Migrate Jenkins jobs from Cloud Bees to another Jenkins server - jenkins

I have a Jenkins server at CloudBees server and it has a lot of jobs.
I have created new Jenkins server at AWS Ec2 instance.
Now, I need to migrate all Jenkins jobs from CloudBees to New Jenkins Server(AWS EC2instance)
How can I do this task? Is there any way to migrate all jobs by CLI?

Use Backup Plugin or thinBackup

You first need to ensure that you do not use proprietary CloudBees features (RBAC, Folders+ plugins). This is the only thing that's really specific to migrating from a CloudBees Jenkins.
After that, standard steps for migrating Jenkins apply:
ensure that you have same plugins installed on the new Jenkins
align credentials and credentials-IDS
API tokens need special handling
After that, you can just copy all $JENKINS_HOME/jobs/*/config.xml files (if using folders, copy recursively).
You can also copy job configs via CLI or REST API, but usually the fastest way is to copy directly on filesystem level.


Implement Jmeter/taurus with Openshift

I am Implementing Jmeter/taurus for performance testing for microservices. We are using Openshift PaaS solution to run all microservices. I am able to deploy jmeter/taurus inside Openshift using jenkins pipeline and generated the taurus report using jmx report in the container. My requirement is to publish the taurus report to Jenkins, rather than storing it to cloud storage or nexus. Can someone advise me what should be best approach to publish performance report for developers on Jenkins or any other optimal way to publish.
I found something by googling where they Jenkins agent was deployed inside Openshift and checkout the test suite Git repo into the agent's workspace just want to make sure if this is the best approach for my scenario. Our Jenkins master is running on Google cloud platform VM's with some dynamic slaves.
Thanks in Advance!
According to Dump Summary for Jenkins Plugins Taurus User Manual Chapter, you just need to add reporting module definition to your YAML configuration file like:
- module: final-stats
dump-xml: stats.xml
And "feed" this stats.xml file to Jenkins Performance Plugin
That's it, you should get Performance Report added to your build dashboard. Check out How to Run Taurus with the Jenkins Performance Plugin article for more information if needed.

Chef: Jenkins supermarket cookbook automated job deployment

I am currently using the Jenkins supermarket cookbook to deploy an instance of Jenkins running as a service on my Chef managed node. So far I have modified my _master_war_ recipe file to install Jenkins and start Jenkins as a service using runit, install all plugin versions I need as well as enable matrix based security and create a base administrator account. It should also be noted we are using BitBucket for source control.
I also want to add my jobs as part of the automated Jenkins deployment. From what I understand, the way to do this is to copy the job configuration files from a directory on my chef workstation to a directory (Chef's cache path), on the managed node.
Per the Jenkins public supermarket cookbook readme:
The :create action requires a Jenkins job config.xml. This config file
must exist on the target node and contain a valid Jenkins job
configuration file. Because the Jenkins CLI actually reads and
generates its own copy of this file, do NOT write this configuration
inside of the Jenkins job. We recommend putting them in Chef's file
cache path.
As these job configurations do change periodically, I'm wondering what is the best way to maintain the most recent copy of the job configuration file(s) on my chef workstation for deployment to my managed node?
Am I understanding the cookbook documentation correctly in that we will need a local copy of the job configuration file (on the Chef workstation), that is then copied to Chef's cache file path on the managed node?
Thanks in advance for any help anyone is able to provide.
Personally, I count setting up Jenkins jobs a lot more into the domain of Jenkins instead of Chef. The Jenkins community has developed several "jobs as code" approaches, the most popular ones being the Job DSL and the Jenkins Pipelines, with the latter one being the probably better starting point.
What remains up to the Chef cookbook is to define the seed job, either e.g. for the "Bitbucket Organisation Folder" plugin (and the one job that points to your organisation at BitBucket) or a so-called "Seed job" for the Job DSL.
Regarding automated setup of pipelines, I recommend a look at Torben Knerr's examples. This uses
Pipeline (as defined in Jenkinsfiles) for the actual build jobs
a Job DSL seed job to set up the pipeline job(s)
Regarding the actual implementation in Chef, you can see an example in a cookbook of mine. The template resource copies a file from the cookbook (in the templates/ subdirectory) into some temporary path, from where the jenkins_job resource picks it up (on the Jenkins server).
So I'm not sure, if you got it right regarding:
will need a local copy of the job configuration file (on the Chef workstation)
So you just need it once on your workstation to add it to the cookbook, yes.

How to securely backup Jenkins configuration?

I am setuping a Jenkins environment to manage workflows of Python projects. This Jenkins install is running on a Windows 7 machine and I need to backup the Jenkins config to avoid potential loss of work in case of HDD failure (for example).
I tried the SCM sync configuration plugin but this one is not compatible with the Subversion plugin I use and caused Jenkins to display only a white screen when I activated it. So it is not usable.
I also tried the thinBackup. It works well but, due to Jenkins being ran as a local service, it is not able to save backups on a network drive (and backuping on the same drive than Jenkins is not very insteresting). You would think that I just have to run Jenkins with a network user, but in this case it would not have sufficient local privilèges.
I am thinking about creating a Batch (or Python) script which could deal with SVN to backup the Jenkins configuration by adapting what is described in this page but I am not very happy to write a SVN account password in a Batch (or Python) script which could potentially be seen by anybody.
So I would know if it exists an other way to achieve this Jenkins configuration backup.
Or at least, does it exists a way to perform svn commands without showing anybody a clear password?
The issues with the SCM sync configuration plugin sadden me, too. What we do with our Jenkins instances, is: we use thinBackup to run regular backups and store them in the default folder on the same HDD. Then we have a daily cron job rsync them with a folder on another HDD. So if Jenkins is running on Windows, you would probably achieve the same using the Windows Task Scheduler and cwRsync, for example.

Best way to use Jenkins to install snapshot on remote machine?

I'm running Jenkins on one server and want to use chef and automatically install a snapshot (including runtime artifacts etc) on a separate server.
Currently Jenkins will use ssh to invoke chef on the seperate machine. Is there a better way?
Maven is also involved in this.
I've found that majority of "Deploy" type plugins are lacking in customization. We use "Execute" (bash or batch) build steps to trigger deployment scripts on remote machines (written in house, be they Puppet, Chef, or plain bash/batch).
The correlation between builds and deployments is achieved through "Promotions" and explained in detail here:
How to promote a specific build number from another job in Jenkins?

Retrieving old builds for re-deployment in Jenkins

I have built an automated deployment system using Jenkins, Subversion and ANT on a set of environments. It all works, allowing me to deploy old tagged releases to a set of environments or automatically deploy the latest build using the Subversion Release Manager within Jenkins.
The problem is on the client site, we have to utilise Perforce (which does not currently have a Release Manager plugin within Jenkins [don't really want to write one, but possible]). What is the best way to setup up Jenkins to be able to deploy certain releases to environments? I started looking at Ivy and Artifactory as a possibility.
If anyone has any suggestions, or any guides online, that would be great!
We currently build a WAR file for each Subversion checkin - and make this available with the copy artifact plugin. Redeploy is merely a matter of executing the deploy task for this WAR.
