YouTube API- Related videos list - youtube-api

I would like to know how the related videos list is determined when using the API to retrieve a list of related videos for a particular video. Is this determined using the title, description and keywords of the video only? Or is collaborative filtering also used?


youtube api for getting list of monetized vidoes

I would like is to be able to search youtube for any given keyword or Channel, and for the results to show in a list basic information about the video, including video title, number of views, number of comments, when the video was posted and which videos are currently monetized. What I would then like to be able to do is create a list of all the monetized videos along with the URL's..
Can anyone knows how to do it?
I don't see any documentations regarding your concern. I only checked on this documentation that you can only get a list of videos that match the API request parameters using Videos: list. You can only get channelId, title, description, tags, and categoryId. You may check this thread on how to check monetized and non-monetized videos from my YouTube channel. You may also read this Monetization Guidelines from YouTube.

How to tag song artist in a YouTube video?

I've published a number of songs to YouTube. Recently, I tried the YouTube Music app.
When I've searched for my artist name, I've noticed that it comes up, but the only songs listed under the artist are for songs I've published via CD Baby.
I would like to list other songs under the artist, but I can find no way to do this, either through the API or through the web interface.
How do I tag my videos as belonging to the YouTube Music artist?
If you want to insert a tag in a video, then the Videos: insert can help you with that.
You can set values for these lists of properties:
Just check this example for different language on how to do that.
Here is an example of tags result, so if you search in the YouTube video using one of this tags as your search parameter, this video will be part on the search result.

Explore videos with youtube api

Can i with youtube api explore videos without added search keyword e.g. popular videos per country,new videos,last comments videos or something like that where i can get videos without added search keyword ?
You can check out the Video Feeds developer guide to search for most popular videos and other feeds. You can also limit it to a certain user, country, etc.
In v3, you can use chart=mostPopular option of
If you want to get TOP 10 videos in Geographic areas, 7DayTotals, 30DayTotals, ..., you can use dimensions of YouTube Analytics API.

Youtube api v3 list ordered playlist items

Is there a way to order videos from a playlist using PlaylistItems:list? For example, when using the API to fetch related videos to a video using Search:list, you can order the videos returned by date, rating, relevance, etc.
The docs entry for PlaylistItems:list doesn't show such a feature, so I would say it's impossible to do it directly.
You could achieve this manually, though, by fetching all the videos' data and writing an algorithm that orders them.

How to get the items from lists the top 100 music videos on YouTube. How do I get these with the Data API? Can't find it documented anywhere.
The page doesn't have any RSS/Atom feeds. I don't want to scrape it :/
YouTube Data API documentation:
From what I can see the YouTube page ( ) to which you refer gets the list video using different criteria. A good starting point to performs a search similiar is the example:
Filtering freebase topics and leaving only those related to music
