UIBezierpaths Are Not Drawing Where They Were Drawn - ios

Looking for help on this "weird" problem.
I am using a PanGesture to allow the user to draw a line on CAShapeLayer.
I keep track of the path until they end and then store the path in an array of paths, clearing their original path from the CAShapeLayer.path
When I redraw those paths onto a UIImage, the paths are shifted in the Y-axis towards the top of the screen.
I am attaching two images:
1) The drawing of the path. Drawing The Path
2) The UIImage that is put out when I redraw the path. As you can see, I draw along a grid line, however, when the UIImage is created, the line is above the grid line. The Path Redrawn On UIImage
Any suggestions appreciated.
The code for both the drawing and then the rendering are below.
#objc private func drawLine(_ gestureRecognizer: UIPanGestureRecognizer) {
let point = gestureRecognizer.location(in: self)
if point.x < 0 || point.x > self.bounds.width || point.y < 0 || point.y > self.bounds.height {
switch gestureRecognizer.state {
case .began:
currentLine = UIBezierPath()
currentLine.lineWidth = settings.defaultSpotRadius
currentLine.lineCapStyle = .round
currentLine.lineJoinStyle = .round
currentLine.move(to: point)
case .changed:
currentLine.addLine(to: point)
currentLineDrawLayer.path = currentLine.cgPath
case .ended:
self.storage.addLine(clear: fowClearMode, path: currentLine, ofWidth: currentLine.lineWidth)
currentLineDrawLayer.path = nil
storedImage = drawPaths()
public func drawPaths() -> UIImage? {
if pathsHidden { return nil }
let rect = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: self.imageSize)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(rect.size, false, 0.0)
storedImage.draw(in: rect)
for (isClear, line, width) in thePaths {
let blendMode = isClear ? settings.colorClear : settings.colorDark
line.lineWidth = width
line.stroke(with: blendMode, alpha: 1.0)
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
return image
Tue 25 Sep, 2018
I have created a mini-project that contains only the import bits and pieces. It is available here ... Mini-Project

I think you have a ways to go to get everything working as desired, but, to solve your initial "offset" issue...
In ViewController.swift you are setting the frame of imgDisplay: ImageDisplay to self.view.bounds --- which, in this case, will be 1024 x 768.
Then in ImageDisplay.swift you create aPathImage at a size of 1024 x 791 and setting that image as a sublayer.
You are tracking pan-gestures based on a view with bounds of 1024 x 768, then re-drawing those lines on an image that is 1024 x 791, resulting in a "shift".
Note that, if you change your image size to 800 x 600 the shift will be very obvious, and it will be a little easier to see how it is related to the size difference.
What you probably want to do is set the size of the frame of imgDisplay to the size of the image.
Try this to see what happens - in ImageDisplay.swift:
override init(frame: CGRect) {
super.init(frame: frame)
// add this line
self.frame = CGRect(origin: .zero, size: aPathImage.sizeCurrent)
self.contentMode = .center
Now, your pan coordinates will match the coordinates of the contained image.
As I said, you've still got a ways to go, but hopefully this helps you along the way.


Swift iOS -How to extract a separate view or image from within it's own UIImageView's bounds? [duplicate]

I'm trying to crop a sub-image of a image view using an overlay UIView that can be positioned anywhere in the UIImageView. I'm borrowing a solution from a similar post on how to solve this when the UIImageView content mode is 'Aspect Fit'. That proposed solution is:
func computeCropRect(for sourceFrame : CGRect) -> CGRect {
let widthScale = bounds.size.width / image!.size.width
let heightScale = bounds.size.height / image!.size.height
var x : CGFloat = 0
var y : CGFloat = 0
var width : CGFloat = 0
var height : CGFloat = 0
var offSet : CGFloat = 0
if widthScale < heightScale {
offSet = (bounds.size.height - (image!.size.height * widthScale))/2
x = sourceFrame.origin.x / widthScale
y = (sourceFrame.origin.y - offSet) / widthScale
width = sourceFrame.size.width / widthScale
height = sourceFrame.size.height / widthScale
} else {
offSet = (bounds.size.width - (image!.size.width * heightScale))/2
x = (sourceFrame.origin.x - offSet) / heightScale
y = sourceFrame.origin.y / heightScale
width = sourceFrame.size.width / heightScale
height = sourceFrame.size.height / heightScale
return CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
The problem is that using this solution when the image view is aspect fill causes the cropped segment to not line up exactly with where the overlay UIView was positioned. I'm not quite sure how to adapt this code to accommodate for Aspect Fill or reposition my overlay UIView so that it lines up 1:1 with the segment I'm trying to crop.
UPDATE Solved using Matt's answer below
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var catImageView: UIImageView!
private var cropView : CropView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
cropView = CropView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 45, height: 45))
catImageView.image = UIImage(named: "cat")
catImageView.clipsToBounds = true
catImageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.purple.cgColor
catImageView.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
catImageView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
let imageSize = catImageView.image!.size
let imageViewSize = catImageView.bounds.size
var scale : CGFloat = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
if imageSize.height * scale < imageViewSize.height {
scale = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let croppedImageSize = CGSize(width: imageViewSize.width/scale, height: imageViewSize.height/scale)
let croppedImrect =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (imageSize.width-croppedImageSize.width)/2.0,
y: (imageSize.height-croppedImageSize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImageSize)
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImageSize)
let _ = renderer.image { _ in
catImageView.image!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
#IBAction func performCrop(_ sender: Any) {
let cropFrame = catImageView.computeCropRect(for: cropView.frame)
if let imageRef = catImageView.image?.cgImage?.cropping(to: cropFrame) {
catImageView.image = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef)
#IBAction func resetCrop(_ sender: Any) {
catImageView.image = UIImage(named: "cat")
The Final Result
Let's divide the problem into two parts:
Given the size of a UIImageView and the size of its UIImage, if the UIImageView's content mode is Aspect Fill, what is the part of the UIImage that fits into the UIImageView? We need, in effect, to crop the original image to match what the UIImageView is actually displaying.
Given an arbitrary rect within the UIImageView, what part of the cropped image (derived in part 1) does it correspond to?
The first part is the interesting part, so let's try it. (The second part will then turn out to be trivial.)
Here's the original image I'll use:
That image is 1000x611. Here's what it looks like scaled down (but keep in mind that I'm going to be using the original image throughout):
My image view, however, will be 139x182, and is set to Aspect Fill. When it displays the image, it looks like this:
The problem we want to solve is: what part of the original image is being displayed in my image view, if my image view is set to Aspect Fill?
Here we go. Assume that iv is the image view:
let imsize = iv.image!.size
let ivsize = iv.bounds.size
var scale : CGFloat = ivsize.width / imsize.width
if imsize.height * scale < ivsize.height {
scale = ivsize.height / imsize.height
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width:ivsize.width/scale, height:ivsize.height/scale)
let croppedImrect =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (imsize.width-croppedImsize.width)/2.0,
y: (imsize.height-croppedImsize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImsize)
So now we have solved the problem: croppedImrect is the region of the original image that is showing in the image view. Let's proceed to use our knowledge, by actually cropping the image to a new image matching what is shown in the image view:
let r = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImsize)
let croppedIm = r.image { _ in
iv.image!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
The result is this image (ignore the gray border):
But lo and behold, that is the correct answer! I have extracted from the original image exactly the region portrayed in the interior of the image view.
So now you have all the information you need. croppedIm is the UIImage actually displayed in the clipped area of the image view. scale is the scale between the image view and that image. Therefore, you can easily solve the problem you originally proposed! Given any rectangle imposed upon the image view, in the image view's bounds coordinates, you simply apply the scale (i.e. divide all four of its attributes by scale) — and now you have the same rectangle as a portion of croppedIm.
(Observe that we didn't really need to crop the original image to get croppedIm; it was sufficient, in reality, to know how to perform that crop. The important information is the scale along with the origin of croppedImRect; given that information, you can take the rectangle imposed upon the image view, scale it, and offset it to get the desired rectangle of the original image.)
EDIT I added a little screencast just to show that my approach works as a proof of concept:
EDIT Also created a downloadable example project here:
But note that I can't guarantee that URL will last forever, so please read the discussion above to understand the approach used.
Matt answered the question perfectly. I was creating a full-screen camera and had a need to make the final output match the full-screen preview. Offering here a compact extension of Matt's overall answer in Swift 5 for easy use by others. Recommend reading Matt's answer as it explains things very well.
extension UIImage {
func cropToRect(rect: CGRect) -> UIImage? {
var scale = rect.width / self.size.width
scale = self.size.height * scale < rect.height ? rect.height/self.size.height : scale
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width:rect.width/scale, height:rect.height/scale)
let croppedImrect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (self.size.width-croppedImsize.width)/2.0,
y: (self.size.height-croppedImsize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImsize)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(croppedImsize, true, 0)
self.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
let croppedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return croppedImage

Crop picture from UIImagePickerController like credit card scanning in iOS [duplicate]

I'm trying to crop a sub-image of a image view using an overlay UIView that can be positioned anywhere in the UIImageView. I'm borrowing a solution from a similar post on how to solve this when the UIImageView content mode is 'Aspect Fit'. That proposed solution is:
func computeCropRect(for sourceFrame : CGRect) -> CGRect {
let widthScale = bounds.size.width / image!.size.width
let heightScale = bounds.size.height / image!.size.height
var x : CGFloat = 0
var y : CGFloat = 0
var width : CGFloat = 0
var height : CGFloat = 0
var offSet : CGFloat = 0
if widthScale < heightScale {
offSet = (bounds.size.height - (image!.size.height * widthScale))/2
x = sourceFrame.origin.x / widthScale
y = (sourceFrame.origin.y - offSet) / widthScale
width = sourceFrame.size.width / widthScale
height = sourceFrame.size.height / widthScale
} else {
offSet = (bounds.size.width - (image!.size.width * heightScale))/2
x = (sourceFrame.origin.x - offSet) / heightScale
y = sourceFrame.origin.y / heightScale
width = sourceFrame.size.width / heightScale
height = sourceFrame.size.height / heightScale
return CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
The problem is that using this solution when the image view is aspect fill causes the cropped segment to not line up exactly with where the overlay UIView was positioned. I'm not quite sure how to adapt this code to accommodate for Aspect Fill or reposition my overlay UIView so that it lines up 1:1 with the segment I'm trying to crop.
UPDATE Solved using Matt's answer below
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var catImageView: UIImageView!
private var cropView : CropView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
cropView = CropView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 45, height: 45))
catImageView.image = UIImage(named: "cat")
catImageView.clipsToBounds = true
catImageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.purple.cgColor
catImageView.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
catImageView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
let imageSize = catImageView.image!.size
let imageViewSize = catImageView.bounds.size
var scale : CGFloat = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
if imageSize.height * scale < imageViewSize.height {
scale = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let croppedImageSize = CGSize(width: imageViewSize.width/scale, height: imageViewSize.height/scale)
let croppedImrect =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (imageSize.width-croppedImageSize.width)/2.0,
y: (imageSize.height-croppedImageSize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImageSize)
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImageSize)
let _ = renderer.image { _ in
catImageView.image!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
#IBAction func performCrop(_ sender: Any) {
let cropFrame = catImageView.computeCropRect(for: cropView.frame)
if let imageRef = catImageView.image?.cgImage?.cropping(to: cropFrame) {
catImageView.image = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef)
#IBAction func resetCrop(_ sender: Any) {
catImageView.image = UIImage(named: "cat")
The Final Result
Let's divide the problem into two parts:
Given the size of a UIImageView and the size of its UIImage, if the UIImageView's content mode is Aspect Fill, what is the part of the UIImage that fits into the UIImageView? We need, in effect, to crop the original image to match what the UIImageView is actually displaying.
Given an arbitrary rect within the UIImageView, what part of the cropped image (derived in part 1) does it correspond to?
The first part is the interesting part, so let's try it. (The second part will then turn out to be trivial.)
Here's the original image I'll use:
That image is 1000x611. Here's what it looks like scaled down (but keep in mind that I'm going to be using the original image throughout):
My image view, however, will be 139x182, and is set to Aspect Fill. When it displays the image, it looks like this:
The problem we want to solve is: what part of the original image is being displayed in my image view, if my image view is set to Aspect Fill?
Here we go. Assume that iv is the image view:
let imsize = iv.image!.size
let ivsize = iv.bounds.size
var scale : CGFloat = ivsize.width / imsize.width
if imsize.height * scale < ivsize.height {
scale = ivsize.height / imsize.height
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width:ivsize.width/scale, height:ivsize.height/scale)
let croppedImrect =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (imsize.width-croppedImsize.width)/2.0,
y: (imsize.height-croppedImsize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImsize)
So now we have solved the problem: croppedImrect is the region of the original image that is showing in the image view. Let's proceed to use our knowledge, by actually cropping the image to a new image matching what is shown in the image view:
let r = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImsize)
let croppedIm = r.image { _ in
iv.image!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
The result is this image (ignore the gray border):
But lo and behold, that is the correct answer! I have extracted from the original image exactly the region portrayed in the interior of the image view.
So now you have all the information you need. croppedIm is the UIImage actually displayed in the clipped area of the image view. scale is the scale between the image view and that image. Therefore, you can easily solve the problem you originally proposed! Given any rectangle imposed upon the image view, in the image view's bounds coordinates, you simply apply the scale (i.e. divide all four of its attributes by scale) — and now you have the same rectangle as a portion of croppedIm.
(Observe that we didn't really need to crop the original image to get croppedIm; it was sufficient, in reality, to know how to perform that crop. The important information is the scale along with the origin of croppedImRect; given that information, you can take the rectangle imposed upon the image view, scale it, and offset it to get the desired rectangle of the original image.)
EDIT I added a little screencast just to show that my approach works as a proof of concept:
EDIT Also created a downloadable example project here:
But note that I can't guarantee that URL will last forever, so please read the discussion above to understand the approach used.
Matt answered the question perfectly. I was creating a full-screen camera and had a need to make the final output match the full-screen preview. Offering here a compact extension of Matt's overall answer in Swift 5 for easy use by others. Recommend reading Matt's answer as it explains things very well.
extension UIImage {
func cropToRect(rect: CGRect) -> UIImage? {
var scale = rect.width / self.size.width
scale = self.size.height * scale < rect.height ? rect.height/self.size.height : scale
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width:rect.width/scale, height:rect.height/scale)
let croppedImrect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (self.size.width-croppedImsize.width)/2.0,
y: (self.size.height-croppedImsize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImsize)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(croppedImsize, true, 0)
self.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
let croppedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return croppedImage

How to crop a UIImageView to a new UIImage in 'aspect fill' mode?

I'm trying to crop a sub-image of a image view using an overlay UIView that can be positioned anywhere in the UIImageView. I'm borrowing a solution from a similar post on how to solve this when the UIImageView content mode is 'Aspect Fit'. That proposed solution is:
func computeCropRect(for sourceFrame : CGRect) -> CGRect {
let widthScale = bounds.size.width / image!.size.width
let heightScale = bounds.size.height / image!.size.height
var x : CGFloat = 0
var y : CGFloat = 0
var width : CGFloat = 0
var height : CGFloat = 0
var offSet : CGFloat = 0
if widthScale < heightScale {
offSet = (bounds.size.height - (image!.size.height * widthScale))/2
x = sourceFrame.origin.x / widthScale
y = (sourceFrame.origin.y - offSet) / widthScale
width = sourceFrame.size.width / widthScale
height = sourceFrame.size.height / widthScale
} else {
offSet = (bounds.size.width - (image!.size.width * heightScale))/2
x = (sourceFrame.origin.x - offSet) / heightScale
y = sourceFrame.origin.y / heightScale
width = sourceFrame.size.width / heightScale
height = sourceFrame.size.height / heightScale
return CGRect(x: x, y: y, width: width, height: height)
The problem is that using this solution when the image view is aspect fill causes the cropped segment to not line up exactly with where the overlay UIView was positioned. I'm not quite sure how to adapt this code to accommodate for Aspect Fill or reposition my overlay UIView so that it lines up 1:1 with the segment I'm trying to crop.
UPDATE Solved using Matt's answer below
class ViewController: UIViewController {
#IBOutlet weak var catImageView: UIImageView!
private var cropView : CropView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
cropView = CropView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 45, height: 45))
catImageView.image = UIImage(named: "cat")
catImageView.clipsToBounds = true
catImageView.layer.borderColor = UIColor.purple.cgColor
catImageView.layer.borderWidth = 2.0
catImageView.backgroundColor = UIColor.yellow
let imageSize = catImageView.image!.size
let imageViewSize = catImageView.bounds.size
var scale : CGFloat = imageViewSize.width / imageSize.width
if imageSize.height * scale < imageViewSize.height {
scale = imageViewSize.height / imageSize.height
let croppedImageSize = CGSize(width: imageViewSize.width/scale, height: imageViewSize.height/scale)
let croppedImrect =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (imageSize.width-croppedImageSize.width)/2.0,
y: (imageSize.height-croppedImageSize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImageSize)
let renderer = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImageSize)
let _ = renderer.image { _ in
catImageView.image!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
#IBAction func performCrop(_ sender: Any) {
let cropFrame = catImageView.computeCropRect(for: cropView.frame)
if let imageRef = catImageView.image?.cgImage?.cropping(to: cropFrame) {
catImageView.image = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef)
#IBAction func resetCrop(_ sender: Any) {
catImageView.image = UIImage(named: "cat")
The Final Result
Let's divide the problem into two parts:
Given the size of a UIImageView and the size of its UIImage, if the UIImageView's content mode is Aspect Fill, what is the part of the UIImage that fits into the UIImageView? We need, in effect, to crop the original image to match what the UIImageView is actually displaying.
Given an arbitrary rect within the UIImageView, what part of the cropped image (derived in part 1) does it correspond to?
The first part is the interesting part, so let's try it. (The second part will then turn out to be trivial.)
Here's the original image I'll use:
That image is 1000x611. Here's what it looks like scaled down (but keep in mind that I'm going to be using the original image throughout):
My image view, however, will be 139x182, and is set to Aspect Fill. When it displays the image, it looks like this:
The problem we want to solve is: what part of the original image is being displayed in my image view, if my image view is set to Aspect Fill?
Here we go. Assume that iv is the image view:
let imsize = iv.image!.size
let ivsize = iv.bounds.size
var scale : CGFloat = ivsize.width / imsize.width
if imsize.height * scale < ivsize.height {
scale = ivsize.height / imsize.height
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width:ivsize.width/scale, height:ivsize.height/scale)
let croppedImrect =
CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (imsize.width-croppedImsize.width)/2.0,
y: (imsize.height-croppedImsize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImsize)
So now we have solved the problem: croppedImrect is the region of the original image that is showing in the image view. Let's proceed to use our knowledge, by actually cropping the image to a new image matching what is shown in the image view:
let r = UIGraphicsImageRenderer(size:croppedImsize)
let croppedIm = r.image { _ in
iv.image!.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
The result is this image (ignore the gray border):
But lo and behold, that is the correct answer! I have extracted from the original image exactly the region portrayed in the interior of the image view.
So now you have all the information you need. croppedIm is the UIImage actually displayed in the clipped area of the image view. scale is the scale between the image view and that image. Therefore, you can easily solve the problem you originally proposed! Given any rectangle imposed upon the image view, in the image view's bounds coordinates, you simply apply the scale (i.e. divide all four of its attributes by scale) — and now you have the same rectangle as a portion of croppedIm.
(Observe that we didn't really need to crop the original image to get croppedIm; it was sufficient, in reality, to know how to perform that crop. The important information is the scale along with the origin of croppedImRect; given that information, you can take the rectangle imposed upon the image view, scale it, and offset it to get the desired rectangle of the original image.)
EDIT I added a little screencast just to show that my approach works as a proof of concept:
EDIT Also created a downloadable example project here:
But note that I can't guarantee that URL will last forever, so please read the discussion above to understand the approach used.
Matt answered the question perfectly. I was creating a full-screen camera and had a need to make the final output match the full-screen preview. Offering here a compact extension of Matt's overall answer in Swift 5 for easy use by others. Recommend reading Matt's answer as it explains things very well.
extension UIImage {
func cropToRect(rect: CGRect) -> UIImage? {
var scale = rect.width / self.size.width
scale = self.size.height * scale < rect.height ? rect.height/self.size.height : scale
let croppedImsize = CGSize(width:rect.width/scale, height:rect.height/scale)
let croppedImrect = CGRect(origin: CGPoint(x: (self.size.width-croppedImsize.width)/2.0,
y: (self.size.height-croppedImsize.height)/2.0),
size: croppedImsize)
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(croppedImsize, true, 0)
self.draw(at: CGPoint(x:-croppedImrect.origin.x, y:-croppedImrect.origin.y))
let croppedImage = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
return croppedImage

Can I draw a thumbnail for a polyline?

if a I have a path for a polyline saved as string,
From google maps sdk: path.encodedPath()
Or I have a series of latlngs points,
Can I draw a thumbnail for that path ?
I don't want to draw it on mapView, I wonder if I can draw it in any other view like imageView or any thing similar.
I created swift 3 code which you can just copy and paste in playground and see the results immediately
the code is here:
import UIKit
import PlaygroundSupport
var str = "Hello, playground"
//All you need is to create a path with that points and create image or layer with that path
//To perpare for this let make some extensions with helper code
//Extension for UIBeziePath to easily create it from points
extension UIBezierPath
convenience init(points:[CGPoint])
//connect every points by line.
//the first point is start point
for (index,aPoint) in points.enumerated()
if index == 0 {
self.move(to: aPoint)
else {
self.addLine(to: aPoint)
//to create image from path you can use this class function
extension UIImage
class func imageFrom(path:UIBezierPath,lineColor:UIColor,fillColor:UIColor)->UIImage
//create context to draw in use path bounds as context size. assume that path is inzide of rect with start corener at 0,0 coordinate
UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(path.bounds.size, false, 0)
print("path bounds \(path.bounds) lineWidth:\(path.lineWidth)")
let context = UIGraphicsGetCurrentContext()
//set fill color
//set line coolor
//draw a path
context?.drawPath(using: .fillStroke)
//get image from context
let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()!
//finish context
return image
//2. To create layer use this extension
extension CAShapeLayer
convenience init(path:UIBezierPath, lineColor:UIColor, fillColor:UIColor)
self.path = path.cgPath
self.strokeColor = lineColor.cgColor
self.fillColor = fillColor.cgColor
self.lineWidth = path.lineWidth
self.opacity = 1
self.frame = path.bounds
//how to use:
//1. assume you recieved points
let points:[CGPoint] = [CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0),CGPoint(x: 150, y: 50),CGPoint(x: 75, y:140),CGPoint(x: 0, y: 80)]
//2. create path
let path = UIBezierPath(points: points)
//3. you can specify path line width
path.lineWidth = 2
//4. as a joinstyle too
path.lineJoinStyle = .round
//5. a)now you can create image from path with helper function
let image = UIImage.imageFrom(path: path, lineColor: UIColor.purple, fillColor: UIColor.red)
//and set it to imageView
let imageView = UIImageView(image: image)
imageView.frame.origin = CGPoint(x: 200, y: 200)
imageView.backgroundColor = UIColor.green
//5. Maybe you will need to specify content mode for imageView
imageView.contentMode = .scaleAspectFit
//5 b.) Or you can create a Layer. Add add it to someone's layer layter
//if you need, you can apply transform to path - this is special way to
//adjust scale, rotation an lots of other cool stuff on layers, paths.
//Create special struct which descripbes transformation
//Identity is a special case which does not make any transformations at all
var transform = CGAffineTransform.identity
//scale it by 0.5 for x and 0.5 for y. if you need to increse scale by
//100 times, just pass 100 for x and y arguments
transform = transform.scaledBy(x: 0.5, y: 0.5)
//no apply transform to path.
let layer = CAShapeLayer(path: path, lineColor: UIColor.blue, fillColor: UIColor.brown)
//6. let see results
let container = UIView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 400, height: 400))
container.backgroundColor = UIColor.white
//for imageView
//for CAShapeLayer
//for playGround you can set this to see result there
//Do not forget to select from menu
//View -> Assistant Editor-> Show Assistance Editor
PlaygroundPage.current.liveView = container
PlaygroundPage.current.needsIndefiniteExecution = true
//Also I have to mention that the CAShapeLayer solution takes less memory which is critical for really big images
//but the UIImage is easier to use
the brown figure is layer with path scaled by 0.5, the red one is imageView
If you have a series of lat longs, you can know the maximum and minimum lat long, say they are : maxLat, maxLong, minLat, minLong. Please not that the both max values need not belong to the same coordinate. Same for both min values.
You can use this to get a rect :
let rect = CGRect(x: minLng , y: minLat, width: (maxLng - minLng), height: (maxLat - minLat))
Now, all other lat longs are points in this rectangle. You can get every coordinate's corresponding CGPoint value by
let point = CGPoint(x: maxLng - coordinate.longitude, y: maxLat - coordinate.latitude)
Using this rect and the series of CGPoints you created, you can draw a path (by starting with the first point and adding all subsequent points to it) on a view (like the image view you mention in your answer) or create a graphics context just to create a thumbnail of your path and save it as an image.
Refer the drawing and printing guide if you are unfamiliar with drawing in CGContexts.
However, if you mean to place this thumbnail equivalent of path on an image the real challenge is, how would you know the position. A simple trick would be to get map-equivalent min max coordinates of the image on which you mean to superimpose the path thumbnail and use these min max values to create the path and the context. Then you can center the thumbnail on the image.
Your project sounds interesting. Enjoy, and good luck.

Crop Image from Camera in Swift without move to another ViewController

I have an image overlay inside CameraViewController:
I want to get the image from inside this red square.
I don't want to move to another view controller to setup a CropViewController, the crop should be done inside this Controller.
This code behind almost works, the problem is that the image generated from camera is 1080x1920 and the self.cropView.bounds is (0,0,185,120) and of course it do not represent the same scale used to take the image
extension UIImage {
func crop(rect: CGRect) -> UIImage {
var rect = rect
let imageRef = self.cgImage!.cropping(to: rect)
let image = UIImage(cgImage: imageRef!, scale: self.scale, orientation: self.imageOrientation)
return image
You can always crop visually any image in a quadrilateral (a four sided shape - doesn't have to be rectangle) using a Core Image filter call CIPerspectiveCorrection.
Let's say you have an imageView frame that is 414 width by 716 height, with an image that is 1600 width by 900 height in size. (You are using a content mode of .aspectFit, right?) Let's say you want to crop a 4 sided shape that's corners - in (X,Y) coordinates in the imageView - are (50,50), (75,75), (100,300), and (25,200). Note that I'm listing the points in top left (TL, top right (TR), bottom right (BR), bottom left (BL) order. Also note that this is not a straight forward rectangle.
What you need to do is this:
Convert the UIImage to a CIImage where the "extent" is the UIImage size,
Convert those UIImageView coordinates to CIImage coordinates,
pass them and the CIImage into the CIPerspectiveCorrection filter for cropping, and
render the CIImage output into a UIImageView.
The below code is a little rough around the edges, but hopefully you get the concept:
class ViewController: UIViewController {
let uiTL = CGPoint(x: 50, y: 50)
let uiTR = CGPoint(x: 75, y: 75)
let uiBL = CGPoint(x: 100, y: 300)
let uiBR = CGPoint(x: 25, y: 200)
var ciImage:CIImage!
var ctx:CIContext!
#IBOutlet weak var imageView: UIImageView!
override func viewDidLoad() {
ctx = CIContext(options: nil)
ciImage = CIImage(image: imageView.image!)
override func viewWillLayoutSubviews() {
let ciTL = createVector(createScaledPoint(uiTL))
let ciTR = createVector(createScaledPoint(uiTR))
let ciBR = createVector(createScaledPoint(uiBR))
let ciBL = createVector(createScaledPoint(uiBL))
imageView.image = doPerspectiveCorrection(CIImage(image: imageView.image!)!,
context: ctx,
topLeft: ciTL,
topRight: ciTR,
bottomRight: ciBR,
bottomLeft: ciBL)
func doPerspectiveCorrection(
_ image:CIImage,
-> UIImage {
let filter = CIFilter(name: "CIPerspectiveCorrection")
filter?.setValue(topLeft, forKey: "inputTopLeft")
filter?.setValue(topRight, forKey: "inputTopRight")
filter?.setValue(bottomRight, forKey: "inputBottomRight")
filter?.setValue(bottomLeft, forKey: "inputBottomLeft")
filter!.setValue(image, forKey: kCIInputImageKey)
let cgImage = context.createCGImage((filter?.outputImage)!, from: (filter?.outputImage!.extent)!)
return UIImage(cgImage: cgImage!)
func createScaledPoint(_ pt:CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
let x = (pt.x / imageView.frame.width) * ciImage.extent.width
let y = (pt.y / imageView.frame.height) * ciImage.extent.height
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
func createVector(_ point:CGPoint) -> CIVector {
return CIVector(x: point.x, y: ciImage.extent.height - point.y)
func createPoint(_ vector:CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
return CGPoint(x: vector.x, y: ciImage.extent.height - vector.y)
EDIT: I'm putting this here to explain things. The two of us swapped projects, and there was an issue with the questioner's code where a nil return was happening. First, here's the corrected code, which should be in the cropImage() function:
let ciTL = createVector(createScaledPoint(topLeft, overlay: cameraView, image: image), image: image)
let ciTR = createVector(createScaledPoint(topRight, overlay: cameraView, image: image), image: image)
let ciBR = createVector(createScaledPoint(bottomRight, overlay: cameraView, image: image), image: image)
let ciBL = createVector(createScaledPoint(bottomLeft, overlay: cameraView, image: image), image: image)
The issue is with the last two lines, which were transposed by passing bottomLeft where it should have been bottomRight, and vice-versa. (Easy mistake to make, I've done it too!)
Some explanation to help those who use CIPerspectiveCorrection (and other filters that use CIVectors).
A CIVector can have anywhere from - I think 2 to, well, almost infinite amount of components. It depends on the filter. In this case there are two components (X, Y). Simple enough, but the twist is that the 4 CIVectors describe 4 points inside the CIImage extent where the origin is the bottom left, not the top left.
Note I did not say a 4 sided shape. You can actually have a "figure 8" like shape where the "bottom right" point is left of the "bottom left" point! This would result in a shape where two sides cross each other.
All that matters is that all 4 points lie with the CIImage extent. If they don't, the filter with return nil for it's output image.
One last note for those who haven't work with CIImage filters before - the filters will not execute until you ask for the outputImage. You can instantiate one, fill in the parameters, chain them, whatever. You can even make a typo in the filter name (or any of their keys). Until your code asks for the filter.outputImage, nothing happens.
