I'm trying to build and deploy app using new feature heroku.yml https://blog.heroku.com/build-docker-images-heroku-yml
Build was successful but after pushed to registry I see error:
=!= Build failed due to an error:
=!= push step: exit status 1
If this persists, please contact us at https://help.heroku.com/.
Source code of heroku.yml https://github.com/jincod/AspNetCoreDemoApp/blob/develop/heroku.yml
Heroku only supports Linux images.
You cannot use microsoft/dotnet:2.1-sdk-alpin, as that's a windows image.
Followed instructions and installed Docker for the first time. Then I input everything in terminal as stated. Error on make up language=node
cannot write /var/folders/fw/44x2zkk9337ddrtbq5cp5w940000gn/T/tmph4o_dkt6 because server did not provide an image ID
ERROR: Service 'frontend' failed to build : Build failed
make: *** [up] Error 1
zsh: command not found: #
This looks like a Docker issue - See this thread here:
docker buildx install
The above command seemed to work for these folks.
I encountered an problem when push application to bluemix.
When I used the following command:
bluemix app push cam-dev
It told me to define build stack:
The app is invalid: Must specify either a buildpack_url or an admin_buildpack_name
Then I use the following command to use stack cflinuxfs2:
bluemix app push cam-dev -s cflinuxfs2
It failed with following errors:
ERROR Unsupported stack
See https://docs.cloudfoundry.org/devguide/deploy-apps/stacks.html for more info
Failed to compile droplet: Failed to run all supply scripts: exit status 1
Then I see the cflinuxfs2 stack is no longer supported. The message tells me to update my app stack to cflinuxfs3 by pushing it again. I did it but it also failed with the following message:
Stack cflinuxfs3 not found
I don't know what I can do to update it to cflinuxfs3. I used cf stacks and found there are only 2 available stacks:
lucid64 Ubuntu 10.04 on x86-64
cflinuxfs2 Ubuntu 14.04.2 trusty
This issue is caused by the bluemix has not yet upgrade to cflinuxfs3 but the build pack for cflinuxfs2 has been removed. I found a solution for it:
Add the following lines to manifest.yml:
- https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack#v1.6.56
Or you can use following command:
bluemix app push cam-dev -b https://github.com/cloudfoundry/nodejs-buildpack#v1.6.56
I have a simple .NET core MVC application(default one you get when you select the MVC template), but when I try and push to heroku I get a "received unexpected HTTP status: 500 Internal Server Error
! Error: docker push exited with Error: 1" error
My dockerfile is:
FROM microsoft/dotnet:2.1-aspnetcore-runtime AS base
COPY . .
CMD ASPNETCORE_URLS=http://*:$PORT dotnet TestCore.dll
I have followed the documentation, create a release, build, tag then push.
My steps:
Create a release "dotnet publish -c Release",
then copy my dockerfile to this location.
Create a docker build "docker build -t matth-testapp ./bin/Release/netcoreapp2.1/publish"
Tag my image "docker tag matth-testapp registry.heroku.com/matth-testapp/web"
Then push "heroku container:push web -a matth-testapp"
I am logged-in to heroku via the heroku cli, same for heroku container:login.
I have nothing in my heroku app log, so have no idea whats going on.
Any pointers of where to look would be appreciated.
I forgot Heroku uses Linux containers! I was trying to build and deploy using windows containers still.
Building after switching has resolved this issue :)
I also faced the same error, in my case the registry was full. So I added archival policy to the images and made some space, it solved my problem.
I have made an application using JHipster, of which I want to create a Docker image using Gradle. I was following this guide but when I run the command ./gradlew bootWar -Pprod buildDocker, it gives an error:
Task 'bootWar' not found in root project 'seodin'. Some candidates
are: 'bootRun'.
I also tried running the command with 'bootRun', but I get the following error in this case:
Execution failed for task ':bootRun'.
Process 'command '/usr/lib/jvm/java-8-oracle/bin/java'' finished with non-zero exit value 1
I am stuck at this point and any help is appreciated. [Note: Java and all other dependencies are installed and the JHipster app is working fine on localhost]
I am getting this error when the deploy to GAE (RoR) is finished:
latest: digest: sha256:fae8a83d8a4503b9ca284ecfb70da5faf1b66b015804396c2282fae7fc5e4669 size: 75429
Updating service [default]...failed.
ERROR: (gcloud.preview.app.deploy) Error Response: [13] The system encountered a fatal error
I have no idea what happens.
I checked the logs, and last register is about the docker build:
The application is running in development and production enviroment whitout errors.
Rails : 4.2.6
Ruby: 2.3.1
GCloud SDK: 108.0.0
Someone knows how to fix it?
Very thanks!
Temporally solve:
Just add --docker-build=remote option to you gcloud preview app deploy command. (Remote builds are working normally)
To debug the command use --verbosity debug option.
Response from google support:
Engineering is aware of an issue with the platform that would cause these errors. They are currently working on deploying a fix.