urxvt real transparency not working in i3wm - transparency

I am running Arch Linux with i3wm. I have customized i3 a lot already, but I also wanted to try transparency in urxvt. The pseudo-transparency does work, but when I try real transparency, instead of making the terminal transparent, it just becomes darker.
In my .Xdefaults file I have:
urxvt.depth: 32
urxvt.background: [75]#0e192e
urxvt.cursorcolor: #ffffff
urxvt.foreground: #ffffff
I have removed all the pseudo transparency stuff like urxvt.transparency and urxvt.shading.
In my ~/.config/i3/config file I use exec_always --no-startup-id feh --randomize --bg-fill ~/wallpapers/* to set the wallpaper.
I think it's likely that it has something to do with the wallpaper.

one solution would be to use Compton compositor - https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/compton


Cairolatex terminal produces bitmap output

I am using gnuplottex in Overleaf to write a document using the IEEETran document style.
When I plot filledcurves the result kind of bad as it seems not to be in a vector graphics format; thus getting pixelated upon zooming into the figure.
Additionaly, some weird white boxes are floating around hideing parts of a label.
I developed the figure locally on my machine using the cairopdf terminal and Gnuplot 5.4.
The first picture show the resulting pdf of of Latex using the cairolatex terminal.
The second picture shows a very deep zoom in the test pdf done with the cairopdf terminal where everything looks good.
set style fill transparent solid 0.35 noborder
plot for[i=1:num_states] normal(x, word(means, i), word(std, i)) notitle with filledcurves y1=0
What is going on? I read that epslatex has some trouble with transparency is that here also the case?
The PostScript language itself (including *.eps) does not support transparency or alpha-channel colors. So no *.ps or *.eps file can portray transparent/translucent areas properly. At best it can be approximated by using some intermediate representation that does handle alpha channels and then translating the final resulting blended colors to PostScript, but that means later color balance adjustments made during viewing or printing will not preserve the correct balance in the blended areas.
There should be no problem with pdf. I don't know what caused that partial white rectangle. Maybe if you show a more complete script that created the figure?
Using set terminal cairolatex pdf in gnuplot should solve the pixelation and transparency issues. You can create a new question if the unwanted white rectangles persist.


While developping color-extractor I stumbled across a quirk with Imagick. I confirmed the issue with a single black transparent pixel image. Under Gimp this black is shown as 75% opaque so I guess its alpha/transparency is 25%.
When I run getColorValue(\Imagick::COLOR_OPACITY) I get roughly 0.25 whereas I get about 0.75 with getColorValue(\Imagick::COLOR_ALPHA) so the exact opposite of what I expected.
Is this an issue about Imagick (I'm using php-imagick 3.4.3-1 and ImageMagick 6.9.7-9) or am I inverting concepts of opacity and transparency?
Not a quirk, but by design. For the most part, opacity & alpha share the same data channel, and the context of the image format / coder implements the correct value. And I stress context is key.
Is this an issue about Imagick [..] or am I inverting concepts of opacity and transparency?
Let's take a look at how the two are implemented.
As you can see, both return the same data bonded between 0 and Quantum limit.
The PixelGetOpacityQuantum returns the exact data-value, but PixelGetAlphaQuantum adjusts/inverts to what we would expect in popular color formats/specs. It's all context!

how to fill solid color into the shape of a transparent PNG file with actionscript3?

For example, I have a transparent png file, the shape is a car.
In the png file, I only draw the white border shape.
Outside and inside the border are all transparent.
I want to use actionscript3 code to show the car object with different color, it means only fill color inside the border, and for the outside of the border, keep transparent.
How to do that?
So far, the simplest workaround is to prepare many images with PhotoShop, but it's not good enough for me. When I have many shapes and use many colors, I've to prepare many many images.
Add more details:
(Because I'm using white border, you may not see the basic png file if your background of browser is white)
Change my boarder of shape to black, hope this is helpful to understand my question.
Since you're working with loaded images/pixels you can make use of BitmapData's floodFill() which pretty much does what you need. There's an example in bellow the method description as well.
It does pretty much what you need, although in some cases it might not be perfect. It's worth having a look at Jan's optimizing the floodFill() method article which goes more in depth.
A simple solution is to use multiple layers. The top layer would contain just the border. The lower layer would contain just the car with no border. You can adjust the colour of the car layer using a ColorTransform or ColorMatrixFilter.

Truly transparent gradient possible in Fireworks CS5?

Does anyone know if it's possible to have a gradient created using Fireworks to be really transparent at the bottom?
I'm trying to create a gradient which is truly transparent at the bottom, so it can be placed on top of another image. As far as I'm aware, even though the opacity of the bottom is 0, I still have to select a color for the bottom. This makes the top color blend into it (like below it's blending into white). So whenever the image is placed over a dark image the bottom is transparent but still white.
Hope that makes sense. Thanks for the help.
I usually achieve this effect by setting both color endpoints of the gradient to the same color, then adjusting the opacity endpoint to 0% (or whatever you want).
Here's the result: This is #666/100% to #666/0% on the left, #666/100% to white/0% on the right.
I was having the same problem you should try working with auto vector masks
Command>Creative>Auto Vector Mask
Great little tutorial here
How are you defining "really transparent"?
You must choose a linear gradient, then a colour at each end of the gradient, and then make one end opacity 0%. It doesn't matter if it is a colour or not, you make it invisible anyway.
If you are comparing it to something like Photoshop or Illustrator, yes it's annoying that Adobe cannot be consistent with how each application handles opacity, but in Fireworks, it's still the same effect, just a different method of doing it.

XNA How To Make Transparent Texture

I read and try that pure Magenta Color 255, 0, 255 in an image is automatically transparent, but unfortunately failed, is there anything should I setup first?
Also I read and try include alpha in a PNG Image, the strange is when I used it on a project it's work, but not on the other, what is likely wrong with the code?
Please kindly reply, thank you
For Magenta to be transparent, look at the properties of your image file. Right click in solution explorer, properties.
There is an option there to specify the transparent color to be used (magenta by default).
Then, there is the rendering to consider. How are you drawing your texture? With SpriteBatch, it is automatic, but you may have sorting issues. Check the order in which you draw your textures and the SpriteSortMode.
