I have installed the JupyterHub docker image on my server, which automatically creates and launches jupyter notebook containers for each user who logs in: https://github.com/jupyterhub/jupyterhub
Inside this personal container, I can use pip/conda to install extra packages. However, whenever the host machine reboots, the container has to be recreated and the installed packages are lost.
Is there a good solution for making this persistent? I suppose the installed packages could be mounted as some kind of persistent volume (like the user data already is), but with little Docker experience I wouldn't know how to set that up.
Check if official Jupyter documentation on user environments helps.
I've copied the text from the link below:
Allow users to create their own conda environments
Sometimes you want users to be able to create their own conda
environments. By default, any environments created in a JupyterHub
session will not persist across sessions. To resolve this, take the
following steps:
Ensure the nb_conda_kernels package is installed in the root
environment (e.g., see Build a custom Docker image with repo2docker)
Configure Anaconda to install user environments to a folder within
Create a file called .condarc in the home folder for all users, and
make sure that the following lines are inside:
The text above will cause Anaconda to install new environments to this
folder, which will persist across sessions.
I have a Nextcloud installation on a server that was installed using docker-compose. This installation utilizes a Nextcloud docker image and a separate MySQL (8.0) docker image for database access. The data and configuration files are placed in external volumes specified in the docker-compose.yml file.
I have recently put together a new machine that has more memory, a faster CPU, and (most importantly) much more disk space. I would like to migrate my current installation to the new machine.
The actual installation is simple enough: I can simply copy my docker-compose.yml file to the new machine and run it. The problem is with the data and the (somewhat unique) configuration that I have. I would like to get those onto the new machine.
The issue of migrating a dockerized Nextcloud installation has different issues from those associated with migrating a bare-metal or VM installation. For one thing, there is no clear way to place the installation into maintenance mode, you are working with two containers (effectively, this is like coordinating two different machines) and many of the steps described for migrating a bare-metal installation will not work reliably for a containerized installation (yes, one can go into the container to run some of the commands. required, but my attempts to do this resulted in screwed-up migrations).
Doing Google searches, I am seeing plenty of articles and instructions on how to migrate bare-metal Nextcloud installations from one machine to another, and how to migrate bare-metal (and virtual machine) installations to Docker. The procedures are pretty complex and involve placing the installation into maintenance mode and performing various backups and restores. Unfortunately, while I have seen a few people asking about how to migrate dockerized Nextcloud installations, there are no clear instructions on how to do this (at least, none that actually work!). Even the Nextcloud site does not discuss this!
Has anyone successfully migrated a dockerized Nextcloud installation from one machine to another? If so, how exactly was this done?
Was just able to do this myself, although I'm migrating my nextcloud install off my primary home server to a slower NAS-ish box I salvaged together after a move.
The main issues I ran into were file/dir ownership moving from one machine to another. Secondary was ensuring trusted domains were set correctly in config.php
I'm sure it'd be better to use rsync to copy/move files from machine to machine and ensure you keep ownership intact, but I used scp and changed ownership manually. Your nextcloud_data container needs the www-data user to have ownership of the dir you have mapped to /var/www/html and the nextcloud_db (I use mariadb here, YMMV) container needs the systemd-coredump user to have ownership of the dir you have mapped to /var/lib/mysql (or whatever your db backend equivalent is)
Then just make sure you switch over your trusted_domains and trusted_proxies, either using docker-compose env vars, or by editing /var/www/html/config/config.phpdirectly.
Based on Raphael PICCOLO's comments, I created a tarball of everything in the Volumes I was using for my original installation, created a new installation on my target machine, then extracted the tarball on the new machine. There is, however, one other step that must be taken if you do it this way: you must change the ownership of all the files in the tarball so that they are owned by the userID used by the new Nextcloud installation. Otherwise, the new Nextcloud applications will be unable to access any of the resources and attempts to even log in will get 500 Failures on a browser.
There is also a unique ID utilized by the MySQL container, so all the database- related data files must also undergo an ownership change.
Getting the correct userIDs is simple enough: when you first install the new Nextcloud and MySQL database, use the same volumes you had set up in the original docker-compose.yml file. Then, before untaring the data look at the userIDs of the files in the database folder and the Nextcloud folders. TThen when you put the contents of your tarball on the new installation, use chown -R to make the owership changes.
Note that I was transferring my installation from a Centos 7 machine running Docker with the traditional root user to a Centos 8 machoine running Docker in a "non- root user" mode. I do not know how permissions would be affected on other machines or modes.
Still, once the permissions were properly set up, everything works.
I am using VS Code, Remote Development Containers, and Docker to create development environments within containers. Everything works fine, but I did notice that when working with different projects that doing things such as yarn install means having to download the npm modules each time. Of course, once a container image does this they are stored in the cache, specifically /usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6.
When I attempted to mount that folder to the host machine yarn install would start to fail too often, stating that it was having trouble downloading the package due to a bad network connection (the connection was just fine). So, I created a volume instead and everything worked just fine.
The problem I am running into is that I also want to share other folders in the volume so that multiple containers use the same cache for things such as NuGet packages. I was hoping to somehow have my volume look like so:
mysharedvolume/yarn => /usr/local/share/.cache/yarn/v6
mysharedvolume/nuget => /wherever/nuget/packages/are/cached
mysharedvolume/somefile.config => /wherever/somefile.config
This does not seem to be the way volumes work in docker, all of the files are mixed up at the root of the volume (there is no subdirectories). Of course, I can't simply map the entire /usr folder or anything like that, that's crazy.
Before I go off and create different volumes for each cache and config files, is there a way to do this with a single shared volume?
I am using docker for MacOS / Win.
I connect to external servers via ssh from shell in docker container,
For now, I generate ssh-key in docker shell, and manually send sshkey to servers.
However in this method, everytime I re-build container, sshkey is deleted.
So I want to set initial sshkey when I build images.
I have 2 ideas
Mount .ssh folder from my macOS to docker folder and persist.
(Permission control might be difficult and complex....)
Write scripts that makes the ssh-keymake & sends this to servers in docker-compose.yml or Dockerfile.
(Everytime I build , new key is send...??)
Which is the best practice? or do you have any idea to set ssh-key automatically??
Best practice is typically to not make outbound ssh connections from containers. If what you’re trying to add to your container is a binary or application code, manage your source control setup outside Docker and COPY the data into an image. If it’s data your application needs to run, again fetch it externally and use docker run -v to inject it into the container.
As you say, managing this key material securely, and obeying ssh’s Unix permission requirements, is incredibly tricky. If I really didn’t have a choice but to do this I’d write an ENTRYPOINT script that copied the private key from a bind-mounted volume to my container user’s .ssh directory. But my first choice would be to redesign my application flow to not need this at all.
After reading the "I'm a windows user .." comment I'm thinking you are solving the wrong problem. You are looking for an easy (sane) shell access to your servers. The are are two simpler solutions.
1. Windows Linux subsystem -- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_Subsystem_for_Linux. (not my choice)
Cygwin -- http://www.cygwin.com -- for that comfy Linux feel to your cmd :-)
How I install it.
Download and install it (be careful to only pick the features beyond base that you need. (there is a LOT and most of it you will not need -- like the compilers and X). Make sure that SSH is selected. Don't worry you can rerun the setup as many times as you want (I do that occasionally to update what I use)
Start the bash shell (there will be a link after the installation)
a. run 'cygpath -wp $PATH'
b. look at the results -- there will be a couple of folders in the begging of the path that will look like "C:\cygwin\bin;C:\cygwin\usr\local\bin;..." simply all the paths that start with "C:\cygwin" provided you installed your Cygwin into "C:\Cygwin" directory.
c. Add these paths to your system path
d. Start a new instance of CMD. run 'ls' it should now work directly under windows shell.
Extra credit.
a. move the all the ".xxx" files that were created during the first launch of the shell in your C:\cygwin\home\<username> directory to you windows home directory (C:\Users\<username>).
b. exit any bash shells you have running
c. delete c:\cygwin\home directory
d. use windows mklink utility to create a link named home under cygwin pointing to C:\Users (Administrator shell) 'mklink /J C:\Cygwin\home C:\Users'
This will make your windows home directory the same as your cygwin home.
After that you follow the normal setup for ssh under Cygwin bash and you will be able to generate the keys and distribute them normally to servers.
NOTE: you will have to sever the propagation of credentials from windows to your <home>/.ssh folder (in the folder's security settings) leave just your user id. then set permissions on the folder and various key files underneath appropriately for SSH using 'chmod'.
Enjoy -- some days I have to squint to remember I'm on a windows box ...
Am able to deploy Liberty docker image in Local Docker container and can access Liberty server.
I pushed the liberty image to Minishift installed in my system ,but when am going to create docker container, am facing error as follows:
Is anyone tried this before, please share your view:
Log Trace:
unable to write 'random state'
mkdir: cannot create directory '/config/configDropins': Permission denied
/opt/ibm/docker/docker-server: line 32:
/config/configDropins/defaults/keystore.xml: No such file or directory
JVMSHRC155E Error copying username into cache name
JVMSHRC686I Failed to startup shared class cache. Continue without
using it as -Xshareclasses:nonfatal is specified
CWWKE0005E: The runtime environment could not be launched.
CWWKE0044E: There is no write permission for server directory
By default OpenShift will run images as an assigned user ID unique to a project. Many available images have been written so that they can only be run as root, even though they have no requirement to run as root.
If you try and run such an image, because directories/files have been set up so they are only writable by the root user, running the image as a non root user ID will cause it to fail.
Best practice is to write images so that can be run as an arbitrary user ID. Unfortunately very few people do this, with the result that their images cannot be used in more secure multi tenant environments for deploying applications in containers.
OpenShift documentation provides guidelines on how to implement images so that can run in such more secure environments. See section 'Support Arbitrary User IDs' in:
If the image is built by a third party and they show no interest in making the changes to their image so works in secure multi tenant environments, you have a few options.
The first is to create a derived image which in the steps to build it, goes back and fixes permissions on the directories and files so can be used. Note that in doing this you have to be careful what you change permissions on, as changing permissions on files in a derived image caused a complete copy of the file to be made. If files are large, this will start to blow out your image size.
The second is if you are admin on the OpenShift cluster, you can relax security on the cluster for the service account the image is run as so that it is allowed to run the container as root. You should avoid doing this if possible, especially with third party images which you do not trust. For details on how to do this see:
A final way that might be able to be used with some images if total size of what needs to have permissions fixed is small, is to use an init container to make a copy of the directories that need write access to an emptyDir volume. Then in the main container mount that emptyDir volume on top of the directory copied. This avoids needing to modify the image or enable anyuid. The amount of space available in emptyDir volumes may not be enough if have to copy application binaries as well. This is probably only going to work where the application wants to update config files or create lock files. You wouldn't be able to use this if the same directory is used for large amounts of transient file system data such as cache database or logs.
I have a custom AMI that has my app directory and a docker image. I'm setting up Auto Scale Group with Launch Configuration to create a new instance. I have a User Data script to boot up the application. This is the code:
docker-compose -f /home/ec2-user/app/docker-compose.yaml up -d app
the script runs, but the app doesn't run. I can SSH and run the app manually which works. Looking at the cloud-init-output.log file, I'm getting the following:
/var/lib/cloud/instance/scripts/part-001: line 4: docker-compose: command not found
Docker-compose is available when I SSH as I've installed it before creating my custom AMI.
Anything I'm missing?
Doesn't matter regarding your best practice question. Either way would suffice.
HakRou is right however.
The boot strap is operating under a different security context / shell environment so you need to cater for that.
You could just put the entire path to the binary file as well such as:
/usr/local/bin/docker-compose -f /home/ec2-user/app/docker-compose.yaml up -d app
and see how that goes.
docker-compose might have been available to the user you used to SSH into your instance (like ec2-user, ubuntu or admin), but it might not be available to root, and root is the one used with user-data when Amazon spins a new instance.
So you might want to add a soft link of docker-compose in one of the folders in the root $PATH, /usr/bin for exemple.