How to change Rails app environment on Digital Ocean? - ruby-on-rails

I have installed Rails application in Ubuntu+Nginx+Passenger server on Digital Ocean. The application has been installed for development environment and now I want to change the application environment to production.
I already researched on web and tried different approaches but I couldn't achieve the goal yet.
When I run rails r "puts Rails.env" it always showing me development as the result!
Adding few links below which I have tried-
Link1 Link2

You need to specify:
"environment": "production",
in your Passengerfile.json config file for Phusion Passenger. Read more about it on the Passenger docs here:


could not get Environment variable in staging server in rails 3 and capistrano 2.15

I am working on rails 3 application . I use capistran 2 for deploying purpose on digital ocean.
Now, I want to store the clients gmail username and password.
I do not want to store it into the code as it is sensitive information.
I want to store it to the server environment variable .
so I make env. variable by following command
export NEW_VAR="Testing export"
I checked it by following command and its saved as env. variable
echo $NEW_VAR
Now I want to access it in my rails application at environment folder in staging.rb and production.rb
I try to use the dotenv gem but it gives me difficulty in getting the env. variable as I am using capistrano 2.
Please help me.
Use Figaro gem. Its pretty easy to setup.

Rails app deployed on Centos w/ standalone Passenger and Capistrano can't access ENV variables

I set up a Centos 7 VM using this tutorial (standalone passenger) and RVM. I am deploying the rails app via Capistrano.
Everything seems to work, except no matter where I set environment variables, the ENV["myvar"] can't be read in Rails.
I've tried export myvar=test SSHed as the "deployers" as well as root. I've also tried adding it to bashrc. If I login as deployer and do the following:
#symlink to current capistrano deploy
cd ~/rails/railsapp/current/
rails r "puts ENV['myvar']"
It gives me the correct ENV output. However, if I try to output ENV['myvar'] from my actual deployed via capistrano rails app, I get nothing.
Where am I supposed to set these ENV vars? I know the ENV vars in rails are done correctly, because the app deployed to heroku, as well as on my dev machine, correctly output ENV['myvar'].
Generally, your setup should work. Since version 4, a standalone Passenger should inherit all variables defined in the shell startup scripts. There is a nice documentation about environment variables in various scenarios related to using Passenger.
I would check or two things:
That your .bashrc is loaded from .profile. If it weren't, then your variables would be loaded only in an interactive shell but not in passenger, which would explain the behavior your describe when you tried to log in as the deployers. Let me quote from the doc:
Make sure your ~/.bashrc is actually included by your ~/.profile, which might not be the case if you created the user with useradd instead of adduser for example.
Also, take a look at this section of the docs and check that you obey the conditions upon which Passenger actually passes the environment vars to the application.

Developing & deploying Rails app from same machine

I have started developing a new Rails app on my server using RVM, Rails 3, & Ruby v1.9.2. I am using Git as my code repository. It's a simple app and I don't want to use an extra server. I just want to deploy my app directly from the same server I am developing on.
I've installed Phusion Passenger w/ Apache to serve my app, but have realized that I can't do that pointing to my development directory as my RAILS_ENV is set to "development". (I found I got file permission errors on the asset pipeline and other issues when I attempted to set RAILS_ENV to "production" and serve the app)
What's the simplest/easiest way to deploy the app? Can I simply:
1) Create a separate user to run rails production (Rails in dev currently runs as me on my Ubuntu server)
2) Clone my repo into a separate dir and configure Apache accordingly
3) Seed my database with the data needed for production (not much data needed here)
4) What else?
I've looked briefly at Capistrano, but it seems like overkill for this simple app. I only need to be able to provide a simple web interface for some data entry. Seems like git push should be sufficient, but I haven't done this before so maybe I'm wrong? Also, if I git push how do I ensure file permissions in the "production" directories are all set properly, particularly for any new files that get created in the originating app directory structure?
Thanks for any ideas.
No- you do not need Capistrano for the above; at this stage I feel it will only serve to confuse you further.
I'd suggest you first save your repo to a private Github or free BitBucket account. What you should do is keep one folder for 'development'.
Remember that Passenger is 'just' a module working with Apache. So what you need to do is setup a virtual host under apache and direct that to another folder on your system. For this example, consider:
~/rails/myapp_development/ and ~/rails/myapp_production/
Passenger always runs the app in production, so that should not be an issue. You can do bundle --without=production in your development setup to ignore any gems listed in the Gemfile under the production namespace, i.e. say you've got the mysql adaptor specified, you can ignore this and have Rails only rely on the SQlite gem.
You can now simply develop in the development folder, commit, push to BitBucket. Deploying will be as simply going into the production folder and doing a git pull and touch tmp/restart.txt.

Getting rails development logs with Apple Web Sharing

I'm using Passenger Pref Pane + Apple native web sharing to host my Rails 3 app in development. Is there any way that I can tail the rails logs using this configuration?
Your rails logs should always be in <app>/logs/<environment, usually production>.log, unless I'm missing something about your setup. The environment you supply to passenger in the passenger apache config file (the PrefPane is just a UI on top of this) will determine the application's environment. So if your environment is production and your app directory is ~/projects/my_app your log file should be in ~/projects/my_app/logs/production.log

How do I force Capistrano deployed app to use my development database?

I have a app that I'm deploying to a development server using Capistrano. I'd like to force this deployment to use the development database. So far the only way I've managed to do it is to make my production database info in database.yml equal to the development info. But this is a complete hack.
I've tried setting rails_env to development in deploy.rb but that hasn't worked.
I ended up using the solution over here. Basically a recipe to replace a line in environment.rb after deploy but before restart.
The problems seems to be with DreamHost's Passenger config. It assumes you're running in production mode.
I'd use Capistrano Ext in order to define multiple deployment environments. I have used this in the past to deply staging and production installations of my apps, so I think it'd work well for you.
Jamis Buck has a writeup if you'd like an overview on how to use it.
