot of you have encountered this issue one day :)
In other word, I would like to alternate between online and local more easily.
I a beginner, please consider,
for all the biginners, here's the thing. I've created a config.php file which contains constants: one config file for the local project folder and one for the online server folder.
Inside this config file, I've create a constant (constant are then available everywhere in the project) to define the main URL of the project. e.g.:
define('CST_MAIN_URL',; // for the online config.php file
define('CST_MAIN_URL',http://localhost:8888); // for the local config.php file
Thus, each header or redirection can work with that constant, like:
header('location:' . CST_MAIN_URL . 'index.php');
Then, things must have to do with RewriteEngine in your htaccess file, for instance whenever you must modify the behavior of MAMP/WAMP if an interrogation point or a slash provokes you with its malicious resistance. But, unfortunately RegEx expression must be understood as a basic level for mastering those url rewritings.
Hope it'll helps.

Copy directories overwriting the target

Is there any way, in artifactory's rest API, to copy a directory, replacing the target with the new copy?
POST /api/copy/repo/dirA?to=repo/dirB
I would like dirB to be exactly like dirA after that.
In my current use case they are both docker directories.
You can make a pair of requests:
DELETE /repo/dirB
POST /api/copy/repo/dirA?to=repo/dirB
As far as I know, deleting the existing directory and copying the new one in its place is the only way to do what you want. Specifically, there's no option you can pass to the copy command that changes its behavior. There isn't really a reason to have one, since nearly everyone expects copied directories to merge into the destination: that's how it works in every filesystem I've heard of, and that's what people are used to.

Pass variables to and from Yeoman subgenerators

Is this possible, if yes, how would I go about it?
I have some subgenerators, which install express, wordpress or drupal. You can also name the install folder and name the assets folders (css/js/images). I'd like to pass those folder names to the parent generator for templating.
Variables can be pass through options/arguments when using composition. This only flows from the parent to the children.
There's no way for the children to pass back values to the parent generator. This is by design.
Better way is to rely on configuration files like package.json or infer settings from the content of files in the destination folder. This is better because that mean your generator is loosely couple to match the architecture of any existing project or any other generators your end user might want to compose with.

Nodestore and relationshipstore on different locations/directories/drives

I want to have the nodestore, relationshipstore, and property stores on different drives. Is there a configuration value that I can modify to achieve this?
The only thing so far that I have seen is the neo_store configuration, but that only changes the location of all store files relative to the store_dir.
I'm not aware of any config setting for this. However you can shut down your database and move the respective files to a separate drive and place a symlink into the the store directory.
N.B. I have not tested this setup myself.

Erlang - Standard location of mnesia database

Is there a standard place to put the mnesia database within erlang? At the moment I am putting it in the priv directory.
By default, Mnesia will create the schema in a subdirectory called Mnesia.<node name> of the current directory of the emulator process.
If that's not what you want, all you need to do is set Mnesia's dir application variable with something like
application:set_env(mnesia, dir, "/path/to/db").
As for where to place the database: that depends on your deployment scenario. Since application
variables can also be set using release config files or command line arguments, you can delay that
decision until you ship (or install on your own servers). For use in production, a standard directory like /var/lib/<your application>/mnesia-<node name>(on unix) should do.
For playing around, i'd recommend using a dedicated directory under the code root (NOT the priv directory) and setting that location within your application's startup section.
In my pet projects, i often use code such as
Root = filename:absname_join(filename:dirname(?FILE), ".."),
application:set_env(mnesia, dir, filename:join(Root, "db")).
for exactly that purpose.
As far as I know, when you create the schema every node creates a schema directory in its root directory.
Therefore, I guess that can be considered the default location.
If, for some reason, you have to include a schema together with your application, well, I guess the priv folder should be fine, since it is supposed to be used for application specific files and it's easily accessible via the code:priv_dir/1 function.
