Wonderware Historian: query the Runtime.Events view - wonderware

I'd like to query the Runtime.Events view with SQL. I have tried the followings:
select * from Runtime.dbo.Events gives the following error:
OLE DB provider "INSQL" for linked server "INSQL" returned message "Event History no longer supports queries that do not provide time".
select * from Runtime.dbo.Events where EventTime >= '2018-09-01 00:00:00' and EventTime <= '2018-11-01 00:00:00' gives this not descriptive error:
Cannot execute the query "..." against OLE DB provider "INSQL" for linked server "INSQL".
The date format seems to be right, because when I have tried with different format I got error referring to wrong date format.
How to query this view?

Perhaps you're trying to query for these events:
FROM [A2ALMDB].[dbo].[v_EventHistory]
or these events:
SELECT * FROM Runtime.dbo.EventHistory
WHERE DateTime >= '2018-10-11'

I'm unable to clarify this by a comment due to lack of reputation, so let me post an answer. May be your alarms and events are in A2ALMDB database. If that is the case, try the following query.
SELECT * FROM [A2ALMDB].[dbo].Events WHERE [EventStamp] between '2018-09-01 00:00:00' AND '2018-11-01 00:00:00'


Link Sheets and Query with timestamps

I'm trying to link a custom query, but since i'm new in this, i'm getting stuck when Sheets tries to read timestamps
I'm getting the following error:
Something's wrong. Please try again later: Error while parsing the query: Syntax error: Table name contains '-' character. It needs to be quoted: 'xxxxxxxxxx' [at 3:10]
SELECT COUNT(DISTINCT sequence) as aaaaaaaa,bbbbbbb,
EXTRACT (date from CreationDateBR) as data,
FROM xxxxxxxxxxxx
WHERE CreationDateBR BETWEEN '2021-01-01' AND '2022-01-01'
AND loja IN ('Marketplace C')
AND parceiros NOT IN ('partner A')
GROUP BY parceiros,data
ORDER BY data,parceiros asc
The error message states that the issue is in the table name. You can try to put backticks around it (`):
FROM `xxxxxxxxxxxx`
A good trick to ensure the proper formatting is to go to your table in the BigQuery UI and click on "query this table": the proper formatting will open in a new query editor.

SQL or ORA exceptions caused due to invalid sql, database package state or some database exceptions

I am getting the above error in BIPublisher's Data model when I try to view sample data.
Does anybody know how to fix this?
Try enclosing your SQL within another "Select * from ()"
It Worked for me.
For Ex. If your code is
Select Sysdate From Dual
Then make it
Select * from (Select Sysdate From Dual)

Rails + ActiveRecord: comparing dates

I have a document that has been generated, say, on 2017-10-03 15:02:47.
Then I have this Rails/SQL query (it doesn't matter if I run it through Rails or straight through the SQL console, the results are the same):
SELECT * FROM table where needed_column <= '2017-10-03';
This query would not return me the document that has been generated on 2017-10-03 15:02:47. If I do run, though, this query:
SELECT * FROM table where needed_column <= '2017-10-03 23:59:59';
Then I get the needed document (generated on 2017-10-03 15:02:47).
To solve this issue, I can manually add the time to the query (23:59:59), but it's not a very elegant solution.
I am using Rails 5, AR, PostgreSQL - is there a better way to solve this problem than to manually add the time stamp to the query?
Thank you
Your needed_column is probably saving timestamps (Date and Time). As you already figured it out you need to compare it with another timestamp or cast needed_column using ::date
Model.where("needed_column::date <= '2017-10-03'")
This will generate:
SELECT table.* FROM table WHERE (needed_column::date <= '2017-10-03')
Try this in Rails:-
Model.where(needed_column: [Time.now.at_beginning_of_day, Time.now.end_of_day])
Or as sql query:-
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE needed_column BETWEEN '2017-10-09 00:00:00 UTC' AND '2017-10-09 23:59:59 UTC'

Active record, results illustration

Can someone explain this?
Post.where(:p_date => ((Time.now - 7.days)..(Time.now))).count
-> 4507
Post.where(:p_date => ((Time.now - 7.days).beginning_of_day..(Time.now).end_of_day)).count
-> 4794
While p_date is only date type without time.
Thank you
If p_date is a date column, pass dates into your query
Post.where(p_date: (7.day.ago.to_date .. Date.today)).count
which uses this query
SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `posts` WHERE (`posts`.`p_date` BETWEEN '2016-09-08' AND '2016-09-15')
If you pass in time objects, the database will automatically compare against 0:00:00 time (at least on mysql and postgres) which is where you get your discrepancy from.

bigQuery - Join

I'm trying to join two databases on the ID. The first database on price quotes does not have the data on websites, so I want to join it in from the logs database. However, in the logs database the ID is not unique, but the first chronological appearance of the ID - this is the right website.
When I run the query below, I get:
Resources exceeded during query execution.
Hence I don't know whether the problem is the code or something else.
SELECT ID, user,busWeek, count(*) as num FROM [datastore.quotes]
Join (
select objectID, first(website) from (
select objectID, website, date from [datastore.allLogs]
order by date) group by objectID)
as Logs
on ID = objectID
group by ID,user,busWeek
Can you try:
SELECT ID, user,busWeek, count(*) as num FROM [datastore.quotes]
Join EACH (
select objectID, first(website) from (
select objectID, website, date from [datastore.allLogs]
order by date) group EACH by objectID)
as Logs
on ID = objectID
group by ID,user,busWeek
Note the 'EACH' - that keyword won't be needed in the future, but it's still useful today.
I think the issue is in ORDER BY. This brings all calculation to one node which causes "Resources Exceeded" message. I understand you need it to bring first (by date) website for each object.
Try to rewrite this select (inside join) to be partitioned.
For example using window functions with OVER(PARTITION BY ... ORDER BY)
In this case, I think, you have chance to make this in parallel
See below for reference
Window Functions
