Is it possible to run ssl offline? - docker

I have a web-app deployed on cloud with ssl (using freeencrypt with nginx)
The app is dockerized.
Is it possible for me to run it on localhost just by copying it and run docker-compose up?

Is it possible for me to run it on localhost just by copying it and run docker-compose up?
Sure, that's entirely possible. There's nothing particularly different about running it locally vs running it remotely: in both cases, you're still interacting with your web app with a browser over a network connection.
The only tricky bit may be in ensuring that you can continue to use the appropriate hostname so that your SSL certificate will validate correctly. The easiest way to do this is probably to modify your /etc/hosts file to map the hostname to the ip address of your webapp container. This will override DNS. Just remove to remove the modification when you're done testing, otherwise you won't be able to reach the remote site!


DDEV - create SFTP user

I have created two containers (ddev-website-web and ddev-api-web) via DDEV.
Now I want to access the website container from the api container via SFTP.
How can I create a SFTP user in DDEV for the website container? Is this possible at all?
The containers are already connected via a router.
I think
Install sshd using this technique from ddev-contrib will work for you, at least will get you started with having an ssh server
Add vsftpd by adding to webimage_extra_packages inthe config.ssh.yaml: webimage_extra_packages: [vsftpd, openssh-server] to your .ddev/config.yaml
From there, you may have some extra config to do based on

Local IMAP server on docker

I want to setup a local IMAP server within my home network for archiving emails. The server does not need to be accessable via the internet. Therefore I can pass on a secured access via SSL (If this makes it easier). I want to integrate the server in my current docker setup. So the server has to run within a docker container.
I already tried the following containers:
But i could not get any of them to run. At the same time none of them have a forum or anything where I can put a question. Two of them (mailu/dovecot and mailcow/dovecot) are part of a bigger mailserver package. Which I do not need, I only want a IMAP server to put some email locally. But I tried them anyway.
Does anyone know how to get any of those to run? Or suggest me another stable docker container solution.

How to run Grails application so that other computers on network can access it?

I've developed a Grails application and I want my coworkers to be able to test it. They are on my network so I figure they can access it by using my IP address and the port number (8080). I've tried running it according to the steps laid out here and here to no avail.
I noticed that whenever I run the program, even when I follow those instructions, it says:
Grails application running at http://localhost:8080 in environment: development
Basic networking stuff here.
When something starts on interface port something
Usually that port is then available for all the interfaces on the machine
if you run netstat -plant you will see running ports open on the machine.
Basically what ever ipconfig or ifconfig tells under Linux as your internal interface something like 192.168.1.x
The app is then available on http://192.168.1.x:8080
If you can't access it from other machines on network start by trying to ping {your machine ip}
It sounds like network security stopping local access from 1 machine accessing another.
Or even better still your good old MS firewall try stopping your security stuff on your desktop
It's not clear if you can access the app yourself on your own machine? It should be available at:
Your co-workers should be able to access the app by changing localhost to your computer name:

Connect to rails server remotely from raspberry pi

I have ssh'd into my rasberry pi and built a rails application.
Now how do I load the rails app from another machine?
I have tried IP:port in a web browser, but this fails.
Can I use ssh from a web browser to load the rails server process?
Are there gems I need to install to do this?
Is there any good documentation that I have missed?
use ngrok to tunnel
Maybe the problem is with the IP address you're trying to use. Servers don't necessarily forward their public IP traffic to localhost automatically.
Perhaps you could configure the IP address somehow, I don't know (others might?). Alternatively, you have a use a "local tunnel" service like ngrok or localtunnel. What these do is create a public URL for your localhost (i.e. your "loopback" address), so anyone can access it.
I spoke with a Ngrok author via email. He ensured me that I shouldn't need to expect any downtime from the service or to have to manually restart it. Although keep in mind that if you're on the free plan, whenever you restart Ngrok you're going to get a different URL. He also described it as kind of like a "souped up SSH -R"

dns is slow when accessing webapp, normal when pinging?

(This is a follow up to rails app fast on server, but slow when accessed from another machine.)
I have a Rails web app that's incredibly slow when I access via its hostname, but runs at normal speeds when I access via its IP address (or via localhost, if I access it on the same server machine it's running on). This makes me think the problem is with the DNS. (Also, all these machines are running on the same corporate intranet.)
However, when I ping the hostname from a terminal, the ping seems to run fine. Does the fact that pinging works suggest that the problem is not with the DNS? (I don't really know much about DNS or servers and networking, so I'm kind of floundering around a bit here.)
Update to add: I also ran a simple "Hello world" Sinatra app, and this also runs super slowly when accessed via hostname (but not when accessed via IP address).
Fast ping from your terminal suggests that DNS between you and DNS server was fine and that network between you and server is fine.
This still does not help with the DNS on your server. Do you have any network operations that your server performs? If so, you need to make sure the network is reachable.
I suggest you get a simple "hello world" Rails application deployed there and see if it is Rails issue related (server wide) or your application related (very easy to do).
The other suggestion is to profile your Rails app and see which operation is taking the time to complete.
Your ping command is probably using cached DNS instead of hitting the server every time. Google for "flushdns" to find the right syntax to purge your cache for your particular operating system, then try it. You'll need to do this every time if you want to use ping to see about DNS response.
