Script to hardware inventory- Solace Appliances - solace

We have bunch of solace appliance in our environment and I want write a script to collect hardware detail from all of them, is it feasible? More like, I want “show hardware” command output.

You can use SEMP to pull that information from each Appliance, you will need to have access to a Mangement Username for each Appliance you need to query for information.
With an http POST call to your appliance you can get that information on an XML response, in this case I'm using curl command to send the POST:
> curl -X POST -d #[SEMP_FILE] -u [username:password] http://[APPLIANCE_IP_OR_HOST:ADMIN_PORT]/SEMP
Example values:
> curl -X POST -d #show-hardware-details.semp -u admin:admin
Where the show-hardware-details.semp file contains the command you want to send to the Appliance on an XML form:
This will return an XML response with all the output you normally get from the "show hardware details" command on the Solace CLI.
For more details on how SEMP and SEMPv2 work:


ActiveMQ Artemis: Obtain list of acceptors via JMX

How can I retrieve the list of configured acceptors in ActiveMQ Artemis via Jolokia/JMX (and curl)? I need to reload the acceptors after a TLS certificate update but looks like passing the acceptor name is mandatory. Unfortunately, I cannot just pass a static name because we use different acceptors, all using TLS – and don’t want to change the reloading code just because the acceptor config changed.
curl -s -f -u username:password -H 'Origin: localhost' '"borker-primary-0"'
shows the connectors, but not the acceptors.
This question is related to a change introduced in v2.18.0, see question on TLS certificate reload.
There is a getConnectors method on the main ActiveMQServerControl MBean which is why Jolokia's read command returns those values. However, there is no corresponding getAcceptors method, but you can use Jolokia's list command to effectively get the same information. Use something like this:
curl -s -f -u username:password -H 'Origin: localhost' '"borker-primary-0"'
Then look through the results for component=acceptors and you'll be able to find all the acceptors with their respective names.
This is a bit of a hack but a necessary one at this point given the lack of a management method to get the acceptors. I've opened ARTEMIS-3601 and sent a PR to deal with this use-case so in future versions this won't be necessary. You'll just be able to invoke getAcceptors or inspect them from the output of Jolokia's read command.

No Valid crumb is included in that request

I have one jenkins server A where I am trying to create a scripted pipeline but I have to call another job (Job1) on another jenkins server B.
In order to do that I am using REST API with crumb in Header. I retrieve my crumb by running the following command on my browser.,":",//crumb)"
I tried different commands mentioned below but there is no luck.Please advise some thing. I do have access or permission for triggering build on both of the servers. I am executing below commands from Jenkins server A with details of Server B.
1. curl -v -u Username:<API_TOKEN> -X POST http://UsedrName:<API_TOKEN><API_TOKEN> -H Jenkins-Crumb:<Crumb number>
2. curl -v -X POST http://UsedrName:<API_TOKEN><API_TOKEN> -H Jenkins-Crumb:<Crumb number>
3. curl -v -u Username:<API_TOKEN> -X POST http://UsedrName:<API_TOKEN><API_TOKEN> -H .crumb:<Crumb number>
did jenkins API work for you, you can trigger remote jobs
You need to use Build With Parameters Plugin for it . you can write a shell script in build option to call the another jenkins job on other server.
shell script snippet :curl -X POST -u userid of other server:API token of other server {jenkins server url of B job /job/jobname}
To get rid of this error i got Jenkins-Crumb by using wget command.
Trigger parameterized build with curl and crumb
I was able to execute remote parameter job.
I faced the same issue and it was because on that port something else is running and jenkins is giving Error as "No Valid crumb is included in that request" thus changed the port in server.xml and things worked.

How to get Openshift session token using rest api calls

As part of an automated tests suite I have to use OpenShift's REST APIs to send commands and get OpenShift's status. To authenticate these API calls I need to embed an authorization token in every call.
Currently, I get this token by executing the following commands with ssh on the machine where OpenShift is installed:
oc login --username=<uname> --password=<password>
oc whoami --show-token
I would like to stop using the oc tool completely and get this token using HTTP calls to the APIs but am not really able to find a document that explains how to use it. If I use the option --loglevel=10 when calling oc commands I can see the HTTP calls made by oc when logging in but it is quite difficult for me to reverse-engineer the process from these logs.
Theoretically this is not something specific to OpenShift but rather to the OAuth protocol, I have found some documentation like the one posted here but I still find it difficult to implement without specific examples.
If that helps, I am developing this tool using ruby (not rails).
P.S. I know that normally for this type of job one should use Service Account Tokens but since this is a testing environment the OpenShift installation gets removed and reinstalled fairly often. This would force me to re-create the service account every time with the oc command line tool and again prevent me from automatizing the process.
I have found the answer in this GitHub issue.
Surprisingly, one curl command is enough to get the token:
curl -u joe:password -kv -H "X-CSRF-Token: xxx" 'https://master.cluster.local:8443/oauth/authorize?client_id=openshift-challenging-client&response_type=token'
The response is going to be an HTTP 302 trying to redirect to another URL. The redirection URL will contain the token, for example:
Location: https://master.cluster.local:8443/oauth/token/display#access_token=VO4dAgNGLnX5MGYu_wXau8au2Rw0QAqnwq8AtrLkMfU&expires_in=86400&token_type=bearer
You can use token or combination user/password.
To use username:password in header, you can use Authorizartion: Basic. The oc client commands are doing simple authentication with your user and password in header. Like this
curl -H "Authorization: Basic <SOMEHASH>"
where the hash is exactly base64 encoded username:password. (try it with echo -n "username:password" | base64).
To use token, you can obtain the token here with curl:
curl -H Authorization: Basic $(echo -n username:password | base64)"\?response_type\=token\&client_id\=openshift-challenging-client
But the token is replied in the ugly format format. You can try to grep it
... | grep -oP "access_token=\K[ˆ&]*"
You need to use the correct url for your oauth server. In my case, I use openshift 4.7 and this is the url:
oc get route oauth-openshift -n openshift-authentication -o json | jq
In case you are using OpenShift CRC:
Then the URL is: https://oauth-openshift.apps-crc.testing/oauth/authorize
Command to get the Token:
curl -v --insecure --user developer:developer --header "X-CSRF-Token: xxx" --url "https://oauth-openshift.apps-crc.testing/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=openshift-challenging-client" 2>&1 | grep -oP "access_token=\K[^&]*"
2>&1 is required, because curl writes to standard error
--insecure: because I have not set up TLS certificate
Adjust the user and password developer as needed (crc developer/developer is standard user in crc, therefore good for testing.)
Token is per default 24h vaild
Export the Token to an environment Variable
export TOKEN=$(curl -v --insecure --user developer:developer --header "X-CSRF-Token: xxx" --url "https://oauth-openshift.apps-crc.testing/oauth/authorize?response_type=token&client_id=openshift-challenging-client" 2>&1 | grep -oP "access_token=\K[^&]*")
And Use the token then in, e.g., oc login:
oc login --token=$TOKEN --server=https://api.crc.testing:6443

How to specify headers in zabbix web monitoring

I need to monitor this curl command using zabbix.
curl -i -H "APPLICATIONKEY: kfkdiekd859662" -H "CONSUMERKEY: jdjdjd655222" -X POST
I have given the URL in url column.
I have been facing issue on how to specify the header in zabbix-web monitoring.
Under step tab.
Guide me, on how to specify header in zabbix.
You can specify headers in the "Headers" field like so:
APPLICATIONKEY: kfkdiekd859662
See the web scenario entry in the Zabbix manual for more detail.

What's the easiest way to emulate a post request from unix cmdline?

My job has a reservation system that requires me to periodically go to a particular page and do a refresh. When a seat becomes available, I can then reserve on a first come first served basis.
I want to write a script that will email/text me when something becomes available. To do this I need to emulate clicking in the browser.
I know that the page is an aspx script with post requests.
Is there some way to log clicking on the "go" button, dump that to a file and transform that into a curl command. In chrome, I can dump a HTTP Archive file. Perhaps there are other paths. I can run explorer or firefox too.
can use curl
with the POST verb
curl -X POST -u svnpenn -k \
-d '{"name":"tcl-8.5.13.tar.gz","size":130073}' \
