Audiokit 4.5 playgrounds opening, building, but no sound - audiokit

In the past I've got previous versions of the playgrounds to work. However I can't get the new 2 day old version (4.5.0) from GitHub to work.
I downloaded the zip file from page.
I expanded the zip.
I launched Xcode by clicking on the AudioKitPlaygrounds.xcodeproj file.
I go to the Hello World tutorial.
I click on run button and it builds successful.
No errors, nothing in console, no yellow or red build or runtime errors - but no sound. Also no sound in the handful of other playgrounds I spot tested.
I search on the internet - and found an answer saying to add this setting, but it had no effect.
AKSettings.playbackWhileMuted = true
The volume is definitely on. I have got the ROMPlayer working as a separate project using cocoa pods. But not the playgrounds. Any help much appreciated. Thanks Domc

I've resolved partly the issue - although not clear to me why this works - answer posted in case it's helpful for others.
Having tried downloading various versions, none of which worked, I tried to build many times. I noticed it seemed to be getting stuck on "Running ...." with spinning dial at top.
Researching this led me to a post re another playground with similar problem that said to untick and tick the links to the frameworks on the individual frameworks pages which I did.
A few minutes later I tried running again and I got sound! However if I select the table of contents the whole program crashes x-code and on reload you have to 'reconnect' the frameworks by ticking and unticking. [Probably this shouldn't be happening]


Command /usr/bin/ditto failed with exit code 1 on Xcode 7 beta 5

I am experiencing two different errors while trying to build/run my app. I tried doing a Clean, deleted the DerivedData (multiple times), looking at other possible solutions but nothing has worked.
Here is a link to a Dropbox where I put two screenshots of my the errors in my build log (Not a scam, I just can't post them here because StackOverflow is stupid and won't let me post images):
Please note that "Golden Words" is the name of the project (it's a campus newspaper). I have absolutely no idea what the "Golden_Words-Swift.h" file is. I never created such a thing so I don't understand why Xcode is trying to find such a file.
Note that the "MapViewController.swift" file is a View Controller where I just use some basic MapKit features. As a beginner, I truly don't understand what "MapViewController.o" is, nor why Xcode is looking for it.
I really hope one of you can help me completely fix these errors :) My app has been plagued by errors for weeks now which has made it impossible for me to make any progress. If you want more details, ask away!

More FacebookSDK/Facebook.h issues - file not found

Alright, guys. I'm going freakin' crazy with this one. It is utterly ridiculous that the FacebookSDK causes so many issues. I know there are a couple questions on here regarding this issue, but they all seem to be outdated.
I pulled my Xcode project onto a new computer, and can't build it because I get the "FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.h" file not found error. There are answers such as This one, but I've followed the steps in every single answer and haven't found one that works. I've just made a fresh pull from my working project from the original machine to the new one. I'll take some screenshots showing my current settings for various fields mentioned in other answers, and maybe I Just have something wonky that is interfering.
Here are the contents of the SDK that I just downloaded
Here are the contents of my Xcode project folder. There isn't anything else Facebook in here.
Here are the frameworks inside my Frameworks group and inside the Link Binary with Libraries section of Build Phases
There are a couple frameworks that are red, and that's OK for now. They were not in the repo, and are instead referenced from Documents or Downloads, and they played nice when I moved the files over and linked them. I just reset my repo to when I pulled it to make sure I didn't have anything from weird stuff I tried that prevents a proper solution from working.
Framework search paths. You can also see that my library search paths is empty. I labeled the stuff I wanted to hide, as it was identifying information
For some reason, my Documents for the new machine is already under the framework search paths. I did not add this myself.
Any ideas on what I can try? This is endlessly frustrating. I've wasted an entire day of development on trying to get Facebooks SDK re-integrated on a new machine.
I was also face the same problem every time I got the checkout for new version from svn.What I did was just removed the Facebook SDK and add again from the backup.It taken me out that time.Please try this might be it works for you.

Today View Extension (Widget) not working

I found several other threads with similar problems, but no one has exactly the same problems.
Besides it DID work some time! the errors now keep occurring while it was working some time before..
When Running my app, that has a build Target "Today View Extension", I get no actual result.
The Extension is shown in Notification Center, but has no body (Simulator AND device).
Also when I try to run the App (not the target extension) and attach the process manually by PID I get this error:
I also had the error that my Extension (that has a "Bundle Display Name" entry in Info.plist for a custom Name) did show the Name of the Extension-containing App, and not the string that was set in the Info.plist
Strange thing is that sometimes it worked, sometimes it doesn't, but when it does not there were like five different reasons why not.
I want to ask people who have similar/same problems to post them here to collect all the issues appearing and possibly collect workarounds / solutions for these problems.
Thank you.
For anyone having troubles now:
With beta 4 and beta SDK 4 a lot of bugs were fixed:
[self setPrefferedContentSize:]
to set the views size is now working properly (if you have troubles viewing your Extension)
If your updated Extension is not showing in Notification Center be sure to have a look at the log output, there you can see what task the debugger is attached to, if there is "no Selection" try stopping and running again, it will work after some tries!
If you have questions feel free to ask,
Happy coding
I don't exactly have a solution, but I've observed this happening when anything is "wrong" with my Today extension. For example, if I don't have a file properly targeting the widget. I'm guessing that instead of just crashing to the home screen, iOS just gives you an empty widget? I've written about my own issues here, for reference.
I had similar issues. But it seems to be alright now. Since the "Today View" is an extension and is bundled with the containing app, you should just build and run the containing app. From there, you can pull down the "Today View" and if your widget / today view is not added, add it.
You should be able to see all your updated changes without a problem with this and you won't have to attach any process.

Xcode: libpods.a is red

Does anyone know why this is? I'm using SWRevealViewController. It has been working up until this point. I'm using the workspace, and I've already looked into other articles and nothing has worked so far. It's not pulling up an error, but when I run the program it won't load anything because SWRevealViewController is the first thing that comes up.
Do you get an error message when you try to compile? I've had libPods.a in red before, but that didn't stop my project from working. If I remember correctly, this used to be some kind of display bug back in previous versions of Xcode.

xcode 5 can't see NSLog(s) from old iOS project

I have an older iOS6 app that I was playing with last year; it was only for my wife, so I never released it, but I wanted to dust it off and see if it was potentially useful to others. So I load it up in XCode5 (5.0.2 running on 10.8.4; I've also tried this on my home laptop running the same XCode and Mavericks). However, though the app builds and runs fine, none of my NSLog statements show up in the console, on either computer. I've cleaned, rebuilt, run it on every simulator and iPad I have, hunted through settings, torn my hair out, etc., but I can't figure out how to get them to show up. I started a new iOS app to make sure it's not something in my setup, but NSLogs from there work just fine. Unfortunately, I'm not even sure where to start looking to fix this. Does anyone have any ideas for directions that I should be exploring here? Thanks!
Edit: I just tried copying over the files into a new project, and now the NSLogs are showing up! Still leaves me with no ideas as to why they're not showing up in the old project.
Edit2: It's not just user error; I can see the log messages from the new project with the copied files (see image). They just don't show in the old project when I run it.
Maybe you're not opened a Console in XCode 5, it seems, you're trying see a logs in member console.
Try click at here and you will see console with "All Output" option:
As noted in the comment by #combinatorial, I had a debug statement hidden (so cleverly that I fooled myself) in the pch file. Thanks so much for helping me nail that down!
