My blogger post thumbnail looks blured on hompage - post

Please i have been trying so hard to fix this but to no avail,
All my post thumbnail looks blured for all kinds and sizes of images i used, even images with clear resolutions appears blured on thumbnails.
Please can someone help me with what i should do to fix this.
My Blog Url

All I see is that you use tiny pictures and then resize them. Did you tried much larger (larger than your largest thumbnail size) images?


How can I maintain a high res image in my Storyboard in Xcode without having it pixelate?

I'm making an app using Swift in Xcode. I have a few buttons and images on one of my View Controllers. I am using high resolution images, but I noticed that they pixelate to the point where it is visible to the naked eye. There are some questions that I have found pertaining to the resizing of images, but none regarding immediate pixelization. I was hoping someone could help. Below are two images. The first is an image (a screenshot) from my app and the second is an image (also a screenshot) from another app that is not mine. The icon on the other app is smaller, but despite this is less pixelated.
have you tried using svg instead of jpg (lossy) or png(lossless)? It would seem that this would be the way to go, since you can expand to perfect definition on all resizing screens. svg uses code instead of an image format that can be lossy and given the examples you have posted would solve your issue.
you can use paint code for more easy worked , with paint code you can export svg
I figured it out. I just had to increase the dpi

How to make image asset fit all sizes

My view had a background image which was shown full screen. But I couldn't make it fit all iPhone sizes as following:
640*960, 640*1136, 750*1334, 1080*1920
I tried to differ them by name.
icon#1x.png, icon-568h#2x.png, icon-667h#2x.png, icon#3x.png
And it looks like this in Asset:
But still not working. I know it's easy for Launch Image but that image is not. Please help me with this.

Paperclip - Wrong image orientation

I'm using Paperclip 4.1.1 for images uploading. I store three sizes, original, medium and thumbnail. When I try to show the original images, some of them appear rotated to the left, and it happens randomly, because some others are displayed correctly. This does not happen with medium and thumbnail sizes. The funny fact is that if I open any original image url on a browser, it always displays correctly. Any thoughts?
According to this comment in the Paperclip Railscast, this behavior doesn't occur on processed images. As a workaround, I added a new Paperclip style big enough to meet my requirements.
Check this How to set Paperclip to process original image? this will help.
Adding original: {convert_options: '-strip'} in styles help

Problems with iOS 6 Canvas iPhone Image Upload

i've got a problem by uploading an image into the HTML 5 Canvas Object.
When i was uploading the images with my computer it works fine and i have no problems. but when any image is uploaded from the iPhone-Camera, the origin height is getting distorted.
how can i fix this bug?
does any one know, how to fix this, working together with fabric.js ? because i'm not drawing the images into the canvas 2d context but in the layers of the fabric.js. this is important to get the full interactivity with all items, drawn on canvas.
i hope anyone could help me.
thanks in advance
Don't know if this answer is related to yours but it might get you in the right direction:
Mobile Safari renders <img src="data:image/jpeg;base64..."> scaled on Canvas?

Need advice on image resizing and display for Rails app

I'll start by explaining what I would like to do.
I have an image gallery grid layout page with thumbnails. Each thumbnail image is to be the same size, say 120px x 80px. I would like to display all the images on page load and more as a user scrolls down on the page. There will be hover and click states for individual images in the grid where the full size image pops up to display in a lightbox.
What solutions (gems, techniques, etc.) are there for loading images that are larger (1024 x 768) into my database (Photo) model such that I can generate a small thumbnail image of predefined smaller size?
Is the best way to load a whole page of small images if my goal is to allow more to load as the user scrolls down on the page? Or should I load only what the user sees, then use AJAX to load more as they scroll down?
Is Paperclip a common solution in this case? I'm looking into this and CarrierWave on RailsCasts.
If using something like Paperclip, can it handle cropping an image that isn't the same aspect ratio as others? ie, scale and crop a square image the same as a rectangle image to a defined size.
I'm new to handling a large number of images in a rails application and appreciate any advice, books, tutorials, techniques people are familiar with out there.
1) I prefer paperclip, though this may be due to less experience with other gems.
2) Generally, the best way to handle lots of images on a page is with sprite sheets. If the images on the page are always going to be the same, this might be a good option. If you are doing something with infinite scrolling, ajax is the way to go (railscast on infinite scrolling)
3) I'm not sure if paperclip is a common solution, but it certainly is one that you should consider.
4) Yes, cropping works in paperclip.
