Connect to selenium inside docker container - docker

I trying connect to selenium, but I getting error:
Failed to connect to localhost port 4444: Connection refused
What is wrong? It is works normally in browser: http://localhost:4444/wd/hub/ and I see selenium.
I also tried connect to different port (eg. elastic) and it is these same.

You havent provided anough info on how your Dockerfile looks like and what command you're running to start the container. Please do that.
In any case here are some important points.
First in your dockerfile I hope you have
Secondly, if you just deploy your container using the docker run command, it will not be available to your localhost UNLESS you expose the required ports. Run your container with the below command :
docker run -p 4444:4444 -itd <IMAGE-ID>
Also make sure that the firewalld/iptables services on your machine are correctly configured to allow access to 4444


failed to initialize database, got error dial tcp connect: connection refused Problem

im learning docker and go now
but i got the problem when i docker run with this
docker run --rm -p 8080:8080/tcp --env-file .env my-project:latest
here are some of my .env code. i use docker desktop on windows, is it not possible to run docker on localhost in windows?
anyone have a clue? any answer would be appreciated
thank youu
The problem is that when you spin up the container it tries to connect to within the container and not the host, hence you are getting the error as connection refused since nothing is running on port 3306 at localhost in your container.
For Windows and Mac this can easily be fixed by using host.docker.internal instead of This ensures that the service running inside your container correctly connects to the MySQL instance running on the host machine.
For Linux it's even more simple as all you have to do is pass --network="host" option to the docker run command

Docker - Web browser cannot connect to a running web app container on server

I have successfully built my web app image and ran a container on my server, which is an EC2 instance, with no error at all, but when I tried to access the web page it returned no connection, even though I accessed through the binded port of the host server. The build and run processes gave absolutely no error, either build error or connection error. I'm new to both Docker and AWS, so I'm not sure what could be the problem. Any help from you guys is really appreciated. Thanks a lot!
Here is my Dockerfile
FROM ubuntu
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# install dependencies, nothing wrong
RUN ...
# exposed ports
CMD ...
Docker build
$ sudo docker built -t demo-app
Docker run command
$ sudo docker run -it -p 8080:5000 -p 808:5100 --name demo-app-1 demo-app
I accessed through the binded port of the host server.
It's mean the application is running, and you're able to access using curl localhost:8080.
Now there are mainly two-issue if you're able to access the application after doing ssh to EC2 instance and verify the application responding on localhost of EC2.
Security group not allowing connection on the desired port, allow 8080 and the check
The instance is in private subnet, you can verify the instance.

Can't access docker at localhost:3000

I'm following the following tutorial:
When I try to access localhost:3000 however I get a "This site can’t be reached"
Not too sure what I'm doing wrong, when I run docker contqainer ls I definitely see the container running.
Try localhost:3333.
Port 3333 is mapped on the host. Port 3000 is accessible inside the container.
Run command - docker run -d -p 3333:3000 <your_username>/docker-nextjs:latest

docker images access issue

Im not able to access my docker image. my setup is windows 7 and have the docker linux vm which is running on oracle vm. i have build my app and i can see my app using below
i dont know how i can access myapp container. since its wokring on localhost i believe i can access on localhost:port number. but i have no clue where i can see and how i can start. if you have face this same prob can you help ?
Update log hung :
in the below screen the server startup hung almost 10 mins and i terminate the process, any idea about this error ?
What you have shown in your screenshot is the image list. So you would first have to docker run your image, binding the application's port exposed by the docker image (with EXPOSE, I'm assuming 8081 for the sake of my example) to the host:
docker run --publish 8081:8081 3b98
If you forgot to expose the port in your image you can do that on the commandline adding the argument --expose 8081 to run.
Then, since your working with the Windows 7 setup, you cannot access your running application in its container on localhost but on the docker-machine's (the docker linux VM) IP. You can find out the assigned IP with
docker-machine ip
So if your application publishes itself on 8081 and docker-machine ip returns you would find your app on

How to connect two docker containers through localhost?

I have two services running in separate containers, one is grunt(application) and runs off port 9000 and the other is sails.js (server) which runs off port 1337. What I want to try to do is have the client app connect with the server through localhost:1337. Is this feasible? Thanks.
You won't be able to connect to the other container with localhost (as localhost is the current container) but you can connect via the container host (the host that is running your container). In your case you need boot2docker VM IP (echo $(boot2docker ip)). For this to work, you need to expose your port at the host level (which you are doing with -p 1337:1337).
Another solution that is most common and that I prefer when possible, is to link the containers.
You need to add the --name flag to the server docker run command:
--name sails_server
You need to add the --link flag to the application docker run command:
--link sails_server:sails_server
And inside your application, you will be able to access the server at sail_server:1337
You could also use environment variables to get the server IP. See documentation:
Your run commands may start to be a bit long... in this case I like to use docker-compose that allows me to define my containers and their relationships (volumes, names, link, commands...) in one file.
Yes if you use docker parameter -p 1337:1337 in your docker run command, it will expose the port 1337 from inside the container to your localhost:1337
