SQLPlus prevent column from being padded to its column name's length - sqlplus

I have a query that I need formatted in a particular way, but when I have an 8-character string with a 12-character column name, it pads the column to 12 characters even with Set Heading Off and Set Pagesize 0. Is there a way to display a column such that it will not include the length of the column name when calculating the width to use?
This is not the same as "SQLPlus varchar2 outputs whitespaces", which does not appear to be asking about the case when the column name is longer than the data name - just when the data appears to have an excessive length.


How do I get the column letter of a single row where a particular value equals a test value?

I need to get the letter of the column that has a value in a given row that matches a given value in Google Sheets, assuming that no values in the row are duplicates.
For example, in the above screenshot, if the row is the first row, and the test value is Jun, the formula will return H.
Kind of meta. Appreciate any help.
The following formula should produce the behaviour you desire:
The =MATCH formula returns the position of the item in a range which has a specified value. In this case, the specified value is "Jun" and the range is A1:1.
=ADDRESS returns the A1 notation of a row and column specified by its number. In this case, the row is 1 and the column is whichever number is returned by the =MATCH. The 4 is there so that =ADDRESS returns H1 instead of $H$1 (absolute reference is its default).
=REGEXREPLACE looks through a string for a specified pattern and replaces that portion of the string with another string. In this case, the pattern to search for is any number. The last argument of =REGEXREPLACE is blank so it simply removes all numbers from the string.
What is left is the letter of the column where the value is found.
Functions Used:
Now that Google Sheets has added Named Functions, there is an easier way to do this.
To use named functions, go to Data -> Σ Named Functions. A sidebar will pop up. At the bottom use "Add new function" to create a new named function.
I created two functions to do this:
First, COL_CHAR which will take a column reference and return its letter
Second, ALPHA_CHAR which takes a numeric input and converts it to letters. I made this one recursive, so if it's an n-letter column name, it will keep calling itself until it gets the full name.
COL_CHAR just converts the referenced column to a column number and passes that to ALPHA_CHAR. It's formula is:
=ALPHA_CHAR( column(cell) )
where cell is an Argument placeholder. Make sure to add that to the argument placeholder list in the sidebar.
Here is the (recursive) formula for ALPHA_CHAR:
=IF( num > 26, ALPHA_CHAR( INT( num / 26 ) ), "") & CHAR( CODE("A") - 1 + MOD( num, 26 ) )
where num is an Argument placeholder.
By making this recursive, even if Google Sheets expands to allow 4-letter (or more) columns in the future, it will keep iterating through every letter regardless of how many there is.
Then, to get the letter of a column in the spreadsheet, you just call COL_CHAR and pass the cell in the column you want, for example:
Will return the string "BK"

Adding specific number at the end of a string until reach a specific total of characters

Example of values from my Column C:
After the last / will always have the same amount of characters. But for some inexplicable reason the API is delivering the values without the zeros that exist to the right, so for example:
If the correct value is:
The value delivered is:
So to adjust this I need to add the zeros to the right, for that I separate the last part of the value with this formula:
The result is:
And to calculate the maximum number of characters that can be found, I use:
The result in this case is 11, so in all values there must be 11 characters after the last slash.
But now I don't know how I can add the zeros numbers that are missing from each value so that the result is:
What should I do to get this result?
Spreadsheet Link:
I have provided you 2 methods in the spreadsheet.

How can I get the last numerical value value in a column in Google Sheets?

I need to find the last numerical value in a column. I was using this formula to get the last value in column G, but I made some changes and it no longer works: =INDEX(G:G, COUNTA(G:G), 1). My column now looks like this:
...and the formula returns "-". I want it to return 123.1. How can I do this?
There are many ways to go about this. Here is one of them:
FILTER creates a virtual array of only numeric values in G in the first column and the row of those numeric values in the second column.
QUERY returns flips the order by row number and returns only the new top value from the first column (which winds up being your last numeric value in the original range).
However, if your numeric values start at G1, and if there are only numeric values up to where you start adding hyphens in cells, you could just alter your original formula like this:
This would work because COUNT only counts numeric values while COUNTA counts all non-null values (including errors BTW).
Not to take anything away from the accepted answer, but I've been working on this a bit lately in relation to this for the never-ending last row discussion and thought I'd share some potential similar solutions. These ideas are inspired by a pattern of google sheet array questions that seem to be coming up more often. I am also intentionally using different ways to do the same thing just to give people some ideas (i.e. left and Regex).
Last Row that is...
Number: =max(filter(row(G:G),isnumber(G:G)))
Text: =max(filter(row(G:G),isText(G:G)))
An error: =max(filter(row(G:G),iserror(G:G)))
Under 0 : =max(filter(row(G:G),G:G<0))
Also exists in column D: =max(filter(row(G:G),ISNUMBER(match(G:G,D:D,0))))
Not Blank: =max(filter(row(A:A),NOT(ISBLANK(A:A))))
Starts with ab: =max(filter(row(G:G),left(G:G,2)="ab"))
Contains the character !: =max(filter(row(G:G),isnumber(Find("!",G:G))))
Starts with a number: =max(filter(row(G:G),REGEXMATCH(G:G,"^\d")))
Only contains letters: =max(filter(row(G:G),REGEXMATCH(G:G,"^[a-zA-Z]+$")
Last four digits are upper case: =Max(filter(row(G:G),REGEXMATCH(G:G,"[A-Z]{4}$")))
To get the actual value (which I realize was the actual question), just wrap an index function around the Max function. So for this question, a solution could be :

Change cell's formula parameter with an 'If' statement

I have this formula in a range of cells:
=IF(D3="","",(UNIQUE(Index(ImportJSON(E3, "/email"),2,1))))
It brings back a text response (an email address). In this case the only part that is of relevance is the 2 at the end.
I would like to set it so that if the text/email returned contains a specific word (say info or sales) for the formula to increment the number 2, to one number higher - 3, and so forth until finds it a value that doesn't contain the string that was defined in the IF statement.
The 2 parameter is merely responsible retrieving the respective row from column 1.
Is this possible?

Delphi 5 - size mismatch on TField

On an ADOQuery I've created a String Tfield and set the it's size to 24(from Fields Editor).
When I'm trying to assign to this field a 24 characters length string (qry.fieldbyname('fieldname').asString), only first 20 characters are added. I don't understand why.
How is the query populated with data? If you are doing a select against a table then the column will have the same width as in the table schema. Check how the column is defined in your database.
