Rails Active Storage REST API - ruby-on-rails

I've been able to set up Active Storage file uploads and now I'm trying to return associated images when I do, for instance, Speaker.all or Speaker.find(2).
Calling the associated endpoint I get something like:
"id": 2,
"name": "Rafael",
"email": "rafael.almeida#mail-provider.com",
"company": "XING",
"social_media": "{\"twitter\": \"#rafaelcpalmeida\"}",
"created_at": "2018-10-01T17:21:50.993Z",
"updated_at": "2018-10-01T17:21:51.144Z"
How can I also return its associated avatar?

I figured out what to do in order to achieve the result I wanted. First, we need to add the active_model_serializers to the Gemfile, followed by bundle install.
After we installed the gem we should add include ActionController::Serialization to every controller that's going to use the Serializer.
We generate a new serializer using rails g serializer speaker. My SpeakerSerializer looks like:
class SpeakerSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :name, :email, :company, :avatar
def avatar
rails_blob_path(object.avatar, only_path: true) if object.avatar.attached?
And my output looks like
"speaker": {
"id": 2,
"name": "Rafael",
"email": "rafael.almeida#xing.com",
"company": "XING",
"avatar": "/rails/active_storage/blobs/eyJfcmFpbHMiOnsibWVzc2FnZSI6IkJBaHBCdz09IiwiZXhwIjpudWxsLCJwdXIiOiJibG9iX2lkIn19--515a0de8817b3529b5d3d168871cebf6ccee0463/xing-photo.jpg"

Check if this approach is good for your needs. This is the case of has_one_attached.
First, fetch the record:
speaker = Speaker.find(2)
Then convert it to a Ruby hash (please note .as_json):
speaker_hash = speaker.as_json
Now, just append the pair key-value you need, using url_for helper:
speaker_hash['url'] = url_for(speaker.avatar)
Finally, convert the hash to json:


Add "namespace" to serializer

I have User model existing in my db, however I would like to return json response with active_model_serializers gem in which user attributes are encapsulated/nested in player namespace which DOES NOT exist in db (say it is virtual and this is arbitrary expected response).
Instead of:
"email": "some#mail.com",
"first_name": "Hey",
"last_name": "Hoo",
"birthdate": "1540-05-05",
"phone_number": "856539571"
I would like to have:
"email": "some#mail.com",
"first_name": "Hey",
"last_name": "Hoo",
"birthdate": "1540-05-05",
"phone_number": "856539571"
When Nwocha's answer is correct I will add more details to it.
As for documentation says:
Overriding the resource root only applies when using the JSON adapter.
Normally, the resource root is derived from the class name of the resource being serialized. e.g. UserPostSerializer.new(UserPost.new) will be serialized with the root user_post or user_posts according the adapter collection pluralization rules.
When using the JSON adapter in your initializer (ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = :json), or passing in the adapter in your render call, you can specify the root by passing it as an argument to render. For example:
render json: #user_post, root: "admin_post", adapter: :json
This will be rendered as:
"admin_post": {
"title": "how to do open source"
Note: the Attributes adapter (default) does not include a resource root. You also will not be able to create a single top-level root if you are using the :json_api adapter.
Within the UserSerializer class, define the root attribute. E.g:
class UserSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
root :player
Answer provided before works as well, but in the end I used slightly different approach. Turned out that aside player there should be another json, let's say team, which makes final response look like this:
"email": "some#mail.com",
"name": "Fancy Team",
What I actually did was to define exact json that I wanted to use, like this:
class UserSerializer < ActiveRecord::Serializer
attributes :player
attributes :team
def player
email: object.email,
def team
name: object.name,
If I used root option in render json:, whole serializer would be encapsulated in this name. Sorry for not clearing it at the beginning.

Rails API Design: best way to include other attributes with json_api relationships

I have a Rails 5 app in which I use the gem active_model_serializers(https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers). In my app I have a simplified data model that looks something like this:
# LocalizedString.rb
has_many :translations
# Translation.rb
belongs_to :localized_string
I'm trying to follow the best practices from JSON API, I have configured active_model_serializers like this:
ActiveModelSerializers.config.adapter = :json_api
When a user of the API requests translations (http://[root]/api/apps/117/translations) I currently get the following result:
"data": [
"id": "152",
"type": "translations",
"attributes": {
"value": "Test",
"relationships": {
"language": {
"data": {
"id": "1",
"type": "languages"
"localized-string": {
"data": {
"id": "162",
"type": "localized-strings"
From my localised-string I also want to include another attribute that is critical for the consumer of the API, and I don't want to have to make another API call to get the value of the attribute. I wonder what is the best / recommended way to do this that also follows json_api if possible.
Something like this could work:
"localized-string": {
"data": {
"id": "162",
"key": "my key value", # the attribute I need.
"type": "localized-strings"
But I'm not sure how to achieve that using active_model_serializers or if it is another recommended way of doing what I want with [json_api][1].
For completion, my relevant serialiser files looks lik this:
class TranslationSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :value, :created_at, :updated_at
has_one :language
has_one :localized_string, serializer: LocalizedStringParentSerializer
class LocalizedStringParentSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
# I want to include the key attribute in my relationship object, but this doesn't work.
attributes :id, :key
So, any ideas on what I need to do to achieve what I want?
Per spec, relationships are represented by resource object identifiers. To include more than just the id and type, you'll want to use the include param. In AMS, I think that would be 'include: [:localizations], fields: { localizations: [:key]}' (not at computer now, but is approx right)

How to get nested JSON / hash elements using postgres_ext-serializers?

I'm trying to get the postgres_ext-serializers gem working, and I built a test project very similar to https://github.com/dockyard/postgres_ext-serializers/blob/master/test/test_helper.rb
class UserSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :name, :mobile
embed :ids, include: true
has_one :address, serializer: AddressSerializer
def include_mobile?
alias_method :include_address?, :include_mobile?
class AddressSerializer < ActiveModel::Serializer
attributes :id, :district_name
embed :ids, include: true
When I try to run the serializers the output doesn't seem to have nested elements. For example my serializer to_json output is:
"{\"users\":[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Aaron\",\"mobile\":null}, \n {\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Bob\",\"mobile\":null}],\"addresses\":[{\"id\":1,\"district_name\":\"Rob's Address\"}]}"
Notice how users and address are two separate elements of a hash, intead of being nested. If I remove the postgres_ext-serializers gem, then the output is as expected:
"[{\"id\":1,\"name\":\"Rob\",\"mobile\":null,\"address\":{\"id\":1,\"district_name\":\"Rob's Address\"}},{\"id\":2,\"name\":\"Bob\",\"mobile\":null,\"address\":null}]"
The address is embedded in the user hash exactly how I'm expecting it.
What am I missing, do I need to change anything to make the elements nested when using postgres_ext-serializers?
It seems, that the JSON you receive after serialization is what postgres_ext-serializers expects. Take a look into this test. expected_json in the first test case case is:
"users": [
"id": <UserID>,
"name": "John",
"mobile": "51111111",
"offer_ids": [],
"reviewed_offer_ids": []
"offers": [],
"addresses": [
"id": <AddressID>,
"district_name": "mumbai"
It looks very similar to the JSON you have received. But, to be honest, as include_address? method in your example returns false, I expect you must have not "addresses" field included into resulting JSON at all.

Rails 3 How can I allow nested attributes to be passed without the _attributes designation

When using accepts_nested_attributes_for, instead of having to pass "child_attributes", I'd like to pass "child". I'm pretty sure if I put a lot of the logic in my controller to create the the records and children, I could accomplish this. However, in an effort to keep my controllers clean and logic where it should be, the model in this case, I'd like to know how to switch rails 3 around to use this syntax when doing a POST or PUT.
"name": "test",
"child_attributes": [
"id": 1,
"name": "test_child_update"
"name": "test_child_create"
"name": "test",
"child": [
"id": 1,
"name": "test_child_update"
"name": "test_child_create"
Evidently, this can't be done.
The _attributes suffix adds no value to JSON requests and responses, but to get rid of it in the model layer, you would have to monkey patch ActiveRecord. Everyone hates monkey-patching ActiveRecord relations.
How about doing it in the controller layer?
#comment = Comment.new(attributify(:comment))
# snip
# ApplicationController
def attributify()
# Now I'll go and write this!
Edit: Done. The controller mixin is here: https://gist.github.com/johncant/6056036

Rails 2.3.8: how to parse JSON with field names other than DB columns

I'm sure there's an easy solution for this but I'm new to Rails and need help with syntax.
In my controller I have:
#products = Product.all
format.json { render :json => #products }
And it works fine, returning data with the default column names used in the DB:
"product": {
"created_at": "2010-10-08T17:24:27Z",
"id": 24,
"product_date": "2010-08-08",
"product_name": "Product One",
"updated_at": "2010-10-08T17:36:00Z"
What I need is something like:
"product": {
"created_at": "2010-10-08T17:24:27Z",
"id": 24,
"start": "2010-08-08",
"title": "Product One",
"updated_at": "2010-10-08T17:36:00Z"
That is, changing product_date to start and product_name to title, but only in the JSON output.
It seems like an easy problem to solve but I'm not sure how to express it in Ruby/Rails syntax, so I would really appreciate any help. I cannot rename the database columns.
If you want to alter the JSON output for all Products, everywhere and all the time, simply override the to_json method on your Product model.
Here's the simple way to do that (in your Product class definition):
def to_json
:created_at => created_at
:id => id
:start => product_date
:title => product_name
:updated_at => updated_at
You could get fancier and plug in a custom Serializer, but this should suffice for your purposes. One drawback of doing this so explicitly is that if your schema changes, this will have to be updated. This will also break the options usually available to the to_json method (:include, :only, etc) so, maybe it's not too hot.
