How does session value gets sustained in MVC even if it is a stateless protocol? - MVC uses stateless protocol, if yes then how is the session gets sustained? to explain it in a better manner. I have two methods like this
public class HomeController : Controller
// GET: Home
public ActionResult Index()
HttpContext.Session["somename"] = "foo";
return View();
public ActionResult SomeMoreIndex()
var name = (string)HttpContext.Session["somename"];
return View("Index");
now, when i make a request home/index and check the sessionId using
i get this id "wfeprxbpbngr4jn24n1dttg1" but when i make a same request i get some other session id like this "oaxw3g4f5felo2nr0ly15dn4"
as you can see i am storing some value in the session named "somename". now when i try to acess the session, i get the value which i have store in the method named Index even tough i get a different session Id for every request.
how is it possible?


MVC 5 - RedirectToAction - Cannot pass parameter correctly

I have a method that looks as follows:
public ActionResult Create(int? birdRowId, Entities.BirdSighting sighting)
I want to call the above method from another method in the same controller as follows:
public ActionResult Create(Entities.BirdSighting birdSighting, FormCollection collection)
return RedirectToAction("Create", new {birdRowId = 10, sighting = birdSighting});
The RedirectToAction method calls the method correctly. And, the first parameter of the method being called (birdRowId) does equal 10. However, the second parameter, sighting, is always null, even though I'm passing an instantiated object with values. What am I doing wrong?
Remember, HTTP is stateless !
RedirectToAction method returns a 302 response to the client browser and thus the browser will make a new GET request to the specified URL.
If you are trying to follow the PRG pattern, I think you should not try to pass complex objects. You should only pass the ID of the resource so that the GET action can build the resource( the model) again using that ID.
return RedirectToAction("Created", "YourControllerName", new { #id=10} );
and in the Created action, read the id and build the object there.
public ActionResult Created(int id)
BirdSighting sighting=GetSightingFromIDFromSomeWhere(id);
// to do :Return something back here (View /JSON etc..)
If you really want to pass some data across (Stateless) HTTP Requests, you may use some temporary storage mechanism like TempData
Set your object to TempData in your HttpPost action method.
public ActionResult Create(BirdSighting birdSighting, FormCollection collection)
// do something useful here
TempData["BirdSighting"] =birdSighting;
return RedirectToAction("Created", "YourControllerName");
And in your GET action method,
public ActionResult Created()
var model=TempData["BirdSighting"] as BirdSighting;
//return something
return View("NotFound");
TempData uses Session object behind the scene to store the data. But once the data is read, the data is terminated.

How do I include a model with a RedirectToAction?

In the RedirectToAction below, I'd like to pass a viewmodel. How do I pass the model to the redirect?
I set a breakpoint to check the values of model to verify the model is created correctly. It is correct but the resulting view does not contain the values found in the model properties.
// model created up here...
return RedirectToAction("actionName", "controllerName", model);
RedirectToAction returns a 302 response to the client browser and thus the browser will make a new GET request to the url in the location header value of the response came to the browser.
If you are trying to pass a simple lean-flat view model to the second action method, you can use this overload of the RedirectToAction method.
protected internal RedirectToRouteResult RedirectToAction(
string actionName,
string controllerName,
object routeValues
The RedirectToAction will convert the object passed(routeValues) to a query string and append that to the url(generated from the first 2 parameters we passed) and will embed the resulting url in the location header of the response.
Let's assume your view model is like this
public class StoreVm
public int StoreId { get; set; }
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Code { set; get; }
And you in your first action method, you can pass an object of this to the RedirectToAction method like this
var m = new Store { StoreId =101, Name = "Kroger", Code = "KRO"};
return RedirectToAction("Details","Store", m);
This code will send a 302 response to the browser with location header value as
Assuming your Details action method's parameter is of type StoreVm, the querystring param values will be properly mapped to the properties of the parameter.
public ActionResult Details(StoreVm model)
// model.Name & model.Id will have values mapped from the request querystring
// to do : Return something.
The above will work for passing small flat-lean view model. But if you want to pass a complex object, you should try to follow the PRG pattern.
PRG Pattern
PRG stands for POST - REDIRECT - GET. With this approach, you will issue a redirect response with a unique id in the querystring, using which the second GET action method can query the resource again and return something to the view.
int newStoreId=101;
return RedirectToAction("Details", "Store", new { storeId=newStoreId} );
This will create the url Store/Details?storeId=101
and in your Details GET action, using the storeId passed in, you will get/build the StoreVm object from somewhere (from a service or querying the database etc)
public ActionResult Details(string storeId)
// from the storeId value, get the entity/object/resource
var store = yourRepo.GetStore(storeId);
// Map the the view model
var storeVm = new StoreVm { Id=storeId, Name=store.Name,Code=store.Code};
return View(storeVm);
return View("StoreNotFound"); // view to render when we get invalid store id
Following the PRG pattern is a better solution to handle this use case. But if you don't want to do that and really want to pass some complex data across Stateless HTTP requests, you may use some temporary storage mechanism like TempData
TempData["NewCustomer"] = model;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Users");
And read it in your GET Action method again.
public ActionResult Index()
var model=TempData["NewCustomer"] as Customer
return View(model);
TempData uses Session object behind the scene to store the data. But once the data is read the data is terminated.
Rachel has written a nice blog post explaining when to use TempData /ViewData. Worth to read.
Using TempData to pass model data to a redirect request in Asp.Net Core
In Asp.Net core, you cannot pass complex types in TempData. You can pass simple types like string, int, Guid etc.
If you absolutely want to pass a complex type object via TempData, you have 2 options.
1) Serialize your object to a string and pass that.
Here is a sample using Json.NET to serialize the object to a string
var s = Newtonsoft.Json.JsonConvert.SerializeObject(createUserVm);
TempData["newuser"] = s;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Users");
Now in your Index action method, read this value from the TempData and deserialize it to your CreateUserViewModel class object.
public IActionResult Index()
if (TempData["newuser"] is string s)
var newUser = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<CreateUserViewModel>(s);
// use newUser object now as needed
// to do : return something
2) Set a dictionary of simple types to TempData
var d = new Dictionary<string, string>
["FullName"] = rvm.FullName,
["Email"] = rvm.Email;
TempData["MyModelDict"] = d;
return RedirectToAction("Index", "Users");
and read it later
public IActionResult Index()
if (TempData["MyModelDict"] is Dictionary<string,string> dict)
var name = dict["Name"];
var email = dict["Email"];
// to do : return something
Another way to do it is to store it in the session.
var s = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(myView);
HttpContext.Session.SetString("myView", s);
and to get it back
string s = HttpContext.Session.GetString("myView");
myView = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<MyView>(s);

Route Parameter, Custom Model Binder or Action Filter?

Our ASP.NET MVC application allows an authenticated user to administer one or more "sites" linked to their account.
Our Urls are highly guessible since we use the site friendly name in the URL rather than the Id e.g:
As you can see we need access to the site name in a number of routes.
We need to execute the same behaviour for all of these actions:
Look for a site with the given identifier on the current account
If the site returned is null, return a 404 (or custom view)
If the site is NOT null (valid) we can carry on executing the action
The current account is always available to us via an ISiteContext object. Here is how I might achieve all of the above using a normal route parameter and performing the query directly within my action:
private readonly ISiteContext siteContext;
private readonly IRepository<Site> siteRepository;
public SitesController(ISiteContext siteContext, IRepository<Site> siteRepository)
this.siteContext = siteContext;
this.siteRepository = siteRepository;
public ActionResult Details(string id)
var site =
s => s.Account == siteContext.Account && s.SystemName == id
if (site == null)
return HttpNotFound();
return Content("Viewing details for site " + site.Name);
This isn't too bad, but I'm going to need to do this on 20 or so action methods so want to keep things as DRY as possible.
I haven't done much with custom model binders so I wonder if this is a job better suited for them. A key requirement is that I can inject my dependencies into the model binder (for ISiteContext and IRepository - I can fall back to DependencyResolver if necessary).
Many thanks,
Below is the working code, using both a custom model binder and action filter. I'm still not sure how I feel about this because
Should I be hitting my database from a modelbinder
I can actually do both the retrieving of the object and null validation from within an action filter. Which is better?
Model Binder:
public object BindModel(ControllerContext controllerContext, ModelBindingContext bindingContext)
if (!controllerContext.RouteData.Values.ContainsKey("siteid"))
return null;
var siteId = controllerContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("siteid");
var site =
s => s.Account == siteContext.Account && s.SystemName == siteId
return site;
Action Filter:
public class ValidateSiteAttribute : ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
var site = filterContext.ActionParameters["site"];
if (site == null || site.GetType() != typeof(Site))
filterContext.Result = new HttpNotFoundResult();
Controller Actions:
public ActionResult Settings(Site site)
var blog = site.GetFeature<BlogFeature>();
var settings = settingsProvider.GetSettings<BlogSettings>(blog.Id);
return View(settings);
public ActionResult Settings(Site site, BlogSettings settings)
if (ModelState.IsValid)
var blog = site.GetFeature<BlogFeature>();
settingsProvider.SaveSettings(settings, blog.Id);
return RedirectToAction("Settings");
return View(settings);
This definitely sounds like a job for an action filter. You can do DI with action filters not a problem.
So yeah, just turn your existing functionality into a action filter and then apply that to each action OR controller OR a base controller that you inherit from.
I don't quite know how your site works but you could possibly use a global action filter that checks for the existence of a particular route value, e.g. 'SiteName'. If that route value exists, that means you need to follow through with checking that the site exists...
A custom model binder for your Site type sounds like a good idea to me.
You will probably also want an action filter as well to catch "null" and return not found.

Best approach to don't request same info over and over

On my controller I have it inherit a MainController and there I override the Initialize and the OnActionExecuting.
Here I see what is the URL and by that I can check what Client is it, but I learned that for every Method called, this is fired up again and again, even a simple redirectToAction will fire the Initialization of the same controller.
Is there a better technique to avoid this repetition of database call? I'm using Entity Framework, so it will take no time to call the DB as it has the result in cache already, but ... just to know if there is a better technique now in MVC3 rather that host the variables in a Session Variable
sample code
public class MyController : MainController
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public class MainController : Controller
public OS_Clients currentClient { get; set; }
protected override void Initialize(System.Web.Routing.RequestContext requestContext)
// get URL Info
string url = requestContext.HttpContext.Request.Url.AbsoluteUri;
string action = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("action");
string controller = requestContext.RouteData.GetRequiredString("controller");
object _clientUrl = requestContext.RouteData.Values["cliurl"];
if (_clientUrl != null && _clientUrl.ToString() != "none")
// Fill up variables
this.currrentClient = db.FindClientById(_clientUrl.ToString());
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
// based on client and other variables, redirect to Disable or Login Actions
// ... more code here like:
// filterContext.Result = RedirectToAction("Login", "My");
is it still best to do as:
public OS_Clients currentClient {
get {
OS_Clients _currentClient = null;
if (Session["CurrentClient"] != null)
_currentClient = (OS_Clients)Session["CurrentClient"];
return _currentClient;
set {
Session["CurrentClient"] = value;
It seems that you dealing with application security in that case I would suggest to create Authorization filter, which comes much early into the action. You can put your permission checking code over there and the framework will automatically redirect the user to login page if the permission does not meet AuthorizeCore.
Next, if the user has permission you can use the HttpContext.Items as a request level cache. And then you can create another ActionFilter and in action executing or you can use the base controller to get the user from the Httpcontext.items and assign it to controller property.
If you are using mvc 3 then you can use the GlobalFilters to register the above mentioned filters instead of decorating each controller.
Hope that helps.
In your base controller, you need to cache the result of the first call in a Session variable.
This makes sure the back-end (DB) is not called unnecessarily, and that the data is bound to the user's Session instead of shared across users, as would be the case with the Application Cache.

Two step authentication in MVC?

We have an MVC app which has a custom forms authentication view/controller. The controller will verify things and then do a FormsAuthentication.RedirectFromLoginPage call.
At this point in the Global.asax we'll receive a Application_OnAuthenticateRequest call from where we'll get their Context.User information and make another call to gather information relevant to this account which we then store in their Context.User & System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal. We also do a little caching of this information since in our system retrieving what we need is expensive which leads to cache invalidation & re-retrieval of this information.
It seems a bit odd at this point that we've got these separated into separate calls. I'm almost wondering if the Login controller shouldn't be gathering the details as part of its authentication check and storing them. Then the Application_OnAuthenticateRequest can only worry about if the cache needs to be invalidated and the users details re-retrieved.
Or maybe there is some other way of handling this I don't even know about..?
You can do what you want in MVC by leveraging RedirectToRouteResult and a custom cache updating ActionFilter. This is called the PRG (Post-Redirect-Get) pattern. You are actually already doing this, but it gets a little confused, because what you are doing is a cross between the classic ASP.NET way of doing things and the MVC way of doing things. There's nothing wrong with your initial approach (provided it is working correctly), but to do the same sort of thing and have more control and understanding of how it works in the scheme of things you could do something like:
public class AuthenticationController :Controller
public RedirectToRouteResult Login(string username, string password)
//authenticate user
//store authentication info in TempData like
bool authenticated = true|false; // do your testing
TempData["MustUpdateCache"] = true | false;
return RedirectToAction("LoginSuccess", new{userId = membershipUser.UserId});
TempData["MustUpdateCache"] = true | false;
return RedirectToAction("Login");
[HttpGet, UpdateCache]
public ActionResult LoginSuccess(Guid userId, string url)
HttpContext.User = LoadUser(userId);
return View();
[HttpGet, UpdateCache]
public ViewResult Login()
return View();
public class UpdateCacheAttribute:ActionFilterAttribute
public override void OnResultExecuting(ResultExecutingContext filterContext)
var tempData = filterContext.Controller.TempData;
if (tempData.ContainsKey("MustUpdateCache") && (bool)tempData["MustUpdateCache"])
void UpdateCache(ControllerContext controllerContext)
//update your cache here
