Authenticating message when user enter password and email using java - message

How to show message called authenticating when user enter his email and password and when the user login is complete it disappear ...
I mean i seen in almost every application that if the user enter his email and password a popup message is display which says that authenticating and when he is completely loged in the message disappear i want the exactly that window in java ...

I Find out the solution of this problem just create a new undercoated jFrame with message "Please wait authenticating... " and and show this jFrame when user press the login button and at that time set this jFrame disable with the following function setEnable(false).
So the user was not able to Close this Message...


How can I stop iOS from asking to save an incorrect password?

I'm rebuilding the login screen for our app, and getting some annoying behavior from iOS for failed logins. After the user enters a username and password, when I show a new view controller, the system pops up a sheet asking if I want to save the username and password.
This would just be okay if it only showed up for successful logins, but it also asks to save the password after the user fails to log in and taps the Cancel button to quit trying.
How does iOS determine when to show this sheet, and is there any way to tell it not to bother saving an incorrect password? Is this feature actually documented anywhere? I've seen the Password AutoFill page, but there's really not much there.
If you set the username and password field contents to nil before dismissing the view controller, then iOS will not prompt to save the account information. - Email Verification and adding a new object with Swift

I have got my login view controller and sign up view controller working just fine but I would like to do email verification. So when the user has verified through email, they can enter the app but if not, they are denied access.
Also, I would like another text field where the user enters details for a special code, it's like the secondary password I guess, this will also have to be entered into the sign up screen when they sign up to the app.
Other than that, I can register users and get them to log in, I just need help with this.

Rails: Sign in Users with just an email using Devise

Here is my situation. I am letting users to sign up in a landing page so that when the page is launched we can contact them. They are just entering their email.
What I am looking for is to automatically sign the user in, after he signs up because I want to be able to know if the just signed up User clicks on a button that is shown right away his sign up is finished.
How could I make it so that I know the email of the user who signed up? Where should I store this so that with a Javascript listener I am able to listen for a click and send that email back to the server?

Making user follow another user can get its twitter username

I have a button on my website which says "Follow"
When a user clicks on this button I want the following to happen:
Twitter login window opens
User enters user/password and logs in
User has now started following
That login window now closes (or a close button clicking on which closes the window) and user is back on my website and I get its twitter username through some API which user just entered so I can insert it in my database.
Is this possible?
What I want to achieve is, I want to get username of users who follow me and save them in database.
In case #penartur's answer doesn't work for you, you may want to look at: Although I have to admit that I've never used it : )

"Alternative Login" URL is invalid

I have placed a FB share (formerly "like") button on a page of an iPad app. When the user clicks on the button he is presented with the FB login screen (assuming he is not already logged in). Besides entering your username and password, FB offers a "Trouble logging in? Try an alternative login" method on the page. But if you click on the link, it opens the Safari browser, accepts the username and password, then attempts to process this alternative method of login. It fails with the error message: "Safari cannot open the page because the address is invalid."
Here is the URL it is trying to process:[MY_APP_ID]&redirect_uri=fbconnect%3A%2F%2Fsuccess&sdk=ios&display=touch&type=user_agent&fbconnect=1&perms=read_stream%2Cpublish_stream%2Coffline_access&from_login=1
Does anyone know of a solution to prevent this error? It becomes an undesirable user experience.
