Concatenate Int like String in Swift? - ios

I need Something like
var a = 1
var b = 2
var c = a + b should be 12 (Int) instead of 3.
var a = 12
var b = 34
var c = a + b should be 1234 (Int) instead of 46.
I am not figuring out how can we do this for any number?
One way is to convert two both Int to String, concatenate and covert it again that String to Int, but I don't think it's efficient.
Thank you in advance if you have a solution.

You can do it with simple conversion like below:
var a = 1
var b = 2
var c = Int("\(a)\(b)") // Result 12
var a1 = 12
var b1 = 34
var c1 = Int("\(a1)\(b1)") // Result 1234
var a2 = 122344
var b2 = 9022
var c2 = Int("\(a2)\(b2)") // Result 1223449022

12+34 = 12*10^2 + 34 = 1200+34 = 1234
func logC(val: Double, forBase base: Double) -> Double {
return log(val)/log(base)
var a = 10
var b = 0
let x = b == 10 ? 2 : b == 0 ? 1 : ceil(logC(val: Double(b), forBase: 10))
var c = Int(Double(a) * pow(10, x) + Double(b))

You can write something like this:
extension Int {
func concatenateDecimalDigits(in other: Int) -> Int {
let scale: Int
switch other {
case 0...9:
scale = 10
case 10...99:
scale = 100
case 100...999:
scale = 1000
case 1000...9999:
scale = 10000
case 10000...99999:
scale = 100000
case 100000...999999:
scale = 1000000
//You need to add more cases if you need...
scale = 0 //ignore invalid values
return self * scale + other
var a = 1
var b = 2
print( a.concatenateDecimalDigits(in: b) ) //->12
a = 12
b = 34
print( a.concatenateDecimalDigits(in: b) ) //->1234
a = 122344
b = 9022
print( a.concatenateDecimalDigits(in: b) ) //->1223449022
You can write some logic to calculate scale without switch, but that does not make much difference.

General solution for any two Int:
You will need to calculate number of digits for calculate multiplier as:
func numberOfDigits(_ num: Int) -> Int {
var count = 0
var number = num
while number > 0 {
number = number / 10
count += 1
return count
Use it as:
let a = 11
let b = 24
let noOfDigit = numberOfDigits(b)
let multiplier = pow(Double(10), Double(noOfDigit))
let c = a * Int(multiplier) + b
And, in one line as:
let c = a * Int(pow(Double(10), Double(numberOfDigits(b)))) + b


Swift 5: Add decimal separators whitout NumberFormatter

I need to create a function to add the decimal and thousands separators to a number that is a string, I know I could use numberFormatter but I want to practice another way of doing it. For example if I have "454685" the result will be "$ 4,546.85".
This is my code:
let number = "111234567"
let firstIndex = number.startIndex
let firstNumber = number[firstIndex]
let lastIndex = number.index(before: number.endIndex)
let lastNumber = String(number[lastIndex])
let beforeLastIndex = number.index(number.endIndex, offsetBy: -2)
let beforeLastNumber = String(number[beforeLastIndex])
var decimalPart = beforeLastNumber + lastNumber
let decimalindex = number.index(number.endIndex, offsetBy: -2)
let intPart = String(number[..<decimalindex])
let totalNumber = "$" + intPart + "," + decimalPart
var thousandSeparators = intPart.count % 3 == 1
I'm stuck here, I separated the decimal part from the integer part, but then I don't know how to add the thousand separator "." to string number.
You can achieve this by creating a function for a string that split the string as per the length passes in parameter and the direction for splitting.
extension String {
func split(length:Int, fromBack: Bool = false) -> [Substring] {
guard length > 0 && length < count else { return [suffix(from:startIndex)] }
if fromBack {
return (0 ... (count - 1) / length).map { dropLast($0 * length).suffix(length) }.reversed()
return (0 ... (count - 1) / length).map { dropFirst($0 * length).prefix(length) }
how to use this function:
let number = "111234567"
let firstIndex = number.startIndex
let firstNumber = number[firstIndex]
let lastIndex = number.index(before: number.endIndex)
let lastNumber = String(number[lastIndex])
let beforeLastIndex = number.index(number.endIndex, offsetBy: -2)
let beforeLastNumber = String(number[beforeLastIndex])
var decimalPart = beforeLastNumber + lastNumber
let decimalindex = number.index(number.endIndex, offsetBy: -2)
let intPart = String(number[..<decimalindex])
let intWithThousandSeparators = intPart.split(length: 3, fromBack: true).joined(separator: ".")
let totalNumber = "$" + intWithThousandSeparators + "," + decimalPart
You can refer to this answers list for split strings into groups.

Swift class containing another class as var

Consider the following code:
class A {
var x = 0;
var y = 0;
init(x vx: int, y vy: int){
x = vx
y = vy
class B {
var a_array: [A]
a_array = []
func append(_ a:A){
func sum_all(){
var sum = 0
for a in a_array {
sum += (a.x + a.y)
print("sum all is",sum)
var a1 = A(1, 2)
var a2 = A(3, 4)
var b = B();
b.sum_all() //it prints out 10 correctly.
a1.x = 2
b.sum_all() //it still prints out 10
As I want it prints out 11, how can I modify these code?
In C, it can be done by using a pointer reference easily, how can it be done in Swift?
Thanks a lot in advance!
It is actually printing 11 in the line you said it still prints 10.
You can try it out by modifying a bit your code to look more like Swift syntax as this:
import Foundation
class A {
var x = 0
var y = 0
init(_ vx: Int, _ vy: Int){
x = vx
y = vy
class B {
var a_array: [A]
a_array = []
func append(_ a:A){
func sum_all(){
var sum = 0
for a in a_array {
sum += (a.x + a.y)
print("sum all is",sum)
var a1 = A(1, 2)
var a2 = A(3, 4)
var b = B()
b.sum_all() //it prints out 10 correctly.
a1.x = 2
b.sum_all() //it actually prints 11.
You can try the snippet by copy pasting it in this playground online and run it.
This is the output:
sum all is 10
sum all is 11

Gradually and randomly visualize string

I am currently working on a simple program to gradually and randomly visualize a string in two iteration. Right now I have managed to get the first iteration but I'm not sure how to do the second one. If someone could give any example or advice I would be very grateful. My code looks like this:
let s = "Hello playground"
let factor = 0.25
let factor2 = 0.45
var n = s.filter({ $0 != " " }).count // # of non-space characters
var m = lrint(factor * Double(n)) // # of characters to display
let t = String( { c -> Character in
if c == " " {
// Preserve space
return " "
} else if Int.random(in: 0..<n) < m {
// Replace
m -= 1
n -= 1
return c
} else {
// Keep
n -= 1
return "_"
print(t) // h_l__ _l_______d
To clarify, I want to use factor2 in the second iteration to print something that randomly add letters on top of t that looks something like this h_l_o pl_g_____d.
Replacing Characters
Starting from #MartinR's code, you should remember the indices that have been replaced. So, I am going to slightly change the code that replaces characters :
let s = "Hello playground"
let factor = 0.25
let factor2 = 0.45
var n = s.filter({ $0 != " " }).count // # of non-space characters
let nonSpaces = n
var m = lrint(factor * Double(n)) // # of characters to display
var indices = Array(s.indices)
var t = ""
for i in s.indices {
let c = s[i]
if c == " " {
// Preserve space
t.append(" ")
indices.removeAll(where: { $0 == i })
} else if Int.random(in: 0..<n) < m {
// Keep
m -= 1
n -= 1
indices.removeAll(where: { $0 == i })
} else {
// Replace
n -= 1
print(t) //For example: _e___ ______ou_d
Revealing Characters
In order to do that, we should calculate the number of characters that we want to reveal:
m = lrint((factor2 - factor) * Double(nonSpaces))
To pick three indices to reveal randomly, we shuffle indices and then replace the m first indices :
var u = t
for i in 0..<m {
let index = indices[i]
u.replaceSubrange(index..<u.index(after: index), with: String(s[index]))
print(u) //For example: _e__o _l__g_ou_d
I wrote StringRevealer struct, that handle all revealing logic for you:
/// Hide all unicode letter characters as `_` symbol.
struct StringRevealer {
/// We need mapping between index of string character and his position in state array.
/// This struct represent one such record
private struct Symbol: Hashable {
let index: String.Index
let position: Int
private let originalString: String
private var currentState: [Character]
private let charactersCount: Int
private var revealed: Int
var revealedPercent: Double {
return Double(revealed) / Double(charactersCount)
private var unrevealedSymbols: Set<Symbol>
init(_ text: String) {
originalString = text
var state: [Character] = []
var symbols: [Symbol] = []
var count = 0
var index = originalString.startIndex
var i = 0
while index != originalString.endIndex {
let char = originalString[index]
if CharacterSet.letters.contains(char.unicodeScalars.first!) {
symbols.append(Symbol(index: index, position: i))
count += 1
} else {
index = originalString.index(after: index)
i += 1
currentState = state
charactersCount = count
revealed = 0
unrevealedSymbols = Set(symbols)
/// Current state of text. O(n) conplexity
func text() -> String {
return currentState.reduce(into: "") { $0.append($1) }
/// Reveal one random symbol in string
mutating func reveal() {
guard let symbol = unrevealedSymbols.randomElement() else { return }
currentState[symbol.position] = originalString[symbol.index]
revealed += 1
/// Reveal random symbols on string until `revealedPercent` > `percent`
mutating func reveal(until percent: Double) {
guard percent <= 1 else { return }
while revealedPercent < percent {
var revealer = StringRevealer("Hello товарищ! 👋")
for percent in [0.25, 0.45, 0.8] {
revealer.reveal(until: percent)
It use CharacterSet.letters inside, so most of languages should be supported, emoji ignored and not-alphabetic characters as well.

Different results and codes for the discrete cosine transform... what is going on?

I need to do a Discreet Cosine Transform of the following data:
If I use the Accelerate functions provided by Apple, I get these results:
If I use a code I call dctA I get this:
and if I use another code I have found on the web, that I call dctB I get this:
These are the 3 codes in order:
let DCTSetupForward = vDSP_DCT_CreateSetup(nil,
var output = Array<Float>(repeating:0.0,
count: numberSamples)
vDSP_DCT_Execute(DCTSetupForward!, data, &output)
func dctA (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
let numberSamples = data.count
var c = [Float](repeating: 0,
count: numberSamples)
for i in 0..< numberSamples {
var sum : Float = 0
let s : Float = (i == 0) ? sqrt(0.5) : 1
for j in 0..< numberSamples {
sum = sum + s * data[j] * cos(Float.pi * (numberSamples + 0.5) * Float(i) / numberSamples)
c[i] = sum * sqrt(2.0 / numberSamples)
return c;
func dctB (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
var angle : Float
var c :[Float] = []
let numberSamples = data.count
for i in 0..<numberSamples {
for j in 0..< numberSamples {
let fk = Float(2*j + 1)
let y = Float.pi * Float(i) * fk
let fky = fk * y
let x = Float(2 * numberSamples)
angle = fky / x
c[i] = c[i] + cos ( angle ) * data[j];
c[i] = c[i] * sqrt (2.0/Float(numberSamples));
return c;
I have noticed the difference in the two last codes. So, I have 3 questions:
Why am I having 3 different results for the DCT of this data?
Can someone with mathlab check which is the right one?
why the difference in the last two codes?
Searching through Wikipedia and the formula of the above are different for typeII.
If you following the corrected one below, the error mainly comes from rounding during multiplying and summation.
let DCTSetupForward = vDSP_DCT_CreateSetup(nil,
var output = Array<Float>(repeating:0.0,
count: numberSamples)
vDSP_DCT_Execute(DCTSetupForward!, data, &output)
func dctA (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
let numberSample = data.count
var c = [Float](repeating: 0,
count: numberSample)
for i in 0..<numberSample {
var sum : Float = 0
let s : Float = (i == 0) ? 1 : 1
for j in 0..<numberSample {
sum = sum + s * data[j] * cos(Float.pi * (Float(j) + 0.5) * Float(i) / Float(numberSample))
c[i] = sum
return c;
func dctB (_ data:[Float] = []) -> Array<Float> {
var angle : Float
var c :[Float] = []
let numberSampl = data.count
for i in 0..<numberSampl {
for j in 0..<numberSampl {
let fk = Float(2*j + 1)
let y = Float.pi * Float(i) * fk
// let fky = fk * y
let x = Float(2 * numberSampl)
angle = y / x
c[i] = c[i] + cos ( angle ) * data[j];
return c;

Int array to Int standard method

I am trying to convert an Int array to an Int number. What I am now
doing is converting it to a String array and then use the joined() function. Is there a more efficient way to do this?
let sortedIntArray = String(number){Int(String($0)) ?? 0}.sorted(by: { $0 > $1 })
let desOrder = Int({String($0)}.joined())!
In your case, sortedIntArray is an array of single-digit numbers,
and then you can combine them without any conversion to strings:
let sortedIntArray = [4, 2, 1]
let result = sortedIntArray.reduce(0) { 10 * $0 + $1 }
print(result) // 421
Combined with the dfri's elegant solution to split the number
into an integer array:
let number = 1439
let descDigits = sequence(state: number, next: { (num: inout Int) -> Int? in
return num > 0 ? (num % 10, num /= 10).0 : nil
}).sorted(by: >)
print(descDigits) // [9, 4, 3, 1]
let descNumber = descDigits.reduce(0) { 10 * $0 + $1 }
print(descNumber) // 9431
Use the reduce method instead of map and joined
let desOrder = Int(sortedIntArray.reduce("") { $0 + String($1) })
reduce(intialResult: Result, (Result, Any) throws -> Result) rethrows
You asked about efficiency, as to this answer by Martin R, my guess is that is the most efficient answer
var number = 1992843
var arr = [Int]()
while number > 0 {
arr.append(number % 10)
number = number / 10
for n in arr {
number = number * 10
number += n
