ui-grid - how set display name for select column when select-all disabled? - ui-grid

Much like my other question
"ui-grid - how set display name for select column when select-all enabled?"
but now I need to have select all disabled. So changing "selectionSelectAllButtons" won't help. I don't see what I could customize to get a column heading for the select columns.

A colleague figured it out - CSS like this to make the column heading as "blurb":
div.left div.ui-grid-header-cell-row div.ui-grid-header-cell:after {
content: "Blurb";
Although to set the column heading programmatically, you have to trigger off of the page being rendered which is hard to do. That rendered event seems to be fired many times and it's important to perform the customization the last time (though doing it every time wouldn't hurt).


Conditional Formatting based on column values

I'm trying to make a column change color whenever a specific range within that same column has the same character, per example, I want cells C1:C50 to change to the color green when all the cells in C10:C50 have the value 1 on them.
I've tried this custom formula, that doesn't seem to work.
Sorry if this is an easy fix, but have been looking for answers and haven't found something that suits my problem
This should get you what you're after:
Select the rows you want the conditional format to apply to.
Click format > conditional formatting
Click + Add another rule
Below "Format Rules" click the drop down and select Is equal to
Type what you want the box to be equal to in the input (for example, "1" in your case)
Click the "Done" button.
Behold your beautifully formatted sheet and the new found power that you wield!
=COUNTIF(C$10:C$50, CHAR(10004))=50

Angular UI-grid, how to tell what the next column in the scroll is

I have a ui grid that has 20 columns, and I would like to be able to tell what the next column will be as I scroll through the horizontal axis so that I can have some text that will tell the users what the names of all the columns they can't see are.
Anyone know if this is possible? As I watch the the inspector and scroll through the columns, I see html attributes changing.
---UPDATE 1----
This is what is all looks like (where it says "home #" is dynamic and will change to show the next column that is out of site)
Based on the ui-grid configuration that you use to render the grid, you already know the order of the columns. You can use this information together with the visible on each column added by the gird itself.
What you need to do is bind a event handler on scroll to iterate over the columns on each change and check the visibility of them. Then the first one with visible === false is the upcoming.
Here is a working Plunker where is used this flag.

jquery mobile table - detect change in select

My table contains a column that contains a "select".
I need to detect when the user changes the "select" value of the cell so I can make DOM changes to other cells in the row.
I have no idea how to detect that event.
Figured it out.
Added an onchange to the html <td>.

Possible to NOT select a UIPickerView row on purpose?

Trying to emulate the concept of a Picker control that forces the user to make a selection. Is there a way to do that in iOS? According to the docs, the selectedRowInComponent function can return -1, which is exactly what I'm trying to accomplish, but I can't make that ever occur. I've tried not setting a row and have tried forcing the selectRow: function to accept -1, which it does without crashing, but seems to ignore it and still selects the first row. I know web sites do this all the time, so I feel like this should be available natively.
Can you just treat the zeroth row as a special case and make the text "-- Select Option --" or just an empty string or something like that?

Simple question, value not being display in DevExpress's LookupComboBox

This is a Delphi project, but I suspect DevExpress's component works similar for Delphi and .NET.
I have a DevExpress GridDBTableView, when selecting a cell in one of the column, I want a LookupComboBox to show up, where user can select an item, and the value gets display in the table cell. Simple.
I've set the column's Properties set to 'LookupComboBox'.
I have ListColumns setup with 'LocationName' and 'QuantityOnHand'.
ListSource is set to a datasource that's linked a dataset of 'LocationID', 'LocationName', and 'QuantityOnhand'.
ListFieldNames is set to 'LocationName;QuantityOnHand'
When I click on the cell, the combo box shows up with locations for me to choose, but when I choose a location, the table cell doesn't show the location name. In fact, I can't type anything in the cell.
What am I missing?
Ideally, I would like to be able to select a location from the combo box, the location name shows up in the table cell, and I can somehow store the corresponding LocationID that was selected.
I think that you should also set the column's Properties.KeyFieldName property to the KeyField of the Lookup DataSource. In this case, everything should work properly.
OK, all the answer is in the Express Editors' help file article 'Using Lookup Editors'.
The only step I missed was setting the LookupComboBox's KeyFieldNames property to 'LocationID'.
