Dask distributed perform computations without returning data - dask

I have a dynamic Dask Kubernetes cluster.
I want to load 35 parquet files (about 1.2GB) from Gcloud storage into Dask Dataframe then process it with apply() and after saving the result to parquet file to Gcloud.
During loading files from Gcloud storage, a cluster memory usage is increasing to about 3-4GB. Then workers (each worker has 2GB of RAM) are terminated/restarted and some tasks getting lost,
so cluster starts computing the same things in a circle.
I removed apply() operation and leave only read_parquet() to test
if my custom code causes a trouble, but the problem was the same, even with just single read_parquet() operation. This is a code:
client = Client('<ip>:8786')
def command():
client = get_client()
df = dd.read_parquet('gcs://<bucket>/files/name_*.parquet', storage_options={'token':'cloud'}, engine='fastparquet')
df = df.compute()
x = client.submit(command)
Note: I'm submitting a single command function to run all necessary commands to avoid problems with gcsfs authentication inside a cluster
After some investigation, I understood that problem could be in .compute() which returns all data to a process, but this process (my command function) is running on a worker. Because of that, a worker doesn't have enough RAM, crashes and lose all computed task which triggers tasks re-run.
My goal is:
to read from parquet files
perform some computations with apply()
and without even returning data from a cluster write it back to Gcloud storage in parquet format.
So, simply I want to keep data on a cluster and not return it back. Just compute and save data somewhere else.
After reading Dask distributed docs, I have found client.persist()/compute() and .scatter() methods. They look like what I need, but I don't really understand how to use them.
Could you, please, help me with client.persist() and client.compute() methods for my example
or suggest another way to do it? Thank you very much!
Dask version: 0.19.1
Dask distributed version: 1.23.1
Python version: 3.5.1

df = dd.read_parquet('gcs://<bucket>/files/name_*.parquet', storage_options={'token':'cloud'}, engine='fastparquet')
df = df.compute() # this triggers computations, but brings all of the data to one machine and creates a Pandas dataframe
df = df.persist() # this triggers computations, but keeps all of the data in multiple pandas dataframes spread across multiple machines


Understanding dask cudf object lifecycle

I want to understand the efficient memory management process for Dask objects. I have setup a Dask GPU cluster and I am able to execute tasks that runs across the cluster. However, with the dask objects, especially when I run the compute function, the process that runs on the GPU is quickly growing by using more and more of the memory and soon I am getting "Run out of memory Error".
I want to understand how I can release the memory from dask object once I am done with using them. In this following example, after the compute function how can I release that object. I am running the following code for a few times. The memory keeps growing in the process where it is running
import cupy as cp
import pandas as pd
import cudf
import dask_cudf
nrows = 100000000
df2 = cudf.DataFrame({'a': cp.arange(nrows), 'b': cp.arange(nrows)})
ddf2 = dask_cudf.from_cudf(df2, npartitions=5)
ddf2['c'] = ddf2['a'] + 5
Please check this blog post by Nick Becker. you may want to set up a client first.
You read into cudf first, which you shouldn't do as practice. You should read directly into dask_cudf.
When dask_cudf computes, the result returns as a cudf dataframe, which MUST fit into the remaining memory of your GPU. Chances are reading into cudf first may have taken a chunk of your memory.
Then, you can delete a dask object when you are done using client.cancel().

How do I run pyspark on a single docker container

We are trying to run pyspark in a single docker container. To say we are having some trouble would be an understatement. Here the main part of the code and configuration.
spark.driver.memory 8g
spark.executor.memory 4g
spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.enabled true
spark.sql.execution.arrow.pyspark.fallback.enabled true
Relevant Code
def call_nlp(spark, ids, nlpRequests):
dataframe = get_spark_dataframe(spark, nlpRequests)
logger.debug('Applying model transform')
df_predictions = model.transform(dataframe)
logger.debug('Done model transform')
logger.debug('to pandas')
pdf = df_predictions.where(df_predictions.ESID.isin(ids)).toPandas()
logger.debug('to pandas done')
results = pdf.to_dict('records')
return results
We are trying to process messages from a queue and then calling this function. We are batching our requests. nlpRequests consist of an array of objects with 5 columns. Even if we only do 2 at a time it takes several minutes and uses a ton of memory. Can you see anything we are doing terribly wrong? Anything config changes that would drastically improve our performance? I appreciate any help you can offer

Forcing Locality on Dask Dataframe Subsets

I'm trying to distribute a large Dask Dataframe across multiple machines for (later) distributed computations on the dataframe. I'm using dask-distributed for this.
All the dask-distributed examples/docs I see are populating the initial data load from a network resource (hdfs, s3, etc) and does not appear to extend the DAG optimization to the load portion (seems to assume that a network load is a necessary evil and just eats the initial cost.) This is underscored on the answer to another question: Does Dask communicate with HDFS to optimize for data locality?
However, I can see cases where we would want this. For example, if we have a sharded database + dask workers co-located on nodes of this DB, we would want to force records from only the local shard to be populated into the local dask workers. From the documentation/examples, network cris-cross seems like a necessarily assumed cost. Is it possible to force parts of a single dataframe to be obtained from specific workers?
The alternative, which I've tried, is to try and force each worker to run a function (iteratively submitted to each worker) where the function loads only the data local to that machine/shard. This works, and I have a bunch of optimally local dataframes with the same column schema -- however -- now I don't have a single dataframe but n dataframes. Is it possible to merge/fuse dataframes across multiple machines so there is a single dataframe reference, but portions have affinity (within reason, as decided by the task DAG) to specific machines?
You can produce dask "collections" such as a dataframe from futures and delayed objects, which inter-operate nicely with each other.
For each partition, where you know which machine should load it, you can produce a future as follows:
f = c.submit(make_part_function, args, workers={'my.worker.ip'})
where c is the dask client and the address is the machine you'd want to see it happen on. You can also give allow_other_workers=True is this is a preference rather than a requirement.
To make a dataframe, from a list of such futures, you could do
df = dd.from_delayed([dask.delayed(f) for f in futures])
and ideally provide a meta=, giving a description of the expected dataframe. Now, further operations on a given partition will prefer to be scheduled on the same worker which already holds the data.
I am also interested in having the capability to restrict computation to a specific node (and data localized to that node). I have tried to implement the above with a simple script (see below) but looking at the resulting data frame, results the error (from dask/dataframe/utils.py::check_meta()):
ValueError: Metadata mismatch found in `from_delayed`.
Expected partition of type `DataFrame` but got `DataFrame`
from dask.distributed import Client
import dask.dataframe as dd
import dask
client = Client(address='<scheduler_ip>:8786')
filename_1 = 'http://samplecsvs.s3.amazonaws.com/Sacramentorealestatetransactions.csv'
filename_2 = 'http://samplecsvs.s3.amazonaws.com/SalesJan2009.csv'
future_1 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_1, workers='w1')
future_2 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_2, workers='w2')
# Returns: {'tcp://<w1_ip>:41942': ('read_csv-c08b231bb22718946756cf46b2e0f5a1',),
# 'tcp://<w2_ip>:41942': ('read_csv-e27881faa0f641e3550a8d28f8d0e11d',)}
df = dd.from_delayed([dask.delayed(f) for f in [future_1, future_2]])
# Returns: dask.dataframe.core.DataFrame
# Returns:
# ValueError: Metadata mismatch found in `from_delayed`.
# Expected partition of type `DataFrame` but got `DataFrame`
Note The dask environment has a two worker nodes (aliased to w1 and w2) a scheduler node and the script is running on an external host.
dask==1.2.2, distributed==1.28.1
It is odd to call many dask dataframe functions in parallel. Perhaps you meant to call many Pandas read_csv calls in parallel instead?
# future_1 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_1, workers='w1')
# future_2 = client.submit(dd.read_csv, filename_2, workers='w2')
future_1 = client.submit(pandas.read_csv, filename_1, workers='w1')
future_2 = client.submit(pandas.read_csv, filename_2, workers='w2')
See https://docs.dask.org/en/latest/delayed-best-practices.html#don-t-call-dask-delayed-on-other-dask-collections for more information

Why does dask worker fails due to MemoryError on "small" size task? [Dask.bag]

I am running a pipeline on multiple images. The pipeline consist of reading the images from file system, doing so processing on each of them, then saving the images to file system. However the dask worker fails due to MemoryError.
Is there a way to assure the dask workers don't load too many images in memory? i.e. Wait until there is enough space on a worker before starting the processing pipeline on a new image.
I have one scheduler and 40 workers with 4 cores, 15GB ram and running Centos7. I am trying to process 125 images in a batch; each image is fairly large but small enough to fit on a worker; around 3GB require for the whole process.
I tried to process a smaller amount of images and it works great.
from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
# LocalCluster is used to show the config of the workers on the actual cluster
client = Client(LocalCluster(n_workers=2, resources={'process': 1}))
paths = ['list', 'of', 'paths']
# Read the file data from each path
data = client.map(read, path, resources={'process': 1)
# Apply foo to the data n times
for _ in range(n):
data = client.map(foo, x, resources={'process': 1)
# Save the processed data
data.map(save, x, resources={'process': 1)
# Retrieve results
I expected the images to be process as space was available on the workers but it seems like the images are all loaded simultaneously on the different workers.
My issues is that all task get assigned to workers and they don't have enough memory. I found how to limit the number of task a worker handle at a single moment [https://distributed.readthedocs.io/en/latest/resources.html#resources-are-applied-separately-to-each-worker-process](see here).
However, with that limit, when I execute my task they all finish the read step, then the process step and finally the save step. This is an issues since the image are spilled to disk.
Would there be a way to make every task finish before starting a new one?
e.g. on Worker-1: read(img1)->process(img1)->save(img1)->read(img2)->...
Dask does not generally know how much memory a task will need, it can only know the size of the outputs, and that, only once they are finished. This is because Dask simply executes a pthon function and then waits for it to complete; but all osrts of things can happen within a python function. You should generally expect as many tasks to begin as you have available worker cores - as you are finding.
If you want a smaller total memory load, then your solution should be simple: have a small enough number of workers, so that if all of them are using the maximum memory that you can expect, you still have some spare in the system to cope.
To EDIT: you may want to try running optimize on the graph before submission (although this should happen anyway, I think), as it sounds like your linear chains of tasks should be "fused". http://docs.dask.org/en/latest/optimize.html

Parallelizing in-memory tasks in dask using shared memory (no sending to other processes)?

I have a trivially parallelizable in-memory problem, but one that which does not give great speedups with regular Python multiprocessing (only 2xish), due to the need for sending lots of data back and forth between processes. Hoping dask can help.
My code basically looks like this:
delayed_results = []
for key, kdf in natsorted(scdf.groupby(grpby_key)):
d1 = dd.from_pandas(kdf, npartitions=1)
d2 = dd.from_pandas(other_dfs[key], npartitions=1)
result = dask.delayed(function)(d1, d2, key=key, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs)
outdfs = dask.compute(*delayed_results)
This is what my old joblib code looked like:
outdfs = Parallel(n_jobs=n_jobs)(delayed(function)(scdf, other_dfs[key], key=key, n_jobs=n_jobs, **kwargs) for key, scdf in natsorted(scdf.groupby(grpby_key)))
However, the dask code is much much slower and more memory-consuming, both for the threaded and multiprocessing schedulers. I was hoping that dask could be used to parallelize tasks without needing to send stuff to other processes. Is there a way to use multiple processes with dask by using shared memory?
Btw. The docs have a reference to http://distributed.readthedocs.io/en/latest/local-cluster.html where they explain that this scheduler
It handles data locality with more sophistication, and so can be more
efficient than the multiprocessing scheduler on workloads that require
multiple processes.
But they have no examples of its usage. What should I replace my dask.compute() call with in the code above to try the local cluster?
So you can just do the following
from distributed import LocalCluster, Client
cluster = LocalCluster(n_workers=4)
client = Client(cluster)
<your code>
Distributed will by default register itself as the executor, and you can just use dask.compute as normal
