Converting Objective-C malloc to Swift - ios

I am working on a project that was written in Objective-C and needs to be updated to Swift. We use a C file for transferring data.
Here is the code I was given in Objective-C:
- (NSData *)prepareEndPacket {
UInt8 *buff_data;
buff_data = (uint8_t *)malloc(sizeof(uint8_t)*(PACKET_SIZE+5));
// Call to C File
NSData *data_first = [NSData dataWithBytes:buff_data length:sizeof(uint8_t)*(PACKET_SIZE+5)];
return data_first;
In the C .h file I have this for reference:
#define PACKET_SIZE ((uint32_t)128)
I can not seem to find a good way of converting this to Swift. Any help would be appreciated.

malloc and free actually work fine in Swift; however, the UnsafeMutablePointer API is more "native". I'd probably use Data's bytesNoCopy for better performance. If you want, you can use Data(bytes:count:), but that will make a copy of the data (and then you need to make sure to deallocate the pointer after making the copy, or you'll leak memory, which is actually a problem in the Objective-C code above since it fails to free the buffer).
So, something like:
func prepareEndPacket() -> Data {
let count = PACKET_SIZE + 5
let buf = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>.allocate(capacity: count)
return Data(bytesNoCopy: buf, count: count, deallocator: .custom { ptr, _ in
By using bytesNoCopy, the Data object returned is basically a wrapper around the original pointer, which will be freed by the deallocator when the Data object is destroyed.
Alternatively, you can create the Data object from scratch and get a pointer to its contents to pass to PrepareEndPacket():
func prepareEndPacket() -> Data {
var data = Data(count: PACKET_SIZE + 5)
data.withUnsafeMutableBytes { (ptr: UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>) in
return data
This is slightly less efficient, since the Data(count:) initializer will initialize all the Data's bytes to zero (similar to using calloc instead of malloc), but in many cases, that may not make enough of a difference to matter.


Initialization of 'UnsafePointer<Int>' results in a dangling pointer [duplicate]

This question already has answers here:
UnsafeMutablePointer Warning with Swift 5
(3 answers)
Warning: Initialization of 'UnsafeBufferPointer<T>' results in a dangling buffer pointer
(6 answers)
Initialization of 'UnsafeMutableRawPointer' results in a dangling pointer
(1 answer)
Closed 2 years ago.
So I have some code to create H264ParameterSets like:
var formatDesc: CMVideoFormatDescription?
func createH264FormatDescription(SPS: Array<UInt8>, PPS: Array<UInt8>) -> OSStatus {
if formatDesc != nil { formatDesc = nil }
let paramSet = [UnsafePointer<UInt8>(SPS), UnsafePointer<UInt8>(PPS)]
let paramPointers = UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>>(paramSet)
let paramSizes = UnsafePointer<Int>([SPS.count, PPS.count])
let status = CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, parameterSetCount: 2, parameterSetPointers: paramPointers, parameterSetSizes: paramSizes, nalUnitHeaderLength: 4, formatDescriptionOut: &formatDesc)
return status
Starting on Xcode 11.4 I got warnings for those UnsafePointer(), which seems not happen before:
Initialization of UnsafePointer<UInt8> results in a dangling pointer
Initialization of UnsafePointer<UnsafePointer<UInt8>> results in a dangling pointer
Initialization of UnsafePointer<Int> results in a dangling pointer
I'm not sure why we see this? and how can I remove the warning? Thank in advance.
The easiest way to explain this warning is to look at one of the cases causing it. So lets start with your use of SPS.
It is an Array<UInt8> so it is backed by a buffer of UInt8 just like in C. When you pass SPS with UnsafePointer<UInt8>(SPS) it creates a valid pointer to the buffer for that moment. The issue is that you could then mutate SPS say by appending another value to it. This would mean that the buffer backing the Array is potentially moved to another place in memory. This would mean that your pointer that is now part of paramSet is invalid.
The other issue is that if you pass this pointer to something, like you do in this case, the other function could try to hold onto it and then it has an invalid pointer. So if you expect the other function to hold onto the pointer you need to manually manage memory with UnsafePointers and Unmanaged yourself. If CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets() doesn't hold onto the pointers then the code I'll share is correct, if it does you will need to adjust it to create/destory the memory as needed.
Also it is worth noting that in this case, you can't mutate any of the Arrays you have because they are constants but in general the principle is still the same. This means that in theory it could never be mutated but the Swift compiler prefers to help us write code that is always safe and correct whenever possible, even with UnsafePointer types.
So how can you fix this? You will need to be able to call withUnsafeBufferPointer and then access the pointer through the UnsafeBufferPointer like this:
var formatDesc: CMVideoFormatDescription?
func createH264FormatDescription(SPS: Array<UInt8>, PPS: Array<UInt8>) -> OSStatus {
if formatDesc != nil { formatDesc = nil }
let status = SPS.withUnsafeBufferPointer { SPS in
PPS.withUnsafeBufferPointer { PPS in
let paramSet = [SPS.baseAddress!, PPS.baseAddress!]
let paramSizes = [SPS.count, PPS.count]
return paramSet.withUnsafeBufferPointer { paramSet in
paramSizes.withUnsafeBufferPointer { paramSizes in
CMVideoFormatDescriptionCreateFromH264ParameterSets(allocator: kCFAllocatorDefault, parameterSetCount: 2, parameterSetPointers: paramSet.baseAddress!, parameterSetSizes: paramSizes.baseAddress!, nalUnitHeaderLength: 4, formatDescriptionOut: &formatDesc)
return status
The reason this approach works is that for the scope of withUnsafeBufferPointer the Law of Exclusivity is protecting the arrays so they can't be mutated.
If you are worried about the baseAddress! usage you can check that it isn't nil but it is guaranteed to not be nil when count > 0 according the the compiler engineers (they have stated this on either Twitter or the Swift forums I forget...).

Swift C callback - takeUnretainedValue or takeRetainedValue for Swift class pointer

I have several UIView or UITableViewCell. Inside I have C callback, for example:
{(observer, data) -> Void in
let mySelf = Unmanaged<DetailedView>.fromOpaque(observer!).takeRetainedValue()
mySelf.fillLoadedData(data: data)
Somewhere else
func bridge<T : AnyObject>(_ obj : T) -> UnsafeMutableRawPointer {
return UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(obj).toOpaque())
In C:
void CCalback(void * classPtr, void(*callback)(void *, MyData)){
//fill data
callback(classPtr, data)
Should I use takeUnretainedValue or takeRetainedValue in closure? As far as I understand this, retained will increase objects reference count, so it wont be auto-destructed? Otherwise, if I use takeUnretainedValue, if self is auto-released, this will crash, so using takeRetainedValue will prevent it. Am I correct?
An object pointer can be converted to a Unsafe(Mutable)RawPointer (the Swift
equivalent of the C void *) with or without retaining the object:
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passUnretained(obj).toOpaque())
// Does not retain `obj`
let ptr = UnsafeMutableRawPointer(Unmanaged.passRetained(obj).toOpaque())
// Retains `obj`
The conversion back to an object pointer (often done in a callback
function called from C) can be with or without consuming a retain:
let obj = Unmanaged<T>.fromOpaque(ptr).takeUnretainedValue()
// Does not consume a retain
let obj = Unmanaged<T>.fromOpaque(ptr).takeRetainedValue()
// Consumes a retain
If the lifetime of obj is guaranteed while the callback is active
then the easiest way is to use the "unretained" conversions in both directions. You are responsible for retaining obj while the
callback is active, e.g. by unregistering the callback before obj
is deinitialized.
The alternative is to use passRetained() to convert obj to
a pointer. This retains the object and therefore keeps it "alive".
The callback can still use the "unretained" conversion to convert
the pointer to an object pointer, without decreasing the retain count.
But there must be exactly one takeRetainedValue() call to consume the
retain. After that, the object can be destroyed if there are no
other references to it.
More generally, each call to passRetained(obj) increases the retain
count and each call to takeRetainedValue() decreases it, so they must be properly balanced.

App crashing due to low memory when using malloc() [duplicate]

I'm using the Swift compiler's Bridging Header feature to call a C function that allocates memory using malloc(). It then returns a pointer to that memory. The function prototype is something like:
char *the_function(const char *);
In Swift, I use it like this:
var ret = the_function(("something" as NSString).UTF8String)
let val = String.fromCString(ret)!
Forgive my ignorance concerning Swift but normally in C, if the_function() is malloc'ing memory and returning it, somebody else needs to free() it at some point.
Is this being handled by Swift somehow or am I leaking memory in this example?
Thanks in advance.
Swift does not manage memory that is allocated with malloc(), you have to free the memory eventually:
let ret = the_function("something") // returns pointer to malloc'ed memory
let str = String.fromCString(ret)! // creates Swift String by *copying* the data
free(ret) // releases the memory
println(str) // `str` is still valid (managed by Swift)
Note that a Swift String is automatically converted to a UTF-8
string when passed to a C function taking a const char * parameter
as described in String value to UnsafePointer<UInt8> function parameter behavior.
That's why
let ret = the_function(("something" as NSString).UTF8String)
can be simplified to
let ret = the_function("something")

Efficiently copying Swift Array to memory buffer for iOS Metal

I am writing an iOS application using Apple's new Metal framework. I have an array of Matrix4 objects (see Ray Wenderlich's tutorial) that I need to pass in to a shader via the MTLDevice.newBufferWithLength() method. The Matrix4 object is leveraging Apple's GLKit (it contains a GLKMatrix4 object).
I'm leveraging instancing with the GPU calls.
I will later change this to a struct which includes more data per instance (beyond just the Matrix4 object.
How can I efficiently copy the array of [Matrix4] objects into this buffer?
Is there a better way to do this? Again, I'll expand this to use a struct with more data in the future.
Below is a subset of my code:
let sizeofMatrix4 = sizeof(Float) * Matrix4.numberofElements()
// This returns an array of [Matrix4] objects.
let boxArray = createBoxArray(parentModelViewMatrix)
let sizeOfUniformBuffer = boxArray.count * sizeOfMatrix4
var uniformBuffer = device.newBufferWithLength(sizeofUniformBuffer, options: .CPUCacheModeDefaultCache)
let bufferPointer = uniformBuffer?.contents()
// Ouch - way too slow. How can I optimize?
for i in 0..<boxArray.count
memcpy(bufferPointer! + (i * sizeOfMatrix4), boxArray[i].raw(), sizeOfMatrix4)
renderEncoder.setVertexBuffer(uniformBuffer, offset: 0, atIndex: 2)
The boxArray[i].raw() method is defined as this in the Objective-C code:
- (void *)raw {
return glkMatrix.m;
You can see I'm looping through each array object and then doing a memcpy. I did this since I was experiencing problems treating the array as a contiguous set of memory.
A Swift Array is promised to be contiguous memory, but you need to make sure it's really a Swift Array and not secretly an NSArray. If you want to be completely certain, use a ContiguousArray. That will ensure contiguous memory even if the objects in it are bridgeable to ObjC. If you want even more control over the memory, look at ManagedBuffer.
With that, you should be using newBufferWithBytesNoCopy(length:options:deallocator) to create a MTL buffer around your existing memory.
I've done this with an array of particles that I pass to a compute shader.
In a nutshell, I define some constants and declare a handful of mutable pointers and a mutable buffer pointer:
let particleCount: Int = 1048576
var particlesMemory:UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> = nil
let alignment:UInt = 0x4000
let particlesMemoryByteSize:UInt = UInt(1048576) * UInt(sizeof(Particle))
var particlesVoidPtr: COpaquePointer!
var particlesParticlePtr: UnsafeMutablePointer<Particle>!
var particlesParticleBufferPtr: UnsafeMutableBufferPointer<Particle>!
When I set up the particles, I populate the pointers and use posix_memalign() to allocate the memory:
posix_memalign(&particlesMemory, alignment, particlesMemoryByteSize)
particlesVoidPtr = COpaquePointer(particlesMemory)
particlesParticlePtr = UnsafeMutablePointer<Particle>(particlesVoidPtr)
particlesParticleBufferPtr = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: particlesParticlePtr, count: particleCount)
The loop to populate the particles is slightly different - I now loop over the buffer pointer:
for index in particlesParticleBufferPtr.startIndex ..< particlesParticleBufferPtr.endIndex
let particle = Particle(positionX: positionX, positionY: positionY, velocityX: velocityX, velocityY: velocityY)
particlesParticleBufferPtr[index] = particle
Inside the applyShader() function, I create a copy of the memory which is used as both the input and output buffer:
let particlesBufferNoCopy = device.newBufferWithBytesNoCopy(particlesMemory, length: Int(particlesMemoryByteSize),
options: nil, deallocator: nil)
commandEncoder.setBuffer(particlesBufferNoCopy, offset: 0, atIndex: 0)
commandEncoder.setBuffer(particlesBufferNoCopy, offset: 0, atIndex: 1)
...and after the shader has run, I put the shared memory (particlesMemory) back into the buffer pointer:
particlesVoidPtr = COpaquePointer(particlesMemory)
particlesParticlePtr = UnsafeMutablePointer(particlesVoidPtr)
particlesParticleBufferPtr = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: particlesParticlePtr, count: particleCount)
There's an up to date Swift 2.0 version of this at my GitHub repo here
Obviously the point of using shared memory and MTLDevice.makeBuffer(bytesNoCopy:...) is to avoid redundant memory copies. Therefore, ideally we look for a design that allows us to easily manipulate the data after it's already been loaded into the MTLBuffer object.
After researching this for a while, I've decided to try and create a semi-generic solution to allow for simplified allocation of page-aligned memory, loading your content into that memory, and subsequently manipulating your items in that shared memory block.
I've created a Swift array implementation called PageAlignedArray that matches the interface and functionality of the built-in Swift array, but always resides on page-aligned memory, and so can be very easily made into an MTLBuffer. I've also added a convenience method to directly convert PageAlignedArray into a Metal buffer.
Of course, you can continue to mutate your array afterwards and your updates will be automatically available to the GPU courtesy of the shared-memory architecture. However, keep in mind that you must regenerate your MTLBuffer object whenever the array's length changes.
Here's a quick code sample:
var alignedArray : PageAlignedContiguousArray<matrix_double4x4> = [matrixTest, matrixTest]
alignedArray.removeFirst() // Behaves just like a built-in array, with all convenience methods
// When it's time to generate a Metal buffer:
let testMetalBuffer = device?.makeBufferWithPageAlignedArray(alignedArray)
The sample uses matrix_double4x4, but the array should work for any Swift value types. Please note that if you use a reference type (such as any kind of class), the array will contain pointers to your elements and so won't be usable from your GPU code.

Pointer (memory) alignment to 16K in Swift for Metal buffer creation

I'd like to createa Metal buffers with the newBufferWithBytesNoCopy function for letting CPU and GPU share memory and practicing zero-copy data transfer.
The newBufferWithBytesNoCopy function takes a UnsafeMutablePointer-type pointer, and the pointer needs to be aligned to 16K(16384) bytes.
Could anyone provide advice on how to create a aligned memory to a certain size in Swift?
I believe this should work for you:
var memory:UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> = nil
var alignment:UInt = 0x4000 // 16K aligned
var size:UInt = bufferSize // bufferSize == your buffer size
posix_memalign(&memory, alignment, size)
For reference:
Swift PageAligned Array (just works solution)
PageAlignedArray is a project that handles the problem of memory allocation for you when memory that will be used with Metal.
More detail
4096 byte alignment
I'm not seeing your 16k byte requirement. The debugger says 4k. Maybe you can provide a reference? It should be based upon the system's page size.
Using posix_memalign
The original idea came from memkite I believe and goes like this:
private func setupSharedMemoryWithSize(byteCount: Int) ->
(pointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void>,
memoryWrapper: COpaquePointer)
let memoryAlignment = 0x1000 // 4096 bytes, 0x4000 would be 16k
var memory: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> = nil
posix_memalign(&memory, memoryAlignment, byteSizeWithAlignment(memoryAlignment, size: byteCount))
let memoryWrapper = COpaquePointer(memory)
return (memory, memoryWrapper)
Calculating the memory size
You'll want to calculate the correct amount of memory to allocate so that it lands on the byte boundary. Which means you'll probably need to allocate a bit more than you desired. Here you pass the size you need and alignment and it will return the amount you should allocate.
private func byteSizeWithAlignment(alignment: Int, size: Int) -> Int
return Int(ceil(Float(size) / Float(alignment))) * alignment
Using the functions
let (pointer, memoryWrapper) = setupSharedMemoryWithSize(byteCount)
var unsafeVoidPointer: UnsafeMutablePointer<Void> = pointer
// Assuming your underlying data is unsigned 8-bit integers.
let unsafeMutablePointer = UnsafeMutablePointer<UInt8>(memoryWrapper)
let unsafeMutableBufferPointer = UnsafeMutableBufferPointer(start: unsafeMutablePointer, count: byteCount)
Don't forget to free the memory you allocated.
Allocating shared memory without posix_memalign.
These days you can allocate the memory without posix_memalign by just specifying .StorageModeShared.
let byteCount = 1000 * sizeof(Float)
let sharedMetalBuffer = self.metalDevice.newBufferWithLength(byteCount, options: .StorageModeShared)
After experiencing some annoyance with this problem, I've decided to go ahead and create a simple solution that should make this a lot easier.
I've created a Swift array implementation called PageAlignedArray that matches the interface and functionality of the built-in Swift array, but always resides on page-aligned memory, and so can be very easily made into an MTLBuffer. I've also added a convenience method to directly convert PageAlignedArray into a Metal buffer.
Of course, you can continue to mutate your array afterwards and your updates will be automatically available to the GPU courtesy of the shared-memory architecture. However, keep in mind that you must regenerate your MTLBuffer object whenever the array's length changes.
Here's a quick code sample:
var alignedArray : PageAlignedContiguousArray<matrix_double4x4> = [matrixTest, matrixTest]
alignedArray.removeFirst() // Behaves just like a built-in array, with all convenience methods
// When it's time to generate a Metal buffer:
let device = MTLCreateSystemDefaultDevice()
let testMetalBuffer = device?.makeBufferWithPageAlignedArray(alignedArray)
The sample uses matrix_double4x4, but the array should work for any Swift value types. Please note that if you use a reference type (such as any kind of class), the array will contain pointers to your elements and so won't be usable from your GPU code.
Please grab PageAlignedArray here:
