Mixing solidguage and column in a graph with highcharter - highcharts

I have this two dataframes
1) t1 (Var1(numeric), Var2(string), Freq (numeric))
2) pref.media (pref.media (numeric)
I have this separated graphs, but I want to print like two series in the same graph
1) Column chart, ok
column1 <- highchart() %>%
hc_add_series(t1$Freq, type = "column") %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = t1$Var1) %>%
hc_plotOptions(series = list(showInLegend = FALSE,dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, color = t1$Var1)))
2) Solid gauge chart (ok)
gauge1 <- highchart(width = 800, height = 600) %>%
hc_chart(type = "solidgauge",backgroundColor = "#F0F0F0",marginTop = 50) %>%
hc_title(text = "Preferencia",style = list(fontSize = "24px")) %>%
hc_tooltip(borderWidth = 0, backgroundColor = 'none',shadow = FALSE,style = list(fontSize = '16px')) %>%
hc_pane(startAngle = -90,endAngle = 90) %>%
hc_yAxis(min = 0,max = 11,lineWidth = 0,tickPositions = list(0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11)) %>%
hc_plotOptions(solidgauge = list(borderWidth = '34px',dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE, style = list(borderWidth = 3,backgroundColor = 'none',shadow = FALSE, fontSize = '16px',color="#888800")),linecap = 'round',stickyTracking = FALSE)) %>%
hc_add_series(name = "Preferencia",borderColor = "#000000",data = list(list(color = "#888800"),radius = "100%",innerRadius = "100%",y = round(pref.media[[1,1]],2)))
3) Mixing the charts (not ok, with errors)
highchart() %>%
hc_add_series(t1, "column", hcaes(x = Var1, y = Freq), name = "Preferencia") %>%
hc_add_series(pref.media, "solidgauge", hcaes(name = "Gauge", y = round(pref.media[[1,1]],2)), name = "Indicador") %>%
series = list(showInLegend = FALSE,pointFormat = "{point.y}%"),
column = list(colorByPoint = TRUE),
solidgauge = list(borderWidth = '34px',dataLabels = list(enabled = TRUE),linecap = 'round',stickyTracking = FALSE)) %>%
hc_pane(startAngle = -90,endAngle = 90) %>%
hc_yAxis(title = list(text = "Porcentaje de preferencia"),labels = list(format = "{value}%"), max = 100) %>%
hc_xAxis(categories = t1$Var1) %>%
hc_title(text = "Título") %>%
hc_subtitle(text = "Subtítulo")
I don't understand the sequence for mixing two series. I tried it with a J.Kunst's example in http://jkunst.com/highcharter/highcharts.html


visNetwork: Rotate Graph arranged by Sugiyama Layout Algorithm

The following directed example graph is initially arranged with the visIgraphLayout("layout_with_sugiyama") algorithm:
### create nodes
nodes <- tibble(id = c (1:13), group = c("D","D","D","A","C","C","C","C","A","A","C","A","A"),
label = c("only outgoing a","only outgoing b","only outgoing c","only incoming d","e","f","g","h","only incoming i","only incoming j","k","only incoming l","only incoming m")
### create edges
edges <- tibble(id = 1:12, from = c(1,1,2,3,3,7,6,8,8,5,11,11), to = c(5,6,5,4,7,8,8,9,11,10,12,13), arrows = "to")
### visualize graph
visNetwork(nodes, edges, main = "Test") %>%
visGroups(groupname = "A", size = 25, color = list(
background = "#005A83",
border = "#005A83")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "C",size = 20, color = list(
background = "#994350",
border = "#000000")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "D", size = 20, color = list(
background = "#44706F",
border = "#44706F")) %>%
visEdges(smooth = F, font = list("size"=5), color = "black") %>%
visLegend(width = 0.2) %>%
visIgraphLayout("layout_with_sugiyama") %>%
visInteraction(navigationButtons = TRUE) %>%
visPhysics(enabled = F)
The algorithm arranged the directed graph from the top to the bottom. I would like to visualize it from the left to the right. Hence, i only would like to rotate the graph by 90 degree to the left so that the green start-nodes are at the left and the blue end-nodes at the right. The legend etc. should not be affected.
Anybody an idea?
Found a solution due to bthieurmel on github:
graph <- visNetwork(nodes, edges, main = "Test") %>%
visGroups(groupname = "A", size = 25, color = list(
background = "#005A83",
border = "#005A83")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "C",size = 20, color = list(
background = "#994350",
border = "#000000")) %>%
visGroups(groupname = "D", size = 20, color = list(
background = "#44706F",
border = "#44706F")) %>%
visEdges(smooth = F, font = list("size"=5), color = "black") %>%
visLegend(width = 0.2) %>%
visIgraphLayout("layout_with_sugiyama") %>%
visInteraction(navigationButtons = TRUE) %>%
visPhysics(enabled = F)
# access to the coordinates of the graph object with graph$nodes$x
# change the x and y coordinates
coord_y <- graph$x$nodes$y
graph$x$nodes$y <- graph$x$nodes$x
graph$x$nodes$x <- coord_y

Creating flowchart with DiagrammeR nodes and edges instead of graphviz

I would like to create a flowchart using the DiagrammeR nodes and edges functionality with R instead of using the graphviz wrapper function.
However, I can't figure out how to make the edges straight to make it nice.
This is the graphviz solution that looks like what I want:
# Packages needed for the test
# grViz solution
grViz("digraph flowchart {
# node definitions with substituted label text
node [fontname = Helvetica, shape = rectangle]
tab1 [label = '##1', group=gr1]
tab2 [label = '##2', group=gr2]
tab3 [label = '##3', group=gr3]
invis1 [style = invis, shape=point, width = 0, group=gr1]
invis1a [style = invis, shape=point, width = 0, group=gr2]
invis1b [style = invis, shape=point, width = 0, group=gr3]
# edge definitions with the node IDs
edge [arrowhead='none']
tab1 -> invis1;
invis1a -> invis1 -> invis1b; {rank=same invis1a invis1 invis1b}
edge [arrowhead='normal']
invis1a -> tab2;
invis1b -> tab3; {rank=same tab2 tab3}}
[1]: 'A'
[2]: 'B'
[3]: 'C'
This is my attempt to recreate the same graph with the nodes and edges solution:
# Packages needed for the test
# Node and edge df solution
create_graph() %>%
add_node( # id 1
label = "A",
type = "group_1",
node_aes = node_aes(
style = "filled",
shape = "rectangle",
fixedsize = FALSE)
) %>%
add_node( # id 2
type = "group_1",
node_aes = node_aes(
style = "invisible",
height = 0,
width = 0)
) %>%
from = 1,
to = 2,
edge_aes = edge_aes(
arrowhead = "none")
) %>%
add_node( # id 3
type = "group_2",
node_aes = node_aes(
style = "invisible",
height = 0,
width = 0)
) %>%
from = 2,
to = 3,
edge_aes = edge_aes(
arrowhead = "none")
) %>%
add_node( # id 4
type = "group_3",
node_aes = node_aes(
style = "invisible",
height = 0,
width = 0)
) %>%
from = 2,
to = 4,
edge_aes = edge_aes(
arrowhead = "none")
) %>%
add_node( # id 5
label = "B",
type = "group_2",
node_aes = node_aes(
style = "filled",
shape = "rectangle",
fixedsize = FALSE)
) %>%
from = 3,
to = 5,
edge_aes = edge_aes(
arrowhead = "normal")
) %>%
add_node( # id 6
label = "C",
type = "group_3",
node_aes = node_aes(
style = "filled",
shape = "rectangle",
fixedsize = FALSE)
) %>%
from = 4,
to = 6,
edge_aes = edge_aes(
arrowhead = "normal")
) %>%

ERROR:root:Error processing image while training Mask-RCNN

I need to train a MASK-RCNN. But when I start the training, I got the following error message:
ERROR:root:Error processing image {'id': 'ISIC_0010064.jpg', 'source': 'lesion', 'path': '/home/mine/Desktop/ISIC2018/ISIC2018_inputs/ISIC_0010064.jpg'}
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/mine/.virtualenvs/cv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mask_rcnn-2.1-py3.6.egg/mrcnn/model.py", line 1709, in data_generator
File "/home/mine/.virtualenvs/cv/lib/python3.6/site-packages/mask_rcnn-2.1-py3.6.egg/mrcnn/model.py", line 1265, in load_image_gt
class_ids = class_ids[_idx]
IndexError: invalid index to scalar variable.
I've already changed the number of classes, change more parameters in config, but the error persists.
There is my code:
DATASET_PATH = "/home/enacom/Desktop/ISIC2018"
IMAGES_PATH = os.path.join(DATASET_PATH, "ISIC2018_inputs")
MASKS_PATH = os.path.join(DATASET_PATH, "ISIC2018_ground_truth")
IMAGES_PATH = sorted(list(paths.list_images(IMAGES_PATH)))
idxs = list(range(0, len(IMAGES_PATH)))
i = int(len(idxs) * 0.8)
trainIdxs = idxs[:i]
valIdxs = idxs[i:]
CLASS_NAMES = {1: "lesion"}
COCO_PATH = "mask_rcnn_coco.h5"
LOGS_AND_MODEL_DIR = "lesion_logs"
class LesionBoundaryConfig(Config):
NAME = "lesion"
STEPS_PER_EPOCH = len(trainIdxs)
VALIDATION_STEPS = len(valIdxs) # doesnt suport low values
class LesionBoundaryDataset(Dataset):
def __init__(self, imagePaths, classNames, width = 1024):
self.imagePaths = imagePaths
self.classNames = classNames
self.width = width
def load_lesions(self, idxs):
for (classID, label) in self.classNames.items():
self.add_class("lesion", classID, label)
for i in idxs:
imagePath = self.imagePaths[i]
filename = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[-1]
self.add_image("lesion", image_id=filename, path = imagePath)
def load_image(self, image_ID):
p = self.image_info[image_ID]["path"]
image = cv2.imread(p)
image = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
image = imutils.resize(image, width=self.width, height=self.width)
return image
def load_mask(self, image_id):
info = self.image_info[image_id]
filename = info["id"].split(".")[0]
annot_path = os.path.sep.join([MASKS_PATH, "{}_segmentation.png".format(filename)])
annot_mask = cv2.imread(annot_path)
annot_mask = cv2.split(annot_mask)[0]
annot_mask = imutils.resize(annot_mask, width=self.width, inter = cv2.INTER_NEAREST)
annot_mask[annot_mask > 0] = 1
# function to take unique ids
class_ids = np.unique(annot_mask)
# remove the id 0 because we should ignore the background
class_ids = np.delete(class_ids, [0])
masks = np.zeros((annot_mask.shape[0], annot_mask.shape[1], 1),
for (i, class_ids) in enumerate(class_ids):
class_mask = np.zeros(annot_mask.shape, dtype="uint8")
class_mask[annot_mask == class_ids] = 1
masks[:, :, i] = class_mask
return (masks.astype("bool"), class_ids.astype("int32"))
mode = "training"
train_dataset = LesionBoundaryDataset(IMAGES_PATH, CLASS_NAMES)
val_dataset = LesionBoundaryDataset(IMAGES_PATH, CLASS_NAMES)
config = LesionBoundaryConfig()
aug = iaa.SomeOf((0, 2), [
iaa.Affine(rotate=(-10, 10))
model = MaskRCNN(mode, config = config, model_dir=LOGS_AND_MODEL_DIR)
model.load_weights(COCO_PATH, by_name=True, exclude=["mrcnn_class_logits", "mrcnn_bbox_fc","mrcnn_bbox", "mrcnn_mask"])
model.train(train_dataset, val_dataset, epochs=20,
layers="heads", learning_rate=config.LEARNING_RATE /10, augmentation=aug)
I just want a resolution to make my training works. I've searched before post here, but I couldn't found any solution.

mlr assertion of measures failed

I am running 4 classifiers on a dataset and comparing their performance. When I run the following code I receive some weird errors:
maxx_IL10 = c(3199, 2997, 2690, 2482, 2891, 2310, 3180, 3050, 3115, 3052, 3071, 3068, 2611, 2723, 2903, 2969)
auc_INTERLEUKIN_12P70 = c(14809, 1384.5, 760, 10922.5, 3010, 14564, 26496, 1229, 2509, 1474.5, 20697.5, 1854.5, 17352, 1457, 227, 31507.5)
maxx_TNFA = c(3066, 2658, 2697, 3175, 2904, 2260, 2714, 3056, 3155, 3030, 3125, 2456, 3017, 2860, 1704, 3167)
fold_IL4 = c(16.02685, 0, 4.616438, 53.44898, 0, 0, 68.85714, 5.833333, 25.9, 0, 21.87629, 20.57895, 20.18792, 4.394737, 7.723404, 56.6383)
maxx_CD19 = c(3045.5, 3045.5, 3045.5, 3045.5, 2667, 1865, 3126, 2432, 3244, 3218, 2415, 3077, 3223, 2549, 3016, 3244)
auc_IL4 = c(18315.5, 0, 1348, 31112, 0, 0, 19182.5, 525, 3201.5, 0, 12976, 782, 19195.5, 835, 544.5, 26658)
Class = c("B", "A", "A", "A", "A", "A", "B", "A", "B", "B", "B", "A", "B", "A", "A", "B")
df = data.frame(maxx_IL10, auc_INTERLEUKIN_12P70, maxx_TNFA, fold_IL4, maxx_CD19, auc_IL4, Class)
Class.task = makeClassifTask( data = df, target = "Class", positive ="B")
fv = generateFilterValuesData(Class.task, method = "mrmr")
filtered.task = filterFeatures(Class.task, fval = fv, threshold = -.2)
n = getTaskSize(filtered.task)
train.set = sample(n, size = round(2/3 * n))
test.set = setdiff(seq_len(n), train.set)
lrn1 = makeLearner("classif.lda", predict.type = "prob")
mod1 = train(lrn1, filtered.task, subset = train.set)
pred1 = predict(mod1, task = filtered.task, subset = test.set)
lrn2 = makeLearner("classif.ksvm", predict.type = "prob")
mod2 = train(lrn2, filtered.task, subset = train.set)
pred2 = predict(mod2, task = filtered.task, subset = test.set)
lrn3 = makeLearner("classif.randomForest", predict.type = "prob")
mod3 = train(lrn3, Class.task, subset = train.set)
pred3 = predict(mod3, task = Class.task, subset = test.set)
lrn5 = makeLearner("classif.xgboost", predict.type = "prob")
mod5 = train(lrn5, Class.task, subset = train.set)
pred5 = predict(mod5, task = Class.task, subset = test.set)
### Tune wrapper for ksvm
rdesc.inner = makeResampleDesc("Holdout")
ms = list(auc, mmce)
ps = makeParamSet(
makeDiscreteParam("C", 2^(-1:1))
ctrl = makeTuneControlGrid()
lrn2 = makeTuneWrapper(lrn2, rdesc.inner,ms, ps, ctrl, show.info = FALSE)
lrns = list(lrn1, lrn2,lrn3,lrn5)
rdesc.outer = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 5)
bmr = benchmark(lrns, tasks = filtered.task, resampling = rdesc.outer, measures = ms, show.info = FALSE)
The errors that I receive are:
lrn2 = makeTuneWrapper(lrn2, rdesc.inner,ms, ps, ctrl, show.info = FALSE)
Error in makeTuneWrapper(lrn2, rdesc.inner, ms, ps, ctrl, show.info = FALSE) :
Assertion on 'measures' failed: May only contain the following types: Measure.
lrns = list(lrn1, lrn2,lrn3,lrn5)
rdesc.outer = makeResampleDesc("CV", iters = 5)
bmr = benchmark(lrns, tasks = filtered.task, resampling = rdesc.outer, measures = ms, show.info = FALSE)
Error in FUN(X[[i]], ...) :
List measures has element of wrong type function at position 1. Should be: Measure
Error: object 'bmr' not found
Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? Thank you!!

All input arrays and target arrays must have the same number of samples."- Training on single image to check if the model works in keras

def obcandidate(inputvgg,outputmodel):
graph = Graph()
graph.add_input(name = 'input1', input_shape = (512, 14, 14))
graph.add_node(Convolution2D(512, 1, 1), name = 'conv11', input = 'input1')
graph.add_node(Convolution2D(512, 14, 14), name = 'conv112', input = 'conv11')
graph.add_node(Flatten(), name = 'flatten11', input = 'conv112')
graph.add_node(Dense(3136), name = 'dense1', input = 'flatten11')
graph.add_node((Activation('relu')), name = 'relu', input = 'dense1')
graph.add_node(Reshape((56,56)), name = 'reshape', input = 'relu')
sgd = SGD(lr = 0.001, decay = .00005, momentum = 0.9, nesterov = True)
graph.add_output(name = 'output1', input = 'reshape')
graph.compile(optimizer = sgd, loss = {
'output1': 'binary_crossentropy'})
print 'compile success'
history = graph.fit({'input1':inputvgg, 'output1':outputmodel}, nb_epoch=1)
predictions = graph.predict({'input1':inputvgg})
return graph
"main function"
if __name__ == "__main__":
model = VGG_16('vgg16_weights.h5')
sgdvgg = SGD(lr = 0.1, decay = 1e-6, momentum = 0.9, nesterov = True)
model.compile(optimizer = sgdvgg, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy')
finaloutputmodel = outputofconvlayer(model)
finaloutputmodel.compile(optimizer = sgdvgg, loss = 'categorical_crossentropy')
img = cv2.resize(cv2.imread('000032.jpg'), (224, 224))
mean_pixel = [103.939, 116.779, 123.68]
img = img.astype(np.float32, copy = False)
for c in range(3):
img[: , : , c] = img[: , : , c] - mean_pixel[c]
img = img.transpose((2, 0, 1))
img = np.expand_dims(img, axis = 0)
imgout = np.asarray(cv2.resize(cv2.imread('000032seg.png',0), (56, 56)))
inputvgg = np.asarray(finaloutputmodel.predict(img))
Hi ,above is my code where i am trying to segment object candidate through graph model,
i want to check for one input if the code works or not so i am giving it one input image and the output image,
But keras gives me an error - "All input arrays and target arrays must have the same number of samples."
Can anyone tell me what do i do to see if my model runs .i am training on one input so that i can verify that my model is correct and start training ,is there any other way to do it?
In the part where you do this - history = graph.fit({'input1':inputvgg, 'output1':outputmodel}, nb_epoch=1) inputvgg and outputmodel should have same number of dimensions.
