Goal :- Wants to hide logo and title both together.
I want to hide title and logo both together using youtube embaded.
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w5C7S0FlSyM?&modestbranding=1&showtitle=0&controls=0" frameborder="0"width="500" height="280"></iframe>
It shows
In above screenshot it shows title where i have set modestbranding=1 which means this parameter let me use a YouTube player that does not show a YouTube logo.
if i remove modestbranding=1 and set &showinfo=0 than it starts showing youtube logo at bottom right.
Now if i do &showinfo=1 it hides the youtube logo at right end corner but start showing title.
<iframe src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/w5C7S0FlSyM?&showinfo=1&showtitle=0&controls=0"frameborder="0"width="300"height="200</iframe>
I want to hide both title as well as Youtube logo at bottom right.
How can i do that ?
Any help ?
Thanks in advance!
This use to be controlled by the showinfo parameter, but it appears to now be deprecated with no replacement. https://developers.google.com/youtube/player_parameters?playerVersion=HTML5#showinfo
I'm also looking for a way to hide this.
I'm using video html tag in VueJS, I set the controls attributes to false.
It works in Android system, but not on iOS. When I make the video to full screen, the progress bar shows again, and it can be dragged.
I want to know if there is a way to hide the progress bar when the video in a full screen ? Or is there any way to forbid user to drag the progress bar?
I can't seem to find any documentation anywhere that states how you can display your overlay logo with link when embedding your video?
After attempting to copy the URL format used on the overlay settings page, however it always reverted back to the DailyMotion logo.
To clarify, is the logo only displayed when the video is shown on the DailyMotion website, or am I doing something wrong?
To put on overlay on your Dailymotion videos, you don't need any code, it's only a setting in the overlay settings page you mention: http://www.dailymotion.com/settings/logooverlay
You need to have monetization enabled to access this feature.
Basically, you only have to upload your logo on this page (when logged) and this will add a logo to the bottom right corner of your videos (whether onsite or in your embeds).
Read more at https://faq.dailymotion.com/hc/en-us/articles/207322227-Logo-overlay
I want to create a header image / banner that, when a play image is clicked, expands vertically to play a video hosted on YouTube.
This page shows exactly what I'm trying to do:
I'm not sure if this is a function available through the JWPlayer or some other code.
It does not appear that this is functionality inside JWPlayer. You could do it with jquery and .slideDown() http://api.jquery.com/slideDown/
<iframe src="snip?showinfo=0&controls=0&rel=0"></iframe>
JSFiddle. All controls, including the title, are hidden before and during playback, but when the video ends, the title appears, ignoring the showinfo setting. Is this the intended behavior?
Not worth asking another question. Is it possible to hide the YouTube watermark with this setup?
To answer the first question, this is the intended behavior. YouTube wants the the person on the other end to click on more videos.
As for the second, what you're looking for is the modestbranding=1 parameter. Unfortunately you have to use that parameter first and you can't use it with showinfo=0. I guess YouTube has to get some type of credit right? There may be a tweak out there or an unlisted parameter. I'll give it a few more shots.
Also here you'll find an explanation from Brian Glick at YouTube for this functionality.
I know I'm late, but since this question was never answered...
The title only shows up when you're using the HTML5 playback if enabled and when the video is embedded via iframe. The Flash playback does not show the title in the end.
You can hide/cover up the title using the YouTube iFrame API with if (event.data == YT.PlayerState.ENDED). Be aware though, that YouTube doesn't allow to you to cover up too much. As long as there is a visible (no right-click) link-back to YouTube like the watermark, the logo in the controls or the clickable title, you should be fine.
I am using JWPlayer to embed several YouTube videos on a web site. In the bottom right hand corner, there's the usual YouTube logo.
The text/tooltip that appears on hover is getting clipped by the video or the video's container.
Inspecting all of the parent elements, I'm not seeing anything that's set to overflow:hidden. Anyone run into this, or better yet, have a solution to either move the tooltip, or make it so it is not clipped by the video,container or object?
Edit: I've got it live now, so there is an example of what's happening:
If you start playing a video from the home page, hover over the ghosted YouTube logo in the bottom right hand corner, and you'll see the clipped tooltip. Was really hoping I could target the id/class of that bit and just position it slightly to the left, but can't seem to inspect and target it in Chrome. Any help would be appreciated.
LongTailVideo (makers of JW Player) have filed this as an actual bug with the Google API used for embedding YouTube video:
Looks like there's not a solution to this as of now.