How does freertos works on Arduino in order to interupt tasks - freertos

I have tried freertos on Arduino in order to run several tasks in parallel.
It works great and i want to understand freertos internals. I have looked into source code and i have a lot of questions !
First of all, i suppose there is a scheduler which is stopping (pause) current task and resuming another.
I did not find in Freertos source code anything that can pause program. Can anyone tell me how it works ?
If i work with String data type in my program, it does not work. What is spectific to String type causing bug with Freertos ?
Freertos seems to execute some code even if i just include freertos.h file (even if there is nothing else). Where is this code and how freertos does to add initialisation code ?

You have the source code, so I suggest stepping through it to answer most of these questions yourself. I'm afraid they are too broad an non specific to even begin answering here.
(I love the assertion that problems with strings must be a problem in FreeRTOS, like nobody else has used strings before ;o)


FreeRtos how to store function address while context switching

I using freertos on my project. My code is stuck in hardfault handler, I want know last executed function address or last executed line address for debugging.How to debug code when PC is pointing Hardfault handler.
That information is 100% dependent on which microcontroller you are using, and also which tool chain you are using as some IDEs will do this for you. You failed to provide either piece of information, so are asking people to guess on your behalf. A good question is one that cannot only possibly be answered by another question.
I am going to guess you are using a Cortex-M microcontroller, in which case information on debugging a hard fault can be found on lots of links found by Google, including the following:

Is there in dart language any method similar to DoEvents() in Visual Basic?

Here is a simple question.
suppose that I have a very long loop to execute, It would be nice to keep the user informed about the progressing right? I would print for example the number of loops that have been executed so far and how many are remaining.
The problem that I have is those output wouldn't be visualized until the the loop is finished, and thus there will be no point for them to be displayed.
I'm sure that there is some method in dart that can some sort of a handler to the browser to execute tasks and events whenever I want to and keep running the loop.
I'm new to dart, I hope that someone could answer this question.
Thank you.
PS: If you don't know how to, you can give me any ideas of keywords that I can use to look for this particular feature in dart documentation, it will be very helpful.
You can dig into Isolates, which allow background work on supported browsers.
Nothing as simple as DoEvents(), but all of the pieces are there.
I think too that Isolates are the best approach but wasn't successful using them on the browser a while ago, but there was a bigger refactoring going on lately in Isolates.
Does anyone know of a current client side Isolates example?
The API doc referenced by #kevmoo contains a link to an Isolates article that doesn't exist anymore (maybe must be rewritten due to the mentioned refactoring).
Another approach would be a method that returns after a chunk of work and gets recalled repeated in a loop until it returns for example true for done (false for not yet).
When you call this method using scheduleMicrotask(doChunk) or new Timer(() => doChunk()) other tasks get some air (import 'dart:async';) each time before the method gets actually called.

How to cancel Task without CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested?

I am developing a WPF application with C# 4.0 where some user-specific code will
be compiled at runtime and then executed inside an AppDomain. The process might take 10 ms or 5 minutes. The AppDomain will be created by Task.Factory.StartNew(). Works fine.
Now I want to be able to cancel/interrupt the execution. I can press a
Stop button while the codes is executing but how can I cancel the Task? I know:
there is the CancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested property but I cannot
loop through something. This is why I cannot check the value while executing
the (atomic) code. And unloading the AppDomain does not stop the Task.
FYI: I took the Task class because it easy to use. If Thread would be useful: No problem.
Can someone help me? A short code snippet would be nice :).
Thank you.
Aborting a thread or a task is a code smell of a badly designed solution.
If that is your decision, you should consider that every line of code could be the last one to be executed and consider releasing any unmanaged resource, lock, etc that could leave the system in an inconsistent state. In theory we should always be this careful, but in practice this doesn't hold.
If you try with a Thread and the inviting .Abort() method, you should consider that ThreadAbortException is a special exception in terms of try-catch and finally blocks. Additionally, you can't even be sure that the thread is going to be aborted.
In regards of using a Task, AFAIK (I'm not an expert in TPL) I'm afraid you cannot do what you want. You should somehow re-design your logic to consider the cancellation token and cleanly stop your computation.

How would someone create a preemptive scheduler for the Lua VM?

I've been looking at lua and lvm.c. I'd very much like to implement an interface to allow me to control the VM interpreter state.
Cooperative multitasking from within lua would not work for me (user contributed code)
The debug hook gets me only about 50% of the way there, instruction execution limits, but it raises an exception which just crashes the running lua code - but I need to be able to tweak it even further.
I want to create a system where 10's of thousands of lua user scripts are running - individual threads would not work, and the execution limits would cause headache for beginning developers, I'm going to control execution speeds too. but ultimately
while true do
will execute forever, and I really don't care that it is.
Any ideas, help or other implementations that I could look at?
EDIT: This is not about sandboxing pretend I'm an expert in that field for this conversation
EDIT: I do not want to use an internally ran lua code coroutine based controller.
EDIT: I want to run one thread, and manage a large number of user contributed lua scripts, an external process level control mechansim would not scale at all.
You can search for Lua Sandbox implementations; for example, this wiki page and SO question provide some pointers. Note that most of the effort in sandboxing is focused on not allowing you to execute bad code, but not necessarily on preventing infinite loops. For better control you may need to combine Lua sandboxing with something like LXC or cpulimit. (not relevant based on the comments)
If you are looking for something Lua-based, lightweight, but not necessarily 100% foolproof, then you can try running your client code in a separate coroutine and set a debug hook on that coroutine that will be triggered every N-th line. In that hook you can check if the process you are running exceeded its quotes. You also need to take care of new coroutines started as those need to have their own hooks set (you either need to disable coroutine.create/wrap or to replace them with something that sets the debug hook you need).
The code in this case may look like:
local coro = coroutine.create(client_func)
debug.sethook(coro, debug_hook, "l", 1000) -- trigger hook on every 1000th line
It's not foolproof, because it may block on some IO operation and the debug hook will not help there.
[Edit based on updated question and comments]
Between "no lua code coroutine based controller" and "no external process control mechanism" I don't think you are left with much choice. It may be that your only option is to run one VM per user script and somehow give ticks to those VMs (there was a recent question on SO on this, but I can't find it). Before going this route, I would still try to do this with coroutines (which should scale to tens of thousands easily; Tir claims supporting 1M active users with coroutine-based architecture).
The mechanism would roughly look like this: you install the debug hook as I shown above and from that hook you yield back to your controller, which then decides what other coroutine (user script) to resume. I have this very mechanism working in the Lua debugger I've been developing (although it only does it for one client script). This doesn't protect you from IO calls that can block and for that you may still need to have a watchdog at the VM level to see if it's been blocked for longer than needed.
If you need to serialize and deserialize running code fragments that preserve upvalues and such, then Pluto is probably your only option.
Look at implementing lua_lock and lua_unlock.
Take a look at lulu. It is lua VM written on lua. It's for Lua 5.1
For newer version you need to do some work. But it's then you really can make a schelduler.
Take a look at this,
I maintain this project. It,s a non blocking preemptive scheduler for running lua code. Suitable for long running game scripts.

Low-level Lua interpreter

Is there a way to run Lua code from a C/C++ program at a more fine-grained level than a standard "lua_pcall" function call? Ideally I'd like to be able to loop over a list of low-level bytecode instructions (assuming it has such things) and run them one by one, so that I could write my own scheduler which had more control of things than just running a complete Lua function from start to finish.
The reason I want to do this is because I wish to implement C functions which Lua code can call which would cause the program to wait until a certain (potentially long-winded) action had completed before continuing execution. There would be a high proportion of such function calls in a typical Lua script, so the idea of rewriting it to use callbacks once the action has completed isn't really practical.
Perhaps side-stepping the question, but you could use Lua coroutines rather than custom C stuff to wait until some event occurs.
For example, one coroutine could call a waitForEvent() function. In there, you can switch to another coro until that event occurs, then resume the first one. Take a look at the lua coro docs for more about that.
Jder's suggestion to use coroutines will work very well if you can write those long waiting C routines using Lua's cooperative threading (explicit yield) feature. You'll still use lua_pcall() to enter Lua, but the entry point will be your coroutine manager function.
This only works though if the C routines don't do anything while they wait. If they are long running because they calculate something for example, then you need to run multiple OS threads. Lua is threadsafe -- just create multiple threads and run lua_open() in each thread.
The Lua library defines no global
variables at all. It keeps all its
state in the dynamic structure
lua_State and a pointer to this
structure is passed as an argument to
all functions inside Lua. This
implementation makes Lua reentrant and
ready to be used in multithreaded
You can also combine the two approaches. If you have a wrapper Lua function to start an OS thread, you can yield after you start the thread. The coroutine manager will keep track of threads and continue a coroutine when the thread it started has finished. This lets you use a single Lua interpreter with multiple worker threads running pure C code.
If you go the OS threading way, please have a look at Lua Lanes. I would see it the perfect solution to what you're trying to achieve (= throw one addon module to the mix and you'll be making clear, understandable and simple code with multithreading seamlessly built in).
Please tell us how your issue got solved. :)
Does the debugging interface help?
