Does OpenEBS support Nomad as orchestration platform? - orchestration

I'm curious whether OpenEBS supports Nomad as orchestration platform? I haven't found any information in github repo except these few jobspecs

OpenEBS is currently tightly integrated w/ K8s and the earlier support for nomad has been deprecated.


Can we use chef as continuous deployment tool?

I've integrated GitHub, Maven, Nexus and Chef into Jenkins. Now my question is "Can we use chef for continuous deployment" if so how can I deploy my artifact in staging server which is hosted in AWS.
The "continuous" part of that is entirely up to you, that's just a question of how often you change what versions of things are deployed where. As for the "deployment", that's usually rephrased as "is Chef a good tool for application deployment?". I personally answer yes to that (spoiler warning: I also wrote the application_* suite of community cookbooks which exist specifically to make this easier) but it's probably a minority opinion at this point. Containers rule the application world at this point, and most of those ecosystems (Kubernetes, Mesos, Nomad, maybe Swarm if I'm being generous) have their own deployment management tools/systems/whatever. But Chef can do anything a human can so that includes managing those systems too. If you don't feel ready to take the K8s plunge quite yet, then sure, you could do worse than Chef.

Run Automatic Integration Tests on Kubernetes Cluster

My team has developed a kubernetes cluster. And we have tested it manually using kubectl command line. These test cases are related to for example:
Services,LoadBalancer etc.
Horizontal Pod Scaling
Rollback Deployments
Ingress Controller
Helm - the package manager for kubernetes
Persistence volume and persistence volume claims.
Link for above manual testcases: Kubernetes DOCS
I have found a Github resource to run integration tests using automation.
Please refer to this link for more information: Run Integration test cases on kubernetes
But seems that i am unable to figure it out how to run them. Process mentioned by Github Resource is confusing and not clear.
I have searched for blogs for whole day and seems like they were helpful but not much. My question is has anyone have run the integration test cases on their kubernetes cluster using automation?
If yes can you please share the best resource and steps to follow up.
Adding more information i have searched everywhere and found a Github repository
Official Python client library for kubernetes, and i am going to try with this.
Give a read-through of Sonobuoy. It runs a conformance test on a Kubernetes cluster and also allows you to do some specific tests using it's plugin architecture.

Chef and Docker

I am a bit confused. As a part of a course we are supposed to setup a CI and CD solution using Jenkins, Docker and Chef, how the flow is going to be is not specified.
We have been setting up Jenkins, so that for every new git commit it creates a Jenkins slaves that spins up the specific containers needed for a test, then tears down them and reports the result.
So, have been looking around today for information regarding using Chef and Docker for continuous delivery/deployment. The use case that I see is the following, specify in Chef the machine deployment options, how many machines for each server, database and so on. When the Jenkins slave successfully builds and tests the application, it is time to deploy. Remove any old container and build new containers, handle configurations and other necessary management in Chef.
Have been looking around for information of similar use cases and there does not seem to be super much information about it. Have been tinkering with the chef-provision plugin with chef-provision-docker but the information regard to using for example the docker plugin is not super intuitive. Then I stumble across this article ( which basically does not recommend new projects to start using the chef-provision plugin.
Is there something I am missing, is this kind of use case not that popular or even just stupid? Are there any other plugins that I have missed or another setup with chef that is more suitable?
Cheers in advance!
This kind of purely procedural stuff isn't really what Chef is for. You would want to use something integrated directly with Jenkins as a plugin probably. Or if you're talking about cookbook integration tests there are the kitchen-docker and kitchen-dokken drivers which can handle the container management for you.
EDIT: The above was not really what the question was about, new answer.
The tool you're looking for is usually called a resource scheduler or cluster orchestrator. Chef can do this either via chef-provisioning or the docker cookbook. Between those two I would use the latter. But that said, Chef is really not the best tool for this job. There is a whole generation of dedicated schedulers including Mesos+Marathon, Kubernetes, Nomad, and docker-compose+swarm. Of all of those, Nomad is probably the simplest but Kube has a huge community following and is growing quickly. I would consider using Chef for this an intermediary step at best.
I would suggest to use container orchestrations platforms like kubernetes, docker swarm or mesos. Personally i would recommend to use kubernetes since it is the leading platform out of the three listed.
chef is a good configuration management tool and using it for provisioning containers would work but it is not the best solution. You would come across issues like managing where the containers should be provisioned and monitoring container status and how to handle their failures. A platform like kubernetes would handle this for you.
this would be useful to get some insigths:
more to read:

Is it possible to use Bamboo for iOS CI?

Is it possible to use Bamboo for iOS CI? Since all developers on my company using Bamboo on their projects (Java based), I would like also to use Bamboo as a platform for iOS CI.
I'm assuming you want to do iOS CI on Mac OS.
If that's true then it's possible and I have setup that topology in my company, using a server-agent approach.
Bamboo agent is a Java program which could be run on Mac OS. Let the agent talk to your current Bamboo server and handle all iOS build/test.
Bamboo does not officially support iOS as a 1st class citizen yet. However, there is this beta "labs" project that looks promising. It seems to suggest that official support is incoming soon. I too would love for Atlassian to include iOS/XCode project support.

IBM MobileFirst: Build scripts for Jenkins?

Are there any standard build scripts (For building adapters and Hybrid Apps) that I can use as base for creating my build process.
Thanks in advance!
MobileFirst Platform does not officially support Jenkins and thus does not provide any 'standard build scripts'.
It could be that some customers would prefer to use Jenkins over other tools and methods.
The MFP user documentation suggests and provide instructions for using Apache Ant.
