UIImageView streches over entire row height of UITableViewCell - ios

Intro: Hi, I'm working on a "News" app, that uses a news API online. I want to display the content of the latest news in a TableView (Currently I want to display the title of the news item, the name of the organization that posted it (e.g: the BBC), and an image that I load from a given link). I dragged a table view in the Main storyboard, created a custom cell for a singular news item, and get all of the required information from the internet.
The Problem:
When all the data gets loaded into the TableView, the image streches across the whole rows height.
I'm trying to find a work-around for hours now. At the moment, In the prototype cell, I have a Stack View, that contains 2 labels and an ImageView, with a Vertical Axis, and a Distribution of Fill Equally.
There are no constraints on the Views inside the Stack View (the 2 labels and ImageView), and I'm not editing any constraints within the code, to keep it as simple as possible.
I also tried the constraints approach prior of using the stack view, but it gave the same result.
Image Of The Stack View
The Result in the Simulator (Rows without an image, don't have an image url provided by the api, so I just skip them).
I tried being as expressive as I can about the problem, if you are still missing some information please let me know

The problem you are encountering is due to constraint issue. The problem should be solved by unstacking the view and put constraints instead.
You can still achieve scalable application using them.
If you are confused with how to do it, refer https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/UserExperience/Conceptual/AutolayoutPG/WorkingwithConstraintsinInterfaceBuidler.html
These should help.

I think you are in right Direction.
if you want static(fixed) Layout Follow below step.
change StackView Distribution from Fill equally to Fill
Apply StackView(leading,trailing,top,bottm) =
set tableView rowHeight to 300 or whatever you want
if you want dynamic layout follow below step


How to create table view with rounded corners around the list items

I am trying to recreate a menu similar to the ones in the detail view of the iOS 13 Health app. Please refer to the marked up screenshot.
I know that this can be done with a table view. There's a section title and list items. But what I want to achieve is similar to the look shown in the screenshot whereby there's a background colour on the list items (not including the section title) and rounded corners at the top and bottom of the list.
Can anybody tell me how I can achieve this with the table view? Or point me towards the right direction? I already know how to setup table views and programmatically add the details. I just need help on how to achieve the styling as shown below.
So, I was able to figure it out. For the benefit of the devs who stumble in the same dilemma, I'm posting my solution here. But I will be tagging Glenn's answer above as the correct answer as it lead me to find the solution. Thanks again Glenn!
It appears that I didn't have to do anything special with my code. I just discovered that on XCode 11 and iOS 13, there's a new table view style called "Inset Grouped". You may set this property from IB or via code.
With a quick experimentation I was able to come up with the result as shown on the screenshot below.
It's not that complex to do. This one of the multiple ways that that style can be done.
a. You can use grouped tableView, as what you've indicated in the screenshot.
b. Provide section title, or better yet, a section view (for more customization!).
c. For each section, you have ONE tableViewCell.
d. For each cell of that c., you will have a tableView.
e. For each tableView of that d., you will have your a new cell of course (item cell).
f. How to compute for the height of the tableView of e.? There are multiple ways.
Provide static height (if your number of items are static).
If dynamic count, but you have constant height of each cell, then you can just compute it like so: itemsCount * heightConstantOfCell
If again you have dynamic count of rows/items, and you have iether constant height of each cell or dynamic height of each cell, then you can observe the frame key of the whole tableView.
g. Finally, just add some corner radius to each container view of your tableView in d..
Note, this screenshot ONLY shows the item g.. It's merely a corner radius of each container view of your tableView in a tableViewCell that is a cell of your main tableView.
Another way is to use UICollectionView, but kinda more complex than what I've discussed - at least for me.

What's the best approach to display a variable number of images within a TableViewCell in a xib file?

I am building an app about meetings where I want to show a preview of the VIP participants in each meeting cell.
These participants are not clickable nor scrollable, the only purpose it's to quickly see them at a glance.
The problem is that the view is very dynamic:
VIP's appear with image or initials
The rest of the attendees is just a number
if >5 VIP's, the circles start going together overlapping (spacing goes smaller)
if 9 VIPs, big wrapping circle “All VIPs in Attendance"
This is how it will look:
What should I do?
CollectionView (seems over-kill as I am not interested in any kind of interaction with the images)?
Images (and change constrains programmatically)?
These is just one kind of Table View Cell, but we have a lot more variations, so we are building the custom cells in xib files. Xcode doesn't allow me to add a Collection View Cell in to the Collection View within the xib.
Interesting task - I'm sure there are numerous approaches, but here is one using UIStackView plus some on-the-fly calculations.
The idea is to define a maximum gap between views; a maximum width for all views; calculate the actual gap needed, and then let UIStackview handle the actual positioning.
Certainly not every feature you need, but should get you going in the right direction.
You can see/download the source for this here: https://github.com/DonMag/ScratchPad
Look at the Swift3/SpreadingViews sub-project for this example.
The problem with scrollable views (UIScrollView based views as UICollectionView), is that you will have to deal with the scroll, or pre-compute the width of your content, which is not always easy. For this reason, if you don't want to have scrollable content, I'd not use a UICollectionView, neither any UIScrollView based view.
Then you have the option to go with an UIStackView. Stack views are great to "append" multiple views and create some kind of "pile" of views in a very easy way. However, if you don't control how many items you need, you will overpass the boundaries of your container view.
Therefore, this is what I'd do:
"Fixed container view width" case: If your container view (your cell) has a fixed width (that never changes), I'd manually add as many UIImageViews I want to support in the XIB itself, and then hide/unhide them depending on the number of items I want to display.
"Variable container view width" case: If your container view (your cell) has a variable width (that changes depending on the screen size or whatever other factor), then you will have to compute in any case (do the math!) the amount of items you are able to display within the width you have available. Then, you can choose between using an UIStackView or adding your views & constraints manually to your container view.
Does what I say make sense?

UICollectionView sticky supplementary view

Assuming I'm on a chat scenario, I want user images to move along with scroll until the other user's messages appear. Some visual example:
I'm using a subclass of UICollectionViewFlowLayout to display the messages and provide that initial left offset for the messages (the sectionInset property is not working on iOS 9 for some reason) and I assumed handling a custom supplementary view to do what's shown above should not be that hard, but apparently it is :)
Some info:
I'm not using standard header/footers for flowLayout since it add a space between sections that I don't want
Found this link which is pretty interesting from performance perspective but the example is somehow incomplete (great post though)
I'm trying to avoid shouldInvalidateLayoutForBoundsChange: to return true and recreate attributes every time since chat cells can be complex in terms of size calculation.
I believe this is not a weird scenario, have anyone accomplish something like this successfully? If so, I would appreciate some pointers.
Thank you in advance.
you can use sections for each cell groups. When using sections they have to be a clear background and be customized. So message cells can be scrolled below sections and circle images on section will be on top of its cells.
As a second way, you can use circle images apart from all collection items. For this, you have to create circle images that how many required. While scrolling up/down, they have to be moved as they will be anchored on top of message cells group.
I hope it helps for you :)

iOS Swift trouble making detail page with embedded list and collection view

I am new in iOS development and Swift, I'm struggling creating a relatively simple detail page.
For now I have this layout made with interface builder:
The parts highlighted in red must have variable heights, every element is inside one big stack view which is inside a big scroll view.
The list of phone numbers is a label with Lines set at 0 so if I understood correctly that element will size itself correctly with the content.
I don't know how to implement the other two lists and how to make the whole layout to wrap onto the content.
To make you understand better I'm struggling because I'm used to make layouts in android and so making extensive use of the wrap_content option.
Thanks in advance
I think, you could use UITableView for image+text list and UICollectionView for images. If you are using constraints you have to add height constraints to your tableView and collectionView, but you could update those constraints from code with real heights.

Clickable tags / text

I'm working on an app that includes the names of users with their icons under an image. I'm currently using collection view in order to distribute the names. I'm using this approach since each cell when clicked will be holding the user object. However, I'm having some layout issues when it's used (please check attached image). The spacing is unusual. The desired output is the cells having a certain spacing limit between them and if any cell cannot fit, will be placed on the other line. I tried using the delegate methods for spacing by setting it to 5 however it's not working (the cell's size will be dynamic). Should I subclass and create my own Collection view Layout ? if there is any other approach without using collection views please let me know. Thank you.
