Optional parameter nullable - x++

In Ax, I'm exposing a webservice. The method takes 3 parameters. Two of them should be Nullable<> but I fail to do that in X++.
In c# the code would look like:
private static void FooBar(string[] things, DateTime? d1, DateTime? d2)
if (d1 == null || d2 == null)
//Do Something
else {
//Something Else
How could I translate this? How can I build a method with build optional, nullable parameters?
With Method overload not suported in X++.

This should translate to the following:
private static void FooBar(str things[], utcdatetime d1 = DateTimeUtil::minValue(), utcdatetime d2 = DateTimeUtil::minValue())
//do something
//something else
things is mandatory, d1 & d2 are optional


How to get an enum from a String?

Minimal reproducible code:
abstract class FooEnum extends Enum {
// Some abstract methods...
enum One implements FooEnum { a, b }
enum Two implements FooEnum { x, y }
FooEnum getFooEnum(String string) {
// Too much boiler plate code, how to do it in a better way?
if (string == 'One.a') return One.a;
else if (...) // other cases.
Right now I'm doing it manually (error prone). So, how can I get an enum from a String?
If you only want to use pure dart without flutter or any packages you could do this:
FooEnum? getFooEnum(String string) {
final classValue = string.split('.');
if (classValue.length != 2) {
return null;
try {
switch (classValue[0]) {
case 'One':
return One.values.byName(classValue[1]);
case 'Two':
return Two.values.byName(classValue[1]);
} on ArgumentError {
return null;
return null;
With the collection package you could do this:
FooEnum? getFooEnum(String string) {
return (One.values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.toString() == string) ??
Two.values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.toString() == string)) as FooEnum?;
I haven't looked into why the cast is needed, but it was a quick way to fix the problem that occures without it.

Dart: how to determine nullable generic type at runtime?

I need to determine if a generic type is a String, bool, int, double or another class at runtime. I didn't found a way to do it for nullable types:
class Foo<T> {
void foo() {
if (T == int) {
print("'T' is an int");
} else {
print("'T' is not an int");
void main() {
final foo = Foo<int>();
final bar = Foo<int?>();
console output:
// 'T' is an int
// 'T' is not an int
Is there any syntax I'm unaware of to check for the nullable type?, I've already tried with int? but it doesn't compile.
Here is a more concrete example, based on the approach from How do I check whether a generic type is nullable in Dart NNBD?.
Note that when transpiling to JavaScript, all numbers are IEEE-754 double-precision floating-point values, so to distinguish between Dart double/double? and int/int?, we must first check with a floating-point literal that cannot be an int.
void foo<T>() {
if (1.5 is T) {
if (null is T) {
} else {
} else if (1 is T) {
if (null is T) {
} else {
} else {
print('something else');
void main() {
foo<int?>(); // Prints: int?
foo<int>(); // Prints: int
foo<double?>(); // Prints: double?
foo<double>(); // Prints: double
foo<bool>(); // Prints: something else
Note that the above approach won't work for void or Null. Null could be handled by checking T == Null, but T == void isn't valid syntax (similar to T == int?). You can work around that by making them type parameters to a generic function that does the comparison, so another approach is:
/// Returns true if T1 and T2 are identical types.
/// This will be false if one type is a derived type of the other.
bool typesEqual<T1, T2>() => T1 == T2;
void foo<T>() {
if (typesEqual<T, void>()) {
} else if (typesEqual<T, Null>()) {
} else if (typesEqual<T, int>()) {
} else if (typesEqual<T, int?>()) {
} else if (typesEqual<T, double>()) {
} else if (typesEqual<T, double?>()) {
} else {
print('something else');
void main() {
foo<int?>(); // Prints: int?
foo<int>(); // Prints: int
foo<double?>(); // Prints: double?
foo<double>(); // Prints: double
foo<void>(); // Prints: void
foo<Null>(); // Prints: Null
foo<bool>(); // Prints: something else
I recommend avoiding using Type objects for anything serious (other than printing or dart:mirrors).
You can create functions to check whether two types, provided as type arguments, are equivalent. Here are some examples:
/// Whether two types are equivalent.
/// The types are equivalent if they are mutual subtypes.
bool equivalentTypes<S, T>() {
return _Helper<S Function(S)>() is _Helper<T Function(T)>;
class _Helper<T> {}
// Or alternatively:
bool equivalentTypes2<S, T>() {
S func(S value) => value;
return func is T Function(T);
/// Whether two types are the same type.
/// Uses the same definition as the language specification for when
/// two types are the same.
/// Currently the same as mutual subtyping.
bool sameTypes<S, T>() {
void func<X extends S>() {}
// Spec says this is only true if S and T are "the same type".
return func is void Function<X extends T>();
void main() {
print(equivalentTypes<int, int>());
print(equivalentTypes<int?, int?>());
print(equivalentTypes<int?, int>());
print(equivalentTypes2<int, int>());
print(equivalentTypes2<int?, int?>());
print(equivalentTypes2<int?, int>());
print(sameTypes<int, int>());
print(sameTypes<int?, int?>());
print(sameTypes<int?, int>());
The language only has one operator for comparing a type to anything, the is operator, which compares an object to a type. That's why all the functions here create an object of a know type depending on S and check it against a type depending on T.

Checking if the first letter of string is in uppercase in Dart

I want to check if the first letter of string is in uppercase in Dart language. How can I implement it? Thanks in advance.
The simplest way I can think of is to compare the first letter of the string with the uppercase equivalent of it. Something like:
bool isUpperCase(String string) {
if (string == null) {
return false;
if (string.isEmpty) {
return false;
if (string.trimLeft().isEmpty) {
return false;
String firstLetter = string.trimLeft().substring(0, 1);
if (double.tryParse(firstLetter) != null) {
return false;
return firstLetter.toUpperCase() == string.substring(0, 1);
Updated the answer to take in consideration digits.
Also #Saed Nabil is right, this solution will return true if the string starts with any character that is not a letter (except for digits).
You can use the validators library if you are not already using it.
Then use this method
isUppercase(String str) → bool
check if the string str is uppercase
Don't forget to import the dependency, see documentation, to the pubspec.yaml and to your code import 'package:validators/validators.dart';.
Example code:
... do some magic
You should check that the value is not empty and not null first for safety. Like this:
if(value != null && value.isNotEmpty && isUppercase(value[0])){
... do amazing things
check this code it will return the actual uppercase letter else will return null
void main(){
var myString = "1s you said";
var firstCapital = firstCapitalLetter(myString);
if( firstCapital != null){
print("First Capital Letter is ${firstCapital}");
print("Not found");
String firstCapitalLetter(String myString){
final allCapitals = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ"; //string.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() == string.substring(0, 1) will not work with for ex. numbers;
if (myString == null) {
return null;
if (myString.isEmpty) {
return null;
if (myString.trimLeft().isEmpty) {
return null;
if( allCapitals.contains(myString[0])){
return myString[0];
return null;
this is a typical case for Optional type of Java language , please check this library if you prefer functional style code
optional package
bool isUppercase(String str){
return str == str.toUpperCase();
This seems to be elegant way for checking uppercase
String s='Hello';
bool isUpper = isUppercase(s[0]);
print(isUpper); //true
isUpper = isUppercase(s[1]);
print(isUpper); //false
Add this extension
extension Case on String{
// isuppercase
bool isUpperCase(){
int ascii = codeUnitAt(0);
return ascii >= 65 && ascii <= 90;
// islowercase
bool isLowerCase(){
int ascii = codeUnitAt(0);
return ascii >= 97 && ascii <= 122;
use it like this
String letter = 'A';
print(letter.isUpperCase()); // true

Type conversion using 'as' in dart

Why does it break in Foo when passing an instance of D2 rather than setting d1 to null? In .NET, it's advisable to use as instead of is because is normally requires two cast/conversion which is more expensive than null testing.
class Base {}
class D1 extends Base{}
class D2 extends Base{}
void Foo(Base d1OrD2) {
var d1 = d1OrD2 as D1;
if (d1 != null) print("it's d1");
else {
var d2 = d1OrD2 as D2;
if (d2 != null) print("it's d2");
void main() async{
Foo(D2()); // throws exception D2 is not an instance of D1.
Foo(D1()); // works
Because the as operator in Dart throws if the object is not an instance of the type on the right (or null). It is not similar to the as operator in C# which evaluates to null instead of throwing.
Your code starts with var d1 = d1OrD2 as D1; When d1OrD2 is a D2 instance, that operation throws.
What you should do instead is:
void Foo(Base d1OrD2) {
if (d1OrD2 is D1) {
// Static type of d1OrD2 is D1 here, you can call D1 methods on it.
print("it's d1");
} else {
var d2 = d1OrD2 as D2;
print("it's d2");

Enum from String

I have an Enum and a function to create it from a String because i couldn't find a built in way to do it
Visibility visibilityFromString(String value){
return Visibility.values.firstWhere((e)=>
//used as
Visibility x = visibilityFromString('COLLAPSED');
but it seems like i have to rewrite this function for every Enum i have, is there a way to write the same function where it takes the Enum type as parameter? i tried to but i figured out that i can't cast to Enum.
//is something with the following signiture actually possible?
dynamic enumFromString(Type enumType,String value){
Mirrors aren't always available, but fortunately you don't need them. This is reasonably compact and should do what you want.
enum Fruit { apple, banana }
// Convert to string
String str = Fruit.banana.toString();
// Convert to enum
Fruit f = Fruit.values.firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == 'Fruit.' + str);
assert(f == Fruit.banana); // it worked
Thanks to #frostymarvelous for correcting the answer
As from Dart version 2.15, you can lookup an enum value by name a lot more conveniently, using .values.byName or using .values.asNameMap():
enum Visibility {
visible, collapsed, hidden
void main() {
// Both calls output `true`
print(Visibility.values.byName('visible') == Visibility.visible);
print(Visibility.values.asNameMap()['visible'] == Visibility.visible);
You can read more about other enum improvements in the official Dart 2.15 announcement blog post.
My solution is identical to Rob C's solution but without string interpolation:
T enumFromString<T>(Iterable<T> values, String value) {
return values.firstWhere((type) => type.toString().split(".").last == value,
orElse: () => null);
Null safe example using firstWhereOrNull() from the collection package
static T? enumFromString<T>(Iterable<T> values, String value) {
return values.firstWhereOrNull((type) => type.toString().split(".").last == value);
void main() {
Day monday = Day.values.byName('monday'); // This is all you need
enum Day {
Old solution:
Your enum
enum Day {
Add this extension (need a import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';)
extension EnumEx on String {
Day toEnum() => Day.values.firstWhere((d) => describeEnum(d) == toLowerCase());
void main() {
String s = 'monday'; // String
Day monday = s.toEnum(); // Converted to enum
This is all so complicated I made a simple library that gets the job done:
import 'package:enum_to_string:enum_to_string.dart';
enum TestEnum { testValue1 };
String result = EnumToString.parse(TestEnum.testValue1);
//result = 'testValue1'
String resultCamelCase = EnumToString.parseCamelCase(TestEnum.testValue1);
//result = 'Test Value 1'
final result = EnumToString.fromString(TestEnum.values, "testValue1");
// TestEnum.testValue1
Update: 2022/02/10
Dart v2.15 has implemented some additional enum methods that may solve your problems.
From here: https://medium.com/dartlang/dart-2-15-7e7a598e508a
Improved enums in the dart:core library
We’ve made a number of convenience additions to the enum APIs in the dart:core library (language issue #1511). You can now get the String value for each enum value using .name:
enum MyEnum {
one, two, three
void main() {
print(MyEnum.one.name); // Prints "one".
You can also look up an enum value by name:
print(MyEnum.values.byName('two') == MyEnum.two); // Prints "true".
Finally, you can get a map of all name-value pairs:
final map = MyEnum.values.asNameMap();
print(map['three'] == MyEnum.three); // Prints "true".
Using mirrors you could force some behaviour. I had two ideas in mind. Unfortunately Dart does not support typed functions:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class EnumFromString<T> {
T get(String value) {
return (reflectType(T) as ClassMirror).getField(#values).reflectee.firstWhere((e)=>e.toString().split('.')[1].toUpperCase()==value.toUpperCase());
dynamic enumFromString(String value, t) {
return (reflectType(t) as ClassMirror).getField(#values).reflectee.firstWhere((e)=>e.toString().split('.')[1].toUpperCase()==value.toUpperCase());
void main() {
var converter = new EnumFromString<Visibility>();
Visibility x = converter.get('COLLAPSED');
Visibility y = enumFromString('HIDDEN', Visibility);
Collin Jackson's solution didn't work for me because Dart stringifies enums into EnumName.value rather than just value (for instance, Fruit.apple), and I was trying to convert the string value like apple rather than converting Fruit.apple from the get-go.
With that in mind, this is my solution for the enum from string problem
enum Fruit {apple, banana}
Fruit getFruitFromString(String fruit) {
fruit = 'Fruit.$fruit';
return Fruit.values.firstWhere((f)=> f.toString() == fruit, orElse: () => null);
Here is an alternative way to #mbartn's approach using extensions, extending the enum itself instead of String.
Faster, but more tedious
// We're adding a 'from' entry just to avoid having to use Fruit.apple['banana'],
// which looks confusing.
enum Fruit { from, apple, banana }
extension FruitIndex on Fruit {
// Overload the [] getter to get the name of the fruit.
operator[](String key) => (name){
switch(name) {
case 'banana': return Fruit.banana;
case 'apple': return Fruit.apple;
default: throw RangeError("enum Fruit contains no value '$name'");
void main() {
Fruit f = Fruit.from["banana"];
print("$f is ${f.runtimeType}"); // Outputs: Fruit.banana is Fruit
Less tedius, but slower
If O(n) performance is acceptable you could also incorporate #Collin Jackson's answer:
// We're adding a 'from' entry just to avoid having to use Fruit.apple['banana']
// which looks confusing.
enum Fruit { from, apple, banana }
extension FruitIndex on Fruit {
// Overload the [] getter to get the name of the fruit.
operator[](String key) =>
Fruit.values.firstWhere((e) => e.toString() == 'Fruit.' + key);
void main() {
Fruit f = Fruit.from["banana"];
print("$f is ${f.runtimeType}"); // Outputs: Fruit.banana is Fruit
I use this function, I think it's simple and doesn't need any kind of 'hack':
T enumFromString<T>(List<T> values, String value) {
return values.firstWhere((v) => v.toString().split('.')[1] == value,
orElse: () => null);
You can use it like this:
enum Test {
var test = enumFromString(Test.value, 'value2') // Test.value2
With Dart 2.15 we can now do this which is much cleaner
// Convert to string
String fruitName = Fruit.banana.name;
// Convert back to enum
Fruit fruit = Fruit.values.byName(fruitName);
print(fruit); // Fruit.banana
assert(fruit == Fruit.banana);
Since Dart 2.17 you can solve this elegantly with Enhanced Enums.
(see https://stackoverflow.com/a/71412047/15760132 )
Just add a static method to your enum of choice, like this:
enum Example {
static Example? fromName(String name) {
for (Example enumVariant in Example.values) {
if (enumVariant.name == name) return enumVariant;
return null;
Then you can look for the enum like this:
Example? test = Example.fromName("example1");
print(test); // returns Example.example1
I improved Collin Jackson's answer using Dart 2.7 Extension Methods to make it more elegant.
enum Fruit { apple, banana }
extension EnumParser on String {
Fruit toFruit() {
return Fruit.values.firstWhere(
(e) => e.toString().toLowerCase() == 'fruit.$this'.toLowerCase(),
orElse: () => null); //return null if not found
main() {
Fruit apple = 'apple'.toFruit();
assert(apple == Fruit.apple); //true
I had the same problem with building objects from JSON. In JSON values are strings, but I wanted enum to validate if the value is correct. I wrote this helper which works with any enum, not a specified one:
class _EnumHelper {
var cache = {};
dynamic str2enum(e, s) {
var o = {};
if (!cache.containsKey(e)){
for (dynamic i in e) {
o[i.toString().split(".").last] = i;
cache[e] = o;
} else {
o = cache[e];
return o[s];
_EnumHelper enumHelper = _EnumHelper();
enumHelper.str2enum(Category.values, json['category']);
PS. I did not use types on purpose here. enum is not type in Dart and treating it as one makes things complicated. Class is used solely for caching purposes.
Generalising #CopsOnRoad's solution to work for any enum type,
enum Language { en, ar }
extension StringExtension on String {
T toEnum<T>(List<T> list) => list.firstWhere((d) => d.toString() == this);
String langCode = Language.en.toString();
Simplified version:
import 'package:flutter/foundation.dart';
static Fruit? valueOf(String value) {
return Fruit.values.where((e) => describeEnum(e) == value).first;
Using the method describeEnum helps you to avoid the usage of the split to get the name of the element.
You can write getEnum like below, getEnum will go through enum values and returns the first enum that is equal to the desired string.
Sample getEnum(String name) => Sample.values.firstWhere(
(v) => v.name.toLowerCase() == name.toLowerCase(),
orElse: () => throw Exception('Enum value not found.'),
enum SampleEnum { first, second, third }
also, you can use this:
final SampleEnum nameEnum = SampleEnum.values.byName('second'); // SampleEnum.second
void main() {
In the latest version of Dart, enum can support custom fields and methods. So the most modern way to do this, is to write a custom field for name/label, and a static parser function.
For example:
enum Foo {
unknown('UNKNOWN'); // make sure the last element ends in `;`
final String label; // define a private field
const Foo(this.label); // constructor
static Foo fromString(String label) { // static parser method
return values.firstWhere(
(v) => v.label == label,
orElse: () => Foo.unknown,
Sample Usage:
final foo = Foo.fromString('FIRST'); // will get `Foo.a`
There are a couple of enums packages which allowed me to get just the enum string rather than the type.value string (Apple, not Fruit.Apple).
https://pub.dartlang.org/packages/built_value (this is more up to date)
void main() {
print(MyEnum.nr1.index); // prints 0
print(MyEnum.nr1.toString()); // prints nr1
print(MyEnum.valueOf("nr1").index); // prints 0
print(MyEnum.values[1].toString()) // prints nr2
print(MyEnum.values.last.index) // prints 2
print(MyEnum.values.last.myValue); // prints 15
Here is the function that converts given string to enum type:
EnumType enumTypeFromString(String typeString) => EnumType.values
.firstWhere((type) => type.toString() == "EnumType." + typeString);
And here is how you convert given enum type to string:
String enumTypeToString(EnumType type) => type.toString().split(".")[1];
Generalizing on #Pedro Sousa's excellent solution, and using the built-in describeEnum function:
extension StringExtension on String {
T toEnum<T extends Object>(List<T> values) {
return values.singleWhere((v) => this.equalsIgnoreCase(describeEnum(v)));
enum TestEnum { none, test1, test2 }
final testEnum = "test1".toEnum(TestEnum.values);
expect(testEnum, TestEnum.test1);
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
enum Page {
Widget page(String key){
Page? link = Page.values.firstWhereOrNull((e) => e.toString().split('.').last == key);
switch (link) {
case Page.login:
return LoginView();
case Page.profile:
return const ProfileView();
case Page.contact:
return const ContactView();
return const Empty();
#Collin Jackson has a very good answer IMO. I had used a for-in loop to achieve a similar result prior to finding this question. I am definitely switching to using the firstWhere method.
Expanding on his answer this is what I did to deal with removing the type from the value strings:
enum Fruit { apple, banana }
class EnumUtil {
static T fromStringEnum<T>(Iterable<T> values, String stringType) {
return values.firstWhere(
(f)=> "${f.toString().substring(f.toString().indexOf('.')+1)}".toString()
== stringType, orElse: () => null);
main() {
Fruit result = EnumUtil.fromStringEnum(Fruit.values, "apple");
assert(result == Fruit.apple);
Maybe someone will find this useful...
I had the same problem in one of my projects and existing solutions were not very clean and it didn't support advanced features like json serialization/deserialization.
Flutter natively doesn't currently support enum with values, however, I managed to develop a helper package Vnum using class and reflectors implementation to overcome this issue.
Address to the repository:
To answer your problem using Vnum, you could implement your code as below:
class Visibility extends Vnum<String> {
static const VISIBLE = const Visibility.define("VISIBLE");
static const COLLAPSED = const Visibility.define("COLLAPSED");
static const HIDDEN = const Visibility.define("HIDDEN");
const Visibility.define(String fromValue) : super.define(fromValue);
factory Visibility(String value) => Vnum.fromValue(value,Visibility);
You can use it like :
var visibility = Visibility('COLLAPSED');
There's more documentation in the github repo, hope it helps you out.
When migrating to null-safety, the Iterable.firstWhere method no longer accepts orElse: () => null. Here is the implementation considering the null-safety:
import 'package:collection/collection.dart';
String enumToString(Object o) => o.toString().split('.').last;
T? enumFromString<T>(String key, List<T> values) => values.firstWhereOrNull((v) => key == enumToString(v!));
enum Fruit { orange, apple }
// Waiting for Dart static extensions
// Issue https://github.com/dart-lang/language/issues/723
// So we will be able to Fruit.parse(...)
extension Fruits on Fruit {
static Fruit? parse(String raw) {
return Fruit.values
.firstWhere((v) => v.asString() == raw, orElse: null);
String asString() {
return this.toString().split(".").last;
final fruit = Fruits.parse("orange"); // To enum
final value = fruit.asString(); // To string
I think my approach is slightly different, but might be more convenient in some cases. Finally, we have parse and tryParse for enum types:
import 'dart:mirrors';
class Enum {
static T parse<T>(String value) {
final T result = (reflectType(T) as ClassMirror).getField(#values)
.reflectee.firstWhere((v)=>v.toString().split('.').last.toLowerCase() == value.toLowerCase()) as T;
return result;
static T tryParse<T>(String value, { T defaultValue }) {
T result = defaultValue;
try {
result = parse<T>(value);
} catch(e){
return result;
EDIT: this approach is NOT working in the Flutter applications, by default mirrors are blocked in the Flutter because it causes the generated packages to be very large.
enum in Dart just has too many limitations. The extension method could add methods to the instances, but not static methods.
I really wanted to be able to do something like MyType.parse(myString), so eventually resolved to use manually defined classes instead of enums. With some wiring, it is almost functionally equivalent to enum but could be modified more easily.
class OrderType {
final String string;
const OrderType._(this.string);
static const delivery = OrderType._('delivery');
static const pickup = OrderType._('pickup');
static const values = [delivery, pickup];
static OrderType parse(String value) {
switch (value) {
case 'delivery':
return OrderType.delivery;
case 'pickup':
return OrderType.pickup;
print('got error, invalid order type $value');
return null;
String toString() {
return 'OrderType.$string';
// parse from string
final OrderType type = OrderType.parse('delivery');
assert(type == OrderType.delivery);
assert(type.string == 'delivery');
another variant, how it might be solved:
enum MyEnum {
extension MyEnumX on MyEnum {
String get asString {
switch (this) {
case MyEnum.value1:
return _keyValue1;
case MyEnum.value2:
return _keyValue2;
throw Exception("unsupported type");
MyEnum fromString(String string) {
switch (string) {
case _keyValue1:
return MyEnum.value1;
case _keyValue2:
return MyEnum.value2;
throw Exception("unsupported type");
const String _keyValue1 = "value1";
const String _keyValue2 = "value2";
void main() {
String string = MyEnum.value1.asString;
MyEnum myEnum = MyEnum.value1.fromString(string);
enum HttpMethod { Connect, Delete, Get, Head, Options, Patch, Post, Put, Trace }
HttpMethod httpMethodFromString({#required String httpMethodName}) {
assert(httpMethodName != null);
if (httpMethodName is! String || httpMethodName.isEmpty) {
return null;
return HttpMethod.values.firstWhere(
(e) => e.toString() == httpMethodName,
orElse: () => null,
You can do something like this:
extension LanguagePreferenceForString on String {
LanguagePreferenceEntity toLanguagePrerence() {
switch (this) {
case "english":
return LanguagePreferenceEntity.english;
case "turkish":
return LanguagePreferenceEntity.turkish;
return LanguagePreferenceEntity.english;
