Writing a google sheets function to only apply to changed rows - google-sheets

I've recently integrated Twilio with one of my sheets to automatically send messages to phone numbers. An example process is below...
Spreadsheet contains several hundred rows with specific message details in each that twilio sends to a specific phone number
Function is set to trigger on sheet edit
User enters a phone number in rows 3, 59, and 148 that have the unique message details to send
Function triggers and sends messages
The problem is that the function I have will search the entire sheet for a phone number. I would like to write the function so it immediately knows which cells have been edited (with the new phone number) and only runs the function on those rows. So instead of taking 30 minutes to comb through every row looking for a phone number, it only looks at those rows that changed.
Any idea how I can make this happen? The function I have so far is below. I know the line I need to change, but just dont know the code to put.
function sendSms(to, body) {
var messages_url = "INSERT TWILIO URL HERE";
var payload = {
"To": to,
"Body" : body,
"From" : "(315) 888-4032"
var options = {
"method" : "post",
"payload" : payload
options.headers = {
"Authorization" : "Basic " + Utilities.base64Encode("PRIVATE INFO")
UrlFetchApp.fetch(messages_url, options);
function sendAll() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var startRow = 2;
var numRows = sheet.getLastRow() - 1;
var dataRange = sheet.getRange(startRow, 1, numRows, 2)
var data = dataRange.getValues();
for (i in data) {
var row = data[i];
try {
response_data = sendSms(row[0], row[1]);
status = "sent";
} catch(err) {
status = "error";
sheet.getRange(startRow + Number(i), 3).setValue(status);
function myFunction() {


SAPUI5 oData.V2 How to invoke a function after everything in a batch request is done?

I have an issue while making an SAPUI5 odata V2 batch request :
var that = this;
var oServiceModel = that.getModel("oServiceModel");
odataMod = this.getModel("Service");
var aData = oServiceModel.getData();
var stupidService = _.filter(aData, function (ae) {
return ae.Info === "-N/A";
var i = 0 ;
_.forEach(stupidService, function (sap) {
oGlobalBusyDialog.setText("Deleting service :" + sap.ObjectID);
oGlobalBusyDialog.setTitle("Deleting Service");
that.removeService(sap).then(function () {
if (i === 615) {
}).catch(function () {});
my Delete function is like this:
removeService: function (service) {
var that = this;
return new Promise(
function (resolve, reject) {
odataMod.remove('/ProjectTaskServiceCollection(\'' + service.ObjectID + '\')/', {
success: function (oData) {
error: function (oResult) {
What's happening ,is that if I'm trying to delete 500 entry, and if 200 entry cannot be deleted, the error message gets displayed 200 times
How to make it in a way to only display the error message once ?
Also, I want to turn off the batch request once everything is done odataMod.setUseBatch(false); how to do it ?
*EDIT: *
I've manage to do :
var aDeffGroup = odataMod.getDeferredGroups();
//add your deffered group
for (var s = 0; s < 5; s++) {
odataMod.remove('/ProjectTaskServiceCollection(\'' + stupidService[s].ObjectID + '\')/', {
//pass groupid to remove method.
groupId: "deletionGroup"
// your deffered group id
groupId: "deletionGroup",
success: function() {
//Get message model data from Core and it contains all errors
// Use this data to show in dialog or in a popover or set this to your local model see below code
var aErrorData = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().getMessageModel();
yet stills my console.log(aErrorData); still prints multiple error message
Instead of doing individual deletion odata calls. Add these all remove methods in a single group, then call odatamod.submitChanges() method.
//get all deffered groups
var aDeffGroup = odataMod.getDeferredGroups();
//add your deffered group
//set it back again to odatamodel
odataMod.remove('/ProjectTaskServiceCollection(\'' + service.ObjectID + '\')/', {
//pass groupid to remove method.
groupId: "deletionGroup"});
// your deffered group id
success: function() {
//Get message model data from Core and it contains all errors
// Use this data to show in dialog or in a popover or set this to your local model see below code
var aErrorData = sap.ui.getCore().getMessageManager().getMessageModel();

Google Sheets - A pull data function doesn't want to play nice with a history storing function

I found a couple of functions that met my needs, but they don't want to play nice together. The goal is to pull data once a day, then add it to a new column. The history function is fine, and I've got a trigger setup to run it once a day, but it's erroring when attempting to run automatically, and sending me an email with the following.
6/18/18 5:29 PM loadRegionAggregates TypeError: Cannot find function
forEach in object [object Object]. (line 19, file
"Code") time-based 6/18/18 5:29 PM
here's the full code.gs (I bolded the section with line 19, first line of the function)
// Requires a list of typeids, so something like Types!A:A
// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IixV0eNqg19FE6cLzb83G1Ucb0Otl-Jnvm6csAlPKwo/edit?usp=sharing for an example
function loadRegionAggregates(priceIDs,regionID){
if (typeof regionID == 'undefined'){
if (typeof priceIDs == 'undefined'){
throw 'Need a list of typeids';
var prices = new Array();
var dirtyTypeIds = new Array();
var cleanTypeIds = new Array();
var url="https://market.fuzzwork.co.uk/aggregates/?station=60003760&types=34,35,36,37,38,39,40"
**priceIDs.forEach(function (row) {
row.forEach(function (cell) {
if (typeof(cell) === 'number' ) {
cleanTypeIds = dirtyTypeIds.filter(function(v,i,a) {
return a.indexOf(v)===i;
prices.push(['TypeID','Buy volume','Buy Weighted Average','Max Buy','Min Buy','Buy Std Dev','Median Buy','Percentile Buy Price','Sell volume','Sell Weighted Average','Max sell','Min Sell','Sell Std Dev','Median Sell','Percentile Sell Price'])
var parameters = {method : "get", payload : ""};
var o,j,temparray,chunk = 100;
for (o=0,j=cleanTypeIds.length; o < j; o+=chunk) {
temparray = cleanTypeIds.slice(o,o+chunk);
var types=temparray.join(",").replace(/,$/,'')
var jsonFeed = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url+types, parameters).getContentText();
var json = JSON.parse(jsonFeed);
if(json) {
for(i in json) {
var price=[parseInt(i),
return prices;
function storeData() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var datarange = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = datarange.getNumRows();
var numColumns = datarange.getNumColumns();
sheet.getRange(1,numColumns + 1).setValue(new Date());
for (var i=2; i <= numRows; i++) {
var prices = sheet.getRange(i, 8).getValue();
sheet.getRange(i, numColumns + 1).setValue(prices);
I found this link:
TypeError: Cannot find function forEach in object
Which explains some of it, but when the code runs in debug mode, I don't have a range defined, and then the live sheet bugs with:
ReferenceError: "row" is not defined (line 21).
Note: My original code works fine when I run the script locally, just not when the daily timer goes off. I'm assuming the issues listed on the linked query regarding no forEach class on the nested object are applying to whatever runs the triggered .gs
Edit: Ok so i've been working on this all day. I've learned how to set an array var (since I didn't need to change the array, static works) and i've been trying to get the rest of the code adjusted ever since. Here's where I am so far:
// Requires a list of typeids, so something like Types!A:A
// https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IixV0eNqg19FE6cLzb83G1Ucb0Otl-Jnvm6csAlPKwo/edit?usp=sharing for an example
function loadRegionAggregates(priceIDs,regionID){
if (typeof regionID == 'undefined'){
if (typeof priceIDs == 'undefined'){
priceIDs = [34,35,36,37,38,39,40,11399];
var prices = new Array();
var dirtyTypeIds = new Array();
var cleanTypeIds = new Array();
var url="https://market.fuzzwork.co.uk/aggregates/?station=60003760&types=34,35,36,37,38,39,40"
// for (var priceIDs) {
// if (row.hasOwnProperty(column)) {
// var cell = row[column];
// if (typeof cell == "number") {
// }
// }
// }
cleanTypeIds = dirtyTypeIds.filter(function(v,i,a) {
return a.indexOf(v)===i;
prices.push(['TypeID','Buy volume','Buy Weighted Average','Max Buy','Min Buy','Buy Std Dev','Median Buy','Percentile Buy Price','Sell volume','Sell Weighted Average','Max sell','Min Sell','Sell Std Dev','Median Sell','Percentile Sell Price'])
var parameters = {method : "get", payload : ""};
var o,j,temparray,chunk = 100;
for (o=0,j=cleanTypeIds.length; o < j; o+=chunk) {
temparray = cleanTypeIds.slice(o,o+chunk);
var types=temparray.join(",").replace(/,$/,'')
var jsonFeed = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url+types, parameters).getContentText();
var json = JSON.parse(jsonFeed);
if(json) {
for(i in json) {
var price=[parseInt(i),
return prices;
function storeData() {
var sheet = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSheet();
var datarange = sheet.getDataRange();
var numRows = datarange.getNumRows();
var numColumns = datarange.getNumColumns();
sheet.getRange(1,numColumns + 1).setValue(new Date());
for (var i=2; i <= numRows; i++) {
var prices = sheet.getRange(i, 8).getValue();
sheet.getRange(i, numColumns + 1).setValue(prices);
So far, so good. It's not throwing any more errors on debug, and the column headers are coming in, but it's not bringing in the data anymore from the push.

best way to get a profile image for each message in Firebase

I have the following case, I make a chat and use Firebase as a backend, I want to find the best solution to the next problem. If a group chat is open, each incoming message should have a sender profile image. Chat is divided into three structures, this is the conversation, userConversation, and message model. The Message Model contains only the senderID, since I find it not advisable to store the profileImageURL since the user can change the avatar. The second option I thought of was to save the profileImageURL in the Conversation model and when the user changes the avatar to change it using cloud functions this will work, but this is a very bad decision because of the resource costs (for example if the user has 300 conversations and he will change the avatar every day) . Please tell me, what is the best way to do this situation?
Message model
"-KmfKFxY2BsLjpGixowG" : {
"conversationID" : "-KmfK4m1t2nDKFX_MZr8",
"creationTimeStamp" : 1.497523097283577E9,
"id" : "-KmfKFxY2BsLjpGixowG",
"senderID" : "xpyM19QVjJTgrtdntlbcJPkb0jB2",
"sendingStatusIndex" : 0,
"textMessage" : "3reds",
"typeIndex" : 0
Conversation Model
"-KmfK4m1t2nDKFX_MZr8" : {
"id" : "-KmfK4m1t2nDKFX_MZr8",
"lastMessage" : {
"conversationID" : "-KmfK4m1t2nDKFX_MZr8",
"creationTimeStamp" : 1.497591480636771E9,
"id" : "-KmjP72nyEJUX7yQmwYp",
"senderID" : "AoG6HmxXE8ahAESx98C2UZ0ieAh1",
"sendingStatusIndex" : 0,
"textMessage" : "C",
"typeIndex" : 0
"typeIndex" : 0,
"userAcitivities" : [ {
"removedChatTimeStamp" : 0,
"userID" : "xpyM19QVjJTgrtdntlbcJPkb0jB2"
}, {
"removedChatTimeStamp" : 0,
"userID" : "AoG6HmxXE8ahAESx98C2UZ0ieAh1"
} ]
User conversation model
"AoG6HmxXE8ahAESx98C2UZ0ieAh1" : {
"-KmeqR8RYXo-5Pt0gue1" : {
"friendID" : "QscqImQoCGdAciaVMoRJN35KjEH2",
"id" : "-KmeqR8RYXo-5Pt0gue1",
"removedChatTimeStamp" : 0,
"typeIndex" : 0
Update description:
Hello! I'm doing the chat! Firebase is used as a backend. The problem is how to best upload user images in a group chat. The message model has a senderID, of course in the application. The worst option that came in (I will not use it) in each cell is to query the latest url and load and cache the image using Kingfisher. The second option at the time of launching the application / chat is to update or upload all the avatars of the users that are available in the chat rooms, but here there are two problems. The first problem, if the chat will be 50 and in each chat for 50 users, then doing 2500 queries at a time is also not an option. The second problem, if somehow to avoid, a lot of requests, then from this data it will be possible to make a dictionary and transfer it to a cell, and there by senderID get the actual url for Kingfisher, but I think it's awful, and Plus can say on performance. The simplest examples of this or that chats based on firebase.
There are also several options, but they are all bad. Can you advise how this is best done? Or where to find and read about the correct architecture of this "module".
you can cache all user basic data which include user avatar in server so that the front-end get its own user list and store as object or hash table. whenever new message comes, you can map sender id with your user list data.
to update real time whenever a user change his/her avatar, you can register a socket event.
I solved this issue as follows, when opening ChatViewController, I request links to all user images using cloud functions and I get the ready dictionary [userID: userAvatarPath] in the application.
const functions = require('firebase-functions');
const admin = require('firebase-admin');
module.exports = functions.https.onRequest((req, res) => {
const conversationID = req.query.conversationID;
const currentUserID = req.query.currentUserID;
console.log("conversationID", conversationID, "currentUserID", currentUserID);
const conversationUsersRef = admin.database().ref("chat").child("conversationUsers").child(conversationID);
conversationUsersRef.once("value").then(conversationUsersRefSnap => {
var index = 0;
var totalIndex = 0;
var conversationUsersImagesArray = [];
conversationUsersRefSnap.forEach(function(conversationUserSnap) {
console.log("conversationUserSnap", conversationUserSnap.val());
console.log("$index", index);
const dict = conversationUserSnap.val();
const conversationUserID = dict["userID"];
if (conversationUserID != currentUserID) {
index += 1;
const userSenderImageQuery = admin.database().ref('userImages').child(conversationUserID).child('userProfileImages').orderByChild('timeStamp').limitToLast(1);
userSenderImageQuery.once('value', function (snapshot, error) {
var imagePath = '';
if (error) {
index -= 1;
if (conversationUsersImagesArray.length == index) {
console.log("total", conversationUsersImagesArray);
} else {
if (snapshot.val()) {
const value = snapshot.val();
const key = Object.keys(value)[0];
const requestJSON = value[key];
console.log('senderImageQuery requestJSON', requestJSON);
const userImagePath = requestJSON['path'];
imagePath = userImagePath;
const compressPath = requestJSON["compressPath"];
if (compressPath) {
imagePath = compressPath;
conversationUsersImagesArray.push({"userID" : conversationUserID, "imagePath" : imagePath, "conversationID" : conversationID});
console.log("conversationUsersImages", conversationUsersImagesArray.length, "index", index);
if (conversationUsersImagesArray.length == index) {
console.log("total", conversationUsersImagesArray);
} else {
index -= 1;
if (conversationUsersImagesArray.length == index) {
console.log("total", conversationUsersImagesArray);

Incrementing Value of incoming value in Azure Table Insert

I am an iOS developer & currently working with Azure mobile services SDK in iOS.
In my case, I am providing each user as a uniqueid say 'myid' in Table say 'todomytable'. In todomytable.js file I am performing check for myid value. If coming value of 'myid' from device is less than stored value in table then I am increasing incoming value greater than earlier stored value in table by One. Below is my logic in todomytable.js
table.insert(function (context) {
context.item.userId = context.user.id;
var intIncomingID = context.item.myid; //ID coming from mobile device
//Call back to get max value of 'myid' from Table
var myFunction = function( callback) {
var query = {
sql: 'select MAX(myid) from TodoItem'
context.data.execute(query).then(function (results) {
var objectTest = eval(JSON.stringify(results));
var tempObject = objectTest[0];
var previuosIntID = tempObject["MAX(myid)"];
myFunction(function(returnValue) {
console.log("returnValue is : "+returnValue);
if (intIncomingID<=returnValue)
context.item.userId = context.user.id;
returnValue = returnValue+1;
context.item.myid = returnValue;
console.log("UPDATED value is : "+context.item.myid);
context.item.myid = intIncomingID;
console.log("ITEM value is :"+intIncomingID);
return context.execute();
But issue is that table is not getting update & in mobile log I am getting network request time out error as below
{Error Domain=NSURLErrorDomain Code=-1001 "The request timed out."}
Can anyone suggest how to resolve this issue? I have to store 'myid' in incremented order in table. I am new to Node.js, so sorry If I am making any foolish mistake.
It is likely that there is an exception occurring at some point that causes a promise to reject. Given that there is no promise exception handler defined, the exception ends up being "swallowed". Try the following:
var table = module.exports = require('azure-mobile-apps').table()
table.insert(function (context) {
context.item.userId = context.user.id;
var intIncomingID = context.item.myid; //ID coming from mobile device
var query = { sql: 'select MAX(myid) from TodoItem' };
return context.data.execute(query)
.then(function (results) {
var tempObject = results[0];
var previousIntID = tempObject["MAX(myid)"];
console.log("previous ID is : " + previousIntID);
if (intIncomingID <= previousIntID) {
context.item.myid = previousIntID + 1;
console.log("UPDATED value is : " + context.item.myid);
} else {
context.item.myid = intIncomingID;
console.log("ITEM value is :" + intIncomingID);
return context.execute();
Some points to note:
context.data.execute returns a promise - we are returning this from the insert function so that the Mobile Apps runtime handles any rejected promises
context.execute also returns a promise; we are returning this so that the promises are "chained" properly
Hope this helps!

Usage Twitter Stream api for search

i`m trying use Twitter Stream Api for searching some hashtags in Google Spreadsheet. Twitter search api useless cause i wanna trak retweet count too. My function sample here. Can anybody explain me what i must do for working well..
function miniSearch(){
var ss = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet();
var sumSheet = ss.getSheetByName("Readme/Settings");
// Authorize to Twitter
var oauthConfig = UrlFetchApp.addOAuthService("twitter");
// "twitter" value must match the argument to "addOAuthService" above.
var options = {
'method': 'POST',
"oAuthServiceName" : "twitter",
"oAuthUseToken" : "always"
var url = "https://stream.twitter.com/1/statuses/filter.json?track="+"twitterapi";
var response = UrlFetchApp.fetch(url, options);
var tweets = JSON.parse(response.getContentText());
this function return error code 504;
I don't think Google Apps Script can keep a persistent HTTP connection open which is resulting in the 504 (See Twitter Streaming APIs Doc)
[I've a basic retweet counter in this Google Spreadsheet Template (TAGS v4.0). The filterUnique formula uses this code (the pseudocode is strip out any links from tweet text then extract 1st 90% of text (to take account of any old style RT+ annotation), then if not in unique array add or add 1 to existing value):
function filterUnique(tweets){
var output = [];
var temp = {};
for (i in tweets){
if (i>0){
var tmp = tweets[i][0];
var urlPattern = /(\b(https?|ftp|file):\/\/[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%?=~_|!:,.;]*[-A-Z0-9+&##\/%=~_|])/ig;
tmp = tmp.replace(urlPattern,"")
tmp = tmp.substring(0,parseInt(tmp.length*0.9));
if (temp[tmp] == undefined){
temp[tmp] = [tweets[i][0],0];
temp[tmp] = [tweets[i][0],temp[tmp][1]+1];
for (i in temp){
output.sort(function(a,b) {
return b[1]-a[1];
return output.slice(0, 12);
