Server side omniture page tracking - adobe-analytics

we use omniture to track page visits in our site. It works well. However, we have a scenario where we have some redirect links that redirect to a different website over which we have no control.
Example, I am on page A and it has a link to a redirect page B (in the same domain). However, when user clicks on the link to page B, the page B redirects the user at the server side to a different website.
How can we track page visits for page B? I tried using method. However, is there a way to track redirect page B visit similar to a regular page in site site?


How URL redirection is done depending upon the source of user coming from?

How URL redirection is performed depending upon the traffic source user is coming from.
For example, when the below link is accessed directly from the browser, it lands user to a certain page. However, same link when shared on facebook page, a facebook user when click on that link lands totally to a whole different URL.
Example Link :еt-whо-rеfusеs-tо-еuthаnizе-раrаlуzеd-рuрру-gеts-hugе-surрrisе-hоurs-lаtеr/
The above link is when accessed through facebook, it lands user to a different URL.
I am curios to know how it can be done?

Redirect from domain to other url and then on landing page

I am running google adword campaign for one brand on google search result it will show display url and when someone hit on the ad then on the url tab first of all it will redirect to some other page then it will show my original url i.e. Please visit the following link for reference Example URL
Rids - If I understand you, you want to set up adwords ad (that you control) to link to your site that you're advertising...then you want to redirect them somewhere else.
You should be able to provide the url in the ad to the first location.
Then you'd have to code something that redirects them to a different url...
There is no way to do a double end point in http protocol. its a request,response. once a user clicks on your ad - they have requested your URL, your server will send a response page, which gets rendered in the browser...
Your server, OR your response page can perform a redirect - but you have to code that. Unless you're using some CMS (content management system) that will 'code' it for you thru an interface...but it's still 'code'
Hope that helps.

How to block access to the page when typing URL directly in the browser?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application with a number of pages.
I'm trying to authenticate the user before opening a page.
I have created a Login page that works and authorizing a user.
However, when I enter the page URL directly in the browser, I'm able to open it.
How can I restrict the user from opening the page directly?

Reducing number of redirects - http to https

I am trying to reduce the number of redirects at my website login page in order for the page to load faster. My final task is deciding if it's possible to remove the redirect for the login page and still keep the site secure.
Should I make a landing page with a link to a secure login page, thus reducing the number of redirects?
Allow the login page to run under HTTP?
This will obviously be introducing a big security risk to a page where users enter their login credentials, which is generally a pretty bad idea. I would suggest no, but it depends what information the site will provide once logged in. If there's no accounting, no personal data, etc. then maybe it's okay, but i still wouldn't do it.
Edit: Updated due to question change
As stated, a static landing page with a link to the secure login page is a good solution here. It would be advisable to keep the http-to-https redirect on the login page though, as some users may try to type the address manually from memory, be using anold bookmark, or using a cached link from a search engine. Alternatively, the http login page could redirect to a different landing page, alerting the user about the insecure page they have navigated to, and also serving the https login link.
A 'landing page' in http is the optimal way to remove the http to https redirect on a login page. The user can click a link to get to the secure https login page, therefore the login page is only available under https.
If a user wishes to have a url directly to the login page to make access faster, they can bookmark this after clicking 'login'. mvc and jquery mobile authentication

I'm developing a mobile application using MVC 4. And I'm securing it. The application has 2 pages ("home" and "Clientes")
When the application starts it asks me for a username and password, with this being its URL http://localhost:59170/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f.
I login and go to the home page. This is the url I can see on IE http://localhost:59170/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f.
From this page I go to the Clientes page. This is the url that I can see on IE http://localhost:59170/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f#/Clientes. At the moment all works ok (Though url like something stranger).
The problem occurs when I press the back button on IE. It must go to the home page but I go to http://localhost:59170/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f#/Account/Login?ReturnUrl=%2f where it asks me to login.
What might cause this behaviour and how do I solve it?
Each time you request a page that requires authentication, .NET will redirect you to your designated login page and append the requested URL to the URL. That way, once the user has logged in successfully it will redirect them to the page they requested automatically. In your first URL for example the return URL encoded representation of / i.e. the root/ homepage of your site
It will keep redirecting you until you have authenticated. If you don't want to have authentication on your homepage then just annotate your account controller with [Authorize] and not your home controller
